4.1 Main Findings on Dose-response Effect of Viral Load Level Assessed by the competing Multistate Markov Exponential Regression Model
The current study proposed a new competing multistate Markov process for modelling dynamic multistate infectious process from the first step of initial infection after exposure to infective sources among close contacts, the second step of two pathways regarding the potential of being non-persistent persistent asymptomatic before onset of symptom or staying persistent asymptomatic until recovery, and the third subsequent transition of from pre-symptomatic to symptomatic phase only for non-persistent asymptomatic case in both periods of Alpha and Omicron VOC. The Markov exponential regression model was further used to regress each transition on respective effects of viral load in continuous, decile, and three categories of CT value with adjustment for relevant state-specific covariates including age and the type of cluster infection for Alpha VOC and vaccination status for Omicron VOC. The novelty of the proposed model and the resultant findings is three-fold. First, the proposed new model in contrast to the conventional epidemic model can differentiate non-persistent type from persistent type among asymptomatic cases and also decompose the parameter of incubation period (the duration between time of infection and time of symptom onset) into infection rate, the potential of either pathways for two asymptomatic cases, and the transition from pre-symptomatic to symptomatic phase for non-persistent asymptomatic type. Second, viral load level plays a key role in the potential of being non-persistent asymptomatic or persistent asymptomatic in a dose-response manner. The higher the viral load level (the lower Ct value), the more likely to follow non-persistent asymptomatic pathway and the less likely to stay as persistent asymptomatic cases until recovery. The magnitude of such a dose-response relationship was more remarkable for Alpha VOC than Omicron VOC. The effects of relevant covariates such age, the type of cluster infection, and vaccination on each transition, particularly the initial infection, were also assessed and deemed as the controlled variables when the main effect of viral load was assessed. Third, the findings on the dose-response effects of viral load and other covariates provide a new insight into personalized dynamic multistate curves for supporting the use of continuous Ct value as virologic surveillance for projecting individualized epidemic trajectory. Each of three features is discussed as follows.
4.2 Modelling Competing Multistate Markov Infectious Process with Data on Active Case Finding
In contrast to the conventional epidemic model like SEIR model that often provides the epidemic trajectory of infectious process on population level, the competing multistate Markov infectious process is proposed for estimating relevant parameters as indicated in Table 3 (the risk of infection, the potential of either asymptomatic pathways, and the subsequent progression to symptomatic cases) by fitting the proposed model to six types of follow-up data on active case finding under contact tracing as shown in Fig. 2. The risk of infection multiplied by the potential of either pathways (π and 1-π) given total person days yielded incident non-persistent asymptomatic cases and persistent asymptomatic cases for Alpha and Omicron VOC, respectively. The progression or the median time from pre-symptomatic to symptomatic phase following non-persistent asymptomatic is not the same as but related to the parameters of infectiousness on pre-symptomatic transmission such as generation time, serial intervals, and incubation period. Our findings on the median time from pre-symptomatic to symptomatic phase for both Alpha and Omicron VOC were also consistent with the previous results of generation time although we did not have provide information on Delta VOC. Previous studies showed that the mean intrinsic generation time was shorter for the delta variant than the Alpha variant (Wu et al. 2014). Omicron was further proved to have a shorter general time and serial interval than Delta (Abbott et al. 2022, Backer et al. 2022, Ito et al. 2022, Kremer et al. 2022).
4.3 Distinguishing non-persistent asymptomatic and persistent asymptomatic pathway
In spite of previous studies already addressing the distribution of Ct value on the profile of infectiousness on symptomatic transmission before onset of symptoms on population level (Hay et al. 2021), it is still unclear how such infectious properties are quantitatively affected by viral shedding on individual level. Namely, the quantitative role of viral load played in the incubation period is yet well elucidated. The most intractable to do so is pertaining to two indistinguishable infectious phenotypes, non-persistent asymptomatic case and persistent asymptomatic case, before onset of symptom and also the subsequent progression from pre-symptomatic phase to symptomatic phase of the former. To assess respective effects of viral load on such a multistate infectious process, the present study proposed a Markov exponential regression model to quantitatively assess the relative contribution of viral shedding to the potential of either pathways with or without developing symptom and also the effect of viral shedding on the subsequent pre-symptomatic-symptomatic progression for non-persistent asymptomatic case with simultaneous adjustment for other covariates affecting the risk of initial infection. Both Alpha and Omicron have the findings in common that high viral shedding level made significant contribution to having higher odds of the pathway leading to non-persistent asymptomatic cases relative to the pathway of staying as persistent asymptomatic cases but viral shedding may play a minor role in the subsequent pre-symptomatic-symptomatic transition. The ability to distinguish ether pathways provides a new insight into the use of Ct as virologic surveillance for individualized epidemic trajectory of infectiousness profile on pre-symptomatic transmission and the potential of being persistent asymptomatic.
4.4 Personalized Dynamic Multistate Infectious Process
To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time for the field of infectious epidemiology to extensively use viral load level measured by Ct level through RT-PCR test as an indicator for guiding active case finding during contact tracing and providing quarantine and isolation for reducing pre-symptomatic transmission during the surveillance of emerging infectious disease such as COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection. The distribution of Ct value has been used to predict the epidemic trajectory of the SEIR model on population level (Hay et al. 2021). The previous studies showed high viral load detected at time of symptom onset and decreased monotonically after symptom (He et al. 2020). The high viral load could become the high transmission correlate (Marc et al. 2021). Reduced viral load could considerably decrease secondary attack rate. However, the dynamic of infectious process in the light of Ct value at the individual level has been yet studied. By quantifying the effect of viral load on the potential of either pathways and transition from pre-symptomatic to symptomatic phase with the proposed Markov exponential regression model, personalized dynamic curves of passing through pre-symptomatic state, progressing to symptomatic state, and staying as persistent asymptomatic by Ct vale can be derived at the individual level. The benefit of personalized dynamic curves is three-fold. First, personalized dynamic curves provide a precision surveillance for active case finding during the early outbreak of contact tracing. Second, they also guide precision control measures such as personal hygiene or facial mask for reducing pre-symptomatic transmission at individual level. Third, they also provide precision guidance of timely administration of anti-viral therapy such as Paxlovid for averting severe cases.
4.5 Relevant Covariates
The two major types of cluster infection included household-based transmission identified as the fruit dealer (index case) cluster type and social-activity-based transmission in a community-acquired outbreak. Compared with social-activity-based transmission type, the cluster with household-based transmission was more likely to have the potential of following pre-symptomatic-symptomatic pathway as opposed to the pathway of being persistent asymptomatic. Our finding was consistent with the result of higher risk infection in household due to the close and frequent contact (Madewell et al. 2020). Regarding sex and age, the result revealed low Ct-value and the elderly were more likely to have the potential of following pre-symptomatic-symptomatic pathway rather than staying as persistent asymptomatic but there was no difference between males and females. The longer median time for developing symptoms was observed in those with medium or high Ct-values and in the elderly but all these findings were not statistically significant.
As far as vaccination is concerned, it is well known that the occurrence and progression of pre-symptomatic of COVID-19 would be affected by vaccination. However, during the epidemic period by Alpha VOC attack in Taiwan, most susceptible subjects did not have vaccination protection but relied only on non-pharmaceutical interventions. Vaccination indeed o plays a role in viral shedding. The previous study in Singapore showed difference in viral load between the vaccinated and unvaccinated after the onset of symptom for Delta variant (Chia et al. 2021). However, little is known about the viral load in progression and occurrence of symptom caused by Omicron. We revealed that the lower Ct value was also associated with the symptom development after taking vaccination into consideration in Omicron VOC. The less odds of developing symptom in the vaccinated group compared with the unvaccinated group was noted in Omicron infected cases.
The study has limitations. The generalizability based on the current evidence need to be verified as data were only derived from community-acquired outbreak of one county in Taiwan. In addition, availability of data only allowed us to model Alpha and Omicron VOC. Note that such a dose-response relationship between viral load and multistate infectious process for other VOCs needs further validated by using more external data. Although personalized dynamic multistate infectious curve in relation to Ct value of viral load was derived the Ct value measured in different states is still one-shot value for each individual rather than the repeated measurement of the same individual. How to incorporate the dynamic viral shedding of the same individual into the proposed Markov exponential regression model is an ongoing subject in the near future.
In conclusion, the current demonstrates that the viral shedding caused by SARS-CoV-2 variant plays a key role in determining the pathway of either non-persistent asymptomatic or persistent asymptomatic cases in a dose-response manner but minor role in the subsequent progression to symptomatic phase. The higher the viral load (the lower Ct value), the higher odds of following the non-persistent asymptomatic pathway and the effect size was larger for the Alpha VOC than the Omicron VOC even making allowance for vaccination status. All the findings on the dose-response effects of viral load together with relevant state-specific covariates provide a new insight into the development of personalized dynamic multistate curves for supporting the use of continuous Ct value as virologic surveillance for projecting individualized epidemic trajectory.