Growth substrates and plant species
Cow dung as the organic amendment (OA) and garden soil (GS) were used for amending the OB to prepare the growth substrate in this study. The OB was collected from Bharat Coking Coal Limited (BCCL) Colliery, Jharkhand, India, having latitude and longitude of 23°48'12.5"N and 86°19'32.0"E, respectively. Tropical dry and wet climate prevails in the region, with peak temperatures reaching up to 48o C during the summer months and an average annual rainfall of approximately 1241 mm in the monsoon months. The locally available dry cow dung manure was used as a supplement for the nutrient deficit OB, while the garden soil was collected from the nursery in IIT (ISM) Dhanbad. The physico-chemical properties of the growth substrates and textural distribution of all the three materials used in this study are shown in Table 1.
The saplings of BG were obtained from BCCL, while tillers of lemon grass and vetiver grass were obtained from Shristi Solutions, Prayagraj, India. The propagation of LG and VG plants in the form of tillers is fast and convenient. These plant species were chosen based on their utility in eco-restoration and their tolerance against the harsh existing environment of OB (Singh 2000). Figure 2 (inset) shows the initial state of the Bamboo grass sapling and Lemon and Vetiver grass tillers that were later placed in the plantation pots.
Table 1
Physico-chemical and textural characteristics of coalmine overburden (OB), organic amendment (OA), and garden soil (GS)
Overburden (OB)
Organic Amendment (OA)
Garden Soil (GS)
Physico-chemical Properties:
Organic Carbon (%)
Electrical Conductivity (dS/m)
Total Nitrogen (%)
Available Potassium (ppm)
Available Phosphorus (ppm)
Texture Distribution:
Silt and clay (%)
Sand (%)
Gravel (%)
The dimensions of each polyethelene pot used in this study are as follows: depth = 0.30 m, bottom diameter = 0.14 m, and top diameter = 0.25 m with a weight of 0.346 kg.
Materials preparation
Material preprocessing was done for OB and OA. Larger fractions of the OB were removed by sieving it through 31.5 mm Indian Standard sieve, thus limiting the largest fraction to one-tenth of the largest dimension of the pot due to space restriction. The lumps of OA were crushed until no lumps were seen. No preprocessing was given to GS. Six varying proportions of OB, OA, and GS were prepared and designated as treatments T1-T6, as shown in Table 2. Treatment T1 comprised only OB, while T6 consisted of only GS. Treatments T2, T3, T4, and T5 consist of 20%, 16.67%, 33.33%, and 28.57% OA and 0%, 16.67%, 0%, and 14.28% GS, respectively. Each of the three plant species was planted under each treatment condition in triplicates. Therefore, the average values are presented. Material mixing was carried out through hand-held equipment (shovels) until a homogeneous mix was obtained. The nomenclature T1BG stands for the bamboo grass grown under T1. Similar notations are used for other plants throughout the paper. The soil mixes were exposed to the ambient environment for acclimation for 10 days. The experiment spanned 150 days, from July to November. The start of the experiment was marked by planting the grasses in the pots at the on-set of the monsoon season. Water requirement was met mostly through precipitation, while manual watering was done intermittently on non-precipitation days. The saplings and the tillers were placed in the pot soil and watered on the tenth day, recorded as the experiment's start date. No additional OA or GS was supplied to any plant till the experiment was terminated.
Plant monitoring and its physical characteristics
Table 2
Growth substrates mix ratio by weight (kg)
Organic Amendment (OA)
Garden Soil
The shoot height (cm) of all the plants was recorded weekly. At the end of the experiment, the plant roots were carefully washed and examined for the total root depth (cm), root density (RD, kg/m3), and root volume (RV, cc) to understand the effect of the amendment. Tensiometer was used to record the root suction of each plant continuously, where the tensiometer reading was directly related to the root suction values. Zero value implies no suction which increased with time due to evapotranspiration. The washed roots were suspended freely in the air and root depth was measured. The root density is defined as:
$$\text{R}\text{D}= \frac{{M}_{d}}{V}$$
Where Md = dry root mass, and V = volume of the soil sample (m3).
Root distribution and root area ratio
The entrapped soil in the roots was washed off with the water jet, and the roots were examined for root distribution. The roots were placed on white board with 2 cm x 2 cm square grids to better understand the roots' lateral and vertical extent (Fig. 3). Root diameter was measured at every 2 cm depth using a digital vernier calliper having the least count of 0.01 mm. The measurements were recorded and placed under different root diameter classes. The roots having a diameter greater than 0.1 mm were accounted for during the computation of the root area ratio (RAR), which is defined as the root area (Ar, m2) divided by the cross-sectional area of soil (A, m2) at any depth and is expressed as follows (Leung et al. 2015):
$$RAR = \frac{{A}_{r}}{A} = \frac{\sum _{i}^{n}{A}_{i}}{A}$$
Where n = total number of roots at any depth and Ai is the area of the ith root. The root hairs were not considered due to the difficulty in their precise diameter measurement, which eventually kept the calculation on the safer side during the estimation of root cohesion.
Root tensile strength
The root morphology of all three plant species revealed that BG has mostly rigid roots, while LG and VG consist of only flexible roots. The roots having d > 1.5 mm in the Bamboo grass were not tested for their tensile strength as they slipped off from the grips before rupture (Saifuddin et al. 2015; Stokes et al. 2009). Therefore, for each plant species, the root diameter (d) considered in the root reinforcement model ranged between 0.05–1.5 mm. The roots were tested on the same day of root washing to prevent decay. It is noteworthy that this study did not consider the variation of Tr due to the root moisture change. A servo motor-based universal testing machine (UTM) attached with a 0.5 kN “S-type” load cell (least count: 0.0001 kN) was used for determining the root tensile strength. Sandpaper and rubber membrane was used while gripping the root to prevent slippage and stress concentration, respectively (Leung et al. 2015). A sudden drop in the load was recorded at the root rupture, marking the end of the testing. Figure 4 shows the UTM assembly used in this study. A constant strain rate of 10 mm/min was given until the root rupture. The root's load response (kN) was measured against the elongation through the data acquisition system (DAS). The root tensile strength (Tr, MPa) was defined as the ratio of peak tensile force (Fp, kN) to the root cross-sectional area (Arr, m2) at the location of rupture (Mattia et al. 2005):
$${T}_{r} = \frac{{F}_{p}}{{A}_{rr}} = \frac{4{F}_{p}}{\pi {d}^{2}}$$
Where d (mm) is the root diameter at the rupture point.
The roots that snapped near the grips were discarded, and the test was repeated. Root testing aimed to establish a statistical relationship between Tr and d through the power equation (Gray and Sotir 1996):
$${T}_{r} = {ad}^{-b}$$
Where a is a scale factor and b is the rate of strength decay which are the species-specific empirical constants. The same tensile testing methodology was adopted for all the plants to eliminate the variation in Tr (Bischetti et al. 2005).
Root cohesion
The high tensile strength roots (compared to soil) permeate the soil and form a dense root-soil matrix, adding strength to the soil (Liu et al. 2020; Ni et al. 2019; Waldron 1977) that mobilizes the shear force in the soil due to the soil-root interface friction. Hence, there is an increase in shear strength compared to the non-vegetated soil, known as root cohesion (cr) (Abe and Ziemer 1991; Mattia et al. 2005; Operstein and Frydman 2000; Stokes et al. 2008; Yang et al. 2016). Wu et al. (1979) proposed a root reinforcement model for quantifying the cr, which has been widely used ever since then under different soil conditions and terrains (Adhikari et al. 2013; De Baets et al. 2008; Mattia et al. 2005; Waldron and Dakessian 1981). However, this approach has not been employed for estimating the cr on the coal OB dumps, where conducting large in-situ tests in the existing conditions is challenging. The assumptions in this model include the perpendicularly oriented, fully flexible root fibers to the plane of shear with constant thickness, simultaneous mobilization of root tensile strength with small strain, and unaltered soil friction angle due to the introduction of roots (Leung et al. 2015). The shear strength of the root-reinforced soil (sr, kPa) as per Mohr-Coulomb can be expressed as follows:
$${s}_{r} = s+ {c}_{r}$$
Where s (kPa) is the shear strength of bare soil, and cr (kPa) is the extra shear strength due to the roots (root cohesion).
A major assumption in Wu approach is that all roots attain their ultimate tensile strength at the same time during shearing, which has been shown in multiple experiments to be unrealistic since it overestimates the improved shear strength (Docker and Hubble 2009, Fan and Su 2008). If the negative exponent (b) of the Tr vs. d curve is higher, the overestimation is less (Adhikari et al. 2013; Pollen and Simon 2005). The b values obtained in the present study are almost two times that obtained in other studies (Bischetti et al. 2005; Burylo et al. 2011; Hudek et al. 2010). Also, in the present study, the d range is narrow (0.05-1.5mm); therefore Wu approach is preferred over the fiber bundle model. The shear strength due to the total mobilization of root tensile strength is expressed as:
$${c}_{r} = {t}_{r}(sin \theta + cos \theta tan \varphi )$$
Where tr = full mobilized root tensile stress per unit area of soil (kPa), θ = angle of shear distortion in the shear zone (o), and ϕ = soil friction angle (o). The value of sin θ + cos θ tan ϕ has been found to be insensitive to the normal ranges of θ and ϕ. It generally lies in the range of 1.03–1.3. An average value of 1.2 was used in this study. It was assumed that roots are firmly held in position and follow the breakage mechanism during the shear force application. The tr can be expressed as the product of the root tensile strength and root area ratio.
$${t}_{r} = {T}_{r} . RAR$$
Therefore, Eq. (6) can be written as:
$${c}_{r} = 1.2 RAR . {T}_{r}$$
To consider the variability of roots with varying diameters, Eq. (8) can be written as:
$${c}_{r} =1.2 \sum _{i = 1}^{n}{T}_{ri}\left(\frac{{A}_{ri}}{A}\right)$$
Where Ari and Tri are the root area and tensile strength of the ith root out of n roots. The variation of cr with depth for each plant can be calculated using Eq. (9).
Statistical analysis
The data were analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics V26. Levene’s test for homogeneity of variance, homogeneity of regression slopes criteria, and observation independence was checked before performing the Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) analysis. A significance level (α) of 0.01 was adopted to study the effect of the treatment condition on RAR, Tr, and cr with their respective covariates. The linear regressions of log (RAR) and log (cr) against log (depth) and log (Tr) against log (d) were used in ANCOVA. The empirical constants (a, b) for each plant were obtained through a power law curve-fitting on the tensile testing data (Tr and d). The adjusted R2 values were referred to for the goodness of fit.