Mannheimia haemolytica is one of the most economically significant etiological agents troubling sheep and goats globally, and it is the primary causal bacterium associated to pneumonic pasteurollosis [29]. In this study, M. haemolytica was identified from sheep k2and goats in Sebeta and Holeta town using culture, biochemical, and Biolog, MALDI TOF MS and Real time PCR detection. Clinical finding of pneumonic pasteurollosis caused by Mannheimia haemolytica agent reveals are nasal discharge, fever, respiratory distress, fast respirations, salivation, in appetence and coughing. These clinical manifestations resembled to those described by [30]. The identification of M. haemolytica with biochemical methods is often challenging in some conditions due to antibiotic treatment, vaccination, transportation and storages [31]. Of the 213 cultures two (2) nasal swabs were tentatively identified as M.haemolytica. This finding is lower than the findings of [32], [33], [34] whose reports were 2.22% in sheep and goat, 11.2% in sheep and 14.10% and 11.80% in sheep and goats respectively.
M. haemolytica in present study discovered on blood agar as, white to grey colonies, smooth round and β-type haemolysis and on MacConkey agar appeared as pink pin point colonies as described by [34]. The isolate of M.haemolytica was found to be Gram-negative, coccobacilli, non-motile, bipolar, non-spore-forming, catalase and oxidase positive. These findings were consistent with [35]. Biochemically isolates fermented mannitol, arabinose and glucose while negative for indole, citrate, urease, and, trehalose this finding in line with observations of (Legesse et al., 2018).
Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI TOF MS) identification method uses ribosomal proteins, which are commonly found in proteins. MALDI TOF MS is faster, reduced labor and reagent expenses for confirming M. haemolytica [36]. In present study two (2) M. haemolytica isolate were tentatively identified by biochemical and confirmed by MALDI TOF MS similar results were obtained by those two methods. This study supports the agreement between biochemical and MALDI TOF (Urban-chmiel et al., 2016) who state that degree of agreement between the two methods for identifying M. haemolytica was found 100%. In addition to biochemical and MALDI TOF MS similar results of M. haemolytica were found by Biolog in recent study. Association of this method consistent with those of [25] who used MALDI-TOF MS and Biolog GEN III. The effectiveness of these methods in identifying bacteria to species was found to be similar with[37]. Also, MALDI-TOF MS has the possiblity to replace these time-consuming [38].
Polymerase Chain Reaction is one of the most rapid and sensitive molecular tools for bacterial identification. PCR-based identifications rely on the amplification of nucleic acid[39]. The PCR results revealed that only two (2) M.haemolytica isolate were positive, which was consistent with the findings by [40]. The current detection rate is lower than previously study by [14],[41], [26] and [3] whose report 9.09%, 20.2%, 6% and 34.21% respectively. To our knowledge, this is the first study in Holeta and Sebeta town described by multi approaches such as biochemical, MALDI Biotyper, Biolog, and Real time PCR detection of M.haemolytica.
Several factors, including identification methods, misidentification, seasonal variation and veterinary service, are likely to be responsible for the disparity of the result [34]. Holeta and Sebeta towns are in the same agro ecology zone. However, result from Holeta town were the negative for M. haemolytica 0 (0%). Finding of this study is in agreement with [35] who found results of one hundred nasopharyngeal swabs of apparently healthy field goats (0.00%) were negative for M. haemolytica and stated that seasonal variation is one factor for the agent, in Baghdad, Iraq. Predisposing factors such as stress in the region's current climatic conditions and changing weather patterns may have led to stress formation in the form of natural incidences of pneumonic pasteurollosis caused by M.haemolytica [42]. They also coincide with [34], who discovered a higher prevalence of M. haemolytica in the spring and early summer.
Antimicrobial susceptibility testing of M.haemolytica is necessary to determine resistance development. Antibiotic resistance has been documented in M. haemolytica isolates [43]. The most susceptible antibiotic disc in our investigation were Amoxicillin/clavulanicacid,Chloramphenicol,Oxytetracycline,PenicillinG,Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, Ceftriaxone, Tetracycline, and Ampicillin. The current findings contrasted with those of [44] who found 100% resistance to ampicillin, penicillin-G, 83.3% resistance to tetracycline and 58.3% to chloramphenicol, respectively. Furthermore, M. haemolytica isolates have been found to be extremely resistant to tetracycline according to [45]. This study was also in line with the findings of [46], who claimed that chloramphenicol is 66% effective and well tolerated against a broad range of bacteria. In addition [44], found that trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole was 83.3% effective against M. haemolytica isolates.
Another obtained finding indicates that, M. haemolytica isolates were resistant to streptomycin, erythromycin, and clindamycin. This resistance may be linked to the widespread use of these drugs for disease prevention and treatment [47] This finding agrees with that of [48], who discovered that M. haemolytica isolates were 75% resistant to streptomycin. Furthermore, this outcome was consistent with a previous study from a Chinese veterinary clinic, in which the sick goat was given streptomycin on a regular basis, resulting in significant bacterial resistance. However, studies from Australia imply that streptomycin which are not available to food-producing animals, are responsible for the sensitivity.