It is reported that ileal PP of mouse and human, jejunal PP and ileal PP of bovine, sheep and pigs begin to develop before birth, but some mature before birth (such as jejunal PP and ileal PP of cattle and sheep), while others can fully mature after birth (such as jejunal PP and ileal PP of pigs and mice, as well as human ileal PP)[1, 32-37].In addition, PP of some animals began to develop after birth, such as cecal PP and jejunal PP of chickens. At present, the relevant data on the development of PP in Bactrian camel are not perfect. Therefore, this study mainly refers to the data of bovine, sheep and other animals that have been studied. Reynolds reported that the first primary lymphoid follicle was found in the jejunum of sheep fetuses at about 60 days of gestation. The first ileal PP was formed in the middle of gestation (the 75th day of gestation), but PP finally matured in the last month of gestation. In the last month of gestation, the secondary lymphoid follicles of sheep fetus are composed of three areas, namely SED, GC and interfollicular area. Also, in the last month of gestation, the formation of these three areas marks the maturity of PP [38]. Beyaz et al. reported after the study of bovine fetal ileal PP that the first primordial PP was formed on the 164th day of gestation, began to form the aggregation of lymphoid follicle on the 227th day, and completed the development of follicles on the 271th day to form mature follicles [39]. Based on the results of the above studies, we can know that PP in the small intestine of cattle and sheep begins to develop in the early stages of gestation and matures in the later stages. In this study, we researched the development of ALNA in the fetuses of Alashan Bactrian Camel, and described the development characteristics of ALNA in fetuses of different gestational ages in detail. Pale-staining RECs were clustered in the submucosa and muscularis mucosa of ALNA in the 5-month-old Bactrian camel fetus, and there were a few lymphocytes nearby. At this stage, the ALNA began to develop. Diffuse lymphocytes began to form in the ALNA’s muscularis mucosa of the 7-month-old fetus, and the ALNA was further developing. In the ALNA of a 10-month-old fetus, lymphocytes from the muscularis mucosa converge to form primordial lymphoid follicles. As the number of aggregated lymphocytes gradually increases, primordial lymphoid follicles are formed that gradually increase in volume and extend from the muscularis mucosa into the lamina propria. At 13 months of gestation, the lymphoid follicles in the fold of ALNA’s mucosa began to gather with each other, forming the interfollicular area and FAE, but there was no typical GC. According to the experimental results of this study, the ALNA of Bactrian camels began to develop at the embryonic stage, but did not mature before the birth. Therefore, the results of this study confirmed that the developmental characteristics of the ALNA in Bactrian camel were not exactly the same as those of ileum PP in bovine, sheep and goats[40, 41]. In other words, although the ALNA of Bactrian camels begins to develop at the embryonic stage, like the small intestinal PP of cattle, goats and sheep, it does not develop as fast as the small intestinal PP of these animals. Until birth, the ALNA of Bactrian camels is still in an immature state. We speculate that the mature node of ALNA in Bactrian camel is likely to be in the postnatal period, and its maturation may require stimulation of breast milk or antigen.
It has been shown that the lymphoid follicles of PP in animals and humans form in the submucosa, then pass through the muscularis mucosa and extend to the lamina propria mucosa; However, some researchers believe that the lymphoid follicles of PP initially form in the lamina propria of the mucosa, and then extend into the submucosa through the muscularis mucosa. The above views are based on the results of the study of PP structure in adult animals. Asari et al.(1987) reported that the primary lymphoid follicles of the ileum of bovine fetus first appeared in the submucosa in the form of aggregation formed by small lymphocytes and a small number of cytosolic basophilic cells, and then some lymphoid follicles gradually developed through the mucosal muscularis to reach the mucosal surface to form the SED and FAE[37]. Ishino et al.(1991) reported that the first primary lymphoid follicles of cattle appeared in the lamina propria[42]. Reynolds et al. (1983) reported that the first primary lymphoid follicle of sheep appeared in the lamina propria of the mucosa,and with the development of the sheep fetus, the number and volume of lymphoid follicles increased gradually. In the last month of gestation, the volume of those lymphoid follicles had expanded, crossing through the muscularis mucosa and producing a thickening in the submucosa[38]. Beyaz et al. (2004) found that, consistent with the results of sheep and goat fetuses, the first primordial dome structure of bovine fetuses was formed in the lamina propria, but later, lymphoid follicles penetrated through the muscularis mucosa and extended into the submucosa, gradually forming mature PP in the submucosa[39]. In this study, ALNA of Bactrian camels began to develop in the submucosa during the early trimester of pregnancy, which was evidenced by the presence of a few lymphoid cells near the RECs in the submucosa, and these lymphoid cells aggregated around the RECs. In the second trimester of pregnancy, the number of lymphoid cells increased and distributed diffusely around the RECs in the submucosa and muscularis mucosa. In the third trimester of pregnancy, the number of lymphoid cells in submucosa and muscularis mucosae increases continuously, lymphoid cells gather together to form primitive lymphoid follicles, and the volume of primordial lymphoid follicles gradually increases, taking submucosa and muscularis mucosae as the base point, growing and extending to lamina propria. Therefore, the results of this study further support the view that lymphoid follicles extend from the submucosa to the lamina propria in PP.
Follicle associated epithelium (FAE), or dome epithelium, is the epithelial cell covering the top of PP. FAE in adult animals is mainly composed of intestinal epithelial cells and Microfold cells, a special cell distributed between them. Microfold (M) cells have the ability to absorb and transport antigen. Beyaz et al. found that the first primordial FAE of PP in the ileum of bovine fetus was only composed of cuboidal epithelial cells and some cells with a large number of multivesicular bodies in their cytoplasm, which were very similar to M cells in the epithelium related to PP follicles in the jejunum[39]. However, these cuboidal epithelial cells became columnar epithelium during late gestation. In this study, unlike the FAE development characteristics of PP in the ileum of cattle, the FAE of the primordial lymphoid follicles in ALNA of Bactrian camel is mainly composed of columnar epithelial cells. By the 13th month of gestation, with the formation of the SED, the FAE gradually changed into cuboidal epithelium, which was also mixed with some intraepithelial lymphocytes. The result suggests that the developmental characteristics of FAE in ALNA of Bactrian camel are special before birth.