In our study, sodium removal per UFV tended to be lowest at 1-hour of dwell time. In particular, in PET [H], sodium removal per UFV in the group with a dwell time of one hour was significantly lower than those with dwell time longer than two hours. To achieve the adult CAPD standard of 7.5 g/L, it took more than 2 hours for PET [H], and PET [HA] and [LA] could not achieve it with APD alone. [3].
The 3-pore model proposed by Rippe [6] may be used to estimate water and solute transport in PD. The smallest pores, which are selectively permeable only to free water, corresponds to a channel called aquaporin in the peritoneal cell membrane. The small pores are permeable to electrolytes as well as water while the large pores are permeable to proteins. Heimbürger et al. reported trends in solutes and solution in dialysate during a 6-hour dwell in 41 studies of 33 adult patients on CAPD [7]. In this report, the sodium concentration in the dialysate decreased from the start to a dwell time of 30–90 minutes mainly because of the movement of free water from the intravascular to the intraperitoneal space via aquaporins. At this time, sodium was accumulating because its removal per UFV was low, in a phenomenon known as Na sieving. After a dwell time of 60–90 minutes, the sodium concentration in the dialysate began to increase, indicating the movement of water, including electrolytes, via the small pores. Subsequently, the sodium concentration in the dialysate continued to increase slowly until 360 minutes. However, as the dialysate began to be absorbed into the lymphatic lumen, the UFV peaked at 120–240 minutes and began to decrease, as did the net sodium removal. Our results are consistent with these findings, showing that sodium removal per UFV is low in short-dwell APD and results in Na sieving.
In pediatric maintenance PD, 75.7% of patients chose APD for its relatively greater compatibility with school life and caregiver support while 23.5% chose CAPD [2, 4]. Although PD generally allows a milder restriction of salt intake than HD, it is important to keep in mind that APD may not be as efficient as CAPD at removing salt because of Na sieving. Our results also showed that sodium removal per UFV was lowest in one hour of dwell time in all groups. Especially in PET [H], the difference between one and two hours of dwell time was significantly larger, 61.9 mmol/L (3.6 g/L salt equivalent). Therefore, to reduce Na sieving in APD, dwell times less than one hour should be avoided if possible. However, in actual clinical practice, especially in the management of anuric infants on APD, it may be difficult to achieve a dwell time of more than two hours because of the high UFV requirement per body size. And in such cases, Na sieving becomes a more pressing concern. Na sieving causes hypernatremia, which often leads to increased water intake due to severe thirst, hypertension, and an increased UFV requirement, resulting in a vicious cycle. Thus, in patients who require management with short-dwell APD, the risk of Na sieving should be borne in mind, and a combination of a long daytime dwell for sodium removal as well as restriction of sodium intake should be considered.
The limitations of this study are that it is a single-center, retrospective study; it is an exploratory study and was not corrected for multiplicity; and that urine sodium excretion was not examined in patients with residual kidney function. Because hypoplastic-dysplastic kidney is common primary disease in chronic kidney failure in children and salt-losing kidney failure is common, some non-anuric patients on APD have no problem with their total sodium excretion. Furthermore, since the volume of dialysate per body surface area and the concentrations of sugar and sodium are not standardized, a prospective cohort study with standardized parameters can provide more accurate results. Also, by calculating the dwell time precisely, it may be possible to determine the shortest dwell time at which sodium removal per UFV equilibrates per peritoneal function.