The main findings of this study reveal that noncontact injuries accounted for 74.6% of cases, while the incidence of combined posterolateral plateau fractures was 41.6%. Type ⅢB fractures, medial meniscus tears, and medial posterior meniscus root injuries were found to be significantly more common. Patients with type ⅢA compression fractures exhibited a higher incidence of MCL tears than those with other fracture types. The Lysholm scores for high-grade subtypes (ⅢA and ⅢB) were 85.45 and 86.37, respectively. The postoperative Tegner score for the high-grade subtypes (ⅢA and ⅢB) was 5.5. There were significant differences in functional recovery between patients with high-grade subtypes (ⅢA and ⅢB) and those with low-grade tibial plateau fractures.
In our ACL injury cases, the proportion of noncontact injuries and the incidence of combined tibial posterolateral plateau fractures were lower than those reported in Europe and the United States. One possible reason for this could be the differences in the shape of the femur and tibia due to racial variations(18–22). Another contributing factor could be China's unique national conditions, such as the widespread use of motorized two-wheeled vehicles (motorcycles, electric bicycles) and the relatively low proportion of confrontational sports in national sports. However, with a population of over 1.4 billion people, the incidence of ACL injury in the Chinese population is believed to be significant, although no definitive data are available. A large sample study of Chinese athletes conducted 20 years ago showed an overall incidence of ACL injury in athletes of 0.47% (23). With the continuous improvement of China's economic strength and the development of national fitness campaigns in recent years, the incidence of ACL injury in the Chinese population has likely increased. Given the high incidence rate of over 40%, this type of injury deserves significant clinician attention.
According to Bernholt et al.'s classification(9), the fracture morphology in our cases can be categorized into five subtypes: Ⅰ, ⅡA, ⅡB, ⅢA, and ⅢB. This classification system is clinically valuable because it systematically evaluates the relationship between certain types of posterolateral tibial compression fractures and concomitant meniscal and ligament injuries. We observed that patients with type ⅢA fractures were significantly older and more frequently female than patients with other fractures. Type ⅢA fractures are associated with increased lateral meniscus tears in primary ACL tears. The incidence of medial meniscus injury in patients with type Ⅲ B fractures is significantly lower than in patients with other types of fractures. However, once medial meniscus injury occurs in type ⅢB fractures, the proportion of injury to the posterior root is the highest among all cases. As MRI has low sensitivity for diagnosing posterior meniscal root injury, clinicians should be aware of the possibility of medial meniscal posterior root injury when interpreting radiographs of patients with type ⅢB fractures. Biomechanical experiments have demonstrated that when the posterior slope of the tibial plateau exceeds 12°, excessive posterior inclination should be corrected during the treatment of ACL and meniscus injuries in cases of anterior cruciate ligament injury combined with medial meniscus posterior root rupture (24). As type ⅢB damage inevitably leads to an increase in the posterior slope of the lateral plateau, it is essential to correct this type of damage. Furthermore, among cases of ACL rupture combined with high-grade tibial plateau fractures, the incidence of medial collateral ligament injury was over 40%. Although the literature suggests that repairing the medial collateral ligament during the reconstruction of ACL rupture combined with medial collateral ligament injury does not affect clinical efficacy (25–28), it does not mean that cases of anterior cruciate ligament rupture combined with posterolateral plateau fracture and medial collateral ligament injury should only undergo ACL reconstruction.
Our follow-up of hundreds of cases revealed that SF-12 MCS, Lysholm, Tegner, IKDC, and KOOS scores of patients with type ⅢA and ⅢB fractures were significantly lower than those of nontype ⅢA and ⅢB patients, with significant differences. Previous studies (29, 30) have evaluated the impact of mild injuries, such as bone contusions, on postoperative clinical outcomes of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Bone contusions associated with anterior cruciate ligament tears are linked to increased initial pain, effusion, and longer recovery times, but with time, MRI changes normalize (31, 32). Posterolateral compression fractures of the tibial plateau, especially those with higher morphological classification grades, may cause residual changes in the bony geometry of the tibial plateau, which could explain the clinical relevance identified in our study. A previous study (33) reported that the geometry of the lateral tibial plateau affects knee joint stability. Another study (34)demonstrated that reduced joint depth of the tibial plateau was associated with ACL tears. At the same time, another (35) found that a reduction in the medial-to-lateral width of the lateral plateau was linked to greater instability in the pivot-shift test.
Our study results suggest that patients with high-grade injuries have poorer emotional recovery than those with low-grade injuries, indicating that surgical treatment may be necessary to achieve satisfactory treatment outcomes in these patients. Menzdorf et al.'s clinical study (11) reported that over half of the depression or shear fractures of posterolateral plateau fractures displaced more than 2 mm (CT or MRI sagittal view) and over half of the depth of the posterior slope of the lateral meniscus (MRI sagittal view) required surgical intervention. While we agree with this recommendation, it is essential to note that Menzdorf et al.'s study had a small sample size and lacked a control group and long-term follow-up data.
There are several limitations to our study. First, the study relied on MRI images rather than CT scans. CT scans can provide more detailed information about the morphological characteristics of the fracture, which can help to classify the fracture better. In our recent cases, we started to perform a CT scan of the knee for each patient with an ACL rupture. In future studies, we plan to compare the similarities and differences between MRI and CT images in classifying fractures of the same patient to determine whether CT is a valuable supplement or a waste of medical resources. Second, the study only included radiographic, surgical, and 2-year follow-up data, which limits our ability to analyze the impact of posterolateral tibial plateau fracture classifications on postoperative outcomes. Thus, we cannot thoroughly assess the clinical relevance of these compression fractures of the posterolateral plateau of the tibia or determine whether additional measures should be taken to address these injuries when they occur. Future studies with larger sample sizes and randomized controlled designs may provide more persuasive evidence and explore the biomechanical perspective of whether treating ACL rupture and posterolateral tibial plateau fracture as a first-stage treatment in patients with high-grade posterior lateral plateau fractures can improve postoperative efficacy, providing a theoretical basis for the treatment of this type of injury.