The current study has proven that sterilized female Anopheles funestus exposed one day post blood meal, can transfer a lethal dose of pyriproxyfen to the breeding habitat located 5 m from a contaminated clay pot. Overall, forced contaminated An. funestus with PPF resulted to 78% and 81% adult emergence inhibition of its filial at 30 minutes and 48 hours of exposure respectively. These findings are corroborated by previous studies in Anopheles that documented successful autodissemination events by Anopheles arabiensis, Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles quadrimaculatus via either self or forceful mosquito contamination (28, 30, 32, 33, 55). The recorded similarity in emergence inhibition at 30 minutes and 48 hours might be due to loss of the picked PPF particles because of their grooming behavior when mosquitoes are exposed longer, its absorption to mosquito cuticle, and during flight to breeding habitat (56–58).
In this study, the females were held in presence of pyriproxyfen for 30 minutes and 48 hours to mimic possible minimum and maximum resting time for rest seeking blood fed mosquitoes in the field environment (59–63). In a situation where mosquitoes are transiting the contamination stations, the success of autodissemination events might be impaired (27, 56, 64).
Of importance, this study documented An. funestus vulnerability to PPF sterilization after being exposed one day post blood meal, and confirmed significant reduction in eggs laid (fecundity). Overall, at 30 minutes and 48 hours of pyriproxyfen exposure, the mean number of eggs laid by the exposed group was reduced by 85.9% and 80.1% respectively compared to the control group. Similarly, negative effect of PPF on mosquito fecundity has been also shown in several studies (33, 41, 53, 65, 66). Consistent with previous study (53), the effect of PPF on fecundity and fertility (eggs hatchability) in exposed An. funestus was observed up to third gonotrophic cycle, suggesting that this effect might be irreversible during mosquito lifespan.
The dissection of exposed mosquito revealed that PPF sterilization effect was via retention of under developed eggs. Longer exposure time resulted to high proportion of mosquitoes that retain underdeveloped eggs compared to shorter exposure time. Many underdeveloped eggs were arrested at Christopher stage IV, a proxy indication for sterilization effect (67). It has been documented in other studies that the sterilization effect interferes with the desire of contaminated female to find a place for oviposition. (33, 57, 65). This depends on the time of pyriproxyfen exposure relative to when the female obtains a blood meal. While Mbare and others reported unlikelihood of contaminated female mosquito to visit the oviposition habitat after being exposed to pyriproxyfen within 24 hours before and after the blood meal (33), Itoh et al., reported the frequency of visiting the oviposition habitat to be lower for female exposed to pyriproxyfen before blood meal and higher for female exposed to pyriproxyfen after blood meal (57).
Furthermore, Yadav et al., when assessing surface treated with a range of pyriproxyfen concentrations, reported a lower frequency of visiting oviposition habitat to a female exposed to a lower concentration of PPF at 24 hours before blood meal and higher to the females exposed at 24 hours after blood. But, the frequency of visiting the oviposition habitat was the same only for the female exposed to higher concentration (65). In this current study, female mosquitoes exposed 24 hours post blood meal were capable of visiting oviposition habitat. The difference in oviposition behavior for contaminated female mosquitoes across different studies might be due to differences in PPF exposure methods, PPF formulation (e.g., powder or suspension), PPF doses and environments under which the study was conducted.
It has been reported in previous studies that environmental factors, such as wind speed, temperature, and relative humidity are responsible for triggering oviposition flights of gravid female mosquitoes (68). Because the current study was conducted in a semi-field environment, the observed oviposition behavior in sterilized An. funestus is more representative to what might happen under actual field settings compared to similar studies that were conducted under laboratory conditions (33, 57, 65).
Overall, the findings of this study further support the potential of autodissemination of pyriproxyfen in controlling primary susceptible and resistant malaria vectors. More striking, is the fact that sterilized mosquitoes were capable to autodisseminate PPF enough to cause adult emergence inhibition at the breeding habitats. Therefore, its potential use could be aligned with the current recommended integrated vectors control approach, which focuses on controlling and eliminating outdoor and residual malaria transmission (15, 69, 70). Furthermore, this presents an opportunity of scaling up this technique along recently recommended next generation bed nets co-treated with PPF and pyrethroid (70, 71). We envisage that host seeking resistant mosquitoes sterilized by PPF nets might transfer PPF upon successful access to a bloodmeal and resting in a contaminated station. In addition, the combined effect of these two modes of actions of PPF can be mathematically modelled to assess its additive or synergistic effect on malaria transmission interruption.
Despite achieving the main objective of this study, some limitations were observed. The effect of autodissemination of PPF was not directly monitored at the provided breeding habitat but through larval bioassays. All experiment were conducted in presence of small water volumes (1 liter), which was important to prove the principle, but not representative of actual habitats found in the field environment (72). Lastly, the resistance status of the exposed mosquitoes was not assessed, instead the supposition that they were resistant was based on the most recent reports from the same study area (73–76).