Catalyst characterization
Figure 1 presents the morphology of all the prepared silica catalysts, including mesoporous spheres and gyroids, and macroporous spherical and gyroid silica. Figure 1(a) also displays the presence of well-defined mesoporous spherical silica while Fig. 1(b) displays well-defined macroporous silica with larger spheres. To gain a better understanding of the silica morphology, STEM and HRTEM characterizations were also performed. The high angle dark-field STEM images (Fig. 1(c)&(d)) of the meso-and macro-porous silica confirm the well-defined spheres. The mesoporous spherical-shaped silica presents inhomogeneous particle size distribution while the macroporous spherical-shaped silica own a more uniform particle size. The mesoporous spherical-shaped silica shows particle size ranging from 100 nm to 800 nm while the macroporous spherical silica size was larger, about 2µm. The HRTEM image (Fig. 1(e)) of the mesoporous spherical-shaped silica shows a pore size of around 20 nm; nonetheless, the presence of the microporous pores was observed. In the meanwhile, the pore size of macroporous spherical-shaped silica displays a pore size of around 50–80 nm (Fig. 1(f)). Nonetheless, such pore sizes are not uniform throughout the macroporous silica spheres. We, therefore, propose that macroporous silica comprise a mixture of micro-, meso-, and macropores. Similar observations have been reported by other researchers [31], who observed a boosted role of silica with hollow micro–meso–macroporous structure on the adsorption of Cr5+. The gyroid morphology of meso-and macro-porous silicas was observed from their respective SEM images (Fig. 1(g)&(h)). The gyroid silica with microporous pore-regime owns a larger size. Such difference in catalyst’ morphology is crucial for chemical reaction performance as it determines the electrical properties of the plasma and the associated molecular reaction rate, thereby, altering the plasma-catalytic synergism [11]. The next section will verify the effects of these morphological differences on the catalytic performance.
N2 adsorption-desorption characterization was performed for all the prepared catalysts and the result are shown in Fig. 2. The N2 adsorption-desorption curve of the mesoporous silicas of both mesoporous gyroid- and spherical-shaped display type IV affirming the presence of mesoporous structure. In contrast, the N2 adsorption-desorption curve of the macroporous silicas including spherical- and gyroid-shaped morphology displayed type VI isotherms verifying the presence of macroporous structure, but with a mixture of micro-and meso-porous pore regime [17]. Moreover, the H2 pore shape of mesoporous silicas shows bottleneck constrictions in their structure. While the H4 pore type shape verifies the presence of slit pores in the macroporous silicas, which further confirms the mixtre of micro-, meso-, and macro-porous structures.
The specific surface of all prepared catalysts are shown in Table 1. It is worth noting that the macroporous spherical-shaped silica owns a surface area with 634 m2/g, which is significantly smaller than the macroporous gyroid-shaped silica (928 m2/g). Similar trend was observed from mesoporous silicas, where gyroid-shaped (870 m2/g) possesses larger surface area than spherical-shaped counterpart (521 m2/g). Pore size and pore volume of both marco-and meso-porous silicas also displays similar trend, where gyroid-shaped morphologies own larger pore size. Noticably, the mesoporous gyroid-shaped silica displayed largest pore size of 6.44 nm. Such irregular trends in the pore sizes are due to the co-existence of micro-, meso-, and macro-porous structures in the macroporous silicas and microporous structure in the mesoporous silicas. The N2 adsorption analysis only delivered the average values. Similar observations have been reported by other researchers [31–33].
Table 1
Textural properties for all prepared catalysts.
Catalyst | Morphology | Surface Area | Pore Size | Pore Volume |
m2/g | nm | cm3/g |
Macroporous silica | Sphere | 634 | 3.42 | 0.54 |
Macroporous silica | Gyroids | 928 | 4.20 | 1.00 |
Mesoporous silica | Sphere | 521 | 3.92 | 0.51 |
Mesoporous silica | Gyroids | 870 | 6.44 | 1.39 |
Electrical properties and in situ OES diagnostic. It is important to characterize the electrical properties of all prepared silica catalysts in the plasma environment to provide better understanding of the influence of the morphology on the discharge, and hence, the impact on ammonia production rate. Figure 3(a) shows the voltage-charge curve with a well-defined Lissajous loop for all the prepared silica catalysts under the plasma regime. The area of this loop represents the energy dissipated by the discharge period. The electrical power was calculated by multiplying this value with the waveform frequency (AC coupling).
Pelectrical=\({f}_{AC}\oint \text{v}\left(\text{t}\right)\text{d}\text{Q}\) (1)
It can be seen that the largest dissipated energy was observed from the presence of the macroporous silica with both spherical and gyroids shapes. In fact, the spherical structure is proven to offer a more uniform discharge than other particle forms. The voltage-time graph (Fig. 3(b)) exhibits discharged pk-to-pk voltage of 8.97 kV with pulsed width of 43.8µS. From the voltage and current curves, the time-averaged electrical power consumed by the plasma actuator was computed from:
Pavg=\(\oint \text{v}\left(\text{t}\right)\text{*}\text{q}\left(\text{t}\right)\text{*}\text{d}\left(\text{t}\right)= \frac{\text{f}}{2{\pi }}\text{*}\text{S}\) (2)
The OES spectrum collected during plasma reactions is shown in Fig. 3(c). All species detected from the OES spectrum were consistent with our previous studies. The intensity of all detected peaks was stronger with the presence of the macroporous silica in the packed-bed plasma reactor. In this work, we also tested plasma catalytic pulsing (Plasma On/Off) to gain insights on the adsorption and desorption behaviour of ammonia with various silica catalysts. The results show that the morphology and porous structure influence the desorption of ammonia. It can be seen that when plasma was Off macroporous spherical-shaped silica owns a better ammonia desorption rate relative to other silica catalysts. This observation reveals that more ammonia was captured inside macropores of spherical silicas, and verifies our assumption on the possible formation of ammonia taking inside of the pores.
Catalytic performance. The catalytic activity for plasma driven ammonia production is shown in Fig. 4. The influence of the catalyst’ morphology and porous structure on the plasma driven ammonia production is thoughfully addressed in this context. The macroporous spherical-shaped silica displays the highest ammonia production rate of 0.14 µmol min-1 m-2 at a power of 15W followed by the macroporous silica with gyroid morphology of 0.08 µmol min-1 m-2. The reason for the better performance of the macroporous spherical-shaped silica catalyst is attributed to the penetration of plasma active species into the macropores to promote unreacted N2 and H2 diffusing inside the pores to form ammonia. However, it is also worth noting that in situ decomposition of ammonia products can lead to the reduction in ammonia production rate [34, 35], taking place concomitantly. Macropores can offer a better reaction pathway to form more ammonia but also promote the diffusion of plasma active species to decompose ammonia freshly formed. It has been proved experimentally that plasma discharge can have an important effect within the lowest limit of pore size of 50 nm at a very short distance and time [36]. From the performance results, the penetration of plasma active species into macropores mostly promoted the reaction between unreacted N2 and H2 to form ammonia. As depicted in Fig. 1, gyroid hollows are larger than spheres, and the in situ decomposition, in this case, would be more enhanced. Conversely, mesoporous silicas were not able to accelerate the reaction of unreacted N2 and H2 inside mesopores [1, 15, 24, 30]. The H2-rich environment, for example, N2:H2 of 2 and 3, Fig. 4(b)&(c), slightly promotes the ammonia production observed from all prepared catalysts Fig. 4(d).
Figure 5 displays a comparison of ammonia yield obtained with various silica catalysts in this work and with other materials reported in the literature at similar reaction conditions. An ammonia energy yield of around 7.5 g-NH3 kWh− 1 could be achieved over the macroporous silicas, verifying the roles of pore and morphology role in ammonia energy yield. Such findings are good demonstrations of tailoring morphology and porosity of either catalyst or support to achieve better ammonia energy yield.