The activity-travel behaviour of post-secondary (i.e., college and university) students has received increased attention in the literature in recent years. Compared to the general population, post-secondary students tend to have relatively unique travel needs and display different travel patterns (Akar et al., 2013; Limanond et al., 2011; Taylor & Mitra, 2021). In particular, post-secondary students tend to make more trips and use public transit and active modes more frequently than the general population (Wang et al., 2012; Whalen et al., 2013). Given that post-secondary students tend to be young adults, investigations into the activity-travel behaviour of these individuals have partially been motived by the potential for the habits formed at this stage of their lives to influence their future travel behaviour (Nash & Mitra, 2019; Polzin et al., 2014). Besides, studies of this nature have also been motivated by the potential for this segment of the population to represent a relatively large percentage of trip-makers as well as the potential for post-secondary institutions to influence travel demand and patterns in the surrounding region (Eom et al., 2009; Garikapati et al., 2016; Hossain et al., 2022; Khattak et al., 2011; Zhan et al., 2016). Given its potential short- and long-term implications for the transportation system, it is essential to understand the activity-travel behaviour of post-secondary students.
Previous studies have attributed differences in the activity-travel patterns of post-secondary students and the general population to the tendency for the former to live and work in areas that are denser and contain a greater mix of land uses (Devi et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2012). However, these differences may also stem from the relatively flexible and irregular nature of the daily activity schedules of post-secondary students, which tends to vary from one day to the next. Traditionally, operational travel demand models have accounted for the travel patterns of post-secondary students by treating post-secondary institutions as special generators; however, this approach is insufficient for several reasons. First, these models tend to be developed based on data obtained through household travel surveys, where post-secondary students tend to be underrepresented (Mitra & Nash, 2019; Wang et al., 2012). Second, this approach places a greater emphasis on non-discretionary trips (e.g., trips to campus or to return home) than on discretionary trips, which tend to be more flexible and can contribute positively to physical and emotional well-being (C. Chen & Mokhtarian, 2006; Dharmowijoyo et al., 2018). Third, traditional trip-based models cannot analyze the effects of activity schedules, due to the assumption that trips are made independently of one another (Castiglione et al., 2015).
This study uses data from a travel survey of university students in Toronto to explore the determinants of their location choice decisions – an aspect of activity-travel behaviour that has received relatively little attention in the literature. Specifically, the data are used to develop a location choice model for post-secondary students using public transit to participate in discretionary activities. The focus on these activities stems from the relative control that individuals have over the timing and locations of discretionary activities, the influence of discretionary trips on travel demand, and the tendency for studies on post-secondary students to focus on commuting trips (Coutts et al., 2018; Nguyen-Phuoc et al., 2018; Ortúzar & Willumsen, 2011; Taylor & Mitra, 2021). Using the location choice model, utility-based measures of accessibility by transit for post-secondary students are derived; these values are then compared to traditional count-based measures to highlight how accessibility by transit can be over-stated by traditional measures. In a large city such as Toronto, public transit plays an important role in helping post-secondary students fulfill their mobility needs, and accessibility by transit has the potential to influence the well-being of students (Cooper et al., 1992; De Vos et al., 2013; Kamruzzaman et al., 2011; Taylor & Mitra, 2021).
The goals of this study are: 1) to offer insights into the factors influencing the location choice decisions for discretionary activities among university students, 2) compare and contrast the findings derived from utility- and count-based accessibility measures, and 3) explore spatial variations in accessibility by transit for discretionary activities among post-secondary students in Toronto. The findings of this study can help shed light on the determinants of the location choice decisions of post-secondary students, which can influence mode choice decisions. Additionally, the results of this study offer insights into the strengths and shortcomings associated with using utility-based measures of accessibility. Overall, the findings of this study can help inform transportation planning decisions by offering further insights into the activity-travel behaviour of post-secondary students – a segment of the population that tends to be underrepresented in traditional household travel surveys.
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows: first a review of relevant prior studies is presented. Next, information about the datasets used in this study is provided. Then, the methods applied in this study are summarized. Finally, the key findings of the study are presented and discussed.
Literature Review
In the literature, many studies on the activity-travel behaviour of post-secondary students tend to focus on travel behaviour. Moreover, these studies predominantly focus on mode choice decisions for commuting trips or trip rates (Taylor & Mitra, 2021). Studies on the former typically find that travel times are negatively associated with the probability of choosing a mode, which is consistent with expectations (Akar et al., 2012; Danaf et al., 2014; Nguyen-Phuoc et al., 2018). However, the findings of Whalen et al. (2013) suggest that certain students may derive positive utility from travelling by car and bicycle; although this is somewhat counterintuitive, the enjoyment of travel has also been reported in other studies (Diana, 2008; Ory & Mokhtarian, 2005). Besides, mode choices have also been found to be affected by gender, with female students typically being found to be less likely to bike than their male counterparts (Akar et al., 2012; Delmelle & Delmelle, 2012; Zhou, 2012). There is also evidence that the living situation (Delmelle & Delmelle, 2012; Whalen et al., 2013) and reason(s) for choosing the current home location (Zhou, 2012) can influence the mode choices of post-secondary students. Additionally, the attributes of the built environment, including the coverage of transit stops, coverage of sidewalks, and topography, have also been found to influence the use of transit and active modes (Akar et al., 2012; Rodrı́guez & Joo, 2004; Whalen et al., 2013; Zhan et al., 2016). For a summary of the factors influencing mode choice decisions among post-secondary students, see Aghaabbasi et al. (2020).
Aside from mode choice decisions, certain studies have tried to jointly model the decision to use a given mode and the frequency with which it is used. An early example is the work of Wang et al. (2012), who used a zero-inflated Poisson model to model the number of trips made by students at Old Dominion University, in addition to the number of trips they made using an automobile and active mode. The results highlighted that undergraduate students and students who were enrolled on a full-time basis were more likely to make more trips, while the opposite was true for students who lived further from campus. Taking a similar approach, Daisy et al. (2018) estimated a zero-inflated negative binomial model to examine the determinants of the number of trips made by automobile, transit, and active modes at Dalhousie University. The authors found that students who lived further from campus were less likely to use transit, while students earning less that $15,000 annually and who lived at their current residence for less than a year were more likely to use active modes.
In addition to more traditional modes of travel, there are a small number of studies that have modelled the use of emerging mobility services among post-secondary students. One example is the work of Aghaabbasi et al. (2020), who developed a Random Forest model and applied Bayesian network analysis to study the adoption and frequency of ride-sourcing use for commuting trips at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. The results of the analysis highlighted the influence of age on the decision to use ride-sourcing. Hossain et al. (2022) utilized a more traditional approach in their study of the determinants of the frequency with which post-secondary students in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area used various modes for commuting trips. Based on the development of five zero-inflated ordered probit models, the results highlighted the influence of latent attitudinal factors on the frequency with which a given mode was used.
In contrast to the effort dedicated to studying travel behaviour, there is a relative dearth of studies focusing on the activity component of post-secondary students' activity-travel behaviour. Moreover, studies that have explored the activity component tend to focus on activity participation. For example, Eom et al. (2009) used data from a survey conducted at North Carolina State University to examine the amount of time allocated to various activities on a given day. They found that attending classes, having meals, studying, and recreation were among the most common activities and that activity profiles differed between graduate and undergraduate students. Additionally, the authors developed an activity transition matrix to gain insights into the sequencing of activities. In contrast, Chen (2012) applied a similar methodology using data from a survey of university students in Virginia but did not find evidence that activity profiles differed across students based on gender, age, or student status.
There is also a dearth of studies that have explored the determinants of the location choices of post-secondary students, which is an important component of activity-based travel demand models. One example of such a study is Garikapati et al. (2016), who developed a location choice model as part of their framework for modelling university travel demand. Using data from a survey of students attending Arizona State University, the multinomial logit (MNL) model was used to model the location choice decisions of the students; however, this model was primarily used to identify the origin of trips made to campus. A similar approach was applied by Eom et al. (2010) to model the location choices of students among the buildings located on the campus of North Carolina State University. As part of their model, the feasible choice set for a given student was determined based on the corresponding activity.
This study aims to contribute to the literature by offering insights into the location choice decisions of university students using public transit to participate in discretionary activities. Additionally, the findings of this study also shed light on the factors influencing the accessibility by public transit for university students. Despite the potential benefits of socialization and participation in discretionary activities on the well-being of students (Cooper et al., 1992), relatively little work has been done to explore the factors influencing where these activities occur. Besides, the number of studies focusing on accessibility by transit among post-secondary students in the literature appears to be limited. Consequently, the results of this study can help inform planning and policy decisions by shedding light on the activity-travel behaviour of a segment of the population that tends to be underrepresented in traditional data collection methods. Moreover, this information can help transit agencies plan routes that serve university students and universities by identifying the types of locations that students favour. This can help make transit a more attractive option for students, which has the potential benefit of helping transit use become a habit that persists during the later stages of the students' lives (Nash & Mitra, 2019; Schwanen et al., 2012).
Data for Empirical Investigation
The primary source of data for this study was the information collected through StudentMoveTO (SMTO) – a web-based survey of students attending the four universities in Toronto (University of Toronto, Ryerson University, York University, and OCAD University). The survey was conducted in 2015, with invitations to participate in the survey being sent to all students attending the four universities. As shown in Fig. 1 the Glendon and Keele campuses of York University and the Scarborough campus of the University of Toronto (U of T) are located outside downtown Toronto. A total of 15,226 students completed SMTO, representing a response rate of 8.3% (StudentMoveTO, 2018). As part of SMTO, respondents were asked to provide various information regarding their socio-demographic attributes, primary campus, home location, mobility tool ownership, attitudes, and use of various modes of travel over the past month (Nahal & Mitra, 2018). Additionally, respondents were asked to provide a one-day travel diary outlining the locations they visited on the survey day and the mode they used to travel from one location to the next.
As shown in Table 1, roughly two-thirds of respondents were female, while almost three-quarters of respondents were undergraduate students. As expected, the majority (72.7%) of respondents were under 25, although it is notable that 12.8% of respondents were over 29. Based on a comparison with the most recent iteration of the regional household travel survey, SMTO respondents displayed similar driver's license ownership rates and higher rates of transit pass ownership than the general population (Data Management Group, 2018). The latter could stem from the local transit agency, the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC), offering discounted monthly passes to post-secondary students. Besides, most respondents (76.8%) indicated they had used public transit at least once in the past month.
Table 1
Key summary statistics of the sample
% of Respondents
Another gender identity
Age group
15 to 19 years old
20 to 24 years old
25 to 29 years old
30 to 34 years old
35 to 39 years old
40 years old and above
University affiliation
OCAD University
Ryerson University
University of Toronto
York University
Student status
Mobility tool ownership
Driver's license
Transit pass
Use of modes in the past month
Private vehicle
Public transit
The sample size of SMTO was 15,226 responses
To help examine the influence of land use attributes on the location choice decisions of post-secondary students, two additional datasets were used to supplement the SMTO data. The first is the Enhanced Points of Interest (EPOI) dataset, which includes the coordinates and classification of each point of interest in Canada (DMTI Spatial Inc., 2016). Examples of classifications include accommodation and food services, retail trade, and educational services. The second dataset was a shapefile that segmented the study area into mutually exclusive land use categories. The categories used in the dataset include residential, commercial, and parks and recreational (DMTI Spatial Inc., 2014). In addition to land use information, data from the 2016 Canadian Census was also incorporated into the analysis to examine the influence of zonal socio-demographic attributes on location choice decisions.
Level-of-service (LOS) information was also incorporated into the analysis to help determine the available alternatives for the location choice decisions made by the SMTO respondents. Because traffic analysis zones (TAZs) were used as the basis for this analysis, transit travel times were imputed using the Tool for Incorporating Level of Service attributes (TILOS) tool described in Hasnine et al. (2017). TILOS utilizes a Google application programming interface (API)-based framework to obtain the in-vehicle travel time, access time, egress time, total travel time, walking distance, and the number of transfers required to travel from a given origin to a given destination. For this analysis, TILOS was used to impute the travel time from the centroid of a given TAZ to the centroid of every other TAZ in the study area. Due to cost constraints, LOS information was only obtained for three periods – 6 AM to 10 AM, 10 AM to 3 PM, and 3 PM to 7 PM. These periods are consistent with those used by the TTC when planning their service.