In vivo replication of RNA viruses is accomplished by multi-subunit replicase complexes, which consist of viral and host proteins (1–3). The core catalytic subunit of the replicase complexes is a RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) encoded by RNA viruses, which specifically locate to and contact with the 3'-end of the viral template facilitating the replication of complementary strand (4, 5). For identifying the detailed mechanism how RdRp perform the replication of RNA viruses, in vitro replication systems specific to given RNA viruses have been set up using purified RdRp from viral-infected cells or heterologous expression systems (6–11).
The complete life cycle of plant RNA virus in host requires different processes, such as virus particle decapitation, virus protein translation, virus genome replication, virus particle assembly and so on. For a particular population of viruses in the host, these processes are almost simultaneous and can not be strictly distinguished. Therefore, a specific process of RNA virus needs to be studied qualitatively or quantitatively, it is necessary to establish an independent in vitro research system, such as in vitro replication, in vitro translation, in vitro packaging and so on. In vitro replication systems have been established for several plant RNA viruses (such as TVMV, TCV, CMV, TBSV, TBTV and so on.) (6, 9, 12), Combining mutation analysis and RNA structure analysis in vitro, we can locate the core RNA regulatory elements (such as TLS at the 3' end of CMV, PR at the 3' end of TCV) and the core amino acids in RdRp (13, 14). At the heart of establishing an in vitro replication system against plant RNA viruses is the acquisition of an active virus-encoded RdRp, a central component of the replicase complex required for plant RNA viruses to replicate their genomes in plants (1, 9). Active RdRps are generally obtained by 2 methods: heterologous expression systems such as protein purification after prokaryotic expression (6, 9, 15), and direct extraction from virus-infected plant cells or tissues (16, 17) .
Potato virus Y (PVY), a member of the genus Potyvirus in the family Potyviridae, is 3' polyadenylated and contains a 5' genome-linked protein VPg, which can infect plants comprising 495 species in 72 genera of 31 families (18), is the most prevalent virus infecting potato and tobacco. It can be transmitted mechanically, by aphids in a non-persistent manner, and by seed potato (19, 20). The genome of PVY is a positive-sense single-stranded RNA of 9700 nucleotides and contains a open reading frames (ORFs) (21). The ORF encodes a large polyprotein that can be cleaved by three self-encoded proteinases into 10 mature proteins: P1, HC-Pro, P3, 6K1, CI, 6K2, VPg, NIa-Pro, NIb and CP. The additional P3N-PIPO protein may be produced by a transcriptional frameshift strategy (22). NIb protein has the characteristic of RdRp and may be involved in the pathogenicity of PVY (4). In addition, the pathogenicity of RNA viruses is the combined consequence of viral genome replication, viral protein translation, cell-to-cell and long distance movement and even viral particle packaging. In order to identify whether NIb of PVY is responsible for the replication of PVY genome and how perform the replication, an in vitro replication system need to be built up.
In this study, NIb fused with MBP-tag was expressed from prokaryotic system and purified through affinity chromatography against MBP-tag. The purified MBP-NIb specifically recognized the 3' region of PVY plus or minus strand and catalyzed in vitro synthesis of the complementary strand.