A full or partial deletion of PRICKLE2, a planar cell polarity (PCP) protein in the non-canonical Wnt signalling pathway, is associated with intellectual disability and autism phenotypes (Okumura et al., 2014; Schwaibold et al., 2013). Although Prickle2 is present within the mouse cerebellum at embryonic day 17.5, and continuous research heavily implicates the cerebellum in ASD pathology, our results suggest that brain wide disruption of Prickle2 does not affect cerebellar-mediated tasks that are associated with ASD, despite our observations of abnormal gapping between Purkinje cells (Fatemi et al., 2012; Tissir & Goffinet, 2006).
Purkinje cells are normally arranged in a layer between the granular and molecular layers of the cerebellum. Purkinje cells are the sole output of the computations that take place in the cerebellar cortex, relaying activity to the deep nuclei which project out of the cerebellum to downstream brain structures like the thalamus (Voogd, 1998). Although the overall count of Purkinje cells is not significantly decreased in the Prickle2−/− mice, our results reveal a notable gapping between Purkinje cells in the posterior cerebellar vermis. The posterior cerebellar lobules of the vermis have been shown to be involved in emotional regulation (Pierce et al., 2022; Schmahmann, 2019). Additionally, some Purkinje cell bodies appear ectopic and stacked-on top of each other or extending into the molecular layer of the cerebellum (see Fig. 1A). Typically, Purkinje cell bodies reside within the Purkinje cell layer.
Given that PRICKLE2 has been implicated in neuron maturation and neurite outgrowth via the Dishevelled dependent pathway, our results showing potential misplacement of Purkinje cells outside the appropriate Purkinje cell layer may be consistent (Fujimura et al., 2009; Mrkusich et al., 2011; Tissir & Goffinet, 2006). The polarity of cells is established with the involvement of Dishevelled non-canonical Wnt signaling, where PRICKLE1 and PRICKLE2 proteins are thought to be involved in the proximal side of a cell during polarity processes (Carreira-Barbosa et al., 2003). However, whether the specific role that PRICKLE2 plays in planar cell polarity could have driven the Purkinje cell gapping requires future studies (Veeman et al., 2003). There is recent evidence from vascular endothelial cells that describes non-canonical Wnt signaling’s role in cellular mechanocoupling (Carvalho et al., 2019). Although Purkinje cells are not mechanically linked together, they do have a vital relationship with neighboring cells through ephaptic coupling that when disrupted, could alter migration patterns during development (Han et al., 2018). Although our data do not support a significant loss of Purkinje cells in the posterior cerebellar vermis, alterations in migration patterns could underly the gapping between Purkinje cells in the Purkinje cell layer. These findings are not consistent with reports of vermal Purkinje cell loss in patients with ASD (Courchesne et al., 1988; Fatemi et al., 2012).
Purkinje cells of Prickle−/ were less excitable than Prickle2+/+ mice as evidenced by the I-F curve (Fig. 2B). That is, they generated fewer action potentials for a given excitatory drive. With no stark behavioral changes related to the cerebellum, the differences we observed in the electrophysiology of Purkinje cells could be attenuated downstream to account for normal cerebellar-mediated behavior. Testing this would require looking at downstream areas that receive cerebellar input such as the thalamus to determine whether there is still proper functioning despite the decreased Purkinje cell firing frequency. It is well known that sustained Purkinje cell firing is certainly necessary for proper downstream signaling and learning (Freeman, 2015; Ito, 2002). One potential aspect of the Purkinje cell that could be impaired in Prickle2−/− mice comes from recent work that shows Purkinje cell afterhyperpolarizations are mediated by BK-type potassium channels, which when downregulated decreases action potential frequency (Dell’Orco et al., 2017; Niday & Bean, 2021). This would fit with our current evidence, given that the fast afterhyperpolarization was more depolarized and produced lower firing frequencies. However, testing BK channels directly would be required to confirm whether they are driving the effect.
It is not known how non-canonical Wnt signaling could play a role in the dynamics of action potentials in Purkinje cells. If BK channels are impacted, there is some evidence that in HEK293 cells, alcohol was shown to regulate BK channel expression through Wnt signaling (Velázquez-Marrero et al., 2016). Whether such a mechanism also operates through prickle2-involved non-canonical Wnt signaling would require further testing. Wnt signaling plays a role in ion channel dynamics which could account for differences in action potentials. Several potassium and calcium channels have been shown to effect Wnt signaling. If Wnt signaling was disrupted, it is possible that ion channels that play a role in metabolic pathways could respond to that feedback and operate differently than normal physiological states (Muccioli et al., 2021). Future Purkinje cell electrophysiological experiments that probe ion channel function through pharmacology or calcium imaging, are needed to define the role of calcium channel activity and potential dysfunction in Prickle2−/− mice. Additionally, Purkinje cells within each lobule of the cerebellum should be further characterized to define the electrophysiological properties of those that are ectopic, stacked, and those that migrated to the normal position in the Purkinje cell layer. Further subdividing the Purkinje cells in Prickle2−/− mice could provide further insight into the functional differences and implications of gapping in the Purkinje cell layer.
There are several limitations to this study. Our focus on the cerebellar vermis may not accurately reflect the structural abnormalities reported in humans with ASD and many animal models given recent evidence localizing cognitive function to the lateral cerebellar hemispheres (Hampson & Blatt, 2015; Shipman & Green, 2019; Stoodley et al., 2017). Post-mortem analysis of cerebellar tissue in patients with ASD commonly reveals a loss of Purkinje cells, largely localized to the lateral hemispheres, as well as ectopic Purkinje cell localization outside of the Purkinje cell layer (Bauman & Kemper, 1985; Hampson & Blatt, 2015; Palmen, 2004; Whitney et al., 2008). Additionally, Purkinje cells at the base of the primary fissure of hemispheric Lobule VI (HVI) are known to be critical for proper eyeblink conditioning (Attwell et al., 2001; Heiney et al., 2014; Steinmetz & Freeman, 2014). Given that we observed no differences in eyeblink conditioning, we would hypothesize the Purkinje cells are normal in this region but should be explicitly investigated. Further, aldolase-C/Zebrin II striping of the cerebellum could provide further specificity to the lobular organization of Purkinje cell migration and affected function in the Prickle2-/- mice. (Brochu et al., 1990).
The cerebellum is necessary for learning and error detection (Popa & Ebner, 2019). Therefore, more robust differences may be identified by analyzing of nuanced aspects of a cerebellar-dependent learning. For eyeblink conditioning, longer interstimulus intervals could be used to make the task more challenging or trace conditioning could be included. Trace eyeblink conditioning differs from delay conditioning where there is co-termination of the CS and US by introducing a separation between the CS and US. This type of learning has been shown to involve longer term memory and downstream brain circuits that receive input from the cerebellum like the thalamus and ultimately the cerebral cortex (Weible et al., 2000). This may be essential as abnormal function of the cerebrocerebellar pathway is implicated in a myriad of neuropsychiatric illnesses like schizophrenia. During interval timing, previous work from our lab has reported inconsistent results from inactivation of the lateral cerebellar nucleus with muscimol (Heslin et al., 2022; Parker et al., 2017). Given the role for the cerebellum in learning, studies investigating cerebellar involvement in Prickle2−/− mice on the interval timing task may still be warranted at developmental timepoints, or with altered temporal durations, cues, or expected responses timing.
Overall, our results suggest that although Prickle2 and associated PRICKLE2 protein expression in other brain regions is critical for ASD-relevant behaviors, it may not be critical for ASD-relevant behaviors that rely on the cerebellum in adult animals (Sowers et al., 2013). Given the heterogeneity of ASD in animal models of- and humans with- ASD, cerebellar abnormalities and impairment on cerebellar-mediated tasks may be expected to vary in severity and involvement.
Experiment | +/+ mean | Std. dev. | -/- mean | Std. dev. | Statistical test | p-value |
Gap size, lobule IV, V (Fig. 1D) | 196.22 | 39.34 | 402.61 | 139.81 | t-test | 0.0068 |
Gap size, lobule VI | 250.09 | 79.913 | 793.23 | 545.01 | t-test | 0.038 |
Gap size, lobule VII | 246.03 | 34.63 | 544.25 | 129.16 | t-test | 0.00039 |
Gap size, lobule VIII | 317.46 | 172.82 | 598.78 | 189.49 | t-test | 0.030 |
Gap size, lobule IX | 247.33 | 69.57 | 529.59 | 245.94 | t-test | 0.024 |
Gap size, lobule X | 178.42 | 14.56 | 273.73 | 73.74 | t-test | 0.012 |
Patch clamping, fast afterhyperpolarization (Fig. 2D) | -56.12 | 3.44 | -51.58 | 2.74 | t-test | 0.025 |