The novelty of the developed Green BIM Proces Model cannot be overstated. First and foremost, the developed process model encompasses the critical components that can facilitate the collaborative exchange of accurate information in the green BIM design. This corresponds with Martínez-Camacho et al., (2023) statement that developing a state-of-the-art BIM-oriented process model with necessary components, is required to address the heterogeneous nature of the green building design. The developed Green BIM Proces Model advocates that clients should be provided with proof of the benefits of green building design. This aligns with Ayarkwa et al., (2022) assertion that the clients and other stakeholders should be adequately convinced of the benefits of sustainable design practices. The competency and training of components of the developed model distinguish it from previous process models developed by Wu and Issa (2015); Kamari et al. (2017); Zanni et al. (2020), Ohueri et al., (2022), etc. This corresponds with Aibinu and Papadonikolaki, (2020) view that selecting a well-trained multidiscipline design team that is knowledgeable and competent in the use of BIM tools is needed to facilitate collaboration and information exchange. However, Zhao et al. (2022), postulated that the lack of training and competency of the diverse team remains a major hindrance to achieving digital sustainability in the construction sector. Thus, the competency and training component of the Green BIM Process Model provides the opportunity for the design team to constantly undergo training, as technology continues to advance.
The development of the model is guided by benchmarks like building regulations, BIM standards 19650 1&2, and sustainability criteria (MyCREST Design) which are a prerequisite for sustainable building design (Wu et al., 2023). Notably, the model is one of the first attempts to clearly define how BIM can be used to actualize MyCREST Design criteria, which is the epitome of reducing carbon emissions in the building and construction sector (JKR & CIDB, 2017). The key principles of sustainable building design were strictly considered as well. Specifically, carbon sequestration strategy including passive design strategies, as well as heating and cooling loads are projected in the developed model, which was suggested by Krygiel & Nies, (2008) as best practices. The novel Green BIM Process Model incorporates occupants' requirements into the design process. Ayarkwa et al., (2022); Bangwal et al., (2022) cited that engaging occupants and the community in the design process helps the design team to make informed decisions. Furthermore, the developed model emphasizes engagement and support from institutions like the government and the education sector. Semaan et al., (2021) posited that institutions can significantly promote the adoption of BIM in the sustainable building design process by training practitioners and providing monetary incentives. This is missing in other existing process models for green building design.
Although there was no consensus regarding the reconciliation of safety and sustainability objectives, the simultaneous consideration of sustainability and safety during the BIM-enabled green building design practices is recommended (Zanni et al., 2020). In Junction (J8) of Green BIM Process Model Fabric and Layout Optimization (Fig. 3), a consensus was reached on the design strategies required to enhance Indoor Environmental Quality. Krygiel and Nies, (2008) suggest the selection of materials with low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOC) as they are not harmful to the occupants. According to Ohueri et al., (2022), this is a vital approach to eliminating sick building syndrome (SBS). In line with Elgayar et al. (2016) assertion, the developed model obliges the Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing (MEP) Engineer to maximize energy use by installing eco-friendly and resource-efficient systems like occupancy sensors and light reduction controls. Also, water conservation and waste reduction strategies highlighted in the MyCREST Design were strictly adhered to (see Appendix for information requirements). According to Elgayar et al. (2016), maximizing the rainwater catchment area, among other strategies can help generate and conserve water. In the same vein, cost and time reduction are also critically considered to ensure the overall success of the design process (JKR and CIDB 2017).
According to ISO 19650, identifying decision points is a crucial phase in building design and this has been acknowledged in the developed Green BIM Process Model. To provide quality assurance that the sustainability objectives would be met, it is necessary to audit the soft-gates and hard-gate decision-making. According to Zanni et al., (2022), the hard gates require the stoppage of the entire design practice pending a review. On the other hand, soft gates require the continuation of the design process concurrently with the design review. Decision-making starts at the onset of the sustainable building design process. For example, though not explicit, decisions are taken on sustainability aspiration, cost, etc., from J1 (Fig. 2). The point at which the sustainable building design process may iterate is Junctions [X]. The UOB 2.1 decomposition indicates that upon completion of the "Build massing model" task (UOB 2.1.1), functions (UOBs) 2.1.2 to 2.1.6 can be initiated, although not necessarily concurrently. The Junction [&], (J3), and (J2), highlight this sequencing within the UOB 2.1 decomposition.
After the successful completion of all tasks, a comprehensive "Massing assessment report" is developed in PDF format. Junction J4 specifically relates to the sustainability criteria defined by the MyCREST Design guidelines. Prior to moving to the next phase of design, a consensus ought to be reached by the client and the core design team. In Junction (J8) of fabric and layout optimization (Fig. 3), a consensus was reached on the design strategies required to enhance Indoor Environmental Quality. The consensus could be in the form of a pdf report in Junction J8 and J10. Junctions J11 (Fig. 4) guarantees the coordination of iterations between the Architecture, Structural, and MEP BIM models. Junction J12 criteria encompass a comprehensive trade-off among all the MyCREST issues addressed in the previous junctions, while also establishing targets for the subsequent indicator. The decisions are made by the core design team, which includes the client, based on information derived from various sources such as 2D drawings, 3D models, the comprehensive sustainability report, and the cost estimate report. As viewed by Kamari et al. (2019) a reliable decision mechanism is required to actualize the design objectives. According to Razmi et al., (2022); Kamari et al. (2019) critical decisions are made based on sustainability criteria. However, when there is a lack of consensus, building regulation is prioritized over sustainability criteria. The iteration design process is illustrated in Fig. 5. Critical decisions are met at various Junctions from J14, J15, &J17. If the targeted sustainability criteria are not met, iteration continues.
7.2. Validation of the Green BIM Process Model
The need to validate research output has been highlighted by several scholars including Sekaran and Bougie (2016), even though there is no standard for validating research output. Thus, the developed Green BIM Process Model was validated by 2 Architects, 1 Electrical Engineer, 2 Mechanical engineers, 2 BIM Coordinators/Managers, 2 sustainability engineers, and 1 BIM software expert. The 10 Validators were part of the initial interview. According to Wu and Issa (2015), the essence of validating a research output by construction experts is to fundamentally establish trustworthiness, examine the completeness of the research output, and provide recommendations for further improvement. The Validators reached a consensus that the developed process model is noteworthy as it provides guidelines in view of the most critical aspects of sustainability at the concept design stage of building and enables the design team to collaboratively exchange reliable information and make critical decisions on time. According to Validator 1 (Architect), “The developed green BIM Process Model can help construction experts to adequately apply the diverse BIM tools to deliver the overarching sustainability criteria of rating tools”. The Validators cited that the developed process model is novel as it will simplify and promote the use of BIM in delivering cumbersome sustainability information. Besides, the rigor in the method of developing the Green BIM Process Model was highly commended by the Validators.