Study species and site:
We studied Chinese mantises (Tenodera sinensis), because they are widespread, invasive, marketed as biocontrol agents, and have strong effects on the biomass of many insect and plant species (Hurd and Eisenberg 1990; Moran et al. 1996). We collected mantises and constructed experimental plots at the Donald S. Wood field laboratory of the Pymatuning Laboratory of Ecology, located in northwest Pennsylvania (41°34′09.6′′N, 80°27′51.4′′W). The site contains a mixture of deciduous forest and old fields. These fields are dominated by Solidago canadensis and to a lesser extent Poaceae spp., with Toxicodendron radicans growing beneath the level of the S. canadensis. These fields were also interspersed with Cornus racemosa, Rubus spp., Rosa spp., and other Solidago spp. Among these plant species, we focused on Canada goldenrod (S. canadensis), the most common herb. From these fields, we collected roughly 450 mantises via sweep net from June 26th to July 9th 2018, between their 4th and 6th instars. Until their 8th instar, mantises are flightless. We measured mantises’ head to tip length using digital calipers (Fisher Traceable) and mass using portable scales (Fisher Scientific Education). Mantises had an average head to tip length of 31.23mm ± 6.42SD, ranging from 19-56mm, and an average mass of 100mg ± 61SD, ranging from 15–400 mg. Upon collection, we housed each mantis in 600ml plastic containers containing two sticks for perching and 2 cm of dampened topsoil to maintain humidity. To help standardize hunger level and motivation to forage, each mantis was fed a large size-matched katydid nymph (Orchelimum vulgare) upon collection. The next day we began behavioral testing.
Behavioral tests and habitat complexity estimates:
The day after capture (June 29th to July 10th ), we quantified variation in mantises’ activity level and then, two hours later, their aggressiveness towards prey. To decrease the interference of multiple tests and extended lab stay in our experiment, mantises deployed to plots (n = 405) were assessed only once each. These tests were used to create mantis groups with either high or low activity level variability. We ran a separate pool of mantises (n = 19) through four iterations of activity to evaluate how repeatable this behavior is across time. This second cohort of mantises was given a katydid upon capture and their activity level was evaluated the next day. We then fed them another katydid and repeated this sequence thrice more (four tests in total across eight days).
Activity level refers to animals’ propensity to move around their environment, which determines their hunting mode (Huey and Pianka 1981; Savino and Stein 1989; Schmitz 2008), space use patterns (Wilson and McLaughlin 2007), and vulnerability to predation (Pretorius et al. 2019; Smith and Blumstein 2008). Activity level was estimated by open field test. We gently placed mantises (n = 447) in the bottom of 28cm wide, 16cm long, and 36cm tall plastic arenas with 1cm graph paper taped to the outside of the top, back, left and right sides. After we gently placed mantises in the bottom of these containers, we gave them a 30s acclimation period and counted how many squares the mantises crossed with their heads over the next 300s, using the grid on whichever surface they were climbing. We cleaned arenas with 90% isopropyl alcohol between trials. This focal population of Chinese mantises behaves consistently on a very similar activity level test conducted using differently sized containers (Lichtenstein et al. 2019).
The next day, we categorized mantises into extreme or moderate activity level pools (Fig. 1a). Mantises within the 26th and 75th percentiles in activity level were deemed moderately active, and those between the 1st and 25th percentiles and 76th and 100th percentiles were both deemed relatively extreme mantises. Set numbers of mantises from the extreme (both high and low ends) and moderate pools were assigned to plot groups randomly (Fig. 1b). Low density, low behavioral variability treatment plots received five moderately active mantises and one extreme mantis (Mean activity = 34.30 ± 6.69 SD, Mean CV = 0.73 ± 0.18 SD). High density, low variability plots received ten moderately active mantises and two extreme mantises (Mean activity = 38.52 ± 10.22 SD, Mean CV = 0.77 ± 0.12 SD). Low density, high variability treatment plots received one moderate activity mantis and five extreme mantises (Mean activity = 39.24 ± 7.46 SD, Mean CV = 1.35 ± 0.26 SD). High density, high variability plots received two moderate activity mantises and ten extreme mantises (Mean activity = 39.54 ± 9.08, Mean CV = 1.46 ± 0.19 SD). These densities were chosen to reflect expected densities for the higher and lower ends of naturally occurring mantis densities (Hurd and Eisenberg 1984b). These variability manipulations lead to a 88.4% difference in these plots’ activity level coefficient of variation (Linear model: F3,44=47.64, R2 = 0.77, p < 0.01) without altering average activity (Linear model: F3,44=0.92, R2 = 0.06, p = 0.44). Density manipulations altered neither activity level CV (Linear model: F1,44=0.39, R2 = 0.01, p = 0.53) nor average activity (Linear model: F1,44=0.68, R2 = 0.01, p = 0.41). All treatments received some extreme and moderate mantises so that behavioral variability was effectively manipulated without sharply compressing the range of phenotypes present among treatment groups. These mantis groups do not include 15 individuals that died between testing and deployment.
Before mantis addition, we estimated the structural complexity of these plots by estimating foliage density. This is very similar to approaches that use plant biomass (Kovalenko et al. 2012), but foliage density is a more direct metric of the amount of three-dimensional structure available to these insects. We estimated foliage density by placing meter sticks at five randomly generated coordinates within each plot and measuring the height at which any part of any plant touched the sticks. Like other biomass-related complexity metrics, for herbivores this very likely means more living space and food (Heck Jr and Wetstone 1977). However, for the carnivorous mantises, this is strictly structural complexity.
Plot construction:
After mantis groups were assembled, we placed them into one of 60, 2m by 2m open air plots: twelve of each density and behavioral variability combination (Fig. 1b) and twelve plots with no mantises (controls). Plots were spaced 2m apart. It took twelve days to assemble these 60 plots (June 30th to July 11th ), but each was allowed to run for exactly 40 days. High density (3 mantis/m2) and low density (1.5 mantises/m2) treatments match local densities that arise from egg cases of different sizes (Hurd and Eisenberg 1984a). The plots’ design was based on those deployed by Moran et al. (1996), only smaller. A prior study showed that less than 10% of mantises added to similar plots attempted to leave (Hurd and Eisenberg 1984a), suggesting that juvenile mantises disperse relatively little. Our plots were constructed by mowing 4 m2 squares into an old field in early April 2018, before leaves began to emerge. At this time, mantis ootheca were very easy to locate, so we removed them (~ 100 in total) and transported them to another old field over 100 m from the experimental plots. We then lined the perimeter of plots with 30 cm of black plastic sheeting held down with landscaping staples to prevent plant growth along plot borders (represented in Fig. 1).
Two weeks before experimental mantis addition, we confirmed whether no interloping mantises were present. We sampled these plots by sweep net, with eight swipes (two per side) roughly 75cm above the ground per plot. During these collections, we lined plots with 120 cm tall moveable polystyrene barriers to hamper jumping insects’ escape. No mantises were found during these collections, confirming that our ootheca removals were successful, and all other insects were returned immediately to their plots. Concurrently, we estimated initial average goldenrod biomass by measuring the height of each Canada goldenrod that touched the sticks during the foliage density estimation process. To estimate aboveground biomass based on stem height, we created allometric equations for Canada goldenrod (Supplementary Table S1) after Crutsinger et al. (2006). We measured the height of 48 Canada goldenrod, dried them in drying ovens at 35°C for 24 hours and weighed them immediately. We used AICc weight model selection to determine the best model for each species (Akaike 1987; Burnham and Anderson 2003). The best model had an R2 value of 0.87.
After these initial measurements, we clipped all plants between the plots and 20cm into the plots, to prevent mantises from exiting by leaping from tall plants. We lined the center of the black plastic with a 10cm wide coat of Tanglefoot to capture any immigrants or emigrants. On several occasions, we observed mantises walk up to the Tanglefoot, touch it, and then retreat. We patrolled the plots twice daily to remove overgrown plants and reapply Tanglefoot.
Next, we applied mantis treatments to plots. Each day, from June 26th to July 9th 2018, until 1200 hours we collected as many mantises as possible from the property. Upon completion of activity level tests and aggressiveness estimates, we assigned mantises into the density and variability treatments described above (Fig. 1). Plots were established in groups with one of each treatment, where the ordering of treatments randomly determined within each group of plots. This procedure allowed a relatively homogenous yet randomly distributed set of treatments across space. We added mantises to the plots between 1500 and 1700 hours over the course of twelve days and maintained each plot for 40 days.
Plot deconstruction and measurements:
We maintained the plots for 40 days to ensure that mantises were in the plots long enough until they reached sexual maturity and dispersed away in mid-August. Deconstruction ran from August 9th to August 20th, and we collected all data blind to treatment groups. We sampled insects using a Craftsman (41BS2BVG799) 27cc leaf blower with the included vacuum kit, after Stewart and Wright (1995). To catch insects, we set organza wedding gift bags in the vacuum nozzle kept in place with wire rings. After assembling the 120cm tall polystyrene barriers, we ran the vacuum over the plants for 120s switching sides every 30s. This technique sampled insects from the lower to upper canopy of the plants. Bags were sealed and removed from the vacuum while the vacuum ran to prevent insect escape. Bags were then immediately placed in 90% ethanol. We collected at least 50 insect families (Supplementary Table S2), although we were unable to identify all Thysanopterans, because most specimens were very small and damaged. Upon transport back to the University of California Santa Barbara, insects were identified to family, counted, and their body lengths were measured. Dipterans and parasitoid wasps were excluded from the analysis, because high dispersal ability permits these taxa to move among plots with ease. We used allometric equations to estimate the biomass of insects from each family using the family-specific allometric equations presented in Ganihar (1997). These estimates corroborated the less taxa-specific equation proposed by Rogers et al. (1976). When calculating total biomass, we removed two large orthopterans, because they were more than twice the combined mass of all other arthropods sampled from their plots and their inclusion resulted in two clear outliers. For the purpose of understanding how our treatments affect prey functional categories, these arthropods were sorted into five functional categories: predators, herbivores, fungivores, non-eaters (insects that only eat as larvae), and ants (categorizations shown in Supplementary Table S2). Ants do not cleanly fit into any of these categories, so we put them in a category of their own. Families were assigned to these groups based on available information of their diets. We then calculated the total biomass of each group for each plot.
Within 48h of each plot’s deconstruction, we measured the height of every Canada goldenrod (n = 14,182) stem of all sizes. We used the allometric equations described above (Supplementary Table S1) to estimate the aboveground biomass of each stem. We calculated average stem biomass of each plot rather than total biomass and subtracted the initial average goldenrod biomass, because total biomass is heavily influenced by stem density, which the mantises were unlikely to change in 40 days. They could, however, plausibly influence the growth of stems already sprouted when they arrived. All plot deconstruction transpired over twelve days.
Statistical analyses:
We estimated the repeatability of mantis activity level across four trials using a linear mixed model (LMM) fit with 1000 bootstrap iterations and a Gaussian error distribution in the rptR package (Stoffel et al. 2017) in R 3.4.1. The model had “trial number” as a fixed effect, “mantis ID” as a random effect, and “activity level” for its response variable. Because body length could potentially influence activity level via stride length, we fit a linear model with body length as the predictor variable and activity level as the response variable.
To gauge how accurately our measurements of habitat complexity describe their plots, we estimated the variance in the foliage density explained by plot ID. We used a linear mixed model (LMM) model with 1000 bootstrap iterations and Gaussian error distribution, but with “Plot ID” as a random effect and “foliage density” as the response variable, also fit with rptR. Finally, we tested whether structural complexity differed across the five treatments of mantis density and behavioral variability, using a linear model with “mantis treatment” as the predictor variable and “structural complexity” as the response variable
We then assessed the effects of mantis density, behavioral variability, and structural complexity on community outcomes using generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs). These models had “mantis treatment”, “structural complexity”, and their interaction term as predictor variables, either total “arthropod biomass” or “change in goldenrod biomass” as response variables, and deployment “day” as a random effect. The residuals of these two models appeared normal by q-q plot and Shapiro-Wilk test (arthropod biomass: W = 0.96, p = 0.09; goldenrod biomass: W = 0.97, p = 0.11). For the purpose of these models, and the ones described below, we removed one outlier with excessively high arthropod biomass (plot number 29; Grubb’s test G = 3.28, U = 0.82, p = 0.02).
Finally, we assessed the effects of mantis density, behavioral variability, and habitat complexity on the structure of prey communities by analyzing the relative biomass of five arthropod functional groups: herbivores, predators, fungivores, non-eaters, and ants (Supplementary Table S2). We used the package vegan in R to fit a Permutational Multivariate Analysis of Variance (PERMANOVA; Anderson 2014) based on the Bray-Curtis dissimilarities of the multivariate data (i.e., relative biomass of prey functional groups). We used the biomass of these categories relative to their representation in total biomass to control for large differences in biomass between plots. This model had “mantis treatment” and “structural complexity”, and their interaction term as predictor variables. Additionally, we performed a series of post-hoc linear mixed models on each functional category to dissect out the PERMANOVA results. These models had “mantis treatment”, “structural complexity”, and their interaction term as predictor variables, and the arthropod biomass categories as response variables. The excess of zeros in the ant data made linear models poor fits. We thus used the number of ants and negative binomial models to assess effects on ants. Ant abundance was closely correlated with ant biomass (Linear regression: F1,57=385, R2 = 0.87, p < 0.01).
To further break down the effects of mantises and habitat complexity we subjected the total biomass, herbivore, fungivore, and ant results to pairwise post-hoc comparisons among treatments and high (≥ 15) and low (< 15) levels of habitat complexity with Holm-Bonferroni multiple comparison corrections (Aickin and Gensler 1996).