Site description
The experiment was introduced at the Jiangxi Research Institute of Red Soil, Jinxian, in the southern province of Jiangxi, China. The experimental site is located in a subtropical climate region at coordinates 28°35′24″N and 116°17′60″E, with an altitude of 26 m above sea level. The mean annual rainfall and temperature of the region are 1537 mm and 18.1°C, respectively. The soil at the site is red paddy soil, derived from quaternary red clay parent material. Soil samples collected from a depth of 0–20 cm at the beginning of the experiment indicated the presence of 16.3 g·kg− 1 soil organic carbon, 1.49 g·kg− 1 total nitrogen, 0.49 g·kg− 1 total phosphorus, 144 mg·kg− 1 available nitrogen, 9.50 mg·kg− 1 available phosphorus, and 81.2 mg·kg− 1 available potassium, with an initial pH of 6.9 [19].
Experimental design
The experiment conducted was a long-term study of a rice-rice cropping system that included a winter fallow period. The early rice was cultivated from April-July, while the latter rice was grown from the middle of July to late October. Crops were harvested manually close to the ground and all harvested biomass was removed from the plots. The size of each plot was 46.67 m2. There were four treatments: (1) Control: no fertilization, (2) NPK: the application rates for N (urea), P (calcium superphosphate), K (potassium chloride) fertilizer were 90 kg·ha− 1, 20 kg·ha− 1, 62 kg·ha− 1, respectively, during both growing seasons. (3) 2NPK: double the fertilization rates of NPK treatment, and (4) NPKM: NPK plus organic fertilizers, Chinese milk vetch (Astragalus sinicus L.) for the early rice and pig manure for the latter rice, the application rates of organic fertilizers were both 22.5 t·ha− 1. The experiment followed a completely randomized block design, with three replicates for each treatment. In both the early and late rice crops, all phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, organic fertilizers, and 60% of the nitrogen fertilizer were applied as basal fertilizers prior to the transplantation of rice seedlings. The remaining 20% of the nitrogen fertilizer was split into two applications, with 20% being applied at the panicle initiation stage and the remaining 20% applied 10 days prior to the flowering stage.
Soil sampling and measurement
After 29 years of setting up the field experiment, soil samples were collected in November, 7 days after the late rice harvest. The samples were collected from three different soil layers, namely 0–20 cm, 20–40 cm, and 40–60 cm depths. To create each sample per layer per plot, 10 soil cores were pooled together. Soil samples were air-dried and sieved through a 2 mm sieve for analyses. Soil bulk density in the layers of 0–20, 20–40 and 40–60 cm was determined by taking three soil cores from the middle of each depth in each plot using the ring-knife with a diameter of 5 cm and volume of 100 cm3. Gravel and residue larger than 2 mm were removed from the sample. The bulk density samples were weighted after overnight drying at 105℃. The data of soil bulk density were shown in Table 1.
Table 1
Soil bulk density in three soil depths in different treatments
Treatment | Depth |
0–20 cm | 20–40 cm | 40–60 cm |
CK | 1.20 ± 0.01 | 1.55 ± 0.02 | 1.54 ± 0.01 |
NPK | 1.21 ± 0.02 | 1.54 ± 0.03 | 1.51 ± 0.04 |
2NPK | 1.21 ± 0.02 | 1.57 ± 0.02 | 1.55 ± 0.03 |
NPKM | 1.06 ± 0.03 | 1.56 ± 0.02 | 1.50 ± 0.02 |
The SOC fractions were separated by a modified Walkley-Black method as described by Chan et al. (2001) [11]. Specifically, 0.5 g soil samples were added into 10 mL 0.167 mol·L− 1 K2Cr2O7 solution, then added 5 mL concentrated H2SO4 (18 mol·L− 1) to produce reaction heat; after 30 min reaction, 1.0 mol·L− 1 FeSO4 was titrated to determine the excess dichromate. The amount of dichromate consumed by the soil was used to calculate the amount of oxidizible carbon, this amount of oxidized carbon was defined as the 6 mol·L− 1 H2SO4 oxidized SOC. To obtain the 9 mol·L− 1 H2SO4 oxidized SOC and 12 mol·L− 1 H2SO4 oxidized SOC, the amounts of concentrated H2SO4 added were changed to be 10 mL and 20 mL, respectively. Finally, this resulted in four fractions in decreasing order of oxidizability: (1) Frac1 (Very-labile C): (2) Frac2 (Labile C): (3) Frac3 (Less-labile C): (4) Frac4 (Non-labile C). These four fractions were grouped into the active C pool [Frac1 + Frac2] and the passive C pool [Frac3 + Frac4] according to Chan et al. (2001). Soil samples for total SOC measurement were pretreated using 36% HCl-fumigation method to remove carbonates, and then were determined with an elemental analyzer. Due to different testing methods, the SOC content at the beginning of the experiment was corrected for comparison [12].
The SOC storage (t C·ha− 1) and carbon input (t C·ha− 1) were calculated from the following equations:
SOC storage (t C·ha− 1) = Cconc×Bd×D×10 (1)
Where Cconc represents SOC concentration (g·kg− 1) at each soil depth, Bd is bulk density (g·cm− 3) at each soil depth, and D is soil depth (cm), 10 is unit conversion factor. Total SOC storage is the sum of SOC storages at three soil depths.
Cinput−root=(YS + YR)×Rr×Crice×10− 6 (2)
Cinput−stubble=YR×Rs×Crice×10− 6 (3)
Cinput−organic fert=m×(1-W)×Corganic fert×10− 3 (4)
Where C input−root, C input−stubble, C input−organic fert are carbon inputs from root (assume that root-carbon all distributed within 0–60 cm soil depth), stubble, organic fertilizers, respectively, t C·ha− 1; YS and YR are the yields of rice seed and residue respectively, kg·ha− 1; Rr is the proportion of carbon entering into underground part by photosynthesis, %; Crice is the C content of the aboveground part of rice, %; Rs is the proportion of rice residue left in the fields after harvest, 5.6% in this study; m is the application rate of organic fertilizer, 22.5 t·ha− 1 for both milk vetch and pig manure; W is the water content of organic fertilizers, %; Corganic fert is the C content of organic fertilizers, %. Total external carbon input (Cinput−total) is the sum of Cinput−root, Cinput−stubble, and Cinput−organic fert. Data of carbon input presented are average of 29 years, t C·ha− 1 yr− 1.
The annual change rate of SOC storage (ACRsoc, t C·ha− 1 yr− 1) was calculated using the equation below:
ACRsoc = (SOCt-SOC0)/T (5)
Where SOC0 and SOCt represent the SOC storage at the beginning and the end of the experiment, respectively; T is the duration of this experiment, 29 years. Calculations were made at 0–60 cm depth.
Moreover, the SOC accumulation and sequestration rates were calculated based on following equations;
SOC accumulation rate (t ha− 1 yr− 1) = (SOCt-SOCc)/T (6)
Where, SOCt is SOC stocks (t ha− 1) in treatments, whereas, SOCc is SOC stocks in control and T is experimental time.
SOC sequestration rate (t ha− 1 yr− 1) = (Rec.SOCt - Rec.SOCc)/T (7)
Where, Rec.SOCt and Rec.SOCc are recalcitrant C stocks (t ha− 1) of a given treatment and unfertilized control and T is the experimental time.