In this longitudinal study, we found that patients with T2D who had NAFLD had greater CVDs and there was a strong association between NAFLD and the incidence risk of CVD in diabetic population when adjusted for different variables in the tertiary multivariate adjusted model. There was no association between liver enzymes (ALT, AST, ALK-P, and GGT) and a higher incidence risk of CVD in T2D. Additionally, there was no relationship between AST, ALT, and GGT enzymes with the incidence risk of CVD subgroups such as PCI, MI, CABG, and CHF.
Previous studies assessed the association between NAFLD and the incidence of CVD in general or diabetic population via diagnosis of NAFLD based on the serum liver enzymes and fatty liver index, or liver ultrasonography, or liver biopsy.
Studies using liver biopsy to detect NAFLD showed that the most common cause of death was CVD in patients who had the evidence of hepatic fibrosis on their histopathology (30–32). Moreover, another study reported that a higher mortality rate was found in fibrosis stage of 3–4(33). Additionally, a study determined that there was a significant relationship between overt steatohepatitis at biopsy and cardiac diseases such as left atrium enlargement and increased left ventricular mass (34). The results of our study support these findings.
A group of different studies, in contrast to our results, determined that there was a strong association between the elevated level of γ-glutamyl transferase (GGT) and the presence and progression of CVD and sever cardiovascular outcomes leading to death(35, 36). In addition, there were some reports about the association between increasing the level of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and a higher 10-year risk of CVD after adjustment for metabolic risk factors and alcohol use(37, 38). A possible explanation for different result in our study could be a fewer follow-up period compared to the previous studies.
Regarding NAFLD detected by liver ultrasonography, several previous studies like ours showed that moderate to severe form of NAFLD (hepatic steatosis on ultrasound) was strongly correlated with a higher risk of fatal and nonfatal CVD after adjustment for cardiometabolic risk factors in patients with and without T2D(34, 39, 40). The results of our study support these findings. Liver ultrasonography could detect patients at high incidence risk of CVD based on previous studies that showed a strong association between ultrasonographic severity of steatosis and coronary/carotid atherosclerotic disease (40).
APRI was found to have a significant relationship with NAFLD in this study. A recent systematic review found that APRI risk stratifies morbidity and death in individuals with NAFLD, which is consistent with our findings (42). APRI can also detect fibrosis in NAFLD, according to a recent cross-sectional study in Iran (43). In addition, in NAFLD patients, a retrospective cohort research in Canada compared the predictive efficacy of non-invasive diagnostic procedures like APRI to liver histology and hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG). Their findings revealed that APRI can predict NAFLD patient outcomes and that it can be used to monitor, risk stratify, and identify targeted therapies (44). Furthermore, prospective research in Brazil found that is particularly effective in detecting NAFLD (45). In cohort research in South Korea, Koo et al. (46) found a strong link between APRI advancement and NAFLD, with the Q4 group having a greater hazard ratio for developing liver fibrosis than the Q1 group. Furthermore, in another prospective cohort study in Korea, the baseline HOMA-IR value was found to be an important risk factor for liver fibrosis advancement (47).
Pathophysiology of NAFLD and CVD
Although the exact mechanism of the relationship between NAFLD and CVD is not well understood, there are some possible explanations for the role of NAFLD in increasing the prevalence and incidence of cardiovascular events as follows.
The first possible explanation is due to insulin resistance and abdominal obesity in NAFLD patients. The elevated insulin level leads to change in the pathway of cellular free fatty acid (FFA) storage resulting in increasing its storage in skeletal muscle and liver rather than adipose tissue. This alternation in FFA pathway leads to fat accumulation into liver cells causing insulin resistance resulting in increasing oxidative stress in hepatocytes that causes abnormal adipocytokine profile and endothelial dysfunction and activation of further cardio-metabolic dysfunctional cascade(41, 42). Additionally, some studies showed that elevated FFA and very low-density lipoprotein had a role in producing more plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 that lead to endothelial dysfunction and stimulation of atherosclerosis resulting in adverse cardiovascular events (43, 44).
The second possible mechanism could be increased inflammatory mediators due to liver dysfunction and chronic disease. A study by Biddinger et al. showed that there was a strong relationship between the liver injury severity and the presence of atherosclerosis (45). Also based on a group of studies, NAFLD patients had a higher level of inflammatory mediators and prothrombotic including high-sensitive C-reactive protein, tumor necrosis factor α, and interleukin 6, fibrinogen, and plasminogen activator inhibitor that stimulated the nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway(46, 47). Increasing nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) plays a role in activation of more genes in hepatocytes (e.g. intercellular adhesion molecule-1 and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1) related to production of pro-inflammatory and atherogenic factors and aggregation of systemic inflammatory mediators(48). Moreover, excess c-Jun N-terminal kinase(JNK) can lead to insulin resistance via its effect on intracellular signaling pathway causing deactivation of insulin receptor(49). However, some studies determined that there was no association between endothelial dysfunction and NAFLD that may be related to considering mild form of NAFLD as the other studies revealed more cardiovascular events and endothelial dysfunction in the sever form of NAFLD(50, 51). Furthermore, there are some evidences that showed larger intima-media thickness and more calcified and non-calcified coronary plaques in NAFLD patients explaining the higher incidence and prevalence of CVD in this group compared to patients without NAFLD (52, 53).
The role of NAFLD in CVD subtypes
Based on clinical studies, NAFLD has an important role in the presence and progression of different CV manifestations, such as left ventricular dysfunction, atherosclerotic CV disease, coronary heart disease(54); structural cardiac abnormalities(valve dysfunction, myocardial hypertrophy, heart failure), arrhythmias(atrial fibrillation, premature ventricular beats, and non-sustained ventricular tachycardia(35)), cerebrovascular and thromboembolic events (ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke)(55, 56), suggesting that its contribution may be independent of the presence of traditional CV risk factors(57–59). However, there was no relationship between NAFLD and liver enzymes (AST, ALT, and GGT) with the subgroups of cardiovascular disease such as CHF, PCI, MI, and CABG in our study except for ALK-P which had significant association with CHF. This could be because the patients with incident CVD were prescribed high dose statins after diagnosis, preventing the more serious cardiovascular complications such as MI and CHF.
Treatment of NAFLD
Although the effectiveness of current treatment for NAFLD patients has not yet been approved, there are some recommended strategy to avoid further adverse cardiovascular risk in NAFLD patients such as; lifestyle changes (e.g. an appropriate and healthy diet such as Mediterranean diet(60), regular physical activity, and smoking cessation), pharmacotherapy to control metabolic syndrome components such as antidiabetic drugs (e.g. Pioglitazon(61), Glucagon-like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonists(62), and Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitors(63)), anti-hypertensive drugs(e.g. Angiotensin Receptor Blockers(64)), and lipid lowering agents(e.g. Statins(65, 66) and Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids(67)), and pharmacotherapy to control liver disease in sever NAFLD patients to avoid cirrhosis and its consequences. It is recommended to give some treatments such as; orlistat, vitamin E(68), and bariatric surgery(69, 70)to manage NAFLD in patients with current cardiometabolic disease based on a group of studies.
This study had several strengths. Firstly, to the best of our knowledge, it is the first prospective longitudinal study that assessed the association between NAFLD and liver enzymes (AST, ALT, ALK-P, and GGT) with the incidence risk of CVD complications in patients with T2D and the prospective design of this study can establish a causal relationship between the measured variables. Secondly, previous studies showed the association between NAFLD and the prevalence of CVD in general population, however, only a few have considered their possible role as a risk factor and a contributor to the development of CVD complications in patients with diabetes. Thirdly, the adequate sample size and the exclusion of other liver disease has increased the representativeness of our results. Nonetheless, this study also had some limitations. We considered the NAFLD in the present study according to definite signs of hepatic steatosis (grade 1–3 hepatic steatosis on abdominal ultrasound), our results may not apply to patients with earlier hepatic steatosis stages on ultrasound or those individuals with sonographically undetectable NAFLD. Further long-term, prospective, observational studies on various ethnic groups in all stages of NAFLD are recommended to determine NAFLD's possible role as a predictive factor for developing CVD complications of T2D.