Landslides cause considerable damage to infrastructure and an increasing number of deaths globally (Froude & Petley, 2018), while mountains are well-recognized hotspots of their occurrence (Nadim et al., 2013). This calls for ongoing efforts for effective risk assessment and management preventing landslide disasters in the mountain regions. Landslide risk reduction (LRR) is a complex task involving measures preventing landslide initiations or the intensity of their harmful impact on the protected elements containing also social innovations aimed to reduce exposure or vulnerability (Hostettler et al., 2019). Moreover, it has been proved many times that the implementation of effective risk reduction measures requires the participation and collaboration of several actors including local inhabitants (Hostettler et al., 2019; Maes et al., 2018; Muñoz et al. 2016). Otherwise, the desired risk reduction measures may not be accepted and effectively implemented by their recipients among which belong also to remote mountain communities (Maskrey, 1989). Even when the risk reduction measures are successfully implemented, ever-changing social (e.g., local power shifts, the dominance of lay over scientific knowledge, urban development), environmental (e.g., changing climate or rock strength properties) or technical (e.g., the construction life cycle of mitigation measures) conditions may again increase the risk even to levels prior the risk reduction effort (Evans, et al., 2009). Therefore, risk reduction management should be applied as an ongoing process capable of identifying and reflecting social (including risk perception; Haller, 2010) and environmental changes which drive the risk (Neal, 1997). This is highly challenging for all involved actors (e.g., communities, and research institutes), which participation the landslide risk management needs to be supported by a national legal framework. All this has been acknowledged by the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction – International Consortium on Landslides (ISDR-ICL) Sendai Partnerships for reducing landslide disaster risk as one of the voluntary commitments contributing to the goals set during the Third United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR, Sassa, 2015). The Partnerships encourage to reduction of vulnerabilities to landslides through research of the signatory institutions producing results, which otherwise would not be achieved (e.g., Stember et al., 2017; Vilímek et al., 2021).
This article documents the long-term effort to design, implement and maintain effective measures to increase resilience to landslides in the small rural community of Rampac Grande in the Cordillera Negra Mountains, Peru. It presents approaches to improve local landslide hazard and risk assessment and evaluates the effectiveness of the previously adopted risk reduction measures four years after the termination of the LRR project. It provides an overview of the community participation and perception of the performed mitigation measures as well as management of the project by external expert organizations.
1.1 Study area
The study area is located in the Cordillera Negra, on the NW slopes of the intermontane basin drained by the Santa River to the Pacific Ocean (Fig. 1). The graben structure of the valley originated during Early Pliocene and Holocene deforming Mesozoic and Tertiary sediments and volcanic rock infill. The Mesozoic basement rocks are represented by limestone, shale, mudstone, claystone, sandstone, and conglomerate (INGEMMET, 1995; Weston, 2008) covering the majority of the study area (Carhuaz and Parihuanca-Chulec-Pariatambo Formations in Fig. 1; Vargas et al. under review; Weston, 2008). The east side of the graben valley is bounded by the Cordillera Blanca normal fault with long-term vertical displacements near the study site smaller than 3 mm/y and no historical earthquakes recorded (Macharé et al., 2003; Košťák et al., 2002). Despite that, the site is located in a region with very high seismic hazards (Heras and Tavera, 2002) with earthquakes being capable of triggering thousands of landslides during a single event (Plafker et al., 1971).
The slopes around the Rampac Grande village are densely covered (26%) by different types of landslides (Fig. 1) varying from deep to shallow slides and debris flows. A number of these landslides were assigned as active during geomorphological and InSAR-based inventory mapping with the latter showing surface movement rates ranging from 10 to > 100 mm/a (Strozzi et al., 2018). In some cases, detailed deformation histories were studied showing ongoing movement activity or significant reactivation following the above-average precipitations during the 2008/2009 rainy season. A number of active landslides located on the banks of the Santa River or its tributaries point out that stream erosion is an important factor contributing to landslide development (Fig. 1). Debris flows occurrence is largely constrained to stream channels which are well acknowledged by the local community. One of the streams within its territory is called “Lloclla” (Fig. 1), which means “Frequent debris flows”, reflecting their frequent occurrences (personal communication).
Landslide occurrence in the study area is closely related to the annual precipitation pattern dominated by the rainy season (October to April) with average total precipitation of 556 mm for the city of Huaráz (26 km SE from the study site, Klimeš & Vilímek, 2011). The annual average temperature varies between 11°C and 16°C depending mainly on the altitude (Kasser et al., 1990) while diurnal amplitudes are much higher possibly reaching 40°C (Yoshikawa et al., 2020).
The Rampac Grande community has 1,036 inhabitants (according to the local health centre, 2016) with roughly half of them (48%) dwelling near the Santa River and the rest living in the area around the 2009 landslide (Fig. 1). The inhabitants predominantly work in agriculture or as unqualified labour. More than 60% of their houses have access to electricity and water. The entire community is accessible via unpaved, but well-maintained road crossing the renovated (in 2017) bridge over the Santa River. Public lighting covers a large part of the settlement.
1.2 Rampac Grande landslide and the community
April 25, 2009, Rampac Grande earth slide – earth flow was the reactivation of older landslides on the slope with an inclination between 15° and 25° formed by weathered argillite rocks and tuffs. The landslide material was classified as fine gravelly very coarse silt sediment with high content of secondary carbonates (20–57%) and in some cases also of smectite clay mineral (10% or 29%; Klimeš & Vilímek, 2011). The landslide H/L ratio of 0.444 (Fahrböschung of 24°) does not represent highly mobile failure (Scheidegger, 1973) though its main movement phase was represented by very rapid flow responsible for 5 victims. The repeated expert-based hazard assessment (Vilímek et al., 2016; Klimeš & Vilímek, 2011) correctly predicted the accommodation of the 2009 landslide through partial sliding below its scarp and accumulating new debris in its distal part. Furthermore, the observations identified ongoing erosion unloading toes of two partial landslides identified after the 2009 event along its major scarp (Fig. 2) possibly lowering their stability. Initial results of the movement monitoring of these two landslides suggested ongoing creep and further stressed their persisting, possibly high hazard (Klimeš et al., 2019).
The unexpectedly fast failure of the 2009 landslide upset the community seriously limiting its development for several years (2009–2017) as it was regarded as highly landslide-prone territory by the local administration and other state agencies (Klimeš et al., 2019). During the first years after the catastrophic event, the community was largely left without relevant support for the recovery process due to a lack of expert knowledge at regional administration offices and missing or inappropriate communication of gained scientific results produced by external expert groups (both national and international). Therefore, the community applied its own measures to reduce landslide risk, which included housing relocation to safer parts of their territory and limitation of external visitors (Klimeš et al., 2019). Although these measures were at least partly effective and supported by expert opinion (cf. housing relocation), other traditional landslide risk mitigation measures strongly contrasted with the expert recommendations. They were revealed during interviews with the local inhabitants, who repeatedly claimed, that they were waiting until the mountain will “heal” to re-settle even the most hazardous sites around and below the 2009 landslide. The “healing” process referred to a gradual process of vegetation growth and surface erosion gradually masking morphological evidence of the 2009 landslide providing the appearance of a normal landscape state (Vilímek et al., 2016).
1.3 Response of the scientific community to the Rampac Grande landslide
These developments motivated participative landslide risk reduction project executed by the affected community, regional administration, national research institute INAIGEM (Instituto Nacional de Investigación en Glaciares y Ecosistemas de Montaña) and foreign experts (Vargas et al. under review) with the last two actors initiating it. The project (2016–2017) identified and implemented landslide risk reduction measures (e.g., hazard zonation, movement monitoring of the most hazardous landslides), which were accepted and maintained by the community and in a short-term (one year after the LRR project termination, Klimeš et al., 2019) allowed the development of the irrigation infrastructure, which otherwise would not be possible due to high perceived landslide risk resulting into suspension of state funding of the village development (Klimeš et al., 2019). Nevertheless, the long-term effect of the LRR project is unsure especially with respect to the changing political (e.g., changes in community and local administration power structures) and environmental conditions (e.g., precipitation pattern, agricultural practices related to field irrigation) as well as future participation of external experts (e.g., INAIGEM).