By combining low doses of NT and MCFA, we confirmed our hypotheses that (1) individual combinations varied in their CH4 mitigating efficacy and (2) there was one superior treatment (NT + C10) that decreased methanogenesis the most without negative effects on fermentation. In addition, the microbial community shifted to resemble the rumen microbiota of low-CH4 emitting cattle (low Ruminococcaceae 33,34, high Succinivibrionaceae 35).
Combinations of NT and various MCFA differed in their CH4 suppressing effect, confirming previous findings that CH4 mitigation is dependent on the MCFA type 19. Overall, our results suggested that the most effective combinations were those containing C10. The most effective treatment was NT + C10 (–40%; mL/g DMi). This is consistent with the anti-methanogenic effect of C10 reported by Goel et al. (2009), who showed a dose-dependent effect of C1017. In their study, C10 at 400 and 600 mg/L of incubation medium decreased CH4 production by 44% and 88%, respectively, but also inhibited overall fermentation, as suggested by decreased VFA production 17. In contrast, Dohme et al. (2001) reported no effect of C10 (approximately 600 mg/L) on methanogenesis using a RUSITEC, an in vitro rumen simulation technique18.
The most efficient binary combination of MCFA in the present study was NT + C10/C12. When expressed as CH4 production per VFA, this treatment inhibited CH4 production to the greatest extent. Consistent with this, Desbois and Smith (2010) reported that MCFA with 10 or 12 carbons is the most biologically active and that the antimicrobial activity of MCFA decreases with any change in carbon chain length 29. C12 is one of the most frequently examined MCFAs 19. In previous studies, C12 has decreased CH4 production in the rumen by up to 89% in vitro 18,36 and by as much as 76% in vivo 37,38.
The fact that binary combinations of MCFA might be effective anti-methanogenic additives was demonstrated by Soliva et al. ( 2003). In their study, C12 and C14 exhibited synergistic CH4 suppression effects. Their various proportions decreased methanogenesis by 50–96%, and the extent of inhibition increased with increasing amounts of C12 in the mixture. However, in our study, NT + C12/C14 decreased methanogenesis by much less in comparison with the study of Soliva et al. (2003). The lower efficiency of our binary combination may be attributed to the C12/C14 ratio. CH4 production was not as inhibited in our study as it was in the study of Soliva et al. (2003), where CH4 production progressively decreased with an increasing proportion of C12 in the mixture. We assessed a 1:1 ratio, whereas the most effective ratio reported by Soliva et al. (2003) was 2:1 or higher. Another reason could be the higher concentration used in their study (1000 mg/L vs. 500 mg/L in our study) 36.
In general, the treatments that did not contain C10 or C12 were less effective. Namely, NT with C8, C14, and their binary combination decreased methanogenesis only by 16–24%. In line with this, C14 has been reported to have low efficiency 14,18,20, and the low potential for CH4 inhibition by C8 is in agreement with the findings of Ajisaka et al. (2002) 39.
In general, individual MCFA with NT had little effect on nVFA production or individual VFA proportions. This is in line with the findings of Yanza et al. (2020), who showed that VFA concentrations were not significantly decreased by MCFA in vitro but only in vivo. Furthermore, in our study, sole NT treatment had no effect on nVFA, supporting the results of other in vitro studies with NT 40,41. The P-value in the analysis of variance was statistically significant (P = 0.031); however, Dunnett´s post-hoc analysis failed to identify significant differences between the treatments (P > 0.05). Nevertheless, the numerical differences showed the NT + C10 treatment decreased nVFA the most (–14.2%). Previously, similar doses of C10 (400–600 mg/L) decreased total VFA production by 17–23% 17,18. This difference could be due to the NT in our treatments, which might have mitigated the inhibitory effects of MCFA on nVFA production, as NT has previously increased VFA concentrations 42,43. Conversely, treatments C8 and C14 had the lowest effect on rumen fermentation, as indicated by their weak effect on CH4 inhibition. In line with the generally low inhibitory effect on CH4 production, the effects of the C8 and C14 treatments on nVFA production were negligible.
The molar proportions of the individual VFA were most prominently affected by the NT + C10 treatment. These effects are consistent with the strong anti-methanogenic and antimicrobial activities of C10 29. The NT + C10 treatment decreased acetate production. Acetate formation, an H2 releasing pathway, usually decreases at higher H2 concentrations, which occurs when methanogenesis is inhibited 44,45. High H2 concentrations favor H2 sinks such as propionate, butyrate, and valerate 44–46. We did not measure the levels of H2, however, this theory was confirmed by an increase in butyrate concentrations, which, as demonstrated in a fermentation balance experiment, may provide 14% of the H2 sinks in the rumen 47. Propionate is a more common H2 sink than butyrate 47; however, its concentration did not increase. This could be because propionate-producing bacteria were inhibited. Indeed, the propionate-producing families Prevotellaceae, Veillonellaceae, and Selenomonadaceae 48,49 were reduced, but at the expense of Succinivibrionaceae, which produce succinate, a precursor to propionate 48. As a result, another explanation could be that the bacteria producing propionate from succinate were inhibited. Furthermore, the added NT, a favorable H2 sink 45, was available and could have consumed the free H2 required for propionate production 50. Acetate is normally produced by cellulolytic microorganisms along with H2 46,51. The decrease in acetate might be due to C10 inhibiting cellulolytic microorganisms, such as the family Ruminococcaeae 52, which was inhibited in the NT + C10 treatment along with acetate production.
The effects of MCFA on digestibility are type- and dose-dependent 19,31,53. Higher doses of MCFA typically decrease nutrient digestibility both in vivo and in vitro 19,31,53. For example, in in vitro continuous culture, C8, C10, and C12 at 5% DM (approximately 600 mg/L) reduced NDF digestion by 2.4, 6.0, and 8.7%, respectively 18. This reduction may be due to the absorption of fatty acids (FA) on feed particles, limiting the access of enzymes and microbes, and/or FA may be directly absorbed by fiber-degrading microbes (protozoa or cellulolytic bacteria), to which they are toxic 19,24.
Nevertheless, in the present study, digestibility was not influenced by MCFA, presumably because of their low dosages. The only exception was the NT + C14 treatment (–6.7%), which had no significant effect on rumen fermentation or nVFA, and the proportion of microorganisms was very similar to that of the control. This result is similar to that of Dohme et al. (2001), who reported the lowest organic matter degradability in C14 (–7.4%). NT alone (3.65 mM) did not decrease digestibility in our study. Previously, 5 mM NT did not decrease digestibility as well 27. However, higher doses of NT may be toxic to cellulolytic bacteria and decrease digestibility in vitro 27.
All treatments, including NT alone, increased pH in our study. This increase may have been due to the addition of NT, which is reduced to ammonia in the rumen. These results are consistent with those of Zhou et al. (2012), who reported an increase in pH at higher NT concentrations 26. In our study, the NT + C10 treatment increased the pH to a maximum of 6.27, which is in line with the numerically lower nVFA levels in this treatment. Similarly, Dohme et al. (2001) reported the highest pH when supplemented with C10 18. However, all values of ruminal pH remained within the physiological range (5.5–7.5 54,55).
Various combinations of MCFA with NT added to ruminal fluid significantly affected the richness and diversity of bacterial populations to different degrees (Table 3, Fig. 1). Currently, treatments containing C10 and/or C12 significantly decreased the alpha diversity indices (Table 3), consistent with their effects on other ruminal parameters in our study and their strong antibacterial activity reported previously 17,18,29. Burdick et al. (2022) used a mixture of MCFA (C8, C10, and C12) and, contrary to our results, did not report any changes in alpha diversity 31. This might be due to the low concentrations used in their study, although there was a reported tendency to reduce the bacterial richness. Previous studies on MCFA either did not investigate ruminal microbiota 17,32 or used less sophisticated (chamber counting method) and insufficiently specific methods 18.
The dominant bacterial phyla in the current study were Firmicutes, Bacteroidota, and Proteobacteria; this is consistent with the findings of previous studies 43,48,56. The treatments (particularly those containing C10 and C12) that decreased CH4 production also increased the relative abundance of Proteobacteria (Fig. 2a). Proteobacteria predominantly belonged to the family Succinivibrionaceae (Fig. 2c). Hydrogen plays a central role in CH4 production 57,58. The amount of H2 in the rumen can be influenced by the abundance of H2-producing and H2-consuming bacteria associated with CH4 emissions 59. Previously, low-CH4-emitting ruminants and tammar wallabies were associated with the H2-consuming family Succinivibrionaceae 34,35,60. Succinivibrionaceae utilize H2 to generate succinate (a precursor to propionate) and, therefore, can reduce CH4 emissions 48. Treatment with NT + C10 increased the relative abundance of Succinivibrionaceae the most (70.7%) (Fig. 2c). In contrast, Succinivibrionaceae were the least abundant in the NT + C14 treatment (25.2%). NT + C10 and NT + C14 treatments decreased CH4 production the most and least, respectively.
Within the phylum Bacteroidota, treatments with greater inhibition of methanogenesis decreased the relative abundance of the genus Prevotella (Fig. 2d). The genus Prevotella utilizes H2 and produces propionate 59,61,62; in a study with Colombian buffalos, a higher abundance of Prevotella was associated with lower CH4 emissions 63. However, our findings are not consistent with this, as the genus Prevotella was less abundant in treatments resulting in lower CH4 production. This lower relative abundance of Prevotella could be explained by H2 availability in our study. Theoretically, the low H2 availability may have been due to the H2 being used for the reduction of supplemented NT to ammonia 61,64. Furthermore, H2 could have been utilized by the family Succinivibrionaceae, and therefore outcompeted the Prevotella genus. This shift in relative abundance from Prevotella to Succinivibrionaceae has been previously noted 65,66. Furthermore, the relative abundance of Prevotella is decreased by supplementation with NT 67. However, the majority of the previous studies on NT have reported an increase in the relative abundance of Prevotella 12,62,68,69, because Prevotella is associated with nitrate metabolism 69.
In the phylum Firmicutes, treatments with the greatest anti-methanogenic potential (NT + C10 and NT + C10/C12) decreased the relative abundance of the family Ruminococcaceae (Fig. 2c). The Ruminococcaeae belong to the H2-producing bacteria 70 and are present in higher abundance in high CH4-emitting rumens 33,34. This finding is consistent with our results. However, this family plays a significant role in fiber metabolism, and its reduction may cause a decrease in fiber digestion 71. Unfortunately, we did not measure fiber digestion, and aDMd was not negatively affected.
A decrease in methanogenesis was also observed in the methanogenic population. The relative abundance of Archaea, the sole producers of CH4 in the rumen 58, was decreased by NT + C10 and NT + C10/C12 treatments by 84.2% and 45.7%, respectively (Table 4). Dohme et al. (2001) and Burdick et al. (2022) reported no change in the methanogen population when supplemented with MCFA (C8, C10, and C12) 18,31. A meta-analysis showed that the Archaea population diminished quadratically only under in vitro conditions with increasing doses of MCFA 19. Furthermore, NT supplementation decreases methanogenesis and consistently reduces the abundance of methanogenic Archaea 58,67. Notably, it has been reported that instead of the overall abundance of methanogens, the community structure of methanogens 58 and differential gene expression of methanogenesis pathways are the decisive factors in ruminal methanogenesis 72.