Relative abundance and microhabitat use
"Colostethus" ruthveni ss is an abundant species, at least during the periods and at the sites sampled. Although these data do not allow us to assume that the relative abundance is constantly high, they suggest that the populations can remain very conspicuous, despite the marked water deficit suffered by the lower range of the SNSM (< 1000 masl) during the dry season (Fundación Pro-Sierra Nevada 1998). The variation of the relative abundance in each sampling event, could be the product of multiple factors inherent to the biology of “C.” ruthveni ss like the occupancy and detection probabilities, as well as those related to the characteristics of the sampling such as the capture effort and the accessibility to the microhabitats for the observer (MacKenzie et al. 2002). Regarding the latter, the localities where the greatest abundance was recorded (Sierra Minca, Central Córdoba and Las Tinajas) have easily accessible ravines, gentler slopes and longer walkable stretches, where observers have less physical difficulties in detecting specimens.
It is possible that the apparently stable population status of “C.” ruthveni ss in the study area is related to the fact that the northwestern sector of the SNSM is one of the best preserved areas of the entire massif, since it has the least loss of natural vegetation cover in the past two decades (Granda-Rodríguez et al. 2020). The studies carried out so far of the other endemic amphibians of the SNSM of the genera Atelopus, Pristimantis, Geobatrachus, and Ikakogi (Martinez-Baños et al. 2011; Granda Rodriguez et al. 2012; Granda-Rodríguez et al. 2020; Roach et al. 2021) show high relative abundances, despite the presence of chytridiomycosis in the region (Flechas et al. 2017). This is in contrast to the general panorama of the conservation status of amphibians in the North-Andean region, where multiple population declines have been documented (Womack et al. 2022).
Despite the apparent stability in the relative abundance of amphibians in the northwestern SNSM, multiple potential threats must be addressed. With the recent "Peace Process" in Colombia and the dismantling of some of the insurgent armed groups, areas previously indirectly protected by the Colombian armed conflict are now available for use. Due to the increase in tourism and agricultural activity in the area, demographic growth in the distributional area of “C.” ruthveni has recently accelerated (Carvajalino-Slaghekke 2015; Guardiola 2019). This leads to an increase in infrastructure and water demand, as well as environmental noise that, together with poor wastewater management, can synergistically affect the population status of this and other amphibian species in the area. Therefore, the implementation of environmental management measures and territorial planning in this region should be encouraged. Although, currently "C." ruthveni is considered a Near Threatened species, the recent discovery of cryptic diversity within “C.” ruthveni (Grant et al. 2017; Jiménez-Bolaño et al. 2019) will generate substantial changes in the interpretation of the conservation status, because the area of distribution and threats will be fragmented according to the number of species that make up the group and how they are distributed throughout the SNSM.
The microhabitat use data obtained show that the greatest activity of “C.” ruthveni occurs in the lowest strata of the forest, below approximately 50 cm. Like other dendrobatoids from northern Colombia, “C.” ruthveni finds shelter and food in microhabitats on the forest floor such as rocks and leaf litter (Blanco-Torres et al. 2013, 2014; Posso-Peláez et al. 2017; Granda-Rodríguez et al. 2018). Added to this is the fact that all the processes involved in reproductive biology known up to now, such as singing, courtship, amplexus, laying site, among others, also occur at ground level or in the lowest strata of the forest.
Free-swimming tadpoles
The tadpoles of “C.” ruthveni have the typical morphology of the larvae that were part of the genus Colostethus sensu lato (Coloma 1995; Anganoy-Criollo 2013), currently included in various genera of the families Aromobatidae and Dendrobatidae (Colostethinae and Hyloxalinae). Several character states of external larval morphology such as the UJS notch, sinister gut, and projecting nostril rim are ancestral (Sánchez 2013), symplesiomorphically shared with Aromobatidae, Colostethinae, Hyloxalinae, and Phyllobates. On the other hand, the narrow A-2 gap and the moderately sized nostrils could constitute putative synapomorphies of the “C” group ruthveni, if it is verified that they are also present in group members that are not yet described (sensu Grant et al. 2017; Jiménez-Bolaño et al. 2019).
The external morphology of the free-swimming tadpoles of “C.” ruthveni from La Victoria agrees with the character states described by Anganoy-Criollo (2013), Sánchez (2013) and Anganoy-Criollo and Cepeda-Quilindo (2017). However, part of the material examined and determined by Sánchez (2013) does not correspond to "C." ruthveni ss. One batch of specimens (ICN 35773) comes from the southwestern sector of the SNSM, where “C.” sp ruthveni-like is distributed (Grant et al. 2017; Jiménez-Bolaño et al. 2019). As well as, the ICN 35779 batch of specimens comes from the Serranía del Perijá, a region part of the Andean mountain range that is not connected to SNSM (Granda-Rodríguez et al. 2014; Jiménez-Bolaño et al. 2019; Meza-Joya et al. 2019). These tadpoles may correspond to two aromobatids from the western foothills of the Serranía de Perijá, Rheobates palmatus Werner, 1899 or Allobates ignotus Anganoy-Criollo, 2012 (Moreno-Arias et al. 2009; Anganoy-Criollo 2012; Romero-Martinez and Lynch 2012; Granda-Rodríguez et al. 2018).
The states of some tadpole characters of "C." ruthveni determined by us showed strong variation with respect to what was reported by Ruthven and Gaige (1915). The illustrations provided by them of back-riding and free-swimming tadpoles show the A-2 gap to be very wide (back-riding tadpole: A–2 gap/ODW = 30%, free-swimming tadpole: A-2 gap/ODW = 25%, calculated qualitatively from Ruthven and Gaige (1915, Figs. 1 and 3). Furthermore, referring to the same free-swimming tadpole with 20 mm TL, they suggested that “the upper second row of teeth is not always is interrupted”. Although it was not possible to determine the larval stage (sensu of the tadpoles illustrated by them. Our larvae of similar size (Stage 26, n = 13, TL = 16.7–23.3 mm) have a much reduced A-2 gap on average (A-2 gap/ODW = 5.1%), but it is never absent. It is possible that the marked differences in the A-2 gap ratio of Ruthven and Gaige (1915) tadpoles with respect to recent literature (Anganoy-Criollo and Cepeda-Quilindo 2017) obey ontogenic variation; however, this variation would far exceed that detected from our material, since the tadpole with the highest A-2 gap/ODW ratio had < 8% at stage 26.
Another contrasting detail of the Ruthven and Gaige (1915) illustrations is that they suggest that the UJS notch is absent, a condition contrary to that reported by recent studies (UJS notch present, UJS “W-shaped”; Sánchez 2013; Anganoy-Criollo and Cepeda-Quilindo 2017). The presence of the UJS notch is a character with little variation and easily distinguishable in free-swimming tadpoles (from stage 25; Sánchez 2013; M A. Anganoy-Criollo, pers. comm.). The A-2 gap/ODW ratio and the absence of the UJS notch in the free-swimming tadpole (20 mm TL) illustrated by Ruthven and Gaige (1915) could be considered as atypical character states in light of recent evidence.
Courtship and reproductive mode
Courtship, like other reproductive behavior traits, is undoubtedly considered one of the most conspicuous and fascinating features of dendrobatoids (Wells 2007; Summers and Tumulty 2014). Thus, partial observations on courtship in "C." ruthveni are similar to those reported in other dendrobatoid species such as Mannophryne trinitatis Garman 1888, Mannophryne collaris Boulenger 1912, Anomaloglossus stepheni Martins 1989, Allobates marchesianus Melin 1941, Allobates femoralis Boulenger 1884, Allobates paleovarzensis Lima, Caldwell, Biavati, and Montanarin 2010, Allobates velocicantus Souza, Ferrão, Hanken, and Lima 2020 R. palmatus, Colostethus panamansis Dunn 1933, Hyloxalus toachi Coloma, 1995, Dendrobates auratus Girard 1855 and Dendrobates tinctorius Cuvier 1797, where behaviors such as color changes, body raising, circling, throat displays, and tactile interactions have been observed (Duellman 1966; Dole and Durant 1974; Lüddecke 1976; Wells 1978, 1980a, b; Juncá 1998; Hödl and Amézquita 2001; Juncá and Rodrigues 2006; Quiguango-Ubillús and Coloma 2008; Lima et al. 2010; Montanarin et al. 2011; Rocha et al. 2018; Rojas and Pašukonis 2019). The tactile interactions of “C.” ruthveni are similar to those described in A. stepheni, Allobates subfolionidifcans Lima, Sánchez, and Souza 2007 and D. tinctorius, where the male approaches the female and places his front legs on her back, perhaps a stimulant prior to oviposition (Juncá and Rodrigues 2006; Souza et al. 2017; Rojas and Pašukonis 2019).
Of all the possible courtship variation within the Dendrobatoidea clade, some behaviors contrast with our observations. For example, something very particular and that differs notably from the behavior of “C.” ruthveni ss is the upright posture on its hind legs observed during courtship only in M. collaris and which the authors call “toe-dance” (Dole and Durant 1974). Likewise, in aposematic species such as Ameerega braccata Steindachner 1864, Ameerega flavopicta Lutz 1925 and Oophaga sylvatica Funkhouser 1956, courtship is accompanied by the display of conspicuous coloration of hidden surfaces through visual cues by moving their limbs (Summers 1992; Costa et al. 2006; Forti et al. 2013). “Toe-trembling” is a very common visual signal in anurans (Sloggett and Zeilstra 2008), however this signal exhibited by “C.” ruthveni ss during amplexus differs from that reported in species such as Oophaga histrionica Berthold, 1845, D. auratus and D. tinctorius, where it has been observed during courtship, foraging, and agonistic interactions (Silverstone 1973; Wells 1978; Rojas and Pašukonis 2019).
Cephalic amplexus is one of the most striking characteristics within dendrobatoid courtship. It is present in at least 22 species and is strongly associated with terrestrial habits representing 6.5% of the known diversity of the clade (Carvajal-Castro et al. 2020; Frost 2023). This behavior is quite complex, and the establishment of its homology depends to a great extent on the reproductive context, where certain pre-ovipositional variants are not part of the cephalic grasp in a strict sense (Castillo-Trenn and Coloma 2008). In accordance with the above, "C." ruthveni ss exhibits various forms of grasping in the nuptial embrace, resulting in intermediate points between the axillary position and the final cephalic position. This is similar to what was observed in A. flavopicta, where the axillary amplexus was initially reported (Costa et al. 2006). But later observations determined intraspecific variation in the position of the embrace, with intermediate positions between the axillary and cephalic amplexus, the last the predominant variation (Magrini et al. 2010). However, this differs from what was reported in Hyloxalus azureiventris (Kneller and Henle 1985) and some cryptic species that were part of the extensive group Colostethus sensu lato such as Allobates caeruleodactylus Lima and Caldwell 2001 and A. subfolionidificans in which this type of amplexus has not been recorded (Lima et al. 2002; Quiguango-Ubillús and Coloma 2008; Souza et al. 2017).
Several authors have considered parental care and larval transport as a reproductive mode trait (Duellman and Trueb 1994; Haddad and Prado 2005; Wells 2007; Crump 2015). However, Nunes-De-Almeida et al. (2021) in their redefinition of the reproductive mode, excluded parental care as it is a difficult characteristic to identify, except for those cases where care involves feeding and incubation. This is interesting when compared with our observations, since considering the proposal of Haddad and Prado (2005), the annotations for the transport of larvae made by Ruthven and Gaige (1915) complemented with the masses of eggs at ground level found in “C.” ruthveni ss in localities of the SNSM coincide with Mode 20 (eggs that hatch in exotrophic tadpoles that are transported to the water by the adult), agreeing with that exhibited by C. panamansis and other dendrobatoids of the Ameerega, Silverstoneia, Epipedobates, Hyloxalus and Allobates genus (Wells 1980b; Lima et al. 2010; Summers and Tumulty 2014; Crump 2015).
Regarding the postures above ground level of “C.” ruthveni found in the Las Tinajas, these are similar to what was observed in Allobates brunneus (Cope, 1887), Ameerega bilinguis (Jungfer 1989), Ameerega hahneli (Boulenger 1884), Allobates carajas Simões, Rojas, and Lima, 2019, and Leucostethus fraterdanieli (Silverstone 1971), and A. subfolionidificans (Lima et al. 2009; Beirne and Whitworth 2011; Brown et al. 2019; Simões et al. 2019; Rojas-Morales et al. 2021), which latter is different from the others because it deposits its eggs on the underside of leaves (Lima et al. 2007; Souza et al. 2017). Unlike the species mentioned, in “C.” ruthveni, the transport of larvae in this area was not observed, so we elaborated two hypotheses to explain this event: a) the transport and deposition of larvae in the pond is done immediately after hatching and b) there is a mode without transport of larvae larvae, in which they hatch and fall directly into the water (Mode 24, Haddad and Prado 2005). The latter and the location of egg masses at and above ground level at “C.” ruthveni suggested some degree of phenotypic plasticity in reproductive mode, as has been shown in the species Dendropsophus ebraccatus Cope 1874 (Hylidae) that alternates between aquatic and terrestrial postures (Touchon and Warkentin 2008).
"Colostethus" ruthveni ss egg masses in vegetation above ground level, as well as those deposited at ground level correspond to modes 22 and 32 (Nunes-De-Almeida et al. 2021). Curiously, in the scheme of Nunes-De-Almeida et al. (2021) there is no reproductive mode that includes clutches deposited on rocky substrates that derive from tadpoles (indirect development) from exotrophic nutrition and lotic habitats. So far, only rocks have been documented as ovipositing substrates in salamanders that produce direct development offspring (Mode 35). Therefore, we propose an additional reproductive mode that continues the list of Nunes-De-Almeida et al. (2021): Mode “75”: Terrestrial non-froth eggs laid on rock. Offspring with indirect development, lecithotrophic nutrition, exotrophic, and without parental feeding. Known only for anurans. In passing, we want to note that the use of quotation marks in the number does not necessarily indicate the consecutive under the Nunes-De-Almeida et al. (2021) scheme. This variation in reproductive mode are probably the product of phenotypic plasticity of this species against environmental conditions. This must be tested experimentally both in situ and ex situ (Barboza 2014).
Distribution of larval and reproductive characters
The hypothesis about the phylogenetic relationships of the group “C.” ruthveni by Grant et al. (2017) could be considered a surprising result, since phylogenetic logistic models indicate that the probability of gaining the ability to sequester alkaloids or going from a cryptic to aposematic phenotype is considerably higher than that of a reversion (Santos et al. 2014). However, this hypothesis has the robustness conferred by the Goodman-Bremer values and the YBIRÁ procedure that tests the stability of the nodes through the removal of clades or "wildcard" terminals (Grant and Kluge 2008; Machado 2015). Although our objective is far from evaluating whether the phylogenetic relationships of group “C.” ruthveni proposed by Grant et al. (2017) are plausible or not, according to the new evidence, we believe that the sampling and refinement of certain characters could provide greater clarity about the relationships. First, whether group “C.” ruthveni shares the synapomorphic status of the Dendrobatinae subfamily [160(1); the ability to sequester lipophilic alkaloids present] should be examined. But we detected that at least 27 characters (Supplementary Table 5) were declared as a mixture of neomorphic and transformational characters. This character set includes the three synapomorphies of the clade group “C.” ruthveni + Dendrobatini (characters 71, 72 and 156). Although the declarations of these characters undoubtedly follow a logical sequence (Sereno 2007), examining the appearance/loss and the transformation of the states in the same character is inappropriate because it violates the precept of the independence of characters. Including these considerations and the additional characters presented here could at best reinforce the Grant et al. (2017) hypothesis or perhaps a different perspective of the relationships of the group “C.” ruthveni and even Dendrobatoidea.
Even considering these aspects of Grant et al. (2017) on the relationships of Dendrobatoidea, this is the most comprehensive and complete approach on the topic and on it we will base our hypotheses on the evolution of larval and reproductive characters. In general terms, the larval morphology of Dendrobatoidea is conservative, where there is a generalized ancestral morphological pattern symplesiomorphically shared by Aromobatidae, Colostethinae, Hyloxalinae, and some members of Dendrobatinae such as Phyllobates and the group “C” ruthveni (Sánchez 2013). Compiling the data obtained by (Sánchez 2013), Grant et al. (2017) and this study, this ancestral body plane can be characterized with the caudal coloration of the tadpole with scattered melanophores scattered melanophores clumped to form diffuse blotches [93(1)], the presence of a notch in the upper jaw sheath [103(0)], the anal tube in dextral position [104 (0)], the long gut concealing other organs [107 (0)], and the presence of a projection of the external sagittal edge of the nostril [108 (1)]. Although the larval characters of “C.” ruthveni mostly correspond to a compendium of symplesiomorphies, some provide an interesting perspective. The caudal coloration in “C.” ruthveni as clusters of melanophores forming diffuse spots [93(1)] corresponds to the loss of an acquired novelty in the Dendrobatinae subfamily clade [93(2)]. Both this reversal and the presence of lateral line stitches [106 (1)] could constitute a synapomorphy of the “C” ruthveni synapomorphies if they are shown to be present in the undescribed members of the complex. Likewise, the presence of lateral line stitches could constitute a synapomorphy of the clade group “C.” ruthveni + Dendrobatini, if the presence of this character state is demonstrated in Minyobates steyermarki (Rivero, 1971). The A2-gap/ODW ratio also proved to be valuable for the diagnosis of the genera, despite the strong intrageneric variation detected. Intergeneric variation in A2-gap width in the phylogenetic context of Grant et al. (2017) suggests that narrow to moderate gaps could be the ancestral condition and that moderate to wide gaps evolved independently in Allobates, Amereega, Epipedobates, a species of Hyloxalus and the subfamily Dendrobatinae. In that sense, the presence of a narrow A2-gap in “C.” ruthveni could be a reversal, and a synapomorphy if its presence is verified in the other members of the group.
Of the reproductive characters, the occurrence of amplexus [115(1)] and of cephalic grasping [116(1)] is quite informative. For decades, cephalic amplexus was considered to be a Dendrobatoid synapomorphy with multiple subsequent losses (Myers et al. 1991) (Myers et al. 1991). However, from total evidence-based phylogenies, Grant et al. (2006) noted that cephalic amplexus has arisen in three independent lineages within the clade (Anomaloglossus beebei Noble 1923, Colosthethinae, and M. steyermarki). Nevertheless, the occurrence of this character is known to be much more widely distributed throughout the Dendrobatoidea, being present in some Anomaloglossus, Allobates, Colostethinae, Paruwrobates, Hyloxalus and the group “C” ruthveni (Myers et al. 1978; Wells 1980c; Myers and Burrowes 1987; Jungfer 1989; Roithmair 1994; Grant and Castro 1998; Juncá 1998; Bourne et al. 2001; Quiguango-Ubillús and Coloma 2008; Castillo-Trenn and Coloma 2008; Lima et al. 2010; Magrini et al. 2010; Montanarin et al. 2011; Forti et al. 2013; Grant et al. 2017 [see Supplementary Material S4]; Rocha et al. 2018; Carvajal-Castro et al. 2020; Souza et al. 2020). So far, this is the only member of the Dendrobatinae subfamily that still retains some form of amplexus, as Myers (1987) observations on M. steyermarki may be related to aggressive behavior, i.e., possible male-fighting (López-López et al. 2016) and for this reason it must be verified (Castillo-Trenn and Coloma 2008). All the above suggests that the larval and reproductive characters are a good source of information to understand the relationship between the genera of Dendrobatoidea, and that also some characteristics such as free-swimming tadpoles with a lateral line and a narrow A-2 gap, as well as the occurrence of cephalic amplexus are useful to diagnose the group “C.” ruthveni.