8.1.Snail’s infection rate:
Lab observations of B. alexandrina with S. mansoni and B. truncatus with S. haematobium agreed with Makanga's (1981) finding of 30% IR in young B. pfeifferi with S. mansoni, but differed from Southgate et al., (2000) and Ibikounlé et al., (2012) who reported higher IR in B. pfeifferi with S. mansoni. B. truncatus showed a 50.5% IR for one to seven-day-old snails and 19.9% for snails aged one and a half to five weeks in lab conditions (Moore et al., 1953).
8.2. Snail’s duration of shedding and prepatent period:
The mean prepatent period for B. alexandrina and B. truncatus corresponded to Kechemir and Combes' 1982 findings of 41–56 days and; Pflüger et al., 1984.
8.3. Mean total number of cercariae per snails:
The total number of cercariae/snail counted in this study was different than that reported by Kechemir and Combes (1982) and Kechemir (1985) in B. glabrata. It also concords with those reported in Bulinus truncatus infected by miracidia (from 29 to 65 days at 24–26°C: Lo 1972; Kechemir and Combes 1982; Pflüger et al., 1984). Cercarial emission peaks are adapted to the definitive host's behavior to increase their chance of infection and allow the continuation of the parasite cycle (Kengne-Fokam et al., 2018).
8.4. Snail’s mean life span:
The life-span of cercaria-positive snails was 45–81 days (mean: 57.0 ± 1.2) for B. alexandrina and 55–91 days (mean: 65.9 ± 1.6) for B. truncatus. Archibald (1933) reported a cercaria-positive B. truncatus surviving for four and a half months. Once a digenetic trematode miracidium successfully colonizes a compatible snail host, it initiates a complex proliferative development program that can last for weeks and produce cercariae that persist for the remainder of the infected snail's life span (Hanington et al., 2010).
Currently, no hypothesis can account for the discordance in the prepatent, shedding, and life span period due to differing experimental conditions (molluscan age, size, mode of infection) in other studies. Snails actively shedding Echinostoma spp. cercariae were not different in size from non-shedding, egg-laying snails but had a higher mortality rate (Marchand et al., 2020).
8.5. Snail’s survival rate at 1st shedding stage:
This study reported a reduction in the survival rate of two snail species upon shedding cercariae, which agrees with Mangal et al., (2010) who observed lower survival rates in snails exposed to S. mansoni miracidia compared to unexposed snails. Previous laboratory studies estimating the increase in mortality rates of schistosoma-infected snails compared to uninfected snails is highly variable but can be up to 0.100 (Anderson et al., 1982). Woolhouse (1989) found that patent infections of S. species increased per capita mortality rates of Bulinus globosus and B. pfeifferia, including mortalities during the prepatent period in two infected species. Reduction in this biological parameter may due to potential competition between the parasites and host for essential haemolymph-born nutrients (Becker, 1980) and, may be attributed to histopathogenic effects on the snail host and depletion of nutrient by the parasite especially near the time of the maturation of infection and shedding of cercariae (El-Sayed et al., 1999).
8.6. Impact of Schistosoma infection on feeding behaviour, fecundity and reproductive rate:
Infected B. alexandrina and B. truncatus tended to feed more frequently than uninfected snails. This agrees with Shinagawa et al., (2001) who found that freshwater snails infected with larval trematodes tended to feed more frequently during the light period under laboratory conditions. Parasite infection often results in changes to host behavior, which can represent adaptive manipulation of the host behavior by the parasite to maximize its transmission success (Moore, 2002; Poulin, 2010; Thomas, Adamo, & Moore, 2005). Increased feeding with infection has been interpreted as compensating for the nutrient deprivation caused by parasites or as a modification of the host's growth rate, such as gigantism (Minchella 1985, Hurd 1990). Other researchers have referred to the loose fecundity in infected snails as castration, suggesting that the trematode parasite removes the energetic demands of reproduction, allowing the host to invest this energy towards other life history traits, such as growth and survival (Poulin, 2006; Lafferty and Kuris, 2009). Another possible reason for increased feeding may be starvation autolysis due to squeezing of digestive tubules at different loci, which prevents food from passing into the tubules. This may lead to intracellular digestion, and atrophy of digestive tubules can occur in heavy infection (Mohandas, 1974; Choubisa, 1988). Infection with S. mansoni or S. haematobium miracidia caused B. alexandrina and B. truncatus snails to cease egg-laying post-exposure, resulting in a reduction in reproduction (Joosse and Van 1986, McClelland et al. 1996, Sluiters et al. 1980). The development of the hermaphrodite reproductive system of L. stagnalis infected with T. ocellata was severely retarded, resulting in almost no eggs being produced (Joosse and Van 1986, McClelland et al., 1996, Sluiters et al. 1980, Thornhill et al. 1986). Reductions in fecundity were also observed in three Bulinus species infected with S. haematobium (Fryer et al. 1990). Nutrient deprivation caused by the parasite or the double burden of producing eggs and parasites not borne by the snail may be responsible for reductions in egg-laying (Neuhaus 1949, McClelland and Bourns 1969, Meier and Meier-Brook 1981, Alberto-silva et al. 2015). In our present study, infected snails ceased egg-laying during the early weeks of infection, resulting in a significant reduction in the mean number of eggs per snail in two species. This agrees with Meier and Meier-Brook (1981), who related the suppression in egg-laying to the indirect effect of trematode larvae on oogenesis, possibly due to nutrient withdrawal by the parasite or the double burden of producing eggs and parasites (Neuhaus 1949, McClelland and Bourns 1969). Nutrient deprivation may be responsible for the reduction in egg-laying, which coincides with the development of sporocysts in the digestive gland (Looker and Etges 1979). The presence of a small number of mother sporocysts in the stage of infection may be sufficient to disturb reproductive processes in the two species.
8.7. Impact of Schistosoma infection on oxidative stress paremeters at 1st shedding stage.
Increasing the level of TAO in infected B. alexandrina and B. truncatus snails may explain the increase in the number of haemocytes and generation of large volumes of ROS for defensive purposes to damage or kill the parasite's larvae (Bikowska 2006, Saboor-yaraghi et al., 2011, Hadas´ and Stankiewicz 1996, Mone et al. 2011). Gornowicz et al. (2013) found significant differences in TAS between control and P. elegans-infected Lymnaea stagnalis during the initial period of the experiments. TAS was influenced by infection with trematodes in Biomphlaria galabrata with S. mansoni (Jong-Brink and Oene 2005). B. alexandrina snails infected with S. mansoni showed a significant reduction in the levels of LPO and NO compared to uninfected snails, which may be due to developing schistosome larvae scavenging nutrients from the snail's hemolymph, resulting in a reduction in the amount of nutrients circulating to the nervous system (Habib et al. 2020). Additionally, Mossalem et al., (2018) reported a significant decrease in CAT and GSH and an increase of MDA in the tissues and hemolymph of B. alexandrina following infection with S. mansoni. However, B. truncatus with S. haematobium recorded a significant increase in the level of LPO and NO compared to uninfected snails at the shedding stage, which may be due to the different prepatent periods in the two species. Rizk et al., (2018) reported that B. alexandrina snails infected with S. mansoni and B. truncatus snails infected with S. haematobium demonstrated a high significant elevation in glutathione reductase (GR), catalase, and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities. Changes were also reported in infected snail tissue homogenates (Koriem et al. 2016). The mentioned biochemical parameters were restored to their values in control uninfected snails upon treatment with sodium fluoride, suggesting its ability to inhibit oxidative stress and apoptosis produced in Schistosoma-infected snails (Koriem et al. 2016). In response to parasitic infection, B. alexandrina and B. truncatus snails increase their defensive haemocytes, which generate large volumes of ROS to damage or kill parasite larvae.
8.8 Impact of Schistosoma infection on 17β-esteradiol and testosterone hormones in tissues at 1st shedding stage..:
Steroid hormones testosterone and estradiol were promoted in Biomphalaria at shedding stage, while in Bulinus, they were suppressed. Steroid hormones have been reported in numerous molluscs, including B. alexandrina (Oehlmann and Schulte-Oehlmann, 2003; Croll and Wang, 2007; Omran, 2012; Ragheb et al., 2018)d truncatus (Dokmak et al., 2022). Hormonal reduction observed in Bulinus truncatus and increased in Biomphalaria alexandrina may contribute to fecundity loss in these infected snails (Ibrahim and Hussein, 2022). Steroid hormones are important for gonad development in snails (Alon et al., 2007). Hormone administration has been shown to stimulate spermatogenesis and oogenesis in molluscan species, including testosterone, estradiol, and progesterone in the gonads (Ibrahim and Abdel-Tawab, 2020; Hamdi et al., 2021; Sakr et al., 1992; Wang and Croll, 2004). Developing larvae can reduce gonad volumes and alter hormonal homeostasis, leading to inhibition of egg production (Bayne and Loker, 1987). Schistosomin, a peptide produced by the nervous system of infected snails following schistosome infection, interferes with the host's neuroendocrine system, inhibiting reproductive hormone action (De Jong-Brink, 1995).
8.9. Impact of Schistosoma infection on comet assay at 1st shedding stage.
The study found that infection with cercariae mansoni and haematobium caused a statistically significant increase in DNA fragmentation and migration in molluscan tissues compared to controls. This is consistent with other studies that have reported decreases in serotonin and dopamine concentrations in tissues during infection (Rizk et al., 2018), as well as DNA damage in Biomphalaria alexandrina homocytes (Mohamed, 2011) and hemocytes of infected Bulinus truncatus (Saad et al., 2013).
8.10. Impact of S. mansoni with B. alexandrina and S. haematobium with B. truncates on digestive and hermaphrodite gland at 1st shedding stage:
The study found severe damage to the cell constituents of the digestive and hermaphrodite glands of infected B. alexandrina and B. truncatus snails caused by trematode larvae. Changes in digestive glands and ovotestis induced by larval digenean trematode parasites have been reported to be dependent on the severity of infection, size, and types of larvae (Choubisa et al., 2012). Mechanical damages resulting from the migration, feeding, growth, and multiplication of trematode larvae, as well as physiological changes such as autolysis and/or necrosis, are possible explanations for these alterations. Previous studies have shown that redial stages cause more mechanical and physiological damage compared to sporocysts (Mohandas, 1977; Choubisa, 1988). Rediae engulf the host's digestive cells and utilize hydrolases for their extracellular digestion, contributing to physiological damages (Choubisa, 1988, 2008a ). It can be assumed that spore larval species observed within two host cell constituents' tissues in the digestive and hermaphrodite gland are more destructive for the two hosts. Parasitic secretions and excretory products that produce toxic effects may also be contributory factors (Erasmus, 1972).