Seismic design is an inherently complex process that is arguably far more iterative than the process of structural assessment, heavily compounded by the fact that in the former case we start with a general configuration in need of sizing (or even configuring), while in the latter we have an already-designed structure to assess. Thus, design is practically never direct, as it actually comprises multiple cycles of re-design and re-analysis to conform to required performance objectives (POs). How one defines such objectives and then goes about meeting them characterizes both the approach and its end result (e.g., Vamvatsikos et al. 2016).
In terms of the definition of POs, risk versus intensity basis are the two options. In both cases, one is interested in constraining the undesirable event of demand, D, exceeding capacity, C, where both are typically defined in terms of engineering demand parameters (EDPs), such as member forces, moments, or deformations. In risk-based/targeted design, or performance-based seismic design (PBSD, Krawinkler et al. 2006, Franchin and Pinto 2012, Sinković et al. 2016, Franchin et al. 2018, Kazantzi and Vamvatsikos 2021), of interest is the mean annual frequency (MAF) of D > C, or λ(D > C). Then, meeting a PO means that the x% percentile (i.e., x% confidence-level) estimate of λ(D > C) due to additional uncertainty from modeling, analysis, material properties etc. is lower than the associated tolerable MAF of the PO, λPO:
\({\lambda }_{x\%}\left(D>C\right)<{\lambda }_{PO}\) | (1.1) |
Risk-based design methodologies allow setting any number of POs and designing the structure in order to satisfy them within constraints imposed by e.g., architectural considerations. At their most advanced form, specific (non-)exceedance rates of more sophisticated decision variables can be targeted, such as monetary losses, casualties etc.
Intensity-based design is practically much simpler. Therein, satisfying an objective is reduced to directly checking for a conservative (i.e., high) estimate of the EDP demand exceeding a conservative (i.e., low) estimate of the capacity at a single intensity measure (IM) level, or IMO, provided by a design spectrum associated with a given exceedance MAF, typically associated with an exceedance probability of 10% in 50yrs (henceforth noted 10%/50yrs):
\({D}_{z\%}\left(I{M}_{O}\right)>{C}_{\left(1-w\right)\%}\) | (1.2) |
z, w are confidence levels (greater than 50%) that are chosen to indirectly achieve the required safety (e.g., Ravindra and Galambos 1978, Ellingwood et al. 1982, Sørensen et al. 1994); they are typically expressed via demand-increasing and capacity-reducing multipliers, i.e., load and resistance safety factors, and form the basis of modern codes (e.g., CEN 2005, ASCE 2010).
The elegance of Eq. (1.2) is rather marred by the (typically unavoidable) structural nonlinearity. To incorporate the beneficial effects of ductility without invoking nonlinear analysis, a response modification (strength reduction) factor, R, or behaviour factor, q, is applied on the elastic demands. These factors are approximately estimated for classes of structures, but they actually depend on each building’s characteristics, such as the ductility capacity, overstrength and redundancy, properties that are not known a priori, as well as the period or the height of the structure, which are known design parameters with imperfectly known effects on performance. Intensity-based seismic design typically intends to achieve a single PO at one seismic hazard level, that is Life Safety (LS), simply by ensuring that critical members have sufficient strength and conform with the detailing requirements. Serviceability is also addressed by limiting interstory drifts either under the design lateral loads or for a reduced design spectrum corresponding to a more frequent hazard level. Although compliance with other limit-states such as Global Collapse is often claimed in codes, this is not explicitly checked for, but only implicitly “guaranteed” by the aforementioned process. In other words, intensity-based design is an inherently inaccurate approach (see Iervolino et al. 2018, Aschheim et al. 2019) as it bypasses a rigorous assessment.
Such a performance assessment is best conducted by assessing λ(D > C) for the PO at hand. It can be obtained by cointegrating the system fragility curve associated with the given threshold of interest, with the seismic hazard curve:
\(\lambda \left(D>C\right)=\int \text{P}[D>C|IM]\bullet \left|\text{d}\lambda \left(IM\right)\right|\) | (1.3) |
where P[D > C | IM] is the probability of D exceeding C given the IM, also known as the fragility curve, while |dλ(IM)| is the differential of the seismic hazard curve. Without doubt, the process of assessment comes with its own complications, as it would optimally require a detailed nonlinear model and multiple response history analyses.
Given that the relationship between the design variables and the target POs is not invertible, one cannot design directly for specified POs. Thus, risk-based design inevitably becomes an iterative approach of re-design and re-assessment. Several approaches have been proposed to guide such iterations. Arguably, the most comprehensive ones require the user to work with the full structure, choosing the needed structural adjustments either using experience and intuition (e.g., Krawinkler et al. 2006, Zareian and Krawinkler 2012) or via formal numerical optimization (e.g., Fragiadakis and Lagaros 2011, Franchin and Pinto 2012). On the other hand, using a single-degree-of-freedom proxy and adopting a design-invariant term is by far the most practical and popular approach for conducting design iterations (Vamvatsikos et al. 2016).
In this matter, adopting a period versus a displacement basis are the two mainstream proposals. The design methods proposed in current codes rely upon an initial estimation of the structural period (period/force-based approaches). However, the lateral strength and stiffness of a structure change in subsequent re-design and re-analysis cycles, leading to significant period changes. Chopra and Goel (2000) have highlighted the difficulty of accurately estimating the fundamental period of the final design after examining a large number of buildings in California. The inaccuracy of the period estimate may increase the number of iterations, hampering intensity-based approaches, but even more so risk-based ones.
On the other hand, multiple researchers such as Priestley (2000) and Aschheim (2002) suggested that the yield displacement is a more stable parameter that can be estimated early in the design process. Taking advantage of its stability, they proposed using yield displacement instead of the fundamental period as a basis for estimating the design base shear (displacement-based approaches), aiming to significantly reduce the number of re-design and re-analysis iterations required. On such basis, multiple displacement-based design procedures have been proposed, e.g., Moehle 1992, Priestley et al. 2008, Tsiavos and Stojadinović 2019, Aschheim and Black 2000. Of essence in reducing the number of iterations is to obtain a good estimate of the yield displacement, which is considered a relatively easy task given that it mainly depends on the known geometry rather than the unknown strength. Still, conventional displacement-based approaches remain anchored on the intensity-basis rather than a performance/risk-basis, thus they deliver solutions without any explicit guarantee of meeting specific POs (Vamvatsikos et al. 2016, Vamvatsikos 2017, O’Reilly and Calvi 2020, Van der Burg et al 2022).
In the following, to test the capabilities of different design approaches, we shall pit three intensity-based and two risk-based designs against each other, using a four-story reinforced concrete (RC) office building as a testbed. Two of the intensity-based designs stem from literature and are period-based designs, while the third one is a displacement-based design that relies upon the use of the Yield Point Spectra (YPS) proposed by Aschheim and Black (2000). Regarding the risk-based designs, they both rely on the use of the Yield Frequency Spectra (YFS, Vamvatsikos and Aschheim 2016) as the design tool, and they are either based on a code-like approximation of the seismic hazard or on actual site-specific seismic data.