3.1 Reliability of Numerical Calculations
It is a typical quasi-static issue to stretch the mesh at a low loading rate. In general, the static and quasi-static analysis can be solved with ABAQUS/Standard. However, by using Standard, it frequently takes a long calculation time to handle the nonlinear issues (such as geometric nonlinearity, material nonlinearity, and nonlinear boundary conditions) and even fails to converge to the final solution. Explicit is suitable for solving nonlinear dynamic problems and quasi-static problems as well as highly nonlinear problems with varying contact conditions, by which the convergence of the nonlinear issues is resolved to a great extent. However, the detailed FE models are computationally expensive (Escallón et al. 2014). The mass scaling method refers to the technique of obtaining large explicit time steps by adding nonphysical mass to the structure, which is available for static or quasi-static simulations. Thus, the mass scaling method is adopted in order to improve the computational efficiency.
The stabilization time increments in ABAQUS/Explicit can be obtained from Eq. (9).
$$Δ t={L}_{e}/\sqrt{E/\rho }$$
where \({L}_{\text{e}}\) and ρ are the minimum characteristic element length and density of the element.
The initial time increment \(Δ t\) of this model is 3.7 × 10− 8s. Furthermore, during the simulation experiment, the elements extremely deform under the load, and the minimum characteristic size shortens rapidly. Deformed elements will consume more computing resources. By changing the mass scaling of elements to increase the time step, convergence and computational efficiency can be improved. However, mass increases lead to changes in the kinetic energy of the system, which may affect the dynamic behavior and the reliability of the results. Therefore, balancing the relationship between computational cost and model reliability becomes particularly important. Figure 13 shows the change curves of energy with the elongation of the mesh system, including the kinetic energy EK, the total strain energy EI, the artificial strain energy EA, and the total energy balance ET. As shown in Fig. 13(a), the EK slowly increases to 7.0 J before the elongation reaches 14% and then decreases to 5.0 J when the elongation reaches 17%. At the elongation of 17%, the wire failure causes the kinetic energy to surge and then fall back rapidly. The EK is almost negligible compared to the EI, which means that the computational cost savings of using mass scaling without changing the quasi-static behavior of model.
The statement in the previous section shows that the reduced integration elements (C3D8R) are used in the simulation to reduce the computational cost. These elements have a small number of integration points in each direction. In some cases, the node displacement is not zero, but the strain obtained by interpolation is zero. This phenomenon is called hourglass, also known as non-physical zero energy deformation. The EA is used to control the hourglass. Numerically, EI is the sum of the EA, the energy dissipated by plastic deformation, the energy dissipated by damage, and the recoverable strain energy (ABAQUS 2014). EI and EA are the outputs during the simulation experiment. As shown in Fig. 13, the EI and the EA exhibit a similar growth. In addition, the ratio of the EA to EI is an important indicator to judge whether the calculation results are reliable. The ratio of the EA to EI generated by the system is defined from Eq. (10).
$$\mu =\raisebox{1ex}{${E}_{A}$}\!\left/ \!\raisebox{-1ex}{${E}_{I}$}\right.$$
µ is highly correlated with the accuracy of calculation results. The larger the µ, the lower the reliability of the calculation results. Some scholars recommend that the value of µ must be controlled below 10% and preferably not exceed 5% (ABAQUS 2014; Cao and Shi 2009; Sun et al. 2019). As shown in Fig. 13(b), µ suddenly leaps to 7% and then drops to 3% at the beginning of the experiment, which is a normal phenomenon caused by the loading. Then, after a small fluctuation, µ decreases to 2.4% and the corresponding elongation is 3%. As the mesh elongation grows, the distortion of the elements becomes more and more serious, the value of µ gradually increases due to the EA increases faster than the EI until the elongation reaches 8%, at which µ equals 3%. After the elongation is greater than 8%, the growth rate of the EA is slower than the EI, resulting in µ continues to drop to 1.8% when the elongation is 17% and some wire break. In conclusion, µ is controlled below 3% and does not exceed the 5% limit during the whole simulation process.
The ET is the total energy balance (ABAQUS 2014) during the simulation experiment on the whole mesh system. The closer the ET is to 0, the better the convergence of all the energies in the simulation, and the better the reliability of the numerical simulation results. As shown in Fig. 13(a), the ET is almost 0 until the elongation is 14%. The ET rises progressively after the elongation is greater than 14%, but its maximum is only 0.6 J. The ratio of ET to EI is negligible, which means the convergence of all energies in the simulation is excellent.
From the analysis above, this simulation experiment is reliable.
3.2 Deformation Characteristics
Figure 14 presents the deformation characteristics of mesh under quasi-static uniaxial tension obtained by numerical simulation. During the mesh tensile process, a phenomenon similar to "necking" occurs in the X-axis direction. The hexagonal mesh near the tension boundary becomes longer and thinner, while the mesh inside maintains a better hexagonal shape.
As shown in Fig. 14(a), the final deformed mesh panel length is 353.0 mm, while the initial is 330.0 mm, thus, the mesh’s absolute displacement is only 23.0 mm, which is less than the displacement of the tension device (56.0 m). This phenomenon indicates that the double-twists would be compressed by the device to produce mechanical deformation during tension. In view of the fact that the displacement of the tension device is usually taken as the mesh extension in physical experiments, the recorded displacement in physical experiments is not the real mesh displacement.
Figure 14(b) shows the mesh displacement in the Z-direction, indicating that the mesh within the tension device has almost no deformation in the Z-direction, but the right selvage wire has an obvious bulge toward the Z-axis. The hexagonal meshes near the tension device are squeezed by it resulting in out-of-plane deformation. The bulging of the right selvage wire is caused by the terminal wire beyond the tension device bending inward, resulting in a column-like eccentric pressure instability, as shown in Fig. 14(c). This is consistent with the physical experimental phenomena and indicates that the mesh model can effectively demonstrate the 3D deformation characteristics under a specific load.
3.3 Stress Distribution
As the French standard requires, the stress at the failure of the mesh material must be between 350 and 550 MPa with a minimum elongation of 10% (Bertrand et al. 2008). The Mises stress cloud at the moment of wire failure is shown in Fig. 15, with the black circle being part of the most serious stress concentration, and the red circle being part of the more serious stress concentration. As shown in Fig. 15, the stress concentration is most serious at the hexagonal mesh opening around the tension device, and the maximum stress is 644 MPa. Simultaneously, some hexagonal mesh openings within the tension device also have a more serious stress concentration, with a stress magnitude of 590 MPa. The stress distribution of the mesh corresponds well to the macroscopic phenomena of the physical experiment of (Thoeni et al. 2013) shown in Fig. 16. In the physical experiments, most of the wires failed at the extremely deformed hexagonal mesh openings around the boundary of the tension device, where the most severe stress concentration occurred. Furthermore, failure locations in physical experiments are common at the tension device and the hexagonal mesh opening, which may be caused by the variability in the material properties of the wires as the stress magnitude at hexagonal openings is only 8% less than at the maximum. As far as the numerical model is concerned, compared with the DE model which can only obtain the wire where the break occurs, the FE model obtains the point on the failure wire.
There is no stress concentration in selvage wires and terminal wires, and the stress is 50 MPa on average. The terminal wires only provide a winding position for wires to maintain a specific shape of the mesh, and fail to improve the tensile mechanical properties. The tensile properties provided by the selvage wires are limited by the boundary constraint of the stretching device. To investigate the effect clearly, the stretching device needs to be improved, and the possibilities are to remove the boundary constraint and extend the stretching device in the panel width direction so that it stretches the entire mesh or apply tension along the horizontal direction.
3.4 Axial Force-Elongation Result
Figure 17 shows the force-elongation curves for the uniaxial stretching of the mesh obtained from physical experiments and numerical simulation respectively and it can be seen that the two have a good coincidence. The tensile failure process can be divided into two typical stages. The first stage is the tensile deformation of hexagonal mesh, and the second stage is the deformation of the wires. But the critical elongation of the two stages in numerical simulation is slightly different to that in physical experiment. It can be observed from the numerical simulation results that the axial force increases smoothly in the first stage, and the critical elongation is 8% which is larger than the 5% in physical experiment. After the elongation is greater than 8%, the slope of the curve remains constant until the wire fails.
The average force curve of the physical experiments has the same growth trend as the numerical experimental curve at the first stage. However, the error of the two curves increases obviously after entering the second stage, when the wire starts plastic deformation. It is different from the increase of the physical experiments, the curve slope of the numerical simulation shows a decreasing and then increasing trend. The slope of the second stage in the physical experiment increased obviously until failure, with a maximum axial force of 31.4 kN. But, the maximum axial force at wire failure in the numerical simulation is 30.5 kN. The error is about (31.4–30.5)/30.5 = 3%. In addition, in the physical experiment, the slope of the axial force curves decreases before the second stage ends, and the mesh shows a clear plastic flow, while the numerical experiment is more inclined to brittle failure. There are many possible reasons for the discrepancy. Firstly, the boundary conditions are different, the ideal rigid body in the numerical simulation makes the constraint conditions stronger, while the force causing the tension device deformation in the physical experiment may make the constraint weaker. Secondly, the explicit method will inevitably accumulate errors. In addition, all aspects are more desirable in the numerical simulations than in the physical experiments, where the mesh size and material properties would differ. But such errors are acceptable, particularly since they save a lot of computational costs. Compared with physical experiments, FE simulations are more convenient and economical. It can reveal the mechanical properties of the mesh to a certain extent.