The dynamic analysis of quantum coherence of a polarized 1/2 − XXZ Heisenberg spins chain model with modulated Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and applied magnetic field, is investigated using quantum renormalization group approaches. In a thermodynamic limits, we derived the coherence factor and the monogamy of entanglement of a bipartite and tripartite states of the modulated system. We find that with increasing the anisotropy factor and decreasing the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya factor Dz, the quantum coherence and the monogamy of entanglement decrease for the considered model of antiferromagnetic materials and exhibits non-analyticity around the critical point △ = 1 of the anisotropy factor. Note that, the decreasing is more important in the weak regime of the external magnetic field when applied. In addition, we perceive that the non-analytical behavior around the critical value of the anisotropy factor translate quantum phase transition from spin liquid to Néel phase and vice-versa depending on whether spin is localised on an even or odd site in the chain. The application of an external electric tens play a role in stabilizing the spins in preferred orientations and reenforce correlations beneficial for ferroelectricity that opens a route to switch magnetoelectricity with electric polarazation and vice-versa.