4.1 Model Validation
To check the reliability of the present model, its predictions were compared with that of previous work of Liu Jing et al. [15] and Anetor et al. [17], Numerical analysis of the effect of swirl angel and fuel equivalence ratio on the methanol combustion characteristics in a swirl burner Reasonable agreement is observed in Fig. 2 that the slight differences between the results may be due to the difference in geometry dimensions, Fig. 2 is the result of research journal Liu jing et al. [15] comparison with Figs. 4 and 5 is the result of modeling which is the same boundary condition and the same dimension of Liu jing et al. [15] we find the same result which is motivated to use the MUTHURAM A [16] and reach the shown result below where BA2 is blade angel 60º+60º as in Fig. 3 which is the blade inclination angle butted inside the combustion chamber after the jets as the research MUTHURAM (16).
4.2 Effect of change shapes on combustion honors
The effect of two different shapes (circular, elliptic) which affect the combustion temperature, eff., HHR and equivalent ratio with the variety of different velocities like air or fuels, we divide the result into two parts one with circular and its variation of velocities on the temp., eff., HRR, equivalent ratios, the other is the effect of the elliptic shape of the inlet pipe with velocity variation of air and fuel at the temp., eff. And so on.
4.3 Elliptic shape
4.3.1 Effect of change velocities on efficiency, HRR, and Equivalent ratios
The effect of velocity in the range of study from lean to chemically correct gas mixture on the combustion process is illustrated in Fig. 5 We make a ratio between Vair and Fuel where we input velocity in air pipe and velocity in two fuel pipes and make a ratio in excel sheet as an X-axis and various in Y- axis of eff., HRR, and so on, We find at percent 13% which represents Vair =12, Vfuel=1.5 and 30% which represents Vair =5, Vfuel=1.5 also affect the eff. To be high then the other values of velocities make it fluctuate until the reaction zone reaches its minimum value then it decreases. Also, the equivalence ratio increases with the increase in the percent velocity of reaction products increases and this is due to the decrease of the excess air in the fuel/air mixture Fig. 6. Also, the fuel species starts from the inlet boundary value and is kept constant for some distance till the reaction starts then it decreases reaching zero value at the which the reaction stops. Also, the HRR is the maximum value at (vair =12,vf = 2.22) then the curve is fluctuate at (vair=2.5,vfuel=1.5) then increased at percent 40% then slightly decreased this is the effect of variation of velocity to the inlet pipes which connected to the combustion chamber is changed the values of eff. and so on. Figure 7 illustrates the HRR varied values.
4.3.2 Effect of inlet methanol, propane, and Air Temperature
The inlet effect of methanol, propane, and Air temperature on the combustion process is given in Fig. 9. The temperature distribution along the centerline of the combustion chamber is illustrated in Fig. 8. It is shown from the figure that as the inlet temperature decreases, the combustion process starts nearer to the mixture inlet and higher product temperature is attained. And the variance velocity is the nearer same temperature it is shown that the curved is increased until the temperature reaches 1100 k as shown, Also the photo in Fig. 9 is the shape of flame in the combustion chamber at Vair = 12 and Vfuel=2.22 m/s. This value of velocity has changed the shape of curvature as shown in Figs. 8 and 9.
4.4 The effect of variation of shape and velocity on combustion behavior
4.4.1 Circular shape:
The change of the shape of pipes at the inlet where one of three inlet pipes is varied like elliptic or circular is changed the result and values of the result as shown.
4.4.2 Effect of change velocities on efficiency, HRR, and Equivalent ratios
As shown in Fig. 10 there are extremely different values of efficiency than the elliptic shape, we find variation when variate velocity and shape of the inlet pipes at this Fig. 10 the eff. It decreased slightly from the top point at the percent of velocity 13% which represents (vair=12, vfuel=1.5), and then decreased to 56.3% at percent 60% of velocity which represent (vair=2.5, vfuel =1.5)
In Fig. 10 in contrast to Fig. 11 the equivalence ratio increases with increasing the percent of velocity where the max. equivalence ratio at 60% velocity ratio (vair=2.5, vfuel=1.5).
There is enough difference in a curved manner between circular HRR and elliptic HRR but at different velocity ratios it is the same in increasing and decreasing but the values are different as in Fig. 12 which is represent equivalent ratio as y-axis and velocity ratio in x-axis where the equivalent ratio increases with increasing velocity ratio as shown in the figure.
4.4.3 Effect of inlet methanol, propane, and Air Temperature
The inlet effect of methanol, propane, and Air temperature on the combustion process is given in Fig. 14. The temperature distribution along the centerline of the combustion chamber is illustrated in Fig. 13. It is shown from the figure that as the inlet temperature decreases, the combustion process starts nearer to the mixture inlet and higher product temperature is attained. And the variance velocity is the nearer same temperature but different at vair =2.5,vfuel=1.5 It is shown that the curved is increased until the temperature reaches 2550 k as shown, Also the photo in Fig. 13 is the shape of the flame in the combustion chamber at Vair =2.5 and Vfuel=1.5. This value of velocity is changed the shape of curvature as shown which is different to the curved temperature of elliptic.
4.5 Combustion Performance Parameters
4.5.1 Combustion Efficiency
The combustion efficiency is calculated as follows:
The heat liberated from the combustion process is directed to heat both the Q heat to Q fuel plus Q air where Qfuel and Qair represent inputs but Qheat represents the output
1. Q = m. cp (T-T) (1)
Qair=maircpair (Tout -Tgi) (2)
Qinput =mf × lcv +Qair (3)
So, the efficiency of the combustion process can be expressed as:
η = Qh/Qinput (4)
Figure 5 shows the variation of the combustion efficiency with the velocity ratio for different velocities. be high then the other values of velocities make it fluctuate until the reaction zone reaches its minimum value then it decreases. Also, the equivalence ratio increases with the increase in percent velocity of reaction products increases and this is due to the decrease of the excess air in the fuel/air mixture.
4.5.1 Heat Release Rate
The heat release rate HRR is calculated from:
HHR = Qrelease/As (5)
Where, As is the unit surface area of the combustion chamber
Q release= Qfuel + Qair/2