TMAO is known as a precursor of atherosclerosis (Zhu et al. 2020) which is generated inside the human body through a two-step process as colorless amine oxide that involves the participation of both gut microbiota and host liver enzyme flavin-containing monooxygenase (FMO3) (Velasquez et al. 2016). Initially, ingested L-carnitine, choline rich foods are metabolized by gut microbial choline TMA lyases (CutC/CutD complex) and carnitine oxygenases (CntA/B) (Rath et al. 2017) into TMA, producing y-butyrobetaine as an intermediate metabolite, which is then absorbed by the circulating blood of hepatic portal of the human body (Velasquez et al. 2016). Then the host hepatic FMO3 plays a crucial role in oxidation of TMA into TMAO, which enters into the main circulation. After entry, TMAO initiates atherosclerosis by activating macrophage scavenger receptors such as class A1 (SRA1) and CD36 for uptake of oxidized low-density lipoproteins (ox-LDL) (oxidized due to high TMAO levels) leading to upregulation and increase in transformation of macrophages into foam cells. TMAO also causes an increase in the expression of inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and TNFα, provoking an inflammatory response, resulting in the penetration of these modified macrophages through the endothelial barrier and accumulation in vessel intima forming atherosclerotic plaques (Zhu et al. 2020).
Elevated plasma TMAO level is also associated with numerous ailments such as chronic kidney disease (Tang et al. 2015), colorectal cancer (Xu et al. 2015), type 2 diabetes mellitus (Li et al. 2015), liver steatosis, hypertension (Coutinho-Wolino et al. 2021), ischaemic stroke (Schneider et al. 2020). High TMAO levels also acts as a biomarker in detecting neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD) (Xu and Wang 2016) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (Quan et al. 2020). Increase in blood TMAO content also alters bile acid synthesis (Wilson et al. 2016), enhances thrombosis and causes hyperactivity of platelets leading to heart attack (Zhu et al. 2016a).
Presence of TMAO as an osmoprotectant (Yancey et al. 2014) in tissues of marine organisms helps them to withstand adverse sea environmental conditions. Consumption of sea food causes direct absorption of TMAO from the gut into the bloodstream (Velasquez et al. 2016). TMAO has also been detected in Arabidopsis thaliana as an osmolyte to combat adverse environmental conditions such as high soil salinity, temperatures and unfavorable natural calamities by preventing plant protein denaturation and upregulating stress-induced functional genes (Catalá et al. 2021).
TMA, the main precursor of TMAO in the human body, has a characteristic fishy odor and is generated in the gut in a number of ways. Members of human gut flora, such as Clostridium asparagiforme, Anaerococcus hydrogenalis, Escherichia fergusonii, etc. actively utilize choline and generates TMA with the help of choline TMA lyase (Velasquez et al. 2016) by introducing a cleavage in radical C-N bond of choline (Craciun and Balskus 2012). TMAO when reaches gut through food is reduced to TMA by TMAO degrading enzymes such as TMAO reductase (TorA) produced by gut bacteria such as Escherichia sp., Bacillus sp., Salmonella sp., etc (Fennema et al. 2016). Mutation of hepatic FMO3 gene which is involved in conversion of TMA to TMAO, leads to accumulation of TMA in the digestive system, causing a rare human disease known as Trimethylaminuria (TMAU) or fish odor syndrome (Ayesh et al. 1993) (Dolphin et al. 1997) resulting in rotten fish odor in urine, breath and sweat due to the release of TMA (Fennema et al. 2016).
TMA is also declared an air pollutant by The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and its recommended exposure limit (REL) is 10 ppm (Wannomai et al. 2019). Long-term exposure to TMA has shown a visible rise in blood pressure levels and also kidney damage by upregulation of the markers of KIM-1 and proteinuria in rats (Maksymiuk et al. 2022).
So recently, scientists are trying to reduce human plasma TMAO levels using antibiotics, meldonium, 3,3-dimethyl-1-butanol, resveratrol, FMO3 inhibitors and by lowering the L-carnitine and choline consumption (Velasquez et al. 2016). Unfortunately, all these methods have considerable adverse effects on the human body. So degradation of TMAO or its precursor, TMA, using microbial enzymes in the gut may be a convenient way to reduce the detrimental effect of TMAO on human health with least side effects. The enzyme Tmm is the primary enzyme responsible for the oxidation of TMA to TMAO followed by the second enzyme, Tdm which carries out the oxygen independent demethylation of TMA into dimethylamine (DMA) and formaldehyde (Zhu et al. 2016b) leading to the release of ammonia as the final byproduct of the metabolism. This mechanism is carried out by some reported microbes such as Hyphomicrobium sp. (Meiberg 1979), Paracoccus sp. (Kim et al. 2001), Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3 (Lidbury et al. 2015), etc.
In present study, our primary aim was to isolate bacterial strains from naturally TMA/TMAO rich environment (marine fish) which can effectively degrade TMA/ TMAO and may be used as probiotic organism to reduce the adverse effect of these two harmful chemicals in human gut in the long run. For this purpose, we have screened 14 bacterial isolates from various marine fishes based on their effective utilization of TMA in mineral salt medium supplemented with TMA as sole carbon and nitrogen source. Finally, isolate PS1 screened from skin of Pomfret fish (Pampus argenteus), which was later identified as a strain of Paracoccus sp. was selected for further study on the basis of its higher growth rate on TMA. Study of antibiotic sensitivity profile and β-hemolysis test showed that Paracoccus sp. strain PS1 is not positive for such pathogenicity related trait. We have got positive results for PS1 when tested for qualitative and quantitative assays for TMA degradation, Nessler reaction, effective utilization of other amines for growth that are involved in TMA degradation pathway, spectrophotometric, ESI TOF-MS and HPLC assay methods. To get an insight into the genetic configuration of TMA/TMAO degrading enzymes and related genes we have performed the whole genome sequencing (WGS) of isolate PS1. From the functionally annotated WGS data of PS1, sequences of Tmm and Tdm enzymes, the main players behind the aerobic degradation of TMA are retrieved and their evolutionary relationship was established using MEGA7 software. In silico analysis for the determination of physicochemical properties of those two genes is done in detail with the help of the Expasy tool.