Surgery induced cognitive decline in aged mice
Before assessing postoperative cognitive function, we conducted the OFT on POD 4 to determine the presence of any anxiety or locomotor impairment that may interfere with subsequent cognitive testing. No significant differences were found in the central duration time or the total distance travelled between the 3 groups, indicating that neither sevoflurane anesthesia nor laparotomy induced anxiety-like behavior or locomotor impairment (Suppl. Figure 1B-1C). We then evaluated learning and memory using the Y-maze and NOR tests. Mice in the LAP group had a longer latency compared to the CON group on POD 7 (Suppl. Figure 1D-1E) and had a longer latency and a larger number of errors than the CON and SEVO groups on POD 14 (Figure 1B-1C). These results indicate that postsurgical mice developed problems recognizing the correct (shock free) arm of the Y-maze from POD 7 onwards. Moreover, mice in the LAP group had significantly less interactions with the novel object compared the CON group when tested on POD 7 (Suppl. Figure 1G), and a similar reduction compared to the CON and SEVO groups on POD 14 (Figure 1K), with no preference of object or location in each advance NOR familiarization sessions (Suppl. Figure 1F, Figure 1H). The NOR results indicated postsurgical mice had difficulties remembering the familiar object. Results from these behavioral tests suggest that surgery caused cognitive impairment in aged mice at both timepoints while sevoflurane probably had a mild impact on postsurgical mice only at the earlier POD 7 timepoint.
Surgery decreased synaptic density and altered neuronal morphology in the hippocampus.
Appropriate levels of synaptic proteins are important in maintaining normal neuronal and cognitive function. Disrupted synaptic structures have been reported as pathological changes in neurodegenerative diseases. Therefore, we assessed the levels of various synaptic proteins in the hippocampus in postsurgical aged mice. The results showed that pre-synaptic marker SYN I was reduced by sevoflurane, and this reduction was more marked following surgery. (Figure 1F, 1H), while no significant differences were found in other synaptic markers: PSD95, SYP and SYB (Figure 1F, 1G, 1I, 1J).
We further investigated and quantified the postsurgical changes in neuronal morphology in the hippocampus using Golgi staining and Sholl analysis (Figure 1K). The Sholl analysis of the hippocampal DG area showed that the area under the curve (AUC) was smaller in the LAP group when compared to the SEVO and CON groups, both of which had similar AUCs (Figure 1L). Neuronal complexity such as the total interaction of axons with concentric circles, total axonal length and branch numbers in the LAP group were all decreased compared the SEVO groups, while only the branch numbers were decreased relative to both the CON and SEVO groups (Suppl. Figure 1H-1J). These morphological changes of impaired neuronal complexity are consistent with the reduction of synapse density.
Surgery induced blood-brain barrier impairment in aged mice
We investigated the changes in GLUT1 mRNA levels in the hippocampus at different postoperative time points. While no significant differences were found on POD1, there was a significant decrease in the LAP group compared to the SEVO group on POD 7 and compared to the CON group on POD 14. (Figure 2A-2C). We then measured GLUT1 expression specifically in isolated cerebral micro-vessel samples from POD 14 and the results showed that microvascular GLUT1 was significantly decreased in the LAP group compared to both the CON and SEVO groups. However, sevoflurane also decreased GLUT1 expression compared to the CON group (Figure 2D-2E). Similarly, immunofluorescent staining of GLUT1 from POD 14 samples also showed a significant reduction in intensity in postsurgical hippocampal tissues but not in those exposed to sevoflurane only. (Figure 2F-2G).
We then proceeded to characterize changes in tight junction proteins on POD 14 samples using immunofluorescent staining and showed that hippocampal claudin5 immunoreactivity was decreased in the LAP group, compared to the SEVO and CON groups (Figure 2H-2I), but a reduction of ZO-1 immunoreactivity in the LAP group compared only to the CON group (Figure 2J-2K).
These findings revealed that surgical trauma has detrimental effects on GLUT1 and tight junctions in the blood-brain barrier, which may result in dysfunctional glucose intake in the brain and increased blood-brain barrier permeability.
Targeted metabolomics revealed changes in glucose metabolism in postsurgical aged mice.
Since a decrease in GLUT1 was found in the postsurgical hippocampus, we further evaluated targeted metabolomics of polar compounds, including glycolytic metabolites, amino acids and neurotransmitters to see whether GLUT1 reduction affected the metabolic activities in the hippocampus. The heatmap displayed the relative changes in metabolites following surgery (Figure 3A) and discrimination between the postsurgical and sevoflurane only samples emerges when the partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLSDA) was applied (Figure 3B). Based on the PLSDA results, the variable’s importance scores indicated that adenosine, ATP and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate are likely the key contributors to this discrimination (Figure 3C). Further analysis showed a significant decrease of ATP in the LAP group, while no significant differences were found in adenosine, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate or glucose (Figure 3D-3G). These findings suggested that surgery caused an inadequate energy supply to the hippocampus and this metabolic alteration may be the consequence of GLUT1 downregulation and may contribute to postoperative cognitive dysfunction.
Conditional overexpression of GLUT1 in cerebral micro-vessels improved tight junction expression and attenuated postoperative cognitive impairment.
To further determine the role of microvascular GLUT1 in postoperative cognitive impairment, we conditionally overexpressed endothelial GLUT1 by ICV injection of AAV9-ICAM2-GLUT1 14 days before surgery, and then examined the GLUT1 expression and evaluated the cognitive performance on POD 14 (Figure 4A). Blood glucose at various time points of the perioperative period was measured. The result showed a drop of 2mol/L in postoperative blood glucose that did not affect passive glucose transfer into the brain, and that microvascular GLUT1 overexpression did not affect blood glucose in either the SEVO or LAP group, respectively (Suppl. Figure 2A). Furthermore, AAV9-ICAM2-GLUT1 treatment upregulated the microvascular GLUT1 level in the hippocampus of postsurgical mice compared to their counterparts treated with the control vector (Figure 4B-4C). Immunofluorescence staining showed that GLUT1 intensity in the LAP but not SEVO group was increased by AAV9-ICAM2-GLUT1 treatment, which was similar to the GLUT1 protein level (Figure 4D-4E).
Since tight junction proteins were reduced by surgery, we investigated whether GLUT1 overexpression may restore hippocampal tight junction proteins. Immunofluorescent staining showed that GLUT1 overexpression significantly increased hippocampal claudin 5 intensity in the LAP group, while the mild increase in the SEVO group did not reach significance (Figure 4F-4G). GLUT1 overexpression also resulted in a significant increase of hippocampal ZO-1 intensity in both SEVO and LAP groups (Figure 4H-4I). Considering that the reduction of tight junctions correlates with impaired blood-brain barrier integrity, these findings indicates that surgery-induced GLUT1 reduction leads to an impairment in the blood-brain barrier.
Moreover, the behavioral tests showed that microvascular GLUT1 overexpression significantly improved cognitive function in postsurgical mice, with a smaller number of errors and shorter latency in the Y-maze test (Figure 4J-4K) and more interactions with the novel object in NOR test (Figure 4L-4M). In addition, we also examined the effect of GLUT1 overexpression on synaptic protein levels in the hippocampus (Suppl. Figure 2B). The results showed that surgery induced SYN I downregulation but GLUT1 overexpression did not affect this or the expression of other synaptic proteins (Suppl. Figure 2C-2F), suggesting GLUT1 overexpression has limited effects on synaptic proteins.
Thus, the increase of cerebral endothelial GLUT1 had protective effects on the blood-brain barrier and cognitive function in postsurgical aged mice, but not synaptic density.
Enhanced microvascular GLUT1 expression altered brain metabolic profiles in postsurgical aged mice.
We further evaluated the effect of microvascular GLUT1 overexpression on targeted metabolomics of polar compounds in the hippocampus of the postsurgical aged mice. The heatmap revealed the different metabolomic profiles in general (Figure 5A). The PLSDA model revealed the discrimination of brain metabolic profiling between postsurgical aged mice with GLUT1 overexpression and control mice (Figure 5B). As shown in the VIP scores, ATP and adenosine likely contributed the most to this discrimination, which showed a relative improvement after GLUT1 overexpression (Figure 5C), and the increase of adenosine, but not ATP, reach statistical significance (Figure 5D-5E). In line with adenosine, guanosine and asparagine were also increased after GLUT1 overexpression (Suppl. Figure 2G-2H). Further, neither glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate nor glucose, which was decreased by surgery, showed any significant differences after GLUT1 overexpression (Figure 5F-5G). These findings suggest that GLUT1 overexpression can only partially restore the changes in brain metabolic profiles from surgery in postsurgical aged mice.
GLUT1 specific inhibitor diminished the protective effects of GLUT1 overexpression in postsurgical aged mice.
We further investigated the effect of GLUT1 on postoperative cognitive function, by applying the GLUT1 specific inhibitor STF-31 intranasally for 5 days to mice with GLUT1 overexpression and evaluated their behavioral performance and brain metabolism on POD 14. The behavioral results showed that STF-31 significantly abolished the beneficial effects of GLUT1 overexpression, as illustrated by the increased number of errors and latency in Y-maze (Figure 6A-6B) and the decreased interactions in NOR test (Figure 6C-6D). These findings demonstrated the important role of GLUT1 in cognitive performance. Furthermore, the metabolic heatmap displayed the relative changes between mice exposed to STF-31 and their non-exposed counterparts (Figure 6E). The PLSDA model illustrated that inhibition of GLUT1 changed the metabolic profiling in the hippocampus (Figure 6F). The VIP scores showed that the increase of riboluse-5-phosphate and the decrease of ATP and sedoheptulose-7-phosphate were the factors most contributory to this discrimination (Figure 6G). Riboluse-5-phoshpate and sedoheptulose-7-phosphate are the products of pentose phosphate pathway. These results indicated that acute inhibition of GLUT1 resulted in reduced ATP generation, which may also trigger pentose phosphate pathway to compensate ATP supply.