It seems that in common sense, superconductivity and magnetism are two incompatible phenomena in the same material, it is such that one of the fundamental properties of superconductors is the expulsion of the magnetic field from its interior [1, 2, 3]. In addition, the exchange interaction forces the alignment of the Cooper pairs' spins in the same direction, preventing pairing. On the other hand, in some classes of materials such as cuprates [4], heavy fermions [5], iron pnictides [6] and organic superconductors [7], the superconductivity is close to the antiferromagnetic state and in some cases, there is a coexistence of these two phenomena as observed by the phase diagram of these materials, a satisfactory explanation for the emergence of superconductivity in these materials is still controversial. In practice, superconductivity and antiferromagnetism can harmoniously coexist because, on average, the exchange interaction is zero, such that the magnetic moment has no effect on Cooper pairs. Although the antiferromagnetic exchange interaction does not prevent the superconductor pairing, some anomalies arise in these antiferromagnetic superconductors such as: anomalous dependence of the critical field as a function of temperature [8], gapless superconductivity [9], appearance of new phases in antiferromagnetic materials that exhibit weak ferromagnetism [10]. Pure cuprates, a class of undoped copper-based oxides, are antiferromagnetic insulators that arise from the electron spins of neighbouring coppers in the CuO2 planes. Due to strong indirect exchange interactions between copper spins, the long-range antiferromagnetic ordering is established with TN ~ 300–500 K, above a certain doping value, the antiferromagnetic phase disappears giving way to a superconducting phase in these compounds. A feature of all cuprates is the presence of CuO2 planes and is where superconductivity occurs, whose planes are separated by other layers called charge reservoirs.
The phase diagram of the cuprates is quite interesting, but quite complex due to the numerous phases when doping these materials. On the other hand, this can be circumvented by mimicking those, building an antiferromagnetic insulating material in contact with a normal metal. On the other hand, this can be circumvented by mimicking those, building an antiferromagnetic insulating material in contact with a normal metal. And by proximity effect, verify how much antiferromagnetism can influence the properties of the metallic layer from which the new properties will be observed. In the literature there are already few theoretical works dealing with such a study [11, 12, 13], but it seems that the choice of materials to observe superconductivity is not the best. I recently published a preprint [14] that is under peer review showing that there are changes in resistance as a function of temperature when a highly frustrated antiferromagnetic insulator is in contact with normal metal. My results clearly show an increase in resistance as a function of temperature in the copper path exactly where the clinoatacamite magnetic transitions occur. Such behaviour is related to the change of spin states of copper where such state would be the creation of singlet pairs in the copper metallic path.
In this work, I show superconducting type transitions by proximity effect that occur in the metallic copper path when a highly frustrated antiferromagnetic layer is in contact with it.