This paper compares saccade kinematics with and without intramuscular ketamine injection while monkeys executed a visual search task. Data were acquired by Shen et al. (2010). Methods from Shen and Paré (2006) are summarized here. All animal care and experimental protocols were approved by the Queen's University Animal Care Committee and were in accordance with the Canadian Council on Animal Care guidelines. the study is reported in accordance with ARRIVE guidelines.
Experimental setup:
Stimuli were built on a personal computer running the Psychophysics Toolbox on MATLAB (The MathWorks, Natick, MA; Brainard, 1997). They were displayed on a 37inches monitor (Mitsubishi XC- 3730C Megaview Pro 37) located 57 cm from the animal. Monkeys sat in primate chairs with their heads restrained. Positions of the eyes were recorded (500Hz) with an infrared camera (EyelinkII, SR Research Ltd., Mississauga, Ontario, Canada). Paradigms were displayed by a real-time QNX-architecture REX system7.
Each trial began with the appearance of a central, white, 0.5°-wide fixation spot. Monkeys were required to fixate the target for 1s. Then, eight spots were displayed equally spaced along a 10 deg radius circle. Seven had a low luminance of 10.6 cd/m2, while the eighth one had a higher luminance varying randomly from trial to trial between 10.9 and 76.6 cd/m2. Within 500ms, monkeys had to look at the most luminous dot (2x2 deg validation window). They had to maintain fixation for 200ms to be rewarded. A trial was labeled as correct if the first saccade was initiated toward the target and if the monkey stayed in the validation window for at least 200ms. If the monkey reached the right target despite an erroneous initial saccade, the trial was labeled incorrect (monkeys were rewarded with a smaller amount of water). If the target was not reached within 2000ms following its display, monkeys were not rewarded, and the next inter-trial was lengthened. Each session consisted of two blocks of 500–800 trials, lasting approximately 15–20 minutes. Injections were done between the first and the second block of each session. Thus, block one assessed the baseline performance of the animal, and block 2 assessed the specific role of the injection.
Three doses of ketamine (0.25, 0.5, 0.75 mg/kg) and a saline solution (0.9% NaCl) as a control were used in this study. All were injected intramuscularly. Although ketamine is widely known and used as a dissociative anesthetic, numerous studies reported that doses < 1.0 mg/kg do not cause debilitating effects on behavior14,15. Sub-anesthetic doses of ketamine (< 1.5mg/kg) could induce a tolerance if injections are frequently repeated16. Thus, monkeys were injected once a week, except for the lowest dose, which was sometimes tested twice weekly. Three injections per dose were performed in a randomized order (12 injections per monkey).
Behavior analysis:
Eye movements from three female rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta, G, H, and F) were recorded7. H was excluded from the present study because she was tested with one medium dose of ketamine. Queen’s University Animal Care Committee approved animal care and experimental protocols by the Canadian Council of Animal Care guidelines. Data were analyzed offline using a custom-made Matlab script. Saccades were detected using a velocity threshold criterion (30°/s). Eye velocity was computed by differentiation and low-pass filtering of digitized eye position (Usui and Amidror, 1982). The time interval of the ketamine effect was chosen from the second minute to the twentieth. Indeed, latency was significantly affected approximately 2 minutes after the injection (see (Shen et al., 2010), Figs. 2A-B). The effect lasted approximately 20 minutes. Our post-doc analysis included the first saccade of correct trials occurring within this time window (18 minutes wide) for the treatment block of each session. Eight thousand two hundred sixty-four saccades were included in this study, which corresponds to 363 ± 115 trials per orientation, per monkey, and dose. We pooled the data corresponding to the left-right horizontal orientations, the up-down vertical ones, and the oblique ones. We can assume the brainstem saccade generator is somewhat equivalent within each orientation pair. Besides, the literature does not report systematic differences between the kinematics of leftward versus rightward and upward versus downward saccadic eye movements17,18. We verified this assumption by comparing the amplitudes of leftward versus rightward and upward versus downward saccades. None of them is significant at a corrected α-threshold of 0.05.
As shown in Fig. 1, we computed the latency, peak and average velocity, amplitude, duration, and skewness for each saccade. To evaluate the skewness, we computed the ratio between the duration of acceleration (between saccade onset and time of peak velocity) and deceleration (between the time of peak velocity and saccade offset). Thereby, a skewness of 1 indicates a symmetrical velocity profile. A skewness smaller than 1 corresponds to a more extended deceleration phase and asymmetrical velocity profiles. Finally, skewness more significant than one corresponds to a more extended acceleration phase.
Model and Simulations:
Simulations were performed with SIMULINK on a portable computer. We used a fixed-step Runge-Kutta-4 simulation solver with a step size of 1µs. We made a simple adjustment of NMDA currents to model the effects of a decreasing horizontal skewness with an increasing dose of ketamine. Their outputs (INMDA) were multiplied by a fixed gain, hypothesized to be the degree of blockade of the NMDA channels. Four linearly decreasing gains were applied to the output of NMDA channels: 1.0, 0.66, 0.33, and 0.0. We simulated three sizes of saccades: 10°, 15°, and 20°.
As presented in Fig. 2, we replicated the model of Miura13, which seemed to be of a reasonable level of detail19. This is a hybrid control model with feedback on the current eye position. It incorporates two one-compartment conductance-based neurons integrated into a simple and standard lumped model of saccade generation. Therefore, the focus falls on the contribution of the membrane potential of this neuron to the eye movement, which is the output of the whole system. It is worth noting that this model generates only horizontal eye movements.
Apart from the comparator (on the left of the previous diagram) and the latch circuit (lying inside the OPN unit), which have yet to find an anatomical substrate, every block of this diagram has a functional basis. Although, a significant part of the BSG needs to be more concise or present in the model. For example, the neural integrator for eye position is perfect, contradicting experimental data20. The integrated eye position is the same signal as the muscle command and the feedback signal. And finally, the viscoelastic properties of the muscles are not incorporated.
Input and feedback to the EBN: The model input is the desired eye displacement (ed). That command is fed to a comparator, which subtracts the efferent copy eye position to this input sending to the downstream structures a dynamic estimate of instantaneous motor error (êm). The model is symmetric downstream to the comparator. The two branches contain the same elements, differing only by the input signal they receive: one receives a positive drive if the instantaneous motor error is positive, i.e., the eye has not reached the target yet; the second receives a positive drive if the instantaneous motor error is negative, which appeared to be the case when the eye overshoots the target. Negative drives are rectified to zero, and positive drives are fed to the EBN unit through a low-pass filter (5ms time constant), reflecting the “sluggish” development of the activity of LLBN (providing the actual drive to the EBN)21.
The EBN unit is simulated as a conductance-based membrane whose output is a transfer function generating spike trains. The following classical equation describes the membrane voltage: Apart from the notable exception of the Leak current, whose conductance stays constant with voltage variations, other currents are defined by dynamical systems. Dynamical equations of the currents can be found in the original paper13. The EBN output transforms the membrane potential in a signal reflecting its state: Thus, whenever the EBN potential is over − 10mV, the EBN output is set to 1.
The OPN unit
This system includes one OPN unit and projects to both EBNs. The state of the OPN unit is defined by the sum of a constant bias (= 1), a brief inhibitory trigger (20 ms inhibitory pulse = − 2) starting when the drive input reaches the EBNs, and an inhibitory latch signal. The magnitude of the latch signal is defined as the sum of outputs of the two EBNs multiplied by 100 and fed through a low-pass filter (time constant 50 ms). The state was rectified as either positive or null, and then this signal was fed to the glycine channels of both EBNs. This output of the two EBNs is summed and then multiplied by a factor K, reflecting the exploration of the eye caused by one EBN spike. It has been set to 4,5. Eventually, this signal is fed to a mathematical integrator, issuing an eye displacement signal. This last signal is used as feedback and input to the extraocular muscles.
All data were subsequently sub-sampled to 1000Hz. Eye position data issued by the model were treated with the same differentiation methods and filter algorithms as those used on our second data set (see Methods). EBN currents and potentials were filtered after clipping off the variations related to the action potentials, as described in the original paper, with a digital three-pole Butterworth low-pass filter (cut-off frequency of 30Hz).