The median isn’t the message
In his personal essay titled, “The Median Isn’t the Message,” Stephen Jay Gould notes we often think about means and medians as “hard realities” and the variation in values around them “a set of transient and imperfect measurements of this hidden essence” (Gould 1991). In Gould’s case, the median life expectancy of his mesothelioma diagnosis was 8 months, although he lived for another 20 years: the skewness of the distribution of life expectancies for individuals with that type of cancer mattered to his expected longevity. A similar principle applies to nutrient fluxes; when we distill datasets down to their mean or median, we discount the extreme values, the nutrient “cold spots” or HSs. Indeed, in many biogeochemical and other scientific studies, efforts are made to remove these outliers from the dataset. In our study, we found spatially and temporally heterogeneous fluxes for all nutrients examined, resulted in right-skewed distributions with maximum values that greatly exceeded the mean or median (Fig. 2, Table 1). Just like Stephen J. Gould’s prognosis, the median did not represent well the population of nutrient fluxes in soil.
Understanding the temporal and spatial controls that produce locations of elevated nutrients is critical to advance our understanding of HS phenomena. Although HSs are now well-recognized by the biogeochemical community, incorporating HS phenomena into predictive biogeochemical models remains challenging (Landsberg et al. 1991; Groffman et al. 2009; Arora et al. 2022). Most ecological models use nutrient averages for spatial and temporal scaling (Strayer et al. 2003), discounting outliers found in soil microsites (Schimel and Bennett 2004), and are often not spatially explicit (Landsberg 2003) or do not consider multiple nutrient HSs with varying concentrations (i.e., Ryel and Caldwell 1998). Although there has been some recent progress in this area (Arora et al. 2022), we need to use sampling designs that allow for their explicit characterization to advance our mechanistic understanding of HS formation and subsequent inclusion into models. Our study advances knowledge of nutrient HS phenomena by using an experimental design that allowed us to elucidate multi-nutrient HS occurrence at different spatial locations and temporal scales.
Influence of yearly drought on HS formation
Hot spot formation was impacted by water year, especially for Ca2+, Mg2+, and Na+, likely because annual precipitation exhibited large variation across sampling periods (ranged from 701 to 1216 mm). A multi-year drought occurred during our study (Bales et al. 2018), resulting in total precipitation to be higher in WYs 2012 (996 mm y− 1) and 2016 (1216 mm y− 1) compared to 2013 (902 mm y− 1) and 2014 (701 mm y− 1; Fig. S1). Calcium, Mg2+, and Na+ fluxes and HS formation were greatest during WY 2012 and 2016 and substantially lower in the extreme drought years (Fig. 3 and S3, Tables 2, 3, S2 and S3). Variable water fluxes across drought and non-drought years likely impacted not only nutrient transport through the soil, but also altered the abundance of these nutrients by changing the rates of chemical weathering and cation exchange reactions (Johnson et al. 1968; Gislason et al. 2009). In contrast, PO43, NH4+, and NO3− exhibited less variability in HS formation (Fig. 3) from WYs 2012 through 2014 (Tables 2 and 3), even though these nutrient fluxes were also altered by water year (Fig. S3, Table S2 and S3). This suggests that labile C, water, or other limiting resources were accessible to microorganisms, even during drought years, to promote nutrient mineralization and nitrification, and water fluxes were high enough to transport these ions to the resin capsules across all sampling years. There was a notable increase in HSs for all nutrients in WY 2016, which followed the extreme drought WYs (2013–2015). Nutrients likely accumulated during the extreme drought years and were subsequently mobilized to the ion exchange resin capsules during the following wet year (WY 2016). Water fluxes were likely too inconsistent during our study period to generate HSs repeatedly in the same location over time, making HSs mostly transient rather than persisting in the same location over time.
Influence of seasonal drought on HS formation
Although PO43−, NH4+, and NO3− HSs were relatively insensitive to drought on an annual basis, they were responsive to seasonal drought conditions. We found nutrient fluxes and HSs for PO43−, NH4+, NO3−, and Na+ to be higher after the first fall rains compared to spring snowmelt (Tables 2 and S2, Fig. 3 and S3). Nutrients are known to accumulate during the hot, dry summers that characterize Mediterranean climates (Davidson et al. 1990; Lewis et al. 2006). Previous research in the Sierra Nevada found O horizon interflow had higher nutrient concentrations compared to underlying mineral soil solution and stream water, although these differences were highly variable (Woodward 2012; Miller et al. 2005; Johnson et al. 2011). When the first major precipitation event in the fall occurred, O horizon interflow likely became nutrient-rich (Miller et al. 2005, 2006; Johnson et al. 2011) and infiltrated mineral soil via preferential flow paths (Burcar et al. 1994; Bundt et al. 2001) to form HSs.
HS structure with depth
Previous studies have largely focused on characterizing HS occurrence in surficial soil rather than evaluating their formation with depth into the soil. We found HS spot formation was depth-dependent within the soil profile. The occurrence of HSs for all nutrients significantly decreased with depth into the soil (Fig. 3; Table 2) likely because microbial activity, nutrient substrate availability, and water fluxes were highest in the upper soil profile (Jobbágy and Jackson 2001; Sun et al. 2021). For Ca2+, this was driven mostly by HSs that formed deeper in the mineral soil after snowmelt in the spring (Marsh and Pomeroy 1999). Sodium differs from the other nutrients studied because it is not an essential element for plant and microbial growth, and therefore it does not accumulate within their biomass to a significant degree, resulting in Na+ acting like a semi-conservative tracer of water flow (Vitousek and Reiners 1975). This characteristic likely contributed to Na+ having the greatest number of HSs below 0-cm depth out of all nutrients (Fig. 3).
In the previous one-year study at this site using the same sampling devices and locations, PO43−, NH4+, and NO3− HSs were also concentrated in the upper sampling depths, whereas Ca2+, Mg2+, and Na+ HSs were identified at greater depths (Johnson et al. 2014). However, all nutrient HSs tended to persist more at depth in the Johnson et al. (2014) study, possibly because statistical analyses were run without the inclusion of the 0-cm depth resin capsule data. When we ran the same mixed-effect models without the data from the 0-cm depth, all nutrient fluxes except Na+ still decreased with depth (data not shown). Hot Spot likelihood also decreased with depth at Plot 2 for PO43−, NH4+, NO3−, and Mg2+, although Plot 1 nutrient HSs were no longer significantly impacted by depth. This result highlights that the observed depth trends are not strictly regulated by elevated HS formation at the interface of organic and mineral soil horizons. The dissipation of nutrient HSs with depth (especially the growth-limiting nutrients PO43−, NH4+, and NO3−; Vitousek and Reiners 1975) may be due to plant root uptake because HS occurrence has a negative relationship with rooting patterns in this Mediterranean forest (Hart and Firestone 1991). Globally, nutrients required by plants in greater amounts are generally found in the upper profile, while others such as Na+ persist deeper in the profile (Jobbágy and Jackson 2001). Therefore, it is not surprising that nutrient HSs follow these broad-scale nutrient patterns.
Influence of HSs on biogeochemical structure
By definition, HSs are found in select spatial compartments, therefore they necessarily occupy a relatively small percentage of the total soil volume. We found that, although PO43−, NH4+, and NO3− HSs only occurred in 8–17% of the total area sampled, HSs were responsible for 56–88% of the total nutrient flux on average (Fig. 6). This finding is similar to that observed previously in surficial soil (3-cm depth) in an alpine ecosystem where HSs only accounted for 14% of the study area but provided more than 50% of the bioavailable inorganic N (Darrouzet-Nardi and Bowman 2011). Additionally, a meta-analysis found rhizosphere HSs accounted for 10–33% of C and N net mineralization while only occupying 8–26% of the soil volume to a 10-cm depth (Finzi et al. 2015). In our study, Ca2+ and Mg2+ HSs accounted for a similar amount of the sampling area as PO43−, NH4+, and NO3−, however the proportion of the total nutrient flux attributed to HSs was relatively smaller (an average of 27–40 %). Therefore, groth-limiting nutrient HSs, especially PO43−, NH4+, and NO3−, may play a disproportionate role in regulating ecosystem processes and function compared to the volume of soil they represent.
Hot Spot behavior tended to cluster into groups of nutrients that have similar biogeochemical cycles. This is likely because nutrients primarily under biological control (PO43−, NH4+, and NO3−) require high substrate availability and high microbial activity to co-occur with active hydrological flowpaths to form HSs (McClain et al. 2003). In contrast, soil nutrient fluxes that are primarily under geochemical control (i.e., chemical weathering, ion exchange reactions; Ca2+, Mg2+, and Na+) largely require only the co-occurrence of substrate abundance and water flow, and are less dependent on high rates of microbial activity. These drivers likely contributed to biologically versus geochemically controlled nutrient HSs to have: dissimilar responses to yearly and seasonal drought (Tables 2 and 3), contrasting patterns in reoccurrence (Fig. 4), differences in the tendency for nutrient HSs to co-occur within respective groups at the same spatial locations (Fig. 5), and biologically controlled nutrient HSs to contribute to a larger portion of the total flux compared to geochemically controlled nutrients (Fig. 6).
Plot characteristics
Hot spot patterns demonstrated variability between plots that is likely due to a variety of environmental differences between them, including soil bulk density (related to soil strength), slope degree, and vegetation density. Generally, Plot 2 had higher soil strength than Plot 1, suggesting that pore connectivity was higher in Plot 2 (Lipiec and Hatano 2003). Additionally, Plot 2 was on a shallower slope than Plot 1 (Plot 1: 20%, Plot 2: 5%), which may have resulted in greater water infiltration in Plot 2 by reducing overland flow. Plot 2 had greater vegetation density than Plot 1, which likely resulted in more homogeneous substrate distribution. Taken together, these factors likely resulted in HS formation to be less seasonally dependent (Table 2) and created more co-occurring HS across all nutrients in Plot 2 compared to Plot 1 (Fig. 5). Given the inter-plot variability, identifying easily measured variables that co-vary with HS formation is needed for model incorporation.
HS ecological significance
The transient nature of HSs likely plays an important role in nutrient competition and utilization between plants and microbes as well as among individual plants. Although HSs can be areas of intense competition for available nutrients between vegetation and soil microorganisms (Jingguo and Bakken 1997), especially N (Kaye and Hart 1997), the extremely dry summers in Mediterranean-type climates limits root development in the surficial O horizon (Hart and Firestone 1991); therefore, soil microorganism likely obtain nutrients from the organic layer with minimal plant competition until leaching occurs into the mineral soil (Johnson et al. 2011). We found that reoccurrence, or duration, of nutrient HSs in soil tended to be more frequent in surficial soil than deeper in the soil profile (Fig. 4). Fungal species with vast mycelial networks (i.e., filamentous fungi) can likely exploit these reoccurring HSs by actively foraging for the nutrients contained in these locations; in contrast, more stationary microorganisms (i.e., bacteria and archaea) attached primarily to surfaces or held within soil aggregates are less likely to utilize nutrients contained within these locations as they are more dependent on diffusion and mass flow processes for nutrient uptake (Stark and Hart 1999).
The transient nature of HSs benefits some vegetation species over others. Reoccurring HSs of PO43−, NH4+, or NO3− may stimulate a morphological response of the belowground plant biomass (Robinson 1994; Hutchings et al. 2003; Wang et al. 2018). However, HSs of all nutrients were more commonly transient in nature and thus are more likely to elicit a physiological response in vegetation (Fransen et al. 1999). We hypothesize that plants with low morphological plasticity, but an extensive rooting system that can exhibit physiological plasticity, would likely benefit most from transient HSs (Crick and Grime 1987; Cui and Caldwell 1997; Wang et al. 2018), while reoccurring HSs would be more advantageous for species with high morphological plasticity to exploit these persistent elevated nutrient patches (Jackson and Caldwell 1989; Hutchings and Kroon 1994). Although microorganisms may outcompete vegetation in the short-term for transient nutrient HSs, plants that access reoccurring HS with their roots and mycorrhizal symbionts can acquire more nutrients over the long-term (Cui and Caldwell 1997; Hodge et al. 2000; Schimel and Bennett 2004).
The response of plants to nutrient heterogeneity is impacted by the concentration and chemical composition of the nutrient patch, the nutrient distribution within the soil profile, the duration of the nutrient pulse, and the frequency it occurs (Jackson and Caldwell, 1989; Bilbrough and Caldwell 1997; Jingguo and Bakken 1997; Fransen et al. 1999; Wijesinghe et al. 2001). Because HSs have extremely high fluxes compared to the soil matrix, are composed of co-varying macronutrients, are found at soil depths relevant to roots, persist over time in some locations, and are responsible for a large portion of the total nutrient flux, they likely play a disproportionate role in supporting ecosystem structure and function.