Socio-demographic characteristics
A total of 277 patients participated, of which 215 (77.61%) were interviewed after labor and delivery assistance in the OC and 62 (22.38%) in the MLW. The mean age in both groups was twenty-five years old (p 0.57). Women between eighteen and thirty-four years old represented 85.20% of the sample. About half (54.88%) of the participants in the OC self-reported as Brown-skinned race/color versus 45.16% in the MLW (OR 0.67, 95%CI 0.38 – 1.19, p 0.17). Black-skinned race/color was more frequent in the MLV (53.23%) when compared to the OC (38.14%). White-skinned race/color was less frequent in both groups. The most frequent level of educational completed in both groups was secondary school (41.40% and 53.22% respectively). Participants attended in the MLW had a higher frequency of higher education completed (17.74%) when compared to the OC (7.44%). Regarding the obstetric history, in both groups, the history of a single pregnancy, a single birth, the absence of previous abortion, and the absence of previous cesarean section were more frequent. The occurrence of comorbidities was 40.00% in the OC versus 11.29% in the MLW. Statistically significant differences between units were identified for black-skinned race/color (OR 1.84, 95%CI 1.04 – 3.26, p 0.03), higher education (OR 3.68, 95%CI 1.17 – 6.13, p 0.01) and the presence of comorbidities (OR 0.31, 95%CI 0.12 – 0.77, p 0.00) (Table 1).
Table 1- Socio-demographic characteristics.
N= 62 (%)
N= 215 (%)
OR (95%CI) – p Value
Brown-skinned women
28 (45.16)
118 (54.88)
0.67 (0.38 - 1.19) – 0.17
Black-skinned women
33 (53.23)
82 (38.14)
1.84 (1.04 – 3.26) – 0.03
White-skinned women
1 (1.61)
15 (6.98)
0.21 (0.02 – 1.68) – 0.11
Educational Level
0 (0.00)
2 (0.93)
Incomplete Primary School
8 (12.90)
41 (19.07)
0.62 (0.27 – 1.42) – 0.26
Complete Primary School
0 (0)
4 (1.86)
Incomplete Secondary School
9 (14.29)
53 (24.65)
0.51 (0.23 – 1.12) – 0.09
Complete Secondary School
33 (53.22)
89 (41.40)
1.61 (0.91 – 2.84) – 0.09
Incomplete Higher Education*
1 (1.61)
10 (4.65)
Complete Higher Education
11 (17.74)
16 (7.44)
3.68 (1.17 – 6.13) – 0.01
Mean Age (min-max)
Marital Status
45 (72.58)
146 (67.91)
1.25 (0.66 – 2.34) – 0.48
17 (27.42)
69 (32.09)
0.79 (0.42 – 1.48) – 0.48
Obstetric History
Single Pregnancy
29 (46.77)
85 (39.53)
1.38 (0.78 – 2.44) – 0.26
Two Pregnancies
18 (29.03)
65 (30.23)
0.94 (0.50 – 1.75) – 0.85
Three Pregnancies
8 (12.90)
35 (15.81)
1.36 (0.67 – 2.74) – 0.39
More Than Three Pregnancies
2 (3.22)
30 (13.90)
Single Previous Birth
35 (56.45)
104 (49.77)
1.37 (0.73 – 2.56) – 0.67
Two Previous Births
18 (29.03)
58 (26.98)
1.10 (0.59 – 2.05) – 0.74
Three Previous Births
8 (12.90)
34 (15.81)
0.78 (0.32 – 1.80) – 0.57
More Than Three Previous Births
1 (1.61)
17 (7.91)
No Previous Abortion
50 (80.65)
168 (78.14)
1.16 (0.57 – 2.36) – 1.01
Single Previous Abortion
11 (17.74)
38 (17.67)
1.00 (0.47 – 2.10) – 0.99
More Than One Previous Abortion
1 (1.61)
9 (4.19)
Whithout C Section
62 (100)
193 (89.77)
Whithout Comorbidities
55 (88.71)
155 (72.09)
0.31 (0.12 – 0.77) – 0.00
With Comorbidities and Types
7 (11.29)
62 (40.00)
Maternal Syphilis
1 (14.29)
16 (25.81)
Gestational Diabetes
0 (0.00)
11 (17.74)
Gestational Hypertension
0 (0.00)
10 (16.13)
1 (16.67)
9 (15.52)
0 (0.00)
5 (8.06)
Urinary Tract Infection
2 (28.57)
3 (4.84)
2 (28.57)
2 (3.23)
2 (28.57)
6 (9.66)
*Higher education: university degree. MLW (midwife-led ward). OC (Obstetric Center).
Labor and Delivery assistance characteristics
When considering the current pregnancy, participants in this study arrived at the maternity ward at a median 39 weeks of gestation (p 0.63). Approximately 95.3% of deliveries were registered between 37 and 41 weeks of gestational age (Table 2).
Table 2- Labor (L) and Delivery (D) Characteristics
N= 62 (%)
N= 215 (%)
OR (95%IC) – p Value
Mean Gestational Age
39.08 (37 – 41)
39.99 (33 – 42)
Mean Total Duration of L and D (h)
17.41 (4 – 73)
14.97 (2 – 61)
Mean Assisted Time for L and D (h)
9.75 (1 – 48)
8.63 (1 – 42)
L Assisted Time < 3 (h)
13 (20.97)
70 (32.56)
0.54 (0.27 – 1.07) – 0.07
L Assisted Time 4 – 8 (h)
19 (30.65)
58 (26.98)
1.19 (0.64 – 2.20) – 0.57
L Assisted Time > 8 (h)
30 (48.39)
87 (40.47)
1.37 (0.77 – 2.52) – 0.30
Median Time for D (min)
33.29 (2 – 60)
31.55 (1 – 180)
Who Delivered
Both (physician and nurse)
7 (11.29)
90 (41.86)
0.17 (0.07 – 0.40) – 0.00
52 (83.87)
65 (30.23)
12.00 (5.74 – 26.00) – 0.00
2 (3.23)
45 (20.93)
First Nurse and after Physician
1 (1.61)
15 (6.98)
Pain and Fear Scale and Request for Analgesia
Median Pain Scale at Arrival
9.09 (4 – 10)
8.93 (2 – 10)
Mild Pain (0 – 3)
0 (0.00)
6 (2.79)
Moderate Pain (4 – 7)
10 (16.13)
24 (11.16)
1.54 (0.68 – 3.40) – 0.29
Severe Pain (8 – 10)
52 (83.87)
185 (86.05)
0.84 (0.38 – 1.83) – 0.66
Fear Scale (0 – 10)
5.34 (0 – 10)
6.70 (0 – 10)
Mild Fear (0 – 3)
7 (16.28)
19 (12.50)
0.97 (0.46 – 2.03) 0.93
Moderate Fear (4 – 7)
13 (3.23)
45 (29.61)
0.73 (0.28 – 1.88) 0.51
Severe Fear (8 – 10)
23 (53.49)
88 (57.89)
1.19 (0.60 – 2.36) 0.60
Requested for Analgesia
16 (25.81)
62 (28.84)
0.85 (0.45 – 1.62) 0.64
Team Refused Analgesia Request
6 (42.85)
13 (24.07)
MLW (midwife-led ward). OC (Obstetric Center).
The mean duration of labor and delivery (starting from when the symptoms began in the patient´s home until the birth in the unit) was 17.41 hours in the MLW versus 14.97 hours in the OC (p 0.18). The mean elapsed time under the care of the health team during labor until delivery (the duration of supervised labor and delivery assistance in the unit) was 9.75 hours in the MLW and 8.63 in the OC (p 0.32). Considering only primiparous women, the mean elapsed time, in hours, under care was 10.40 for OC patients and 11.74 for MLW patients (p 0.40). In the OC, the percentage of patients who were followed up during labor until delivery for more than eight hours was 40.47% versus 48.39% in the MLW (OR 1.37, 95%CI 0.37 – 2.52, p 0.30). The mean time of delivery in minutes was 33.29 in the MLW versus 31.55 in the OC (p 0.51). When assessing who performed the delivery, nurses were responsible for 80.87% of deliveries in the MLW versus 30.23% in the OC (OR 12.00, 95%CI 5.74 – 26.00, p 0.00). In the OC, deliveries were performed more frequently by a collaborative team of nurses and doctors (41.68%).
Labor and delivery perceived pain and fear
The mean values of labor pain intensity on arrival were 9.09 in the MLW and 8.93 in the OC (p 0.52). Severe pain on arrival was more frequently reported by OC patients (86.04%) when compared with MLV patients (83.87%). Even with severe pain, only 28.84% of the OC patients and 25.81% of the MLW patients requested analgesia (Table 3). In the MLW, 42.85% of patient´s requests for analgesia were refused versus 24.07% in the OC. The mean value for fear scale on arrival was 6.70 in the OC versus 5.36 in the MLV (p 0.11). No differences on mild, moderate or severe fear were identified. No associations were identified between fear and request for analgesia and between fear and the absence of a companion during labor and/or during birth.
Pain management
NPA techniques for pain relief. The prevalence of prescription of multiple NPA techniques for labor pain management was 82.51% in the MLW versus 61.86% in the OC (Table 3).
Table 3. Labor and delivery pain management.
N= 62 (%)
N= 215 (%)
OR (95%IC) – p Value
Prescribed Multiple NPA Methods
52 (82.51)
133 (61.86)
1.56 (0.55 – 4.38) – 0.39
Prescribed Just a Single NPA Method
5 (7.93)
20 (9.30)
0.63 (0.22 – 1.79) – 0.39
Whithout NPA Prescription
4 (6.45)
57 (26.51)
5.30 (1.84 – 15.29) – 0.00
Prescribed but Patient Refused NPA
1 (1.61)
5 (2.32)
Prescription Delay for NPA (h)
5.54 (0 – 22)
4.36 (0 – 22)
Improved Pain After NPA
31 (54.39)
62 (40.52)
1.75 (0.94 – 3.23) – 0.07
Median Pain Scale After NPA
7.54 (1 – 10)
8.12 (1 – 10)
Mild Pain After NPA (0 – 3)
3 (5.26)
1 (0.66)
Moderate Pain After NPA (4 – 7)
24 (42.11)
54 (35.29)
1.33 (0.71 – 2.48) – 0.36
Severe Pain After NPA (8 – 10)
30 (52.63)
98 (64.05)
0.62 (0.33 – 1.15) – 0.13
Pain Scale and Pharmacologic Analgesia (PA)
Whithout PA Prescription
62 (100)
174 (80.93)
With PA Prescription
0 (0)
34 (15.81)
Prescribed but Patient Refused PA
0 (0)
7 (2.25)
Prescription Delay for PA (h)
0 (0)
11.65 (2 -23)
Improved Pain After PA
0 (0)
30 (88.23)
Whithout Pain Improvment After PA
0 (0)
4 (11.76)
Pain Scale After PA
3.41 (0 – 10)
Mild Pain After PA (0 – 3)
21 (38.24)
Moderate Pain After PA (4 – 7)
9 (26.47)
Severe Pain After PA (8 – 10)
4 (11.76)
MLW (midwife-led ward). OC (Obstetric Center). NPA (Non-Pharmacologic Analgesia). PA (Pharmacologic Analgesia).
In both units, the most frequently prescribed techniques for NPA were warm water shower, breathing techniques, massage, and birthing ball (Table 4).
Table 4. Analgesic Techniques and Evidence-based prescriptions and complications.
Non-Pharmacological Analgesia Methods
N= 62 (%)
N= 215 (%)
OR (95%CI) - p Value
Warm Water Shower
54 (94.74)
110 (71.90)
7.03 (2.08 – 23.71) – 0.00
Breathing Techniques
42 (73.68)
105 (68.63)
1.28 (0.64 – 2.52) – 0.47
44 (77.19)
90 (58.82)
2.36 (1.17 – 4.75) – 0.01
31 (54.39)
79 (51.63)
1.11 (0.60 – 2.05) – 0.72
25 (45.86)
62 (40.52)
1.14 (0.62 – 2.12) – 0.66
25 (43.86)
36 (23.53)
2.53 (1.33 – 4.28) – 0.00
9 (15.79)
24 (15.69)
1.00 (0.43 – 2.32) – 0.98
Aroma therapy
2 (3.51)
3 (1.96)
Pharmacological Analgesia Methods
N= 62 (%)
N= 215 (%)
OR (95%CI) - p Value
Raquideana + peridural
18 (42.94)
14 (41.18)
2 (5.88)
Non-Pharmacological Variables Associated With Decreasing Severe Pain
Not With Severe Pain
Severe Pain
OR (95%CI) - p Value
Did Not Receive Massage
22 (28.57)
55 (71.43)
0.49 (0.27 – 0.89) 0.02
Receive massage
60 (44.78)
74 (55.22)
Labor And Delivery Evidence-based Interventions
Induction Oxytocin
16 (26.23)
67 (31.46)
0.77 (0.40 – 1.46) – 0.43
0 (0.00)
1 (0.46)
12 (19.35)
86 (40.19)
0.35 (0.17 – 0.70) – 0.00
Lithotomy Position
0 (0.00)
Labor and Birth Companion of Preference
Companion during L
61 (98.39)
196 (91.16)
5.91 (0.07 – 45.08) – 0.05
Companion during D
61 (98.39)
191 (88.84)
7.63 (1.01 – 57.84) – 0.02
Laceration During Delivery
42 (67.74)
142 (66.36)
1.06 (0.58 – 1.94) – 0.83
Tipo 1 Laceration
24 (57.14)
64 (46.04)
1.56 (0.77 – 3.13) – 0.20
Tipo 2 Laceration
17 (40.48)
70 (52.36)
0.67 (0.33 – 1.35) – 0.26
Tipo 3 Laceration
1 (2.38)
5 (3.60)
Tipo 4 Laceration
0 (0.00)
0 (0.00)
Maternal Complications
Obstetric Complications
4 (6.45)
13 (6.07)
1.06 (0.33 – 3.39) – 0.91
Hemorrage After Delivery
2 (50.00)
11 (76.47)
0.20 (0.01 – 2.38) – 0.19
Outher Obstetric Complications
2 (50.00)
4 (23.53)
Neonatal Complication
Neonatal Complication
3 (4.83)
27 (12.56)
0.35 (0.10 – 1.20) – 0.08
Respiratory Discomfort
1 (33.33)
13 (48.00)
Congenital Syphilis Risk
5 (17.86)
2 (66.67)
5 (17.86)
Other Neonatal Complications
0 (0.00)
5 (17.86)
MLW (midwife-led ward). OC (Obstetric Center).
The application of massage during labor was the only NPA statistically associated with a decrease in the number of women reporting severe pain (OR 0.50, 95%CI 0.27 – 0.91, p 0.02). Considering the time of admission of the patient to the maternity hospital, the delay in prescribing NPA in hours at the MLW was 5.54 and at the OC 4.36 (p 0.15). After prescribing NPA, the mean pain based on the analogic pain scale was 8.12 in the OC and 7.54 in the MLW (p 0.10). Severe pain at arrival was compared with severe pain after NPA. Of a total of 62 patients at MLW, 58 (93.53%) were prescribed NPA. Of those, 49 (84.48%) reported severe pain and 9 (15.51%) mild or moderate pain before treatment. After receiving the treatment, 30 (61.22%) of those who initially referred severe pain continue with the same pain score and 28 (38.78%) reported reduction to mild or moderate pain. Differences between MLW patients reporting severe pain, before and after analgesia prescription, was statistically significant (χ2=21.05 > χc2=3.84). In the OC, of a total of 215 patients, 71.16% were prescribed NPA. Of those, 141 (92.16%) reported severe pain and 12 (7.84%) mild or moderate pain. After the prescription of NPA 98 (69.50%) continued to report severe pain and 43 (30.50%) reported a reduction to mild or moderate pain. One patient (8.33%) with initial mild and moderate pain reported severe pain after NPA. Similarly, differences between OC patients reporting severe pain, before and after NPA prescription, were statistically significant (χ2=42.04 > χc2=3.84). As expected, no patient received PA at the MLW. However, no unit transfer from MLW to the OC was recorded despite patient request for analgesia.
Pharmacological pain relief techniques in the OC. In the OC, PA was prescribed for only 18.10% (of those, 2.25% refused the medication due to concerns about its effects on the progress of labor), and 81.00% were not prescribed PA (Table 3). The delay, in hours, in prescribing PA was 11.65. Of those who received PA, 88.23% reported pain improvement. After NPA, only 34 (15.85%) patients were prescribed and received PA. Of those patients, 23 (67.64%) reported severe pain before PA and 11 (32.36%) reported mild or moderate pain. After PA, severe pain was reported by 6 (26.08%) and 17 (73.92%) reported a reduction to mild or moderate pain. None of the initial eleven patients with moderate and mild pain changed their score to severe pain. The difference between severe pain, before and after pharmacological analgesia prescription, was statistically significant (χ2=19.05 > χc2=3.84). The mean pain scale recorded after pharmacological analgesia was 3.41. No differences were found between race/color and prescription of NPA and PA for pain relief.
Use of Evidence-based interventions
Oxytocin prescription ranged from 26.23% in the MLW to 31.46% in the OC (p 0.43). No lithotomic position was recorded because there are no stretchers available for this purpose in the units and episiotomy was registered only once (0.46%) in the OC. Amniotomy was significantly more frequent in the OC when compared to MLW (0.37 (0.17 – 0.70) – 0,00). Patients in the MLW more frequently had a companion during delivery (98.39%) compared to the OC (88.84%) and the difference was statistically significant (OR 7.63, 95%CI 1.01 – 57.84, p 0.02). The frequency of laceration during childbirth was high in both groups. Type I laceration was more frequent in the MLW (57.14%) compared to the OC (46.04%). Type 2 laceration was more frequent in the OC (52.36%) compared to the MLW (40.48%). No significant differences were found in the percentage of patients with a companion during labor, type 2 laceration and for obstetric and neonatal complications.
Variables associated with labor and delivery pain management
Variables associated with not requesting analgesia for pain management during labor and delivery assistance, prescription of NPA during labor, and prescribing PA are provided in Table 5.
Table 5. Variables Associated Whit Labor and Delivery pain management
Did not Request for Analgesia
N (%)
Resquested for Analgesia
OR (95%CI) - p Value
Complete Primary School
156 (68.42)
72 (31.58)
0.30 (0.12 – 0.74) – 0.00
With Incomplete Primary School
43 (78.39)
6 (12.24)
L Assistance > 3 (h)
132 (68.04)
62 (31.96)
0.50 (0.27 – 0.94) – 0.03
L Assistance < 3 (h)
67 (80.72)
16 (19.28)
L Assistance < 8 (h)
123 (76.88)
37 (23.13)
1.79 (1.05 – 3.04) – 0.02
L Assistance > 8 (h)
76 (64.96)
41 (35.04)
Not a Intense Pain (< 8)
38 (95.00)
2 (5.00)
8.96 (2.10 – 38.15) – 0.00
Intense Pain (8 – 10)
161 (67.93)
76 (32.07)
Not a Moderate Pain at Arrival (<4 - >7)
166 (68.31)
77 (31.69)
0.06 (0.00 – 0.48) – 0.00
Moderate Pain at Arrival (4 – 7)
33 (97.06)
1 (2.94)
PA Not Offered
Offered PA
D not Performed by Both Physician and Nurse
160 (88.89)
20 (11.11)
2.21 (1.13 – 4.32) – 0.01
D Performed by Both Physician and Nurse
76 (78.35)
21 (21.65)
D Not Performed by Nurse
128 (80.00)
32 (20.00)
0.33 (0.15 – 0.72) – 0.00
D Performed by Nurse
108 (92.31)
9 (7.69)
L Assistance > 3 (h)
154 (79.38)
40 (20.62)
0.04 (0.00 – 0.34) – 0.00
L Assistance < 3 (h)
82 (98.80)
1 (1.20)
L Assistance < 8 (h)
152 (95.00)
8 (5.00)
7.46 (3.29 – 16.89) – 0.00
L Assistance > 8 (h)
84 (71.79)
33 (28.49)
NPA Not Offered
Offered NPA
L Assistance > 3 (h)
31 (15.98)
163 (84.02)
0.26 (0.14 – 0.46) – 0.00
L Assistance < 3 (h)
35 (42.17)
48 (57.83)
L Assistance < 8 (h)
52 (32.50)
108 (67.50)
3.54 (1.85 – 6.77) – 0.00
L Assistance > 8 (h)
14 (11.97)
103 (88.03)
Not a Severe Pain After NPA
Severe Pain After NPA
Did Not Received Massage as NPA
22 (28.95)
54 (71.05)
0.50 (0.27 – 0.91) – 0.02
Received Massage as NPA
60 (44.78)
74 (55.22)
NPA (Non-Pharmacologic Analgesia). PA (Pharmacologic Analgesia). L (Labor). D (Delivery)
Patients with incomplete primary school (OR 0.30, 95%CI 0.12 – 0.74, p 0.00), time of labor and delivery assistance of less than three hours (OR 0.50, 95%CI 0.27 – 0.94, p 0.03), and moderate pain at arrival (OR 0.06, 95%CI 0.00 – 0.48, p 0.00) were associated with not requesting any type of analgesia for pain management during labor and delivery assistance.
Variables associated with the prescription of NPA were the time of assistance during labor and delivery of less than three hours (OR 0.26, 95%CI 0.14 – 0.46, p 0.00) and the time of assistance during labor and delivery longer than eight hours (OR 3.54, 95%CI 1.85 – 6.77, p 0.00).
Variables associated with prescribing PA were labor and delivery assistance performed by a collaborative team of doctors and nurses (OR 2.21, 95%CI 1.13 – 4.32, p 0.01), delivery exclusively performed by the nursing team (OR 0.33, 95%CI 0.15 – 0.72, p 0.00), time of labor and delivery assistance less than three hours (OR 0.04, 95%CI 0.00 – 0.34, p 0.00) and time of labor care longer than eight hours (OR 7.46, 95%CI 3.29 – 16.89, p 0.00).
Logistic regression
A logistic regression was performed to assess the association of each independent variable with the patient´s request for analgesia and analgesic prescription during labor and delivery assistance (Table 6 and 7).
Table 6. Logistic Regression for any Analgesia Request for Pain Relief.
IC (95%)
Valor de P
Incomplete Primary School
0.13 – 0.84
Severe Pain (8 – 10)
1.91 – 35.02
Table 7. Logistic Regression for Pharmacological Analgesia Prescription for Pain Relief.
IC (95%)
Valor de P
D Performed by Both Physician and Nurse
1.08 – 4.49
L Assisted Time > 8 (h)
3.27 – 16.99
Additional Table. Variables Associated with Perineal Laceration.
No Type I Laceration
Type 1 Laceration
D Not Performed by Nurse
62 (57.94)
45 (42.06)
1.91 (1.04 – 3.48) – 0.03
D Performed by Nurse
31 (41.89)
43 (58.11)
The variables statistically associated with a patient’s request for analgesia included incomplete primary school (OR 0.33, 95%CI 0.13 – 0.84, p 0.02) and severe pain upon arrival (OR 8.18, 95%CI 1.91 - 35.02, p 0.00). The variables statistically associated with analgesic prescription during labor and delivery assistance were delivery performed by a collaborative team of doctors and nurses (OR 2.20, 95%CI 1.08 -4.49, p 0.02) and the time of labor and delivery assistance in the unit greater than eight hours (OR 7.45, 95%CI 3.27 – 16.99, p 0.00).