Cell culture reagents were from Thermo Fisher Scientific (Waltham, MA) and chemicals were from Sigma (St. Louis, MO) unless noted otherwise. Test reagents used include: R428 (APExBio; Houston, TX), cetrorelix acetate (Tocris Bioscience; Minneapolis, MN), Gas6 (Novus Biologicals; Centennial, CO), GnRH (Sigma), and U0126-EtOH (APExBio; Houston, TX). All drugs used were screened for potential cell toxicity at 3 and 24h with a tetrazolium-based colormetric XTT Assay Kit (Abcam; Boston, MA). All drugs used were found to be non-toxic at the concentrations used.
Cell culture
Clonal LβT2 and αT3-1 (kindly provided by Dr. Pamela Mellon, University of California, San Diego) gonadotrope cells were cultured in Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium (DEMEM) supplemented with 10% (v/v) Fetal Bovine Serum and 1% (v/v) Antibiotic-Antimycotic and maintained at 37°C in 5% CO2 humidified air. All experiments were performed on low passage number (6 to 8) αT3-1 and LβT2 cells.
LβT2 or αT3-1cells (2x105 cells/well) were plated onto 35mm glass bottom dishes (Matsunami Glass; Bellingham, WA) coated with Geltrex (Thermo Fisher Scientific). Cells were cultured overnight in 2 mL media (as above) and, on the day prior to fixation, media were replaced with 2 mL of media containing 10% charcoal stripped FBS. The next day, cells were treated with agonists/antagonists for various times plus 2 µl CellMask Deep Red Actin Tracking Stain (Invitrogen; Waltham, MA) for 30 mins.
Following completion of experiments, cells were washed with 1X D-PBS with calcium and magnesium three times and fixed in freshly prepared 4% paraformaldehyde in PBS. After fixation, cells were washed with 1X PBS three times, and blocked in eBioscience IHC/ICC Blocking Buffer - High Protein (Thermo Fisher Scientific) for 30 min. Samples were then incubated overnight at 4°C with GnRHR Monoclonal primary antibody (GNRHR/768, ab220196, Abcam) at 1µg/mL dilution and AXL primary Antibody (PA5-106118, Thermo Fisher Scientific) at 1:200 dilution in blocking buffer. The next day, cells were washed three times with 1X eBioscience TBS Wash Buffer for IHC/ICC (Thermo Fisher Scientific) and Alexa Fluor 546 (A-11035, Thermo Fisher Scientific) along with Alexa Fluor 488 (A-11029, Thermo Fisher Scientific) diluted 1:500 in blocking buffer, were added to the cells for 1h at room temperature. Finally, nuclei were stained, and cells were mounted with ProLong Glass Antifade Mountant containing NucBlue Stain (Thermo Fisher Scientific) following the manufacture’s protocol.
C57 mouse (male and female) and Human (unidentified) pituitary 5 µm paraffin sections were purchased from Zyagen (San Diego, CA) and immunostained for AXL, GnRH receptor (GnRHR) and Gas6 proteins. Briefly, tissues were de-waxed using five-minute washes in CitriSolv (Decon Labs, 1601), then rehydrated through a gradual alcohol series for 5-mins each (100%, 90%, 70%, 50% and 30% ethanol) and finally were washed in deionized water for two minutes. Afterwards, the tissue sections were microwaved in citric acid-based Antigen Unmasking Solution (pH 6.0; Vector Laboratories, H-3300-250) for 20 minutes. Slides were washed for five minutes in 1x PBS and incubated for twenty minutes followed by incubation with the quenching solution in a humidity chamber for 5 mins using Vector Trueview Autofluorescence Quenching Kit (Vector Laboratories). To prevent nonspecific binding, tissue sections were incubated for thirty minutes with eBioscience IHC/ICC Blocking Buffer - High Protein (Thermo Fisher Scientific). After blocking, tissue sections were incubated with GnRHR monoclonal antibody (GNRH03, Thermo Fisher Scientific) at 1:100 dilution, AXL antibody (PA5-77875, Thermo Fisher Scientific) at 1:200 dilution, AXL antibody (PA5-106118, Thermo Fisher Scientific) at 1:200 dilution, GnRHR monoclonal antibody (GNRHR/768, ab220196, Abcam) at 1 µg/mL dilution, Gas6 rabbit antibody (A8545, ABclonal) at 1:100 dilution and Gas6 goat antibody (AF885SP, R&D Systems) at 5 µg/mL dilution in blocking buffer in a humidified chamber at 4°C overnight. The following day, sections were washed three times (5mins each) in 1X eBioscience TBS Wash Buffer for IHC/ICC (Thermo Fisher Scientific) and incubated for with appropriate secondary antibodies (Alexa Fluor 546 (A-11035, Thermo Fisher Scientific), Alexa Fluor 488 (A-11029, Thermo Fisher Scientific and NC0679377, Abcam)) all at 1:500 dilution in blocking buffer for 1 hour at room temperature. The slides were then washed in 1x PBS three times (5 min each) and the tissues dehydrated using a gradual alcohol series (50%, 70%, 90% and 100%). Finally, cells were mounted, and the nuclei were stained with ProLong Glass Antifade Mountant with NucBlue Stain (Thermo Fisher Scientific) following the manufacture’s protocol. Slides were later imaged at 40X and 63X using an LSM 800 Airyscan (Zeiss) confocal microscope and processed via Zen Blue software (Zeiss).
AXL protein quantification
LβT2 and αT3-1 cells (2x105 cells/well) were seeded in 6-well plates and incubated for 48h after which GnRH (10nM) was added for 24 h. Protein was then extracted using RIPA Lysis and Extraction Buffer (Thermo Fisher Scientific) containing Halt Protease and Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktail (Thermo Scientific). Total protein was measured with Rapid Gold BCA Protein Assay Kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific) and AXL protein was quantified with a mouse AXL ELISA kit following the manufacturer’s instructions (Thermo Fisher Scientific). Each independent experiment was performed in duplicate.
AXL and GnRH receptor distribution in human pituitary
Images of human pituitary stained for AXL (red), GnRHR (green) and nucleus (blue) were used to identify the expression and distribution pattern of AXL and GnRHR throughout the pituitary. Using Zen blue software, a total of 577 cells were masked in one 2x2 tiled and two regular images. Images were then processed and fluorescent intensities for TaRFP, AF488 and DAPI channels (corresponding to AXL, GnRHR and nuclei respectively) were extracted. The fluorescent intensities were then divided by the area for each cell (µm2) and plotted as histograms.
ERK phosphorylation measurements
Semiquantitative sandwich ELISA kit (Abcam, ab176660) was used to measure ERK phosphorylation (pERK) and total ERK (pERK/ERK) in LβT2 and αT3-1 cells in response to Gas6 (100 nM) at different time points and GnRH (10 nM, 5 min) was used as a positive control. Briefly, cells were seeded at 8x104 cells/well in 6-well plates and incubated for 2 days until 60–70% confluent. Cells then were washed with 1X PBS two times and media was changed to 2 mL/well charcoal stripped DEMEM and incubated at 37°C in 5% CO2 humidified air over night (12 h). Cells were then treated with Gas6 and/or GnRH for 5 min to 2 h; cell extracts were then obtained with RIPA Lysis and Extraction Buffer (Thermo Scientific) containing Halt Protease and Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktail (Thermo Scientific) was collected in separate tubes. BCA assay was performed to determine protein concentrations prior to ELISA analysis according to the manufacture’s protocol.
Reverse transcription digital droplet PCR
Reverse transcription digital droplet PCR (RT-ddPCR) was used to measure absolute transcript levels of the immediate early gene Egr1. LβT2 and αT3-1 cells were seeded in 6 well plates (2x105 cells/well) in DEMEM supplemented with 10% FBS and 1% antibiotic-antimycotic. Media were changed after 24 h to DEMEM supplemented with 10% charcoal stripped FBS and serum starved overnight. Cells were treated with Gas6, GnRH or Gas6 + GnRH for 0, 5, 10, 20, 40 and 60 min, then collected and preserved in 1X DNA/RNA Shield (Zymo Research; Irvine, CA). Collected RNA was purified with the Quick-RNA Miniprep Plus Kit (Zymo Research) and cDNA was synthesized from 40 ng RNA of each sample using iScript cDNA Synthesis Kit (Bio-Rad; Hercules, CA).
EvaGreen (Bio-Rad) RT-ddPCR was performed on a QX200 system (DG8 cartridge, QX200 droplet generator, PX1 PCR plate sealer, C1000 Touch thermal cycler and QX200 droplet reader (Bio-Rad). Briefly, EvaGreen ddPCR supermix was prepared using 10 ng cDNA, 10 µL EvaGreen, and 5 µM of primers for mouse Egr1 (Fwd 5’-GAGCGAACAACCCTATGAGC-3’ and Rev 5’-AGCGGCCAGTATAGGTGATG-3’), and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH; Fwd 5’-GGGAAGCCCATCACCATCTT-3’ and Rev 5’-GCCTTCTCCATGGTGGTGAA-3’), plus nuclease-free H2O to reach a total of 20 µL, which was then used to generate droplets.
Droplets were transferred into a ddPCR Semi-Skirted 96-Well Plate (Bio-Rad), sealed with Pierceable Foil Heat Seal, and amplified with the following thermal protocol: polymerase activation (initial denaturation) at 95°C for 5 min, 40 cycles of amplification at 95°C for 30 sec (denaturation) and 60°C for 1 min (annealing/elongation) with a ramp of 2°C/s for each step. Following amplification, droplets were stabilized at 4°C for 5 min followed by 95°C for 5 min and then an infinite hold at 4°C. For analysis, the PCR plate containing the droplets was placed in the QX200 droplet reader for data acquisition and absolute quantification analysis with QuantaSoft (Bio-Rad) software. Transcript copy numbers were adjusted post hoc to GAPDH transcript levels for each sample.
LHβ release measurements
LHβ production and release from LβT2 cells were measured with a mouse LH Beta SimpleStep ELISA Kit (Abcam). Briefly, 1x104 cells/well were seeded in 96-well plates and incubated for 2 days until 60–70% confluent. Cells then were washed with 1X PBS two times and media were changed to 200 µL/well serum-free DEMEM and incubated at 37°C in 5% CO2 humidified air for 2 h. Cells were then treated with GnRHR ligand (GnRH, 10 nM), AXL ligand (Gas6, 100 nM), GnRHR inhibitor (cetrorelix acetate, 2 nM), AXL inhibitor (R428, 50 nM) and MEK inhibitor (U0126-EtOH, 10 µM) for 2 h and both cell extracts using RIPA Lysis and Extraction Buffer and media were collected in separate tubes containing Halt Protease and Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktail (Thermo Scientific). ELISA was done according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Total LHβ was calculated as (LHβ quantity in cell extract + LHβ quantity in the media of the same well). Each individual experiment was performed in duplicate.
Pro-MMP9 release measurements
Pro-MMP9 production and release from LβT2 and αT3-1 cells were measured with a pro-MMP-9 Mouse ELISA Kit (Invitrogen). Briefly, 1x104 cells/well were seeded in 96-well plates and incubated for 2 days until 60–70% confluent. Cells then were washed with 1X PBS two times and media were changed to 200 µL/well DEMEM containing 10% stripped FBS and incubated at 37°C in 5% CO2 humidified air for 24 h. Cells were then treated with GnRH (10 nM), AXL ligand (Gas6, 100 nM), GnRHR inhibitor (cetrorelix acetate, 2 nM), AXL inhibitor (R428, 50 nM), and MEK inhibitor (U0126-EtOH, 10 µM) for 24 h and both cell extracts using RIPA Lysis and Extraction Buffer and media were collected in separate tubes containing Halt Protease and Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktail (Thermo Scientific). ELISA was performed following the manufacturer’s instructions.
Cell migration assay
We measured the migratory response of LβT2 and αT3-1 cells to stimuli with a Cell Migration/Chemotaxis Assay Kit (Abcam). LβT2 and αT3-1 cells were seeded in 100 mm plates at 60–70% confluency in DEMEM supplemented with 10% FBS and 1% Antibiotic-Antimycotic. Media were changed after 24 h to DEMEM supplemented with 10% charcoal stripped FBS and serum starved for 24 h and then were seeded in the upper chamber of the kit and assembled based on the manufacturer’s instructions. GnRHR ligand (GnRH, 100nM), AXL ligand (Gas6, 1000nM), combination of Gas6 and GnRH, MEK activator (PAF C-16, 100 µM) and MEK inhibitor (U0126-EtOH, 100µM) were then added to the upper and bottom chambers of the kit. Cells were then incubated for 48 h with the stimulators/inhibitors and migration percentage was measured following the manufacturer’s instructions.
Statistical analysis
Figures were created and data were analyzed with GraphPad Prism and MathWorks MATLAB. Two-sample comparisons were performed using either a paired or unpaired (as appropriate) two-tailed Student’s t-test; comparisons between more than two groups were performed using one- or two-way (as appropriate) ANOVA with Dunnett’s multiple comparison post-test. All data are presented as mean ± SEM, with n ≥ 3 for all comparisons; n indicates the number of independent biological replicates unless stated otherwise. P < 0.05 was considered significant and asterisks (*) used in the figures are included to indicate significance; ns = not significantly different (P ≥ 0.05).