Cell culture
Human THCA cell lines TPC-1 and CAL-62 were commercially obtained from the Cell Storage Center of Wuhan University (Wuhan, China). TPC-1 cells (RPMI-1640 medium, ThermoFisher, USA) and CAL-62 (DMEM, ThermoFisher, USA) were kept at 37℃ with 5% CO2. Both mediums were supplemented with 10% FBS and 1% penicillin-streptomycin.
Constructs and transfection
To enforce expression of STMN2 in TPC-1 cells, the cDNA fragment of STMN2 was inserted into pcDNA3.1-3xFlag (Promega, USA) and was transfected into 293T cells for amplification. Subsequently, TPC-1 cells were transfected with different doses of recombinant STMN2-flag vectors by calcium phosphate transfection (ThermoFisher, USA). The successful overexpression of STMN2 was validated by western blots.
For depletion of STMN2 in TPC-1 and CAL-62 cells, two sgRNAs on STMN2 exon 1 and exon 2 were designed on http://crispr.mit.edu and ligated into lentiviral CRISPR/Cas9 vectors (Addgene, USA). sgRNA1:5’AACGACTTCAAAACTGCGAT AGG3’. sgRNA2: 5’CTGCTTGAACCATTCGAATT TGG3’. The resultant Lenti-CRISPR/Cas9-STMN2 sgRNAs (Knockout1: KO1; Knockout2:KO2) were packaged in 293T cells with packaging plasmids. 48h postinfection, the virus production was treated using a 0.22 µm Filter Unit and pellet viral particles were collected for the infection of TPC-1 and CAL-62 with Lipofectamine 3000 (Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA) at 5 × 108 transducing units. The infected THCA cells were screened with puromycin for 10 days. The cellular survival in puromycin was further validated by western blot.
CCK8 assay
After 24h, 48h, and 72 h cultivation, THCA cells (5 × 103 cell/well) on 96-well plates were exposed to a 10 µL CCK8 reagent (Dojindo, Japan). 2h later, the plates were monitored by a microplate reader at 450 nm.
Colony formation assay
THCA cells (500 cells/well) on 12-well plates were cultivated for 14 days and inoculated with 10% crystal violet for 30min after fixation in alcohol. Cell colonies larger than 500 cells were quantified and plotted.
Dual-luciferase reporter assay
NF-κB luciferase reporter plasmids (Yeason, China) with with TCF/LEF-luciferase, a control luciferase were cotransfected with TPC-1 293T cells with STMN2-flag vectors or transfected into STMN2-deficient TPC-1 cells. 48h later, NF-κB-driven luciferase transcription was monitored on the luciferase reporter system (Promega, USA).
Western blots
Cell protein from THCA cells were isolated using RIPA lysis buffer (Beyotine, China). And then the protein samples were loaded and loaded on 12% SDS-PAGE. The gels were electritransferred onto PVDF membranes and treated with a 5% solution of skim milk at room temperature. 1h later, the proteins on membranes were detected using primary antibodies at 4°C and following exposed to the secondary antibodies for 1h at room temperature. Ultrasensitive ECL Kit (Shanghai Yeze Biotech Co.Ltd., Shanghai, China) was applied to visualize the immuneblots. The antibodies were listed as below: anti-flag antibodies (Cat#:K200001M, 1:1000, Solarbio, China), anti-GAPDH antibodies (Cat#K200057M,1:10000, Solarbio, China), anti-STMN2 antibodies (Cat#110733P,1:10000,Solarbio, China), anti-IkBa antibodies (Cat#K101551P,1:10000,Solarbio, China), and anti-mouse HRP secondary antibody (Cat#31430,1:0000, Invitrogen, USA), anti-goat HRP secondary antibody (Cat#31402, 1:10000,Invitrogen).
Xenograft mice model
12 nude mice (aged 5–7 weeks, weighing about 20g) were purchased from the the Experimental Animal Center of Wuhan University (Wuhan, China). The protocol was approved by the Animal Care Committee of Fujian Medical University, China. After 7-day acclimatization to the housing and feeding conditions, mice were allowed subcutaneous administration with STMN2-deficient CAL-62 cells (KO-1) or its parental cells. After a 28-day monitor, the mice underwent CO2 asphyxiation per the protocol and the tumor weight was recorded and plotted. The protocol was approved by the ethical committee of local hospital, China.
Data analysis
The TCGA pan-cancer database and GETx normal database were used to analyze the expression of STMN2 in pan-cancer via the R programming language. The differential expression of STMN2 in TCGA- pan-cancer tumors and normal tissues was also detected through the R programming language. The prognostic significance in the TCGA-THCA cohort was also plotted by the R package “survival.” The clinical phenotype data was retrieved from the TCGA-THCA cohort. The limma and ggpubr packages were undertaken to explore the correlation of STMN2 expression with clinical phenotypes of THCA patients. Additionally, R package edgeR 3.0.8 was used to analyze the Differential expression genes (DEGs) from the TCGA-THCA cohort. The DEG cutoff was set at a |log2 fold change| ≥ 1 and a false discovery rate < 5%. Gene set enrichment analysis (GESA) was used to identification of the STMN2-mediated molecular pathways.
Statistical analysis
The in vitro and in vivo assays were analyzed via Graphpad 8.0 software (GraphPad, USA). For two-group comparisons, an unpaired or paired Student t-test was applied, One-way ANOVA analysis was done to examine the difference amongy multiple groups. Pearson’s chi-square test was conducted to determine the association among DEGs. P < 0.05 was considered significant.