The importance of mathematics education cannot be overemphasised. In support of this, the International Mathematics Union (IMU) and the African Mathematical Union (AMU) support research into the importance of mathematics education, emphasising that every school going child, without exception, should possess fundamental mathematical skills (Hasler & Akshoomoff, 2019). Notwithstanding the importance of mathematics, most grade four learners are not proficient in mathematics (National Assessment of Education Progress, 2019). Most learners face learning difficulties, and most teachers makes it difficult in making learners understand the subject (Hidayat & Prabawanto, 2018; Copur-Gencturk, 2021).
It is a common misconception in mathematics education that algebra is the foundation of all mathematics (Hoon et al., 2016); however, learners do not dive immediately into the abstractions and theories of algebra unprepared; fractions set the pace for algebraic thinking and proportional justification and is a vital element for the development of mathematical understanding and a stepping stone to a variety of desirable careers (Wijaya, 2017; Teoh et al., 2020). Learners who struggle in mathematics at the elementary, middle, high school, and college never gained fractional arithmetic skills (Bentley & Bossé, 2018).
According to Braithwaite et al. (2017), learners who are unable to learn advanced mathematics are less likely to succeed in the workforce because they are less likely to learn the fundamentals of fractions and are more likely to make mistakes (Van Steenbrugge et al., 2014). Given this, Wilkings and Norton (2018) argued that these difficulties provide a significant problem for students. For instance, evaluations of textbooks show that learning opportunities usually focus on procedural information, which exacerbates learners’ conceptual knowledge deficiencies (Lenz & Wittmann, 2020).
In addition to general cognitive abilities and whole number skills, the knowledge of fractional magnitude predicts overall and more specific results for mathematics (Karamarkovich & Rutherford, 2019).
Teachers must understand how their learners have demonstrated their fractional abilities with a number line since the number line is an excellent representation of increasing learners ability in fraction (Hwang et al., 2019). Barbieri et al. (2020) recommended that using the number line approach increases learners’ attention and attitude because it allows more discussion and strategies to be demonstrated. While Yu (2018) opined that fractions on number lines could help learners overcome their whole number bias and teach fractional magnitudes.
Learning fractions demands not only the familiarity with fractional concepts, definitions, and properties but also the capacity to build cardinal and ordinal numbers, compare and organise fractions, and use them to find fractions of shapes and numbers. Upper Primary learners are to simplify fractions, utilise them as operators, and find fractions of integers and quantities (NaCCA, 2019). However, many learners struggle with fractions despite years of instruction (Hwang et al., 2019; Roesslein & Codding, 2019). The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study [TIMSS, 2007–2011], the (Program for International Student Assessment) [PISA] (2015), and the (Early Grade Mathematics Achievement) [EGMA] (2015) all revealed that Ghanaian learners could not perform above curricular expectations (Mereku, 2016), highlighting the critical role of educators.
A similar scenario exists in the Basic Education Certificate Examination (WAEC, 2015, 2016, and 2017), where the Chief Examiner has repeatedly reported learners’ deficits in the fractional concept.
Nevertheless, failure to progress from Basic Education Certificate Examination and West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (BECE and WASSCE) will deny candidates access to the next level of education (Ntow, 2009). A number line is suggested to represent part-whole, quotient, measure, ratio, and operate among a schemata (Morano, Riccomini & Lee, 2019; Barbieri et al., 2020), which comprises rote knowledge, relationship knowledge, and visualisation abilities. Despite its effectiveness, most teachers and researchers do not employ the number line approach, which serves as one of the common reasons for learners’ difficulties (Gersten, Schumacher & Jordan, 2017; Dyson, Jordan, Barbieri, Rodrigues & Rinne, 2018). Anecdotal evidence from the researcher indicates that most Ghana Education Service (GES) approved textbooks did not consider number lines to solve fractions, even though the syllabus suggests number lines on a fractional chart.
While the number line approach is successful for fractional learning (Gersten et al., 2017; Dyson et al., 2018), there is a dearth of research on its usage in Ghanaian upper primary mathematics. However, interventions in Ghana have primarily focused on either area or set models, with linear models being neglected (number line) (Ametepeh, 2018; Amuah, Davis & Fletcher, 2019; Bernard, Golbert & Gabina, 2020). The current study employed a pretest-posttest non-equivalent quasi-experimental design embedded with a quantitative research approach to examine basic six learners’ performance, attitude, and challenges when using the number line in learning fractions. In addition, differences between the learners’ pre-test and post-test scores were examined to explore the influence of the number line approach on learners learning of fractions.
Research questions
The following research questions underpinned the study
- What are basic six learners’ level of performance through the use of the number line in learning fractions?
- What are the basic six learners’ attitudes toward the learning of fractions using the number line?
- What are the basic six learners’ challenges in using the number line in learning fractions?
Research hypotheses
The following hypotheses were formed to guide the study;
- H0: There is no significant difference in performance between the control and experimental groups on the pre-test scores
- H0: there is no significant difference between the control and experimental groups on the post-test scores.
Theoretical Underpinnings
This study was underpinned by the constructivist theory, which asserts that humans can better understand the information they have created (Mohammed & Kinyó, 2020). The learner is regarded as the focus of the instructional process. Prejudices, experiences, the period in which we live, and physical and mental maturity all influence how we learn. When a learner is motivated, he or she uses willingness, determination, and action to gather, convert, formulate hypotheses, use applications, interactions, or experiences to test these assumptions and draw accurate conclusions. As constructivism implies, learners are not “blank slates” devoid of ideas, concepts, or brain structures. Furthermore, constructivist recognises that learners are not empty vessels or blank slates waiting for knowledge (Noureen et al., 2020). Instead, learners build new knowledge from diverse past experiences, acquaintances, and beliefs (Noureen et al., 2020). Gupta and Gupta (2017) agreed that, similar to how all cells develop from pre-existing cells in cell theory, information already exists in the human body, and all that is required is methods for investigation. This demonstrates that learners have a sense of self-awareness when they come to class. They do not absorb ideas presented by teachers but instead, create their knowledge.
This study looked into the effectiveness of the number line approach in learning fractions. As a result, constructivism is relevant in this study because when learners construct knowledge independently, misconceptions may occur as they seek to form new ideas. Although misconceptions can never be avoided entirely, teachers can intervene before they become deeply rooted. Before addressing errors or developing interventions to promote understanding, teachers need to determine why their learners make mistakes or how misunderstandings have developed (Harbour et al., 2016).
Importance of Learning Fractions
A numerical line is an essential tool to use regularly in fractions during the lesson. A number line is a helpful tool for seeing which fraction is smaller and which is bigger and reinforces that those two fractions always have another fraction (Van De Walle et al., 2013). A number line is a graph showing the range of infinity-to-infinity integers. The number line is a great pedagogical tool, according to Skoumpourdi (2010), particularly as it allows learners to view mathematical concepts directly: the number line is utilised for counting, estimating, and time representation and for presenting distinct number sets. In addition, the number line can give geometric representation and measure and compare arithmetic processes.
According to Lamon (2012), there are three primary reasons why fractions must be taught:
Fractions have a significant impact on learners’ attitudes toward mathematics.
Fractions are a necessary part of school mathematics and daily life. Fractions are not just important in mathematics; they provide the basis of more advanced notions like ratios, rates, percent, proportions, proportionality, linearity, and slope. The ability to work with fractions is useful in many areas of life, including cooking, discount calculations, rate comparisons, unit conversions, reading maps, and financial planning.
In order to be mathematically competent, a solid foundation in fractions is required. The final report, Foundations for Success, written by the National Mathematics Advisory Panel in 2008, concluded that algebra is the most important subject for students to learn in high school and college. The primary reason American learners struggle in algebra is a deficiency in fraction fluency. The challenging “algebra for everyone” task will remain unachievable until “fractions for everyone” is achieved.
Importance of the Number Line as an Approach in Teaching Fractions
Additionally, Gray (2018) lists the following benefits of utilising a number line to teach fractions:
Number lines assist learners in visualising fractions as portions of a whole or a set and as a fraction of distance or time.
Number lines aid in the comparison of fractions.
Number lines are more successful than traditional visual models for teaching fractions.
Number lines assist us in determining equal fractions.
Number lines assist us in visualising a fraction as a number between two whole numbers.
According to Van de Walle, Karp and Bay-Williams (2013), number lines help learners compare numbers and acknowledge fractions as quantities rather than as “one number over another.” Additionally, number lines can broaden learners’ understanding of fractions by including negative fractions and fractions with values higher than 1, decimals, and per cent. Number lines are effective for illustrating the concept of fraction density.
Learners’ Misconceptions in Learning Fractions
Numerous studies have been conducted on learners’ mathematical misconceptions and errors (e.g., Mohyuddin & Khalil, 2016; Burgoon, Heddle & Duran, 2017; Aliustaoglu, Tuna & Biber, 2018). These misconceptions and errors might result from a number of causes, such as students' attitudes towards mathematics (Kusmaryono, Suyitno, Dwijanto & Dwidayati, 2019), teaching framework (Skott, 2019), teaching skills (OECD, 2019), learners’ preconceptions (Diyanahesa, Kusairi & Latifah, 2017), limited understanding in fractions(Saputri & Widyaningrum, 2016), and a lack of appropriate mathematical misconceptions appear to be connected with incorrect concepts developed by learners in mathematics as a result of lack of clarity in concept learning. As a result, individuals may feel that what they are doing is right or that they are unclear of what they are doing (Neidorf, Arora, Erberber, Tsokodayi & Mai, 2020). Such misconceptions may be the result of their past knowledge, which they erroneously generalised (Im & Jitendra, 2020). A mistake could be made as a result of incompetence or a lack of knowledge on the need to confirm the responses given (Hansen et al., 2015). Learners' understanding of mathematical concepts might be hampered by lingering misconceptions, leading to an abundance of mistakes (Im & Jitendra, 2020). An inaccurate conception of mathematics may lead to unfavourable attitudes and an incorrect perspective on the subject (Belbase, 2013).
Misconceptions are logical errors. At any level of fraction knowledge, there is the possibility of making a mistake. Makonye and Fakude (2016) define misconceptions as misguided beliefs and concepts that underpin a person’s state of mind, resulting in a cascade of errors. Failure to recognise that components of the whole are of equal size is an example of a misperception in the early stages of fraction learning (i.e., \(\frac{2}{3}\)would represent 2 of 3 equal parts). Siegler and Lortie-Forgues (2015) believed that misconceptions, such as learners not understanding an infinite number of fractions referring to the same magnitude, still support misconceptions. However, Fazio et al. (2011) posit those problem-solving errors are caused by inadequate confidence when dealing with fractions. Given this, Ramadianti, Priatna, and Kusnandi (2019) pointed out that this error occurs due to learners’ lack of context for recognising fractions. Furthermore, learners sometimes avoid the fractional parts of operations when doing arithmetic with mixed numbers. Learners’ misconceptions about fractions and the avoidance behaviours that result from them are common throughout their schooling. Fraction problems can last well into adolescence and adulthood (Siegler & Lortie-Forgues, 2015).
Fitri and Prahmana (2019) concluded from a sample of 30 seventh-grade learners from SMP Negeri 1 Piyungan that “learners continue to make mistakes when they recruit the unknown components of the problem and cannot use fractional concepts in counting and incorrectly convert mixtures into ordinary fractions.” In addition, learners make mistakes when converting integers to fractions and are less careful when counting. Finally, learners sort fraction numbers incorrectly (p. 8).
Widodo and Ikhwanudin (2018) reached a similar conclusion after interviewing, recording, observing, and using paper and pencil measures on 31 grade six learners about the challenges they encounter when dealing with fractions on the number line; they described four common student blunders: misunderstanding units, misinterpreting tick marks, incorrectly partitioning, and guessing. When examining learners’ answers, it was found that the answer was incorrect because of factors such as the ranking by the numerator and denominator proximity and the ranking of the minority or the majority, among other natural numbers. Thus, they proposed that, when teaching fractions, teachers should focus on unit understanding, clarify tick mark interpretation, remind learners of the need for partitioning and un-partitioning operations, and teach good estimate techniques.
Alkhateeb (2019) highlighted fifth-graders common mistakes in fractions and their associated thinking strategies in Zarqa (Jordan). Using a mixed-method approach with the diagnostic test and individual interview as an instrument, 240 learners were randomly selected, while 30 were interviewed. The outcome of the study showed various mistakes made by learners, which are as follows: the common mistakes were learners’ relations with fractions as integers, errors about basic concepts of the fractions such as taking into account that the fractional number is always higher than the figure \(\frac{A}{B}\) and that figure \(\frac{A}{B}\) is always less than one; another misconception was that learners misinterpret the numerator and the denominator with the actual value of the fraction without paying much attention to the integer in the fractional number. The results further show that more than 50% of the learners made mistakes associated with finding solutions to fractions issues regarding learners’ thinking and associated errors. The most apparent error was stating the fractions without prioritising the equal parts.
According to Siegler et al. (2011), learners can learn estimation fraction magnitudes between 0 and 1 (\(\frac{1}{2}\),\(\frac{1}{3}\),\(\frac{2}{3}\),\(\frac{1}{4}\),\(\frac{3}{4}\)) to help and support them in generalising their fraction magnitude knowledge. Learners will be able to reject irrational solutions if they have a sense of how near the answer might be, based on fraction magnitude. For instance, learners may refuse the approach that results in arithmetic errors of type \(\frac{1}{2}\)+\(\frac{1}{3}\)= \(\frac{2}{5}.\)This may prompt them to experiment with alternative approaches and see whether their response made sense. To support a more general knowledge of fraction magnitude, possessing a feeling of learners will be able to reject implausible answers by knowing what the answer might be near, depending on fraction magnitude (Siegler et al., 2011).
Trivena, Ningsih, and Jupri (2017) also observed: “how primary five learners understand fraction addition and subtraction.” Both learners and teachers were subjected to a test that included the Certainty Response Index (CRI) and an interview. In analysing student responses, both the CRI and interviews with both learners and teachers were used. The findings revealed that learners’ mastery of addition and subtraction concepts was dominated by the category “misconception.” These data revealed that the mastery concept of fraction addition and subtraction in fifth grade remained low. The learners, in particular, are unaware that addition and subtraction operations must equalise the denominator.
Hıdıroğlu (2016) argued two reasons why targeted results in the fractional unit were of fragile accessibility: learners’ misconceptions and the teachers’ learning-teaching process, which does not consider the learners’ prior knowledge. Learners’ thinking is transformed when they learn about fractions. Learners experience difficulties moving from whole numbers to fractions because they do not focus on “numeric entities” (Siegler et al., 2011, p. 274). Even if fractional education starts at primary school, even secondary and school learners often confuse fractions and entire properties (Siegler et al., 2011; Vosniadou, 2014).
While Lewis, Matthews, and Hubbard (2016) confirm that this mistake is not unique to learners when university undergraduates were asked which sum of \(\frac{12}{13}\) and \(\frac{7}{8}\) was closest to 1, 2, 19, or 21, and 15% chose 19 or 21. This incorrect response indicates that learners focused on the fraction’s components (numerator and denominator) rather than on its overall meaning and added the numerator (to get 19) or denominators (to arrive at 21). Due to their inability to process fractions holistically, individuals may wrongly apply their knowledge of whole number properties to fraction tasks, resulting in a “whole number bias” (Ni & Zhou, 2005; Siegler & Pyke, 2013; DeWolf & Vosniadou, 2015). For example, because the entire number 9 is higher in magnitude than the number 2, this prejudice may mislead someone to perceive the number 9 as more important than the number 2 and regard \(\frac{1}{9}\) as larger than \(\frac{1}{2}\).
Eroğlu (2012) discovered that Moss and Case conducted a study to determine whether prospective primary and secondary school mathematics teachers knew their learners’ fractional errors. The future teachers were cognisant of their learners’ errors but limited their explanations. They suggested using verbal descriptions, area models, real-world examples, preliminary knowledge replicas, standard teaching solutions, questions, simple examples, and exhibitions to assist learners in resolving their errors. They proposed verbal explanations, area models, real-world examples, standard teaching solutions, and leading questions, straightforward examples, opposite examples, exercises, and practises to help learners recognise and correct their errors. These earlier syntheses’ results helped develop a sense of useful teaching components for challenging learners in fractions.
However, these studies reviewed by Eroğlu (2012) and Zhang, Clements, and Ellerton (2015) focused on learners’ conceptual misunderstanding from area models to multiple representations using 40 respondents. Fitri and Prahmana’s (2019) study focused on the problems of learners in solving fractions using a descriptive research approach and a sample of 30 learners; learners’ errors were detected without emphasis on how those learners overcame their issues. Cramer, Ahrendt, Monson, Wyberg, and Miller (2017) also looked at the challenges that third-grade learners encounter using number lines as a model for a fraction using interview and qualitative research design.
Mitchell and Horn (2008) conducted a study to discover learners’ misconceptions regarding number lines. Twenty-nine grade six learners worked on eight number line tasks using an interview from two schools in metropolitan Melbourne. The fraction number line task was chosen to examine learners’ reasoning comprehension to measure the fraction sub-construct. An interview from year five learner completed question 11 during his interview on how to place \(\frac{1}{2}\) on the number line. “Put a cross where the number half would be on the number line,” he read aloud. He drew a cross halfway between 2 and 3. “Half of it,” he said when asked how he figured it out. Because zero is not a number in the middle [indicating the 1 and 4 on the number line]. This is the middle “[Counting in from both sides]” He did not count zero because he did not take into account the number, so 2\(\frac{1}{2}\) was the halfway point between 1 and 4. His answers during the interview and 24.4% of learners who completed the question on paper support the idea that it suggests procedure rather than a quantity or a distance from zero.
Learners’ Attitude Towards the use of Number Line Approach in Learning Fractions
Karika and Cskos (2022) used the number line approach study how well learners can conceptualise fractions in their heads. High reliability (alpha = .95) was found for the test among a sample of 124 fifth graders. According to the results, the correlation coefficients between learners’ overall performance and their attitude factors range from 0.21 (the usefulness of learning fractions) to 0.62 (the importance of studying fractions) (attitude towards fractions). Each of these R-values is statistically significant at the p < 0.05 level. Each group of items investigated thus far showed correlation coefficients of around the same size and significance. Performance was significantly correlated with learners’ attitudes toward learning fractions using a number line.
The fundamental objective of the research conducted by Govindarajan and Choo (2022) was to enhance the performance and attitudes of elementary school students in mathematics by introducing them to an effective learning approach (the number line). A quasi-experimental time-series design was used. Forty students were assigned to the treatment group, which used a blended learning platform (Moodle), whereas the same number of students in the control group traditionally received their education. Pre-Test, Tests 1 and 2, Post-Test, and Attitude Questionnaires and Interviews were utilised to collect data. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare the experimental and control groups to assess the data analysis strategy. The data shows a noticeable distinction between the two approaches at the p < 0.05 level. The study’s results confirmed that blended learning effectively raises students’ academic performance. It was also discovered that students’ attitudes improved due to their time in blended learning.
Hensberry, Moore, and Perkins (2015) investigate how using a simulation to teach mathematics impacts students’ motivation and performance. During four days, two groups of fourth graders used the simulation to practice basic fraction skills. Pre-test and post-test, a survey of students’ attitudes, and in-depth interviews with a sample of students all contributed to the data collected. Both procedural and conceptual understanding of fractions improved significantly between the pre-and post-tests. The focus group interview data corroborated the survey results showing that most students felt the interactive simulation helped teach them about fractions. These findings show that interactive simulations can be powerful instruments for fostering procedural and conceptual comprehension when combined with good instruction.
This study was further concurred by Barbiere et al. (2020), whose preliminary analyses indicated a statistically significant interaction between classroom attentive behaviour and intervention group on fraction concepts on the posttest, implying that there was a moderating effect of the experimental intervention on the detrimental effect of low attentive behaviour on learning. Students who struggle with fractions benefit greatly from being taught using a number line-based method that combines research-based learning strategies.