Phylogenetic analysis
Twenty-three representative isolates were selected for ITS sequencing. The ITS sequences were used for nucleotide BLAST searches on the NCBI for selecting the reference sequences. Eleven isolates were selected from the ITS phylogenetic tree (Fig. 2) for further DNA sequencing of TEF1- α and TUB genes. All assembled sequences generated in this study were submitted to GenBank (Table 1). The datasets of each locus consisted of 11 sequences in the present study and reference sequences. Most of the reference sequences were from ex-type and authentic strains. The alignment of ITS, TEF1- α, and TUB contained 898, 889, and 893 bases including gaps, respectively. The multi-locus phylogenetic tree (Fig. 3) showed that isolates PPRI2188 and PPRI20911 were clustered together with the ex-type strain of P. capsici (CPHST BL 33G) with 98% ML bootstrap value. Isolate PPRI20912 was grouped in a separate clade with P. tropicalis (CBS 434.91, ex-type strain), supported by 97% ML bootstrap value, and this species was considered as a sister of P. capsici. Isolate PPRI20915 was segregated into a separate group with P. nicotianae (CPHST BL 162, authentic strain, ex-type strain not available, Abad et al. 2023), which was supported by 100% ML bootstrap value. Isolate PPRI20913 fell in a group with P. heveae (CBS 296.29, ex-type strain) supported by 96% ML bootstrap value. This species was a high homology with P. agathidicida, P. castaneae and P. cocois. Isolate PPRI2087 clustered with the ex-type strain of P. cinnamomi (CPHST BL 12) with 100% ML bootstrap value. Isolate PPRI20920 and PPRI21812 were in a group of P. parvispora species (CBS 132772, ex-type strain) with 100% ML bootstrap value, and closely related to P. cinnamomi species. Isolate PPRI2098 and PPRI20925 were grouped in a monophyletic clade with the reference strain of Phytopythium vexans (syn. Pythium vexans) (CBS 119.80, authentic strain, ex-type strain not available, de Cock et al. 2015) with 100% ML bootstrap value. Isolate PPRI2097 placed in a single clade with a distant genetic relationship from others. The sequences (ITS, TEF1- α, and TUB) of PPRI2097 were the highest similarity with Phytopythium helicoides (CBS 286.31, authentic strain, ex-type strain not available, de Cock et al. 2015), at 85.64, 95.78% and 95.57%, respectively. Hence, isolate PPRI2097 was considered as a novel species of the Phytopythium genus.
Colony and micro-morphology
Phytophthora capsici (PPRI20911)
Colonies on PDA were depressed with limited aerial mycelia with unclear pattern to the chrysanthemum pattern, covering a 9 cm petri-dish after 7 days. Variable shapes of sporangia were observed including subglobose, ovoid, pyriform, ellipsoid, fusiform, or distorted shapes, often with papilla, (29.7–) 39.1–55.1 (–65.2) × (17.6–) 22.5–31.5 (–37.1) µm. Hyphal swellings were globose or subglobose. Chlamydospores were absent. (Fig. 4).
Phytophthora tropicalis (PPRI20912)
On PDA, the colonies were unclear pattern to the chrysanthemum pattern, often depressed with limited aerial mycelia, covering a 9 cm petri-dish after 7 days. Sporangia were subglobose, ovoid, pyriform, ellipsoid, fusiform, or distorted shapes, often with papilla, (34.5–) 39.7–53.5 (–62.4) × (25.8–) 29.0–35.2 (–38.5) µm. Chlamydospores were globose, terminal or intercalary, (23.5–) 27.9–34.7 (–37.2) µm. (Fig. 5).
Phytophthora nicotianae (PPRI20915)
Colonies on PDA were white and cottony, often without a pattern or unclear pattern, covering a 9 cm petri-dish after 6 days. Sporangia were globose, subglobose, ovoid, obpyriform, and irregular shapes, often with papilla, (35.4–) 36.0–60.0 (–90.5) × (27.7–) 29.9–36.3 (–42.3) µm. Chlamydospores were global, terminal, or intercalary, (29.6–) 33.9–41.1 (–45.6) µm. (Fig. 6).
Phytophthora heveae (PPRI20913)
Colonies on PDA were white, often depressed with no distinct pattern, covering a 9 cm petri-dish after 7 days. Sporangia were globose, subglobose, ovoid, with papilla, (26.2–) 27.5–38.7 (–44.6) × (19.8–) 22.0–29.2 (–33.2) µm. Hyphal swellings were globose to subglobose. Oogonia were spherical or subglobose, smooth, and often tapering base, (20.1–) 23.4–28.8 (–31.2) × (19.8–) 22.6–27.2 (–29.2). Antheridia were amphigynous, spherical, or cylindrical. Chlamydospore was absent. (Fig. 7).
Phytophthora cinnamomi (PPRI2087)
Colonies on PDA were white and unclear pattern, covering a 9 cm petri-dish after 7 days Sporangia were semi-papilla or non-papilla, obpyriform, ovoid or ellipsoid, (48.3–) 51.2–63.8 (–71.2) × (27.7–) 32.2–39.0 (–41.3) µm. Hyphal swellings were abundant, globose to subglobose, or coralloid. Chlamydospores were globose, terminal or intercalary, (29.4–) 31.3–39.1 (–43.2) µm. (Fig. 8).
Phytophthora parvispora (PPRI21812)
Colonies on PDA were white, cottony, and unclear pattern, covering a 9 cm petri-dish after 7 days. Sporangia were ovoid, obpyriform, or ellipsoid, semi-papilla or without papilla, (26.2–) 31.3–42.7 (–52.4) × (22.5–) 24.3–31.9 (–37.6) µm. Hyphal swellings were abundant, irregular, and globose to subglobose. Chlamydospores were globose, terminal, or intercalary, (19.4–) 21.5–25.3 (–26.5) µm. (Fig. 9)
Phytopythium vexans (PPRI2098)
Colonies on PDA were white, cottony, unclear pattern, rich in aerial mycelia and fast-growing, reaching the margin of 9 cm Petri-dishes after 4 days. Sporangia were globose, subglobose, ovoid, or pyriform, with or without papilla, (16.3–) 18.5–24.1 (–27.8) × (15.3–) 17.7–21.5 (–24.8) µm. Oogonia were spherical, smooth and terminal, (15.1–) 17.2–20 (–21.5) µm. Antheridia were cylindrical, often monoclinous and broadly attached to the oogonia. Zoospores were released from sporangia via a short exit tube. (Fig. 10).
Phytopythium sp. (PPRI2097)
Colonies on PDA were white, chrysanthemum pattern and fast-growing, covering a 9 cm petri-dish after 4 days. Sporangia were globose, subglobose, ovoid, with or without papilla, (19.2–) 22.5–28.9 (–32.5) × (14.5–) 17.3–21.3 (–23.5) µm. Papilla developed at maturity to form a long discharge tube. Chlamydospores were globose, terminal or intercalary, (21.3–) 22.7–25.1 (–26.1) µm. (Fig. 11).