2.1 Chemicals and Materials
The reagents used in the study included NIMJ CRMs for the natural amino acid standards or calibration standards: L-alanine (Ala, CRM 6011-a, 99.9 ± 0.2%), L-leucine (Leu, CRM 6012-a, 99.9 ± 0.2%), L-phenylalanine (Phe, CRM 6014-a, 99.9 ± 0.2%), L-proline (Pro, CRM 6016-a, 99.9 ± 0.2%), and L-valine (Val, CRM 6015-a, 99.8 ± 0.2%). For the ID-LC/MS method, internal standards of labeled amino acids were obtained from Cambridge Isotope Laboratories. The internal standards used were as follows: Ala (13C3, 99%; 15N, 99%), Leu (13C6, 99%; 15N, 99%), Phe (13C9, 99%; 15N, 99%), Pro (13C5, 99%; 15N, 99%), and Val (13C5, 99%; 15N, 99%). Furthermore, as quality control in the study, standard reference materials from the National Institute of Japan (NIMJ CRM 6201-c) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Gaithersburg, MD (NIST SRM 2924) were employed.
2.2 Preparation of CRP
Recombinant human CRP was purchased from OYC Americas (Andover, MA) in a 1.25-liter bottle containing a buffer solution of 20 mM Tris (pH 7.5), 140 mM sodium chloride, 2 mM calcium chloride, and 0.05% (w/v) sodium azide. The recombinant CRP was produced in Escherichia coli as described by Tanaka et al. [11] and purified using affinity binding to 6-aminohexanoic acid. The 1.250 ml of recombinant CRP was divided into 1 ml aliquots. These aliquots were placed into 1250 polypropylene SRM vials and labeled accordingly, following the order of the vials. The material, which was shipped at 4°C, was subsequently stored at -80°C after being bottled.
2.3 HPLC Parameters
The Thermo ScientificTM UHPLC system with a Dionex Ultimate 3000 RS HPLC detector and RS diode array, Dionex Ultimate 3000 RS autosampler, Dionex Ultimate 3000 RS pump, column compartment, and column heater, along with an Agilent Bio-SEC33µm, 150Å 4.6×300mm HPLC column, was used for size exclusion chromatography analysis of CRP in an aqueous solution. The Thermo ScientificTM Chromeleon 7 software was employed for data analysis, and the peak areas of the analyte were determined. Prior to the analysis, the autosampler was set up with specific parameters, including a column temperature of 30°C, an injection volume of 10 µl, a loop volume of 100 µl, and the partial injection mode. The autosampler washing solution consisted of a 50:50% mixture of isopropanol and water (v/v). For the analysis, the reference material bottles were thawed at room temperature (20°C − 25°C) for one hour. A 10 µl injection of the CRP sample, derived from a 40 µM CRP concentrated stock solution, was introduced onto the system column. The elution mobile phase contained 0.1 M Tris HCl (pH 7.5) with 0.15 M NaCl and 1 mM EDTA. A gradient elution method was employed over 20 minutes with a flow rate of 0.3 ml.min− 1 at a temperature of 30°C. The absorption peaks of the proteins were monitored at 225 nm and 280 nm by adjusting the parameters of detector A and detector B, respectively.
2.4 Homogeneity Analysis
Homogeneity analysis of the candidate reference material was conducted using the size exclusion chromatography (SEC) method. The analysis was performed was performed in triplicates using 12 randomly selected bottles from the pre-prepared 1250 vials, each containing 1 ml of the CRP solution. The concentration values of the 12 samples were determined based on their UV absorption at 225 nm and by analyzing the peak areas of their main peaks. The resulting data were then subjected to further statistical analysis.
2.5 Stability Testing
In the long-term stability studies for UME CRM 1008, two temperature conditions, -20°C and + 4°C, were selected, and the time points for testing were set at the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th months. For each time interval at the designated temperatures, two units were placed in the respective temperature chambers, resulting in a total of 10 units for each temperature condition. As for the reference point in the stability test, two units were allocated and stored directly at the reference temperature of -80°C. At the end of each test period, two units were transferred from each test temperature environment to the reference temperature. After completing the 12-month test period, all units transferred to the reference temperature were analyzed together with the units designated as reference.
Similarly, in the short-term stability studies for UME CRM 1008, two temperature conditions, + 4°C and − 20°C, were selected, and the time points for testing were set at the 0th, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th weeks. For each time interval at the designated temperatures, two units were placed in the respective temperature chambers, resulting in a total of eight units for each temperature condition. As for the reference point in the stability test, two units were allocated and stored directly at the reference temperature of -80°C. At the end of each test period, two units were transferred from each test temperature environment to the reference temperature. After completing the 4-week test period, all units transferred to the reference temperature were analyzed together with the units designated as reference. For testing, the UV absorption values or peak areas at 225 nm in HPLC-UV were measured for each sample using size exclusion chromatography (SEC). Also, as part of the stability testing, the freeze and thaw cycle was repeated 5 times in duplicates to be able to observe the degradation level.
2.6 Molecular Weight Determination
To determine the approximate molecular weight of the pentameric candidate reference material, a calibration curve was constructed using the isocratic SEC-HPLC method and the Sigma Molecular Weight Kit (Sigma MWGF1000). The analysis involved injecting 3 µl of the candidate reference material solution into an Agilent BioSec-3 column with dimensions of 4.6x300 mm and a particle size of 3 µm (PN: 5190 − 2513 3 µM). The mobile phase used was phosphate buffer with a pH of 7.6. Elution was performed isocratically at a flow rate of 0.25 ml.min− 1, and the column temperature was maintained at room temperature.
2.7 Amino Acid Analysis
The natural amino acid mixture was prepared gravimetrically in a ratio that closely matched the concentration of each amino acid in CRP. All these preparations were made fresh and independently for each hydrolysis reaction. Amino acid concentrations corresponding to 1.25 µM, 2.5 µM, 5.0 µM, 10 µM, 20 µM, and 40 µM CRP were used for each amino acid calibration standard, and each solution was prepared accordingly. The same procedure was applied for the preparation of labeled amino acid solutions. A six-point calibration curve was prepared gravimetrically for each hydrolysis method by mixing the natural and labeled amino acid mixtures. The final concentration of each natural and labeled amino acid in the calibration mixtures was adjusted to be nearly the same as in the sample blends.
2.7.1 Vapor-Phase Acid Hydrolysis
Six calibration standards were prepared, consisting of a mixture of natural and labeled amino acid solutions, and five candidate reference material solutions were prepared, containing isotopically labeled amino acids. After weighing the solutions in the glass tubes, they were placed into separate Pico-Tag vials along with the calibration mixtures. The calibration and sample mixtures were completely dried using a Pico-Tag Workstation (Waters, Milford, MA, USA). Then, they were hydrolyzed under inert atmosphere conditions at 130°C for 24 hours in hydrolysis tubes containing 200 µl of 6 M constant boiling HCl and 1% phenol. After the completion of hydrolysis, the samples were evaporated under vacuum until completely dry and then reconstituted with 200 µl of 20 mM HCl for the derivatization process of amino acids.
2.7.2 Derivatization for LC-MS
The dissolved samples (200 µl each) were mixed with 200 µl of Propanol:Pyridine (7:1) reagent and vortexed. Then, they were mixed with 200 µl of Isooctane:PCF (5:1) and incubated for 1 minute. Subsequently, 100 µl of CHCl3:Isooctane:PCF (24:16:1) reagent was added, vortexed, and incubated for 1 minute. Finally, 200 µl of 5% HCl was added, vortexed, and centrifuged. The upper phase of each sample was separated and transferred to clean tubes. The samples were then evaporated using the Caliper TurboVap LV evaporator under nitrogen. Lastly, each sample and calibrants in the tubes were dissolved by adding 50 µl of H2O:acetonitrile (95:5) – 0.1% FA sample solution and transferred to suitable vials for LC-MS analysis.
2.7.3 LC-MS Analysis
LC analysis was carried out using a Dionex UPLC™ system (Thermo Scientific, Bremen, Germany) coupled with a Q Exactive HF-X Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer (Thermo Scientific, Bremen, Germany) equipped with an electrospray ion source. Amino acids were injected and separated on Phenomenex EZ:faast 4 µ AAA column. The mobile phase was composed of, A: 10 mM ammonium formate, 50:50 methanol:water in water, B: 10 mM ammonium formate, and methanol. The autosampler wash solvent included a mixture of water, acetonitrile, and NH4OH in a ratio of 40:50:10 (v:v:v) for both weak and strong washes. The injection volume was 10 µl. The gradient program used involved an increase in the B phase from 35–55% over 12 minutes, followed by an increase to 100% B. The flow rate was maintained at 0.250 µl.min− 1 during a 5-minute wash with 100% B. Finally, reequilibration was achieved by washing with a 35% B solution for 5 minutes. The mass spectrometry analysis was performed in Full MS mode, and the MS parameters for amino acids following PCF derivatization are presented in Table 1
Table 1
MS Parameters for Amino Acids after PCF Derivatization
Natural Amino Acids PCF MS | Labeled Amino Acids PCF MS |
Alanine | 218.000 | Alanine IS | 221.980 |
Proline | 244.154 | Proline IS | 250.168 |
Valine | 246.169 | Valine IS | 252.183 |
Phenylalanine | 294.169 | Phenylalanine IS | 304.196 |
Leucine | 260.185 | Leucine IS | 267.202 |
All data are acquired in positive ion mode. The following acquisition parameters were set for the instrument: The spray voltage was set to 3.5 kV, sheath gas flow rate to 45, sweep gas flow rate to 2 and capillary temperature to 250°C. Full MS resolution was set to 120.000 for m/z 200 with maximum injection time of 200 ms. The Full MS AGC target was set to 3E6 and the mass range was defined as 100 − 500. Additionally, mass data extraction and analysis were performed using QuanBrowser™ Software. Following the MS measurements, the mass fractions of peptide samples were calculated for Leu, Pro, Val, Gly, and Ala amino acids based on the integral values of signal peak areas using calibration curves. The assignment process was completed by considering the gravimetric dilution factors.