The research project was approved by the Comitê de Ética em Experimentação Animal of the Universidade de Uberaba (n. 033/2014). Thirty-six male New Zealand rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), aged 3 to 4 months, with an average body mass of 2.5 kg, were used.
Evaluation of the stromal fraction of adipose tissue in the treatment of osteochondral defects employed 24 rabbits, totaling 48 femorotibiopatelar joints (FTPs). The right joints were randomly divided into two experimental groups with 12 joints each. One group was treated with stromal fraction of adipose tissue (SFAT) and the other with autogenous osteochondral graft, constituting the positive control (C+). The osteochondral defects of the left FTP joints were not treated, constituting the negative control (C-). An additional 12 rabbits were used to obtain the stromal fraction of adipose tissue.
Acquisition of stromal fraction of adipose tissue in rabbits.
Samples collected from adipose tissue were placed in a 50-mL sterile Falcon tube containing 25 mL of 0.9% saline solution and immediately sent to the Laboratório de Pesquisa em Sanidade e Produção Animal nos Trópicos for processing. All sample manipulation was performed aseptically in a laminar flow hood. Initially, the samples were shaken to remove blood and cellular debris and transferred to a new 50-mL Falcon tube containing 20 mL of 0.1% collagenase type I solution (Roche®, Germany) diluted in 0.015 M PBS. The tissue was fragmented with the aid of scissors, generating particles of about 3 mm. The samples were then divided into three digestion times, remaining in an oven at 37.5°C for 30, 40 and 50 minutes with vigorous shaking at 5-minute intervals. After digestion, the samples were centrifuged for 10 minutes at 1400rpm, the supernatant discarded and the pellet containing the stromal fraction resuspended in 20 mL of 0.015 M PBS for washing and removal of collagenase residues. The sample was then centrifuged for 10 minutes at 1400rpm and the supernatant discarded. The pellet was evaluated for cell viability by Trypan blue.
Creation of osteochondral defects and treatments
Surgeries were performed in the operating room of the Hospital Veterinário de Uberaba. The animals were anesthetized with 5mg/kg xylazine, IM (Xilazin®, Syntec, Brazil) and 40mg/kg ketamine, IM (Cetamin®, Syntec, Brazil), followed by lumbosacral epidural block with 0.5% 0.22mL/Kg bupivacaine (Neocaína®, Cristália, Brazil) and 0.1mg/kg Morphine (Dimorf®, Cristália, Brazil). The following were then administered: 40 mg/kg ceftriaxone sodium, IM (Eurofarma, Brazil) and 0.1mg/kg meloxicam, IM (Maxicam® 0.2%, Ouro Fino, Brazil).
Craniolateral access was performed to the right femorotibiopatellar joint and, moving the patella away medially, the middle third of the trochlear sulcus was located, the site chosen for creating the osteochondral defect [18]. With the aid of a drill and a perforation limiter, a hole measuring 5 mm in diameter and 5 mm in depth was made in the chosen location (Fig. 1). The defects (osteochondral holes) of the right joints of the animals in the SFAT and C + groups were filled with, respectively, 0.3mL of the stromal fraction of adipose tissue (SFAT) (Fig. 1) and a macerated osteochondral graft, which was removed when the drill was inserted to make the hole (osteochondral defect) in the trochlear groove. Left joint defects were not filled, constituting the negative control. After surgery, animals received 5mg/kg morphine, SC, every 6 hours for the first 24 hours. On the second and third days after surgery, the animals received 5 mg/kg tramadol, SC (Tramadon, Cristalia, Brazil), every 12 hours.
Radiographic evaluation
Radiographic evaluations were performed in the immediate postoperative period and at 15, 30, 45 days for all animals and at 60, 75 and 90 days for half of the animals in each group. Two radiographic exposures were performed in the mediolateral and craniocaudal projections. The area of radiolucency (unfilled) in the osteochondral defect was measured and the area of new bone formation was obtained as the difference between the radiolucency area in the post-immediate period minus the radiolucency area of each evaluation time, using the program ImageJ 1.52k (US National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA).
Macroscopic and histopathological evaluation
Macroscopic evaluation of the femorotibiopatellar joints was performed after euthanasia, through photographic registration and use of the inverse scoring system adapted by [18] (Table 1). Six animals from each group were evaluated at 45 days, and another six at 90 days, after surgery.
The scores used for the macroscopic evaluation were based on the following criteria: contractures; effusions; intra-articular adhesions; synovitis; osteophytes; repair tissue staining; repair fabric surface; integration with adjacent cartilage and filling of the defect.
Microscopic evaluations were performed with six joints from each group at 45 days, and another six at 90 days, after surgery. These assessments were performed using only the joint region. After collection, joints were fixed in 10% buffered formalin. The joints were subsequently submitted to demineralization with an aqueous solution of 10% v/v formic acid and 9% v/v sodium citrate for 180 days. After this period, the bones were sectioned transversally and the halves processed by routine embedding in paraffin, stained with hematoxylin-eosin and descriptively evaluated by optical microscopy. The type and characteristic of the filling tissue observed in the periphery, center and surface of the osteochondral defect were evaluated (Fig. 2).
Statistical evaluation
A completely randomized design was used. Parametric data (cell count and area of new bone formation) were submitted to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and means of cell counts were compared by the paired t test and those of area of new bone formation by the unpaired t test. Nonparametric data (scores) were submitted to the Kruskal-Wallis test followed by the Dunn test using the program Graphpad Instat 3 (GraphPad Software Inc., United States). Differences were considered significant if p < 0.05 [19].