Long before the first human flight in space, in the 18th century, the first mentions of the application of centrifugation for therapeutic purposes were found in the literature (Rosenblum 1963). At the end of the 19th century, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky – one of the fathers of the Russian space program – proposed using this method for creating centripetal accelerations that could provide an inertial load similar to the Earth's gravitational load – the so-called artificial gravity. Thus, particular interest in the effects of centrifugation appeared in the background of the evolution of aviation and space medicine (Kotovskaia and Will-Williams 2004). At the same time, studies of the therapeutic effects of centrifugation in patients did not stop. Thus, a unique research field was formed, where the experience of terrestrial and space medicine combine and complement each other (Isasi et al. 2022).
Particularly, short-radius centrifugation (SRC) is currently a promising and economically feasible method for both against the adverse effects of space flight (SF) (Clement 2015; Isasi et al. 2022; Seedhouse 2020) and for gravity therapy (GT) with beneficial effects on numerous conditions, such as immobility due to neuromuscular disorders, balance disorders, stroke, sports injuries, multiple sclerosis, ischemia of the lower extremities, peripheral and coronary artery disease, lymphedema, complex regional pain syndrome, secondary Raynaud’s phenomenon, and systemic sclerosis (Kotovskaia and Will-Williams 2004; Isasi et al. 2022; Kourtidou-Papadeli 2021, 2022). Despite the rich history of research (Kotovskaia and Will-Williams 2004), now the lack of clear recommendations for the use of SRC (for example, load dose, duration, frequency) hampers the implementation of this method into the practice of SF (Isasi et al. 2022). A similar problem hinders the wider application of the therapeutic effects of SRC in terrestrial medicine (Kourtidou-Papadeli 2021). To solve this problem, further accumulation of data on the influence of various SRC regimes on the human body is necessary.
The main difficulty of using centrifugation methods is the potential occurrence of undesirable orthostatic and vestibular reactions – syncope, cross-coupled illusion, and associated motion sickness. Moreover, tolerance to high G along the longitudinal body axis is degraded during SF (Clement et al. 2015; Kotovskaya 2010, 2015). In the problem of using SRC for prevention and treatment, an important aspect is not only the search for ways to increase positive effects but also the search for ways to minimize adverse reactions and health risks.
One of the promising ways to minimize the risks of using the SRC method is the ability of a human to adapt to the effects of overload. Besides developments in adapting humans to artificial gravity conditions are discussed for maintaining sensory-motor and structural integrity in missions involving transitions between different gravity environments. Recent studies using SRC and Human Centric Rotator Device with about 1 g at the subject’s center of mass and 2-2.5 g at feet suggest that any individual has the potential to tolerably vestibular acclimate to a given spin rate of operational importance (Bretl and Clark 2020, 2022). There is also evidence that artificial gravity training with a load from 1 g to 2.5 g at the feet for 35 min/day may improve orthostatic tolerance (Stenger et al. 2013).
Based on the above, and also taking into account the presence of cardio-postural interactions and muscle-pump baroreflex (Verma et al. 2017; Goswami et al. 2021) and their activation during short-arm centrifugation (Blaber et al. 2014), we hypothesized that repeated SRC may also improve postural tolerance.
The work aimed to study the postural characteristics after five consecutive SRC sessions with rest for at least three days between SRC in the interval training mode with angular velocities from 22 to 28 rpm and loads from 1.27 to 2.06 g at feet.