Animals and experimental conditions
The project was approved by the Ethics Committee on the Use of Animals (CEUA) under protocol number: 00462–2020. All experiments were conducted in compliance with the Ethical Principles for Animal Experimentation [22]. The experiment involved the use of 35 male rats (Rattus norvergicus albinus, Wistar) at the age of 75 days, weighing between 300g − 350g at the beginning of the experiments. The rats were housed in a controlled environment with a temperature of 25 ± 2 ºC, a 12-hour light/12-hour dark cycle, and provided with food (Purina®, Paulínia-SP, Brazil) and water ad libitum throughout the experiment.
Experimental delineation
The sample calculation for the experiment was performed based on a previous study, using SigmaPlot 14.0 software [38]. The following test details were used: a significance level (α) = 0.05, test power (1- β) = 0.80, and dropout (β) = 0.2. Based on these parameters, a minimum sample size of 5 rats per group was determined.
A total of thirty-five animals were used and randomly assigned to 7 groups, with each group consisting of 5 animals. The composition of the groups and the procedures performed will be described in detail below:
Group 1 - CON: Not subjected to any kind of treatment
Group 2 - OTM-7: Undergoing orthodontic tooth movement for 7 days
Group 3 - OTM-14: Undergoing orthodontic tooth movement for 14 days
Group 4 - ISO-14: Treated with isotretinoin for 14 days
Group 5 - ISO21: Treated with isotretinoin for 21 days
Group 6 - OTM7-ISO14: Treated with isotretinoin for 14 days and undergoing orthodontic tooth movement for 7 days
Group 7 - OTM14-ISO21: Treated with isotretinoin for 21 days and undergoing orthodontic tooth movement for 14 days
In Groups 4, 5, 6 and 7, the animals were treated with isotretinoin at a dosage of 1.0mg/kg/day for 7 days prior to OTM, and the treatment was continued throughout the movement period in their respective groups. The weight of all animals was measured daily using a precision electronic scale (Bel 0.01g, 2200g S2202H, Bel Engineering, Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil) until they were euthanized.
Application of isotretinoin
Isotretinoin was obtained in the form of a 20mg Roaccutane® capsule (Roaccutane, Roche, Basel, Switzerland) and stored at room temperature, between 59 to 86°F, in its original packaging, protected from light and humidity. Each solution was prepared in the morning, in a dark room, immediately before administration, due to the high sensitivity of Vitamin A to light [23]. The capsule contents were dissolved in soybean oil to facilitate gavage administration. Soybean oil was chosen as it is a component of Roaccutane®. The solution was prepared in an amber bottle, taking into account the animal's weight and the desired concentration. To prepare the solution, a 20mg Roaccutane® capsule was pierced using a hypodermic needle (30x0.70mm, Descarpack 22G, Santa Catarina, Brazil), and its contents were added to the vial. The recommended daily dose for humans, based on the literature and patient weight, ranges from 0.5 to 2mg/kg/day [24]. When adjusting the dosage to the equivalent between animals and humans, a dosage of 1.0mg/kg/day was chosen, which closely resembles the recommended human dosage [25, 26]. The vial containing the solution was shaken to ensure proper dilution, and the solution was administered to the animals via oral gavage using a suitable short needle for rats (Bonther, Reference: Steel INOX BD-12, Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo). The dosage was adjusted according to each animal's body weight, which was measured daily until the time of euthanasia.
Orthodontic Tooth Movement (OTM) protocol
For the installation of the mechanical appliance, the muscle relaxant Xylazine Hydrochloride (DOPASER, Caleir S.A., Barcelona, Spain) was administered at a proportion of 0.03 ml/100g of body weight, and the anesthetic Ketamine Hydrochloride (VETASET, Fort Dodge Animal Health, Iowa, USA) was administered at a proportion of 0.07 ml/100g of body weight. Both drugs were administered intramuscularly. In this research, a mechanical system was used based on the method adapted by Cuoghi and colleagues [27]. The appliance consisted of a nickel-titanium spring (Sentalloy, GAC, USA) with an effective length of 4mm and a constant force of 50cN. The force magnitude and the amount of spring stretch were predetermined by the manufacturer. To adapt the springs to the molars and incisors, 0.2 mm diameter wires (Morelli, Sorocaba, SP, Brazil) were utilized. After installing the spring, resin (Z100™ − 3M, Minnesota, USA) was applied to the incisors to enhance retention. Orthodontic tooth movement (OTM) was performed on the upper right first molar, with the upper right incisor serving as anchorage (Fig. 1).
Euthanasia and specimen preparation
After the experimental periods of each group, the animals were euthanized via transcardiac perfusion. This involved the injection of 100 mL of physiological saline solution containing 0.1% heparin, followed by 800 mL of 4% formaldehyde in saline phosphate buffer (PBS) at a temperature of 4ºC and pH 7.4. The purpose of this perfusion was to preserve the tissues for subsequent analysis. The right hemimaxillas (half of the upper jaw) were then dissected and subjected to fixation for 12 hours. After fixation, they were washed for 12 hours in running water to remove excess chemicals and prepare them for three-dimensional (3D) imaging. The 3D images were obtained using a Skyscan 1272 scanner (Bruker, Billerica, Massachusetts, USA). High-resolution images were captured at 70 KvP (142 µA) with a field of view (FOV) of 20.5 mm. Once the images were acquired, the specimens were returned to the fixative solution and kept there for an additional 72 hours. Next, the samples were demineralized in a 10% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) solution (Sigma Chemical®) in PBS for a period of 60 days. This process helps to remove mineral content from the tissues. After demineralization, the samples underwent conventional histological processing, including embedding in paraffin and subsequent microtomy to obtain 5 µm thick sections. Finally, the histological sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin (HE), a common staining method used in histology to visualize cellular structures and tissue architecture.
Tooth displacement analysis
The 3D image reconstructions were generated using the NRecon Reconstruction Software from Micro Photonics Inc. (Allentown, Pennsylvania). The specific region of interest analyzed was the space between the distal surface of the first molar and the mesial surface of the second molar. The 3D image was obtained with the aim of capturing a sagittal view that allows for the observation of the entire mesiobuccal and distobuccal roots of the first molar (including the cervical, middle, and apical thirds), the pulp, the curvature of the furcation region, and the integrity of the mesial alveolar bone crest. This was achieved to assess the relevant structures and changes in the area (Fig. 2C). To facilitate image orientation and analysis, specific lines were adjusted in the Skyscan Dataviewer Software (Bruker, Billerica, Massachusetts, USA). These lines included the axial line (blue), sagittal line (green), and coronal line (red). In the coronal view, the blue line passed through the long axis of the first molar in the mesiodistal direction (Fig. 2A). In the axial view, the image was appropriately angled (Fig. 2B) to allow for a clear sagittal view (Fig. 2C) that encompassed the mesiobuccal and distobuccal roots of the first molar in their entirety. In the sagittal view, a dashed yellow line was positioned at the tip of the molar cusps, serving as a reference for locating the most convex point on the enamel of the first molar, indicated by the green line. The space between the first molar and the second molar at its greatest convexity on the distal and mesial surface, as determined by the green line, was used for the linear measurement of tooth displacement. This measurement was performed using the Image J Software (National Institute of Health, NIH, U.S).
Analysis of bone morphology
To assess the bone morphology in the region between the roots of the first molar, coronal view images were reconstructed for all groups (Fig. 3). In the coronal plane, the axial line was aligned with the long axis of the maxillary first molar in the mesiodistal direction (Fig. 3A). For bone density analysis, the 3D images were imported into the CT-Analyser Software (CTAn version 1.13, Bruker MicroCT, Kontich, Belgium). To define the area analyzed for bone architecture, the image of the first molar was evaluated in the occlusal-apical direction. The most cervical level analyzed corresponded to the floor of the pulp chamber (Fig. 3B-C), determined by the green line. The most apical level analyzed was close to the middle third of the mesiobuccal root, ensuring that it did not exceed the middle third of the root. A total of 80 image slices were analyzed for each sample. Using the CTAn Software, several parameters related to bone structure were calculated and compared between groups. These parameters included bone volume fraction (BV/TV), trabecular thickness (Tb.Th), trabecular number (Tb.N), and trabecular separation (Tb.Sp). These measurements provided quantitative information on the bone density and architecture in the analyzed region.
Periodontal ligament and alveolar bone analysis
The analysis of the periodontal ligament architecture involved the examination of various areas and histological characteristics. These areas included the interradicular septum (the space between the roots), as well as the mesiobuccal and distobuccal roots. For the mesiobuccal root, the analysis covered the mesial and distal surfaces, as well as the cervical, middle, and apical thirds. Similarly, for the distobuccal root, the mesial and distal surfaces, as well as the cervical, middle, and apical thirds, were examined. In each of these areas of the periodontal ligament, several histological features were assessed. These included the presence of hemorrhage (bleeding), inflammatory infiltrate (immune cells present in the tissue), and the arrangement of collagen fiber bundles. These parameters provided insights into the condition and health of the periodontal ligament in the different areas analyzed. Regarding the architecture of the alveolar bone, the analysis focused on the characteristics of the bone located between the mesiobuccal and distobuccal roots. The criteria used for analysis included assessing areas of bone resorption (loss of bone tissue), areas of new bone formation, and overall bone quantity. These assessments helped to understand the changes in alveolar bone structure and remodeling that occurred during the experimental period.
Statistical analysis
In order to assess the error of the method used to measure tooth displacement, a comparison was made between ten images in the sagittal microtomographic norm and their respective measurements performed by different evaluators. These evaluations were conducted with a 20-day interval between them. The average measurements from the two evaluations were compared using the paired t-test, with a significance level of 5%. The results of this analysis showed no significant differences between the different measurement moments, indicating a low error in the measurement method.
For the statistical analysis of the data, the GraphPad Prism Software (Version 9.5, Boston, MA) was used. The normality and homogeneity of the data were assessed using the Shapiro-Wilk test. Comparisons between groups and different time points were performed using the Kruskal-Wallis test, followed by Dunn's non-parametric multiple comparison test. The significance level for all statistical tests was set at 5%. These analyses helped to determine any significant differences between the groups and time points being compared, providing valuable insights into the experimental findings.