Mucositis is a gastrointestinal inflammation affecting patients' quality of life undergoing malignancies treatment (3). Currently, the standard therapies available for preventing and treating the disease are not very effective; therefore, new options have been suggested. Drug repositioning/repurposing is a concept that uses existing FDA drugs to treat different disorders; this saves time and money and allows direct entry into clinical trials, as they have already undergone toxicity and safety profiling (38).
ATV is a third-generation synthetic HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor (39). By inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase, mevalonate synthesis is reduced, and consequently, several other isoprenoid pathways, critical post-translational modifiers, are affected. With mechanisms independent of their cholesterol-lowering effects, they are called pleiotropic effects, defined as multiple side effects of a compound. ATV's most important pleiotropic effects are its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immunomodulatory activities (16, 40, 41).
The inflammation and loss of the epithelial barrier of the digestive tract characterize mucositis; this leads to mucosal lesions and ulcerations throughout the gastrointestinal tract (42). Body weight loss may be related to malabsorption due to intestinal lesions, resulting in loss of the intestinal absorptive surface (43). In our study, the inflamed mice exhibited extensive weight loss, directly correlated with the water and feed intake reduction observed during the experimental protocol. Intestinal shortening was also observed. However, the ATV treatment did not significantly improve these outcomes. Similarly, Medeiros and co-workers (44) did not observe a reduction in body mass loss following simvastatin treatment in a 5-FU-induced mucositis model.
Diarrhea assessment through a score application for the clinical profiles of the animals showed that the onset of diarrhea occurred within 72 h of 5-FU administration, with the most severe episodes of diarrhea occurring on days six and seven of the experimental protocol. Consistent with these findings, Huang et al. (31), who used the same experimental protocol, also observed a peak of diarrhea after day five (45). Treatment with 10 mg/kg ATV in this study reduced the scores and delayed the onset of diarrhea. Similarly, other studies using rosuvastatin, simvastatin, and ATV in colitis models have demonstrated a reduction in the disease activity index (22, 46, 47).
Histological analysis of the ileum showed that animals with 5-FU-induced mucositis had tissue damage, shortening of the villi, reduction of crypts, and inflammatory infiltrates in the lamina propria, submucosal, and muscle layers. ATV treatment improved the structural integrity of ileal mucosa, indicating its beneficial role in inflammation. Similar results were found in other studies that assessed the activity of statins in mucositis and colitis, demonstrating an enteroprotective role for the gastrointestinal mucosa (25, 44, 48, 49).
Intestinal permeability increases after chemotherapy and is one of the hallmarks of the third and fourth stages of mucositis (3), and it is considered to increase when the permeation of molecules is larger than 150 Da (50). In this study, intestinal permeability was assessed by monitoring the radioactivity of the blood after oral administration of 99mTc-DTPA. This compound is a disodium complex with a molecular weight of 549 Da and a half-life of 6 h, presenting ideal intestinal permeability monitoring characteristics. Other studies conducted by our research group showed increased intestinal permeability after administering 5-FU (51–53). Our results showed that ATV treatment significantly reduced intestinal permeability in inflamed animals, and we believe that these results are directly correlated with the positive regulation of TJs and the anti-inflammatory action of ATV.
Studies have shown decreased crucial TJ proteins, such as ZO-1, in mucositis (54, 55). Additionally, its depletion corresponds to an increase in intestinal permeability and a decrease in transepithelial resistance. In our results, the expression of TJ proteins increased in the MUC group, as observed by Chang et al. (56). The effects of chemotherapy drugs, such as 5-FU, on the intestinal epithelial barrier through the expression of TJ proteins are inconsistently reported; this can be attributed to differences in the regimens, experimental protocols, or animal models used (57, 58). Furthermore, intestinal mucosa renewal occurs every 3–4 days, and new intestinal cells are formed after injecting 5-FU-overexpressed ZO-1 to compensate for intestinal barrier disruption (59). We believe that the fractional mucositis induction model can also pressure the cell renewal process by stimulating the overexpression of ZO-1, a cytoplasmic scaffold protein that can be degraded or redistributed under inflammatory conditions (60). Ferreira et al. (59) also found data similar to ours, showing increased ZO-1 expression in inflamed animals. ZO-1 is a TJ protein that interacts with occludin, ZO-2, ZO-3, and actin, reducing intestinal permeability and inducing cell differentiation. The increased expression of these proteins indicates greater tissue repair after the damage induced by 5-FU. Our results showed that the inflamed animals treated with ATV overexpressed ZO-1 and occludin. Other studies on models of inflammatory bowel disease (22, 61) demonstrated that treatment with ATV and pravastatin reduced permeability and increased TJ expression. The literature indicates that ATV has activity on Rho kinase (ROCK), a serine-threonine kinase that plays an essential role in regulating epithelial barrier function; ROCK mediates actomyosin contraction, resulting in TJ reorganization (62, 63). Statins have an inhibitory effect on the ROCK pathway because the inhibition of cholesterol biosynthesis blocks the formation of isoprenoid intermediates, which are essential for the isoprenylation of Rho GTPases such as Rho and Rac (64, 65). Isoprenylation is a critical step in the intracellular trafficking and activation of Rho GTPases (66). The altered RhoA function suppresses ROCK signaling and reduces permeability (67).
MPO and EPO enzymes were evaluated in the ileum to determine neutrophil and eosinophil influx [66] indirectly. We observed that animals that received 5-FU showed a significant increase in the activity of these enzymes, which is consistent with the results of other studies (34, 51, 52). ATV treatment strongly modulated the activities of MPO and EPO in inflamed animals. Studies have shown that statins strongly suppress MPO gene expression, reducing MPO mRNA levels by 20-200-fold in monocyte macrophages and bone marrow precursors (68). This suppressive effect has been observed with natural and synthetic statins, including simvastatin, ATV, pravastatin, and lovastatin, and is related to the inhibition of the mevalonate-dependent isoprenylation of small GTP-binding proteins (69, 70). Regarding the activity of statins on EPO, studies have shown that statins reduce eosinophil migration into inflamed tissue, which also explains the reduction in EPO in our results (71).
IgA is the primary antibody found in mucosal secretions and acts as the first line of defense, protecting against microorganisms, neutralizing pathogenic bacteria, and controlling commensals in the small intestine (72, 73). Gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) is considered the center of mucosal immunity because of its mass and function, and large amounts of sIgA are produced (74). In mucositis, sIgA plays a central role, as this immunoglobulin is an essential contributor to homeostasis, promoting anti-inflammatory responses on mucosal surfaces (75). We investigated the role of sIgA in regulating inflammatory conditions in mice with mucositis and treated them with ATV. Our results showed that there was suppression of this immunoglobulin in animals that received 5-FU, and none of the ATV concentrations used in this study altered the production of IgA.
Contrary to our results, many reports from our research group indicate an increase in sIgA levels in the small intestine of inflamed groups (51, 76). This event is related to the body's physiological response to maintain intestinal homeostasis following the loss of mucosal integrity caused by inflammation (77); this may be associated with the extensive destruction by 5-FU lymphocytes responsible for the production of IgA in GALT. Literature indicates that a small dose of 5-FU (10 mg/kg) can substantially reduce the number of effector lymphocytes in GALT, promoting a reduction in intestinal and respiratory IgA levels (78).
In the present study, the inflamed animals in the MUC group had overexpression of TLR4/MYD8 and NF-κB. TLR4 activation inducedYD88 dependent and independent pathways as a key adapter molecule essential for intracellular signaling that triggers the NF-κB activation cascade (79). Our results indicated a substantially reduced TLR4/MYD88 and NF-κB expression in the ATV groups at all doses. These results corroborate those of other studies demonstrating the negative regulation of these genes by ATV (80, 81). The role of ATV in TLR4 suppression is through mevalonate inhibition blocking lipid rafts, essential for TLR4 signaling resulting in inhibition of MYD88 and NF-κB (82–84). Our results also demonstrate a dose-dependent inhibitory effect of ATV on NLRP3 inflammasomes in inflamed animals. Studies indicate that NLRP3 suppression can also be mediated by suppression of the TLR4/MyD88/NF-κB pathway (85).
The expression of proinflammatory cytokines, such as IL6, IL1β, and TNF-α, in the small intestine of rodents after chemotherapy significantly increases; this cytokine plays a critical role in the genesis and development of intestinal mucositis after 5-FU administration. After dosage, the MUC animals showed a significant increase in proinflammatory cytokines TNF-α, IL6, and IL1β. In contrast, ATV-treated groups showed downregulation of IL6, IL1β, and TNF-α expression. These results are in line with reports by Medeiros et al. (2011), Aktunc et al. (2011), and Rashidian et al. (2016), in which ATV decreased IL6, ILβ, and TNF-α levels in animal models of oral mucositis and colitis. Activation of NF-κB promotes the secretion of inflammatory cytokines, and the inhibitory effect on cytokine production may be related to the suppression of NF-kb (19, 20, 86, 87).
TGFβ1 and IL10 were analyzed as anti-inflammatory cytokines. In contrast, ATV did not increase the expression of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL10. Our findings corroborate the results of Perucha et al. (2019), who demonstrated that the disturbance of the cholesterol biosynthesis pathway induces specific inhibition of IL10 expression (88). In evaluating the TGFβ1 cytokine, our results show that the transcript levels were upregulated after 5-FU administration and, curiously, were maintained even with the administration of ATV. TGFβ1 is an abundant cytokine in the intestinal mucosa with pleiotropic effects and anti-inflammatory or proinflammatory properties depending on the environmental context of the mucosa. In mucositis, TGFβ1 increases, affecting several biological processes, including fibrosis, wound healing, and immune responses (89). Our results do not correlate with what is typically found in the literature, which points to the negative regulation of TGFβ1 by statins through RhoA/ROCK inhibition, which activates the Smad pathway (90, 91). Among the possible hypotheses for this scenario, the literature indicates that the negative regulation of TGF-β1 is correlated with the reduction of the cytokine IL10, in which TGFβ1 levels remain increased as a compensatory anti-inflammatory mechanism to control tissue damage and restore intestinal homeostasis disrupted by chemotherapy with 5-FU (55, 92).
iNOS expression and nitric oxide (NO) production are associated with intestinal inflammation. The results demonstrated that 5-FU stimulated iNOS gene expression and ATV dose-dependently reduced iNOS expression in inflamed animals. Our data correlate with previous studies that indicated the inhibition of iNOS expression by fluvastatin in colitis models (93). The literature indicates that inhibiting Rho isoprenylation by statins can modulate NO levels by negatively regulating iNOS expression (94, 95).
Chemotherapy with 5-FU activates intestinal cell apoptotic mechanisms, with caspase 3 being the main effector of apoptotic pathways. We observed increased caspase 3 expressions in animals treated with 5-FU, and all ATV doses reduced caspase 3 expressions. The literature also supports these results with a model of colitis induced by DSS and oxazolone presented by Shin et al. (2017) and El-Mahdy et al. (2020), who observed a reduction in caspase 3, highlighting the essential anti-apoptotic activity of statins (96, 97).
The overproduction of reactive oxygen species is one of the primary mediators of chemotherapy-induced tissue damage (98, 99). Studies have reported that statins can reduce oxidative stress through some pathways, including the direct elimination of radicals, effects on inflammatory cells, the activity of iNOS, the activity of endogenous antioxidants, inhibition of hepatic cytochrome P450, and reduced oxLDL uptake by scavenger receptors (41). To assess the antioxidant role of ATV in the mucositis model, we measured MDA, hydroperoxide, SOD, and glutathione peroxidase in the ileum. Surprisingly, our results showed no differences between the inflamed and ATV-treated animals Gadino et al. and Leocadio et al. (100, 101), who also evaluated oxidative stress in the ileum in a 5-FU-induced mucositis model, obtained similar results, highlighting that an increase in lipid peroxidation occurred between 24 h and 48 h after mucositis induction, and there were no differences after 72 h of mucositis (102). In our study, the animals were euthanized 120 h after the first dose of 5-FU and 24 h after the last dose, which may explain these results.
Goblet cells synthesize and secrete mucins, constituting the protective mucous layer lining the epithelial surface. Previous studies reported that chemotherapy could damage goblet cells, resulting in decreased mucin production and exposing the epithelium to damage from bacterial degradation and harmful agents in the lumen (103). We observed a decrease in the number of goblet cells in the intestinal mucosal epithelium of 5-FU-treated mice and a reduction in the size and color intensity of these cells. ATV treatment increases the number of goblet cells. Our data corroborate those of Soliman et al., who observed the restoration of the intestinal epithelium and regeneration of intestinal crypts after treating colitis with simvastatin (104). Mucins are high-molecular-weight acidic glycoproteins secreted by goblet cells, and MUC2 is part of the structural secretory gel-forming subfamilies and is the main product of goblet cells in the colon and small intestine. Mucin loss occurs during mucositis and can increase mucosal damage by decreasing mucosal barrier protection (105). Gene expression corresponding to MUC2 was notably increased in animals with mucositis and groups treated with ATV. These data diverge from those reported in the literature, in which MUC2 expression was reduced in mucositis (106). Torpe et al. evaluated MUC2 expression in a model of irinotecan-induced mucositis and did not observe increased gene expression of such proteins within 120 h. The authors suggested that rapid exocytosis of mucins by goblet cells may contribute to a decrease in MUC2 levels. Based on this hypothesis, we believe that the increase in MUC2 expression in our model was due to the depletion of mucin stores that pressured the induction of MUC2 expression to maintain clinically viable mucin levels (107), as well as the influence of proinflammatory cytokines on the upregulation of transcription and translation of MUC2 genes (108). The RhoA/p35 pathway highly regulates MUC2nd and is isoprenylated by statins (109).