The present study aimed to assess toe joint angles in healthy volunteers under WB and nWB conditions to establish reference values for these toe angles, assess the effect of WB conditions on differences in toe angles and to assess differences between the left and right foot to optimize patient treatment and evaluation. MTPJ angles ranged between 6˚ and 40˚, PIPJ angles between 0.5˚ and 54˚ and DIPJ angles between 1˚ and 46˚. The angles of MTPJ1-4 and IPJ1 were significantly lower during WB compared to nWB conditions; other toe joint angles did not show significant differences between nWB and WB conditions. Intraindividual toe joint angle of the left and right foot were comparable and mostly not significantly different.
There was no significant difference found in our study of WB condition for most PIPJ and DIPJ angles of the healthy volunteers between nWB and WB conditions. This is different from most MTPJ angles and other joint angles in foot and ankle anatomy, such as the intermetatarsal angle between metatarsal (MT) 1 and MT2 and the angle between MT5 and the ground, which show differences between loading and non-loading [15]. We hypothesized that in individual cases the PIPJ and DIPJ angles would generally become smaller when the foot was loaded. However Fig. 2 shows this is not always the case. When analysing individual cases of PIPJ and DIPJ angles to assess why in some cases the these joint angles were larger in WB conditions, we noticed that in those cases the PIPJ or DIPJ joints were often more (hyper)extended in WB conditions compared to a slight extension or flexion in nWB conditions (Fig. 3). Because the measurements were in 3D the angles are measured as absolute values, this resulted in larger toe joint angles in WB conditions. In 2D measurement it would be possible to assign a negative value to extension and a positive value to flexion. In 3D, a coordinate system could have been used for this purpose. This might have resulted in smaller toe joint angles in WB conditions compared to nWB conditions. Additionally, 3D joint angle measurements also take lateral or medial deviations in the transversal plane into account (Fig. 4). Therefore, joint angle measurement might result in higher values than would be expected when assessing only the sagittal image.
To our knowledge, there are no studies on the differences in PIPJ and DIPJ angle between nWB and WB conditions in healthy participants. However, in the presence of toe deformity there is evidence that weight-bearing significantly influences the position of the toe, such as in flexible claw and hammer toes [4]. More research is needed to investigate the diagnostic use of WBCT in examining lesser toe deformities.
The healthy volunteers showed a wide range in toe joint angles, especially in the PIPJ and DIPJ of the lesser toes. This implies that it is impossible to define overall reference values for toe joint angles. A few studies have analysed toe angles either with radiographs or without the use of imaging. Bus et al. [20] used a contact digitizer to assess anatomical landmarks on the toes to analyse the toe joint angles. Their healthy control group showed mean MTPJ, PIPJ and DIPJ angles of 45˚, 14˚ and 30˚, respectively in the second toe. The MTPJ and DIPJ angles were much larger than in our study. This might be because the measurement techniques were different. Mens et al. [21] used lateral weight-bearing radiographs and reported mean MTPJ, PIPJ and DIPJ angles of 24˚, 29˚ and 22˚ after a flexor tenotomy in patients with claw toes and diabetic ulceration of the second toe, which is closer to the findings in our current study. Cyphers et al. [22] and Femino et al. [23] classified an MTPJ and PIPJ angle of < 30˚ as a mild deformity, MTPJ and PIPJ angles of 30˚- 60˚ as moderate deformity and angles of > 60˚ as severe deformity using light photographs. According to their classification, some of the healthy volunteers from our study would be classified as with moderate deformity, even though they have no diagnosis of toe deformity. Ceccarini et al. [24] analysed PIPJ angles on radiographs after a hammer toe subtraction osteotomy. They defined a PIPJ angle of > 20˚ to be a poor result, thus implying these angles might still be a deformity. This is a completely different cut-off value from Cyphers et al. and Femino et al. [22, 23]. Thus, toe joint angles alone might not be sufficient to establish deformity. Elevated bare-foot plantar pressure or complaints by the patient such as pain or callus formation might be needed to diagnose toe deformity.
The intraindividual left-right differences were small. Thus, if a toe joint angle diminishes after surgery it is likely not accidental or due to a different stance of a patient. This fact can be used to analyse the effect of interventions, such as a flexor tenotomy. If a pre-operative scan is not available the contralateral side can be used as a comparator. Not having to perform a pre-operative scan also reduces radiation exposure for the patient. When the nWB and WB scans were performed, patients were encouraged not to move the foot in between scans. It is likely that toe stance differs when the foot is moved or if a patient leans more to one side. That a different stance was possible in our study between the nWB and WB scans, could be considered a limitation and could potentially be a reason for higher toe joint angles in WB conditions in some cases (Fig. 2). Therefore, in future studies it should be considered to combine the WBCT scans with a bare-foot pressure measurement inside the scanner to ensure the patient has the same stance in different scans.
In conclusion, the angles of each of the toe joints of the foot (i.e. MTPJ, PIPJ, and DIPJ) vary strongly across healthy volunteers. WB conditions change MTPJ angles of the first four digits and the IPJ angle of the hallux compared to nWB conditions, but do not alter PIPJ and DIPJ angles. This may affect diagnostics in clinical practice. The left and right feet show similar toe joint angles.