In the previous study(UROSAH study), we showed the nonlinear relationship between Chinese visceral adiposity index and new-onset myocardial infarction in patients with hypertension and obstructive sleep apnoea[9], However, the goal of blood pressure control in this population is currently unclear. Hence, we tried to explore the potential blood pressure goal of cardiovascular benefit in this special population by observing the correlation between blood pressure control level and MACCEs, so as to provide a reference for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease in this population. In the present study, we observed antihypertensive-drug-induced BP control at 120–140/80-90mmHg showed possible beneficial effect on incident MACCEs in the total cohort after adjustment for risk confounders. Further, SBP ≤ 120mmHg and DBP < 80mmHg showed more cerebrovascular benefits in patients with hypertension and OSA. Our study may provide more novel information for BP management of hypertension and OSA.
2020 International Society of Hypertension(ISH) global hypertension practice guidelines suggested BP < 140/90mmHg as the essential target of office BP for treated hypertension and < 130/80mmHg as the optimal target for treated hypertensives aged < 65yrs[7], a lower target BP was strongly recommended also in some high CVDs risk groups [11]. However, as a high CVDs risk group, the target of BP control for hypertension with OSA is unclear so far. In this study, when the systolic BP and diastolic BP were considered simultaneously, the lowest HRs of MACCEs, cerebrovascular disease and cardiovascular events were observed when BP was at 120–140/80-90mmHg compared to patients with uncontrolled hypertension both in the total cohort and in patients with OSA group, although no significant association was found. Moreover, the risk of cardiac events appeared to be increasing when the BP control ≤ 120/80mmHg, which was not consistent with the guidelines. The pathophysiology of OSA could be considered to explain the results, such as OSA-caused nocturnal intermittent hypoxia, hypercoagulable state, et al. Hence, it is speculated that untreated OSA may require slightly higher perfusion pressure to ensure blood and oxygen supply to coronary and cerebral vessels. In the present study, the following BP levels were based on the means of the BP measurements before MACCEs, which would make the results more reliable and tend to underestimate the risk of the events. However, due to a retrospective cohort study, our findings provided preliminary reference of the BP control for hypertension with OSA, especially for middle-aged hypertensives, who were thought to be a particularly important group in light of their uniquely elevated risk of CVDs morbidity and mortality[12].
When the systolic BP and diastolic BP control were considered separately, it was found that when SBP was controlled at 120–140 mmHg, the risks of MACCEs and cerebrovascular events in OSA patients with hypertension were reduced significantly. With the decrease of DBP, the risk of MACCEs and cerebrovascular events significantly decreased, especially when the DBP < 80mmHg, the risk of stroke can be reduced by about 50%. Similar to the results of ALLHAT study[13], our findings also supported that the risk pattern of SBP and DBP may differ by clinical outcomes in hypertension with OSA. As Franz Messerli wrote in his editorial, "the lower the better" is correct for stroke prevention. If there was no risk to the heart, the SBP with the best brain protection is 110–120 mmHg[14]. As well, the latest study found that intensive SBP control (SBP < 120mmHg) was associated with increased cerebral perfusion, most notably in participants with a history of CVDs[15]. However, the role of DBP in the prediction of CVDs is inconsistent. In 2017, the ACC/AHA hypertension-management guidelines did not consider DBP in the determination of cardiovascular risk [16]. But a very recent study pointed out that systolic and diastolic hypertension independently predicted adverse outcomes, no matter which threshold defines hypertension[17]. Our findings indicated that DBP would be an important risk factor for stroke in hypertensives with OSA. Some reasons could be discussed: (1) physiologically, the brain can maintain relatively constant blood flow in case of large fluctuations in perfusion pressure by automatic regulation. However, unlike the brain, cardiac perfusion mainly occurs in diastole. Therefore, very low DBP will easily affect myocardial perfusion rather than brain perfusion. (2)The possible mechanisms for the substrate and trigger of cardiac events in patients with OSA include inflammation/ atherosclerosis, endothelial dysfunction, hypercoagulability, left atrial enlargement, sympathetic activation[18], and excessive mechanical stress on the heart and large artery walls caused by strong intrathoracic pressure changes[6]; (3)In addition, OSA could also lead to plaque instability, plaque vulnerability and coronary artery calcification[19], which may affect vasodilation function of the artery. (4) It is well-known that effective antihypertensive therapy is vital to prevent CVDs for adults with hypertension. All subjects in our study were prescribed individualized antihypertensive regimens after systemic evaluation of hypertension, and if necessary, lipid-lowering drugs, antidiabetic drugs and/or antiplatelet drugs were also used, which may attenuate the association between BP control and incident risk of MACCE. Moreover, as the most recent prospective cohort study named Diastolic Chronic Heart Failure Study (DIAST-CHF) explained, OSA did not show a significant adverse effect on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in patients with cardiovascular risk factors [20], in which the effective pharmacological interventions and the limited number of severe OSA may be the possible reasons.
There are several limitations. Firstly, because the cardiovascular cause of death counted for 54.7% (41/75) of all-cause death, the association between BP control and the specific cause of death was not analyzed. Alternatively, the cases of the cardiovascular cause of death were respectively included in the MACCEs, cerebrovascular and cardiac events for analysis. Secondly, as complained in many studies [21], a substantial proportion of patients refused OSA-specific treatment although all severe OSA patients were initially recommended CPAP treatment as soon as they were diagnosed, nonetheless, these patients were taken antihypertensive drugs and followed up in our hypertension center, they provided information of the natural history of untreated OSA in hypertension. Thirdly, as a retrospective study, we did not use the models to adjust the role of variables over time (e.g. changes in complications). Fourthly, because a large number of individuals with OSA were untreated, we did not explore the BP control and the risk of MACCEs via comparing hypertensive OSA patients with and without treatment with CPAP. Though continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is known as an effective treatment for OSA, OSA is often undertreated in cardiovascular practice[3]. The SAVE trial even concluded that the use of CPAP did not prevent CVDs in patients with moderate-to-severe OSA and established CVDs[22]. The effects of CPAP treatment on blood pressure and long-term cardiovascular outcomes in patients with hypertension and OSA still need to be further explored. Finally, as a retrospective cohort study, our research proposes considerations for BP control goals rather than estimates the BP goals of hypertensive coexists with OSA by analyzing the correlation between BP control levels and long-term CVDs outcomes, the results need the prospective studies to verify.