Elemental distribution maps corresponding to the different transplant sites show that Fe is only detected on the lichen surface, in the upper and lower cortex of thallus and epimenium of apothecium (Fig. 3–6).
Sulphur was preferentially distributed in the algal layer of lichen thallus lobe and apothecia of the off-mine and control site samples (Fig. 3, 4). A high concentration of sulphur in the algal layer was already reported by Budka et al. (2002), Clark et al. (1999) and Paul et al. (2003). The algal layer is metabolically the most active part of the lichen thallus, producing photosynthates that are necessary for the growth of the whole lichen (Palmqvist 2000).
For the samples corresponding to the inside-mine sites (E1 and E8) sulphur was located superficially in some sectors of the upper cortex and epimenium, in addition to the algal layer. Moreover, an overlap of S and Fe maximum concentration in the upper cortex of the apothecium section was observed, suggesting a mineralogical association of these elements (Fig. 5, 6). Mineralisation at Alumbrera is abundant in S and Fe-bearing compounds such as sulphides (pyrite and chalcopyrite) and sulphates (jarosite and natrojarosite) (Sasso 1997; Alderete 1999). The higher concentrations of Fe and S detected in thalli exposed at in-mine sites (Table 1) would contribute to associate these elements with the geochemistry of the deposit thus attributing their presence to particles of mining origin trapped in the lichen structures.
At all sites Ca is preferentially distributed in the medulla and in the epimenium (Fig. 3–6) High levels of Ca, in the form of oxalate crystal deposits have been observed in the medulla of some lichens (Baran and Monje 2008; Modenesi et al. 2000; Paul et al. 2003), suggesting that they have a physiological function. These deposits might serve as a kind of reservoir to provide minimal but essential water levels for the photosynthetic activity of the photobiont during prolonged dry periods and generate light reflection to the algal cells, therefore helping to maximize the efficiency of photosynthesis (Clark et al. 2001).
Figure 3. Elemental distribution (Ca, Fe, Mn, and S) in perpendicular section of structures that constitute this species (thallus lobe and apothecium), taken from the samples transplanted to the control site (W). Apothecium microscopy image from right to left shows epithecium, thecium, hypothecium, algal layer, medulla, algal layer, and upper cortex. Micro PIXE conditions: 50 MeV 16O5 + beam, scan size (300×300–500×500) µm2 (see scale bar), spot size 5×5µm2. The pixels change colour from blue to red with the increase of the elemental concentration.
Figure 4. Elemental distribution (Ca, Fe, Mn, and S) in perpendicular section of two structures that constitute this species (thallus lobe and apothecium), taken from the samples transplanted to the outside-mine site (E7). Apothecium microscopy image from right to left shows epithecium, thecium, hypothecium, algal layer, medulla, algal layer, and upper cortex. Thallus lobe from bottom to top show upper cortex, algal layer, and medulla. Lower cortex is not distinguishable in this cut. Same micro PIXE conditions as in Fig. 3. Scan size (300 ×300–500×500) µm2 (see scale bar).
Figure 5. Elemental distribution (Ca, Fe, Mn, and S) in perpendicular section of two structures that constitute this species (thallus and apothecium), taken from the samples transplanted to the in-mine site (E1). Apothecium microscopy image from right to left shows upper cortex, algal layer, medulla. Hypothecium, thecium, and epithecium, are not clearly distinguishable in this cut by the quality of the histological slice. Thallus lobe from bottom to top show upper cortex, algal layer, and medulla. Lower cortex is distinguishable in this cut. Same micro PIXE conditions as in Fig. 3. Scan size (300×300–500×500) µm2 (see scale bar).
Figure 6. Elemental distribution (Ca, Fe, Mn, and S) in perpendicular section of two structures that constitute this species (thallus and apothecium), taken from samples transplanted to the in-mine site (E8). Apothecium microscopy image from right to left shows upper cortex, medulla, and algal layer. Epithecium, thecium, and hypothecium are not distinguishable in this cut. Thallus lobe from left to right show medulla, algal layer, and upper cortex. Lower cortex is not distinguishable in this cut. Same micro PIXE conditions as in Fig. 3. Scan size (450×450) µm2 (see scale bar).
At the inside-mine site E8, Ca was also distributed in the upper cortex, although to a lesser extent. Mineralisation at Bajo El Durazno is rich in gypsum (CaSO4) and calcite (CaCO3) (Sasso 1997; Alderete 1999). Considering that the inside-mine sites are close to sources of particulate matter emissions from the mineralized zone, surface Ca could be associated with this source. Although the distribution of Ca in the lichen structures could therefore infer a mining origin, the concentration of this element in the thalli was similar in all transplant sites (Table 1).
The maps do not show a detailed Mn distribution in the lichen due to the fact that its concentration is much lower than that for the other elements. However, from the lobe maps corresponding to E1 and E8 sites and the apothecia map of E8 site, where more concentrated points can be identified in some sectors, Mn seems to have the same distribution as Fe (Fig. 3–6). It should be noticed that Mn is used as a mining indicator in Minera Alumbrera Ltd environmental impact reports (Alvarez 2017) and is a representative element of Bajo el Durazno and Bajo la Alumbrera deposits (Gutiérrez et al. 2006). A significantly higher concentration of Mn was detected in lichens transplanted to the E8 site in comparison to the other transplant sites (Table 1). This result, added to the similar distribution of Mn and Fe in the thalli transplanted to inside-mine sites, would allow to infer that both elements are associated to atmospheric particles of the same origin.
Table 1
Elemental concentrations (mean ± standard deviation) in lichens transplanted to inside-mine sites (E1, E8), an offside mine site (E7) and a control site (W).
Sites | Ca | Fe | Mn | S |
W | 49533 ± 7292 | 6153 ± 463ab | 77 ± 13b | 1668 ± 24b |
E7 | 53133 ± 7427 | 5188 ± 97c | 76 ± 6b | 1416 ± 60c |
E1 | 54933 ± 1021 | 5735 ± 678bc | 80 ± 4b | 1954 ± 177a |
E8 | 53667 ± 2802 | 6757 ± 511a | 102 ± 9a | 1875 ± 165ab |
ANOVA | NS | * | * | * |
Values correspond to mean data obtained from the whole thalli. Values followed by the same letter do not differ significantly at a p < 0.05 (LSD Fisher´s test). NS: non−significant differences.
The RT spectra for samples obtained from lichens transplanted to E1 and E8 sites (inside mine sites) are displayed in Fig. 7. The scarce amount of sample available from lichens transplanted to E1 was detrimental to a good signal-to-noise ratio. Nevertheless, some information could be obtained from the spectrum by comparing it with that corresponding to E8 sample, with enough mass to perform the analysis.
Figure 7. Mössbauer spectra of samples E8 (upper) and E1 (lower) at RT. The corresponding subspectra were identified as S1. S2 and S3 (sextets) and D1 and D2 (doublets).
Both spectra were fitted to three broad sextets and two quadrupole doublets. On one hand, the sextet with hyperfine field around 51 T (S1) is characteristic of hematite while the sextet around 48 T (S2) is typical of partially oxidized magnetite, and the last one around 38 T (S3) is ascribed to a minor contribution of goethite (Murad and Johnston, 1987). On the other hand, the major doublet (D1) with quadrupole splitting (QS) 0.72 mms− 1 and IS 0.28 mm s− 1 is attributed to pyrite (FeS2) (Stevens et al. 2005), and the other one (D2) with QS 2.30 mm s− 1 and IS 1.25 mm s− 1 is ascribed to ferrous sulphate (FeSO4). (Dong et al. 2002). Due to the scarce amount of sample available from lichens or the lack of Fe-bearing compounds no RT spectra could be obtained for lichens samples transplanted to E7 and W sites.
According to the description of the mineralization detailed in the Study Area section for the Bajo el Durazno deposit, the main Fe minerals composing the deposit are sulphides (pyrite, chalcopyrite and bornite), oxides (magnetite and haematite) and sulphates (jarosite and natrojarosite) and to a lesser extent chlorite, biotite, siderite and tetrahedrite-tenantite. All Fe minerals detected in lichens by this analysis are consistent with the minerals described for the porphyry-type deposit, with the exception of goethite. Goethite is a secondary mineral, a product of surface alteration of primary minerals such as pyrite, marcasite, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, siderite, magnetite and others that have been exposed to atmospheric conditions (Tabelin et al. 2020). As a result of this oxidation of sulphides, hydrated oxides and oxihydroxides are formed, which give the characteristic colours (orange, reddish or brownish) to the deposits of barren material after a certain time. Therefore, the presence of goethite in lichens transplanted to inside mine sites would indicate the incorporation into the thalli of particles from sulphides mine tailings (waste dumps, stock-piles and tailing dump) subjected to oxidative processes.