To see the stability of each chain in different simulation the Root Mean Square deviation (RMSD) was calculated. The reference structure for comparison was set to the widely accepted minimized equilibrated conformation. The backbone atoms of chains 1 and 6 (belonging to an unliganded oligomer) showed a higher value of RMS deviation for chain 1 (~ 10 Å) and a none-converged value of ~ 5.5 to 8 Å from 155 ns for chain 6 (Fig. 2a & c). It was unclear whether this could be attributed to more dimensional freedom or was the result of chemical interactions. We did not intend to claim whether our compounds would have any therapeutic impact, but rather sought to study their interactions on the chain's stability. Compounds were selected if they or their root compounds previously showed some impact on α-Syn or other proteins; all those selected had strong drug-likeness parameters, as revealed through the evaluation of Lipinski's "rule of five" (Fig. 1d).
The RMSDs for chains 1 and 2 of the three simulations (Gin, C10, and C14) showed convergence and stable behavior from 2 to a maximum of 5 Å, which consider as an acceptable range. The lowest RMSD for chain 2 was seen for C14, from 150 to 300 ns at the range of 2 to 3 Å. Chains 3 and 4 for the unliganded and all liganded simulations fluctuated in the range of 2 to 4 Å, larger RMSDs were observed for both chains in the unliganded simulation. The unliganded chain 5 (with ~ 5 Å) and chain 6 of the C14 simulations were less stable than chains 5 and 6 in the C10 and Gin simulations. Chains 1 and 6 were the most unstable, thus, we further investigated the behaviors of these two chains in addition to four chains with liganded and unliganded simulations. Most chains showed convergence based on their RMSD assessments, apart from chain 6 of C14 during the last 50 ns (Fig. 2a-c).
Apart from the docking analysis result, to ensure strong interaction between chemical compounds and α-Syn, we evaluate free energy through a detailed explanation of the material and methods (Section 3.3 and Fig. 2d). The result confirmed that Gin makes more energetic binding to the oligomer with − 58.3 kcal/mol compared to -38.9 kcal/mol in C14 and − 25.6 kcal/mol in C10 (Fig. 2d). This result, combined with the docking scores and "Lipinski's rule of five" assessment indicating strong binding between selected compounds and α-Syn oligomers.
We then evaluated hydrogen bonds at the cut-off of 3.5 Å between each neighboring chain to assess the H-bond numbers and insights into the roles of chemical compounds on chain instability. The number of H-bonds between chains 1 and 2 and between chains 2 and 3 in the unliganded system fluctuated between ~ 37 and ~ 44, while for all liganded simulations, they ranged from a minimum of ~ 52 to a maximum of ~ 62. We observed the same trend for H-bonds between chains 3 and 4 and between chains 4 and 5, as these ranged from ~ 43 to ~ 52 in the unliganded simulation and 54 to 64 in the liganded simulation. From these observations, we conclude that each chemical compound may contribute to more potent or effective interactions among protofibril chains and that the three applied chemicals may stabilize them (Fig. 3a - b). The number of H-bonds between chains 5 and 6 in the unliganded simulation was 25 to 40 compared to the average of 50 to 69 in all other simulations and other chains (Supp Fig. 1).
By considering the RMSD and number of H-bonds, we can assume that larger structural motions occur in unliganded simulations. However, we are interested to know whether any trends exist within the different segments of the oligomer. Therefore, we examined the root means square fluctuations (RMSFs) of the last 50 ns in the 24 chains for all simulations to uncover the nature of structural motion related to each chain, to determine the role of the chemical compounds, and to identify the segments with the most flexible chains. In the unliganded simulations, chains 1 and 6 showed RMS fluctuations of roughly 5 Å, without considering the residues at N or C-ter, which naturally are flexible especially if they are disordered (Fig. 3c). The regions with the most significant motions were in chains 1 and 6. Of these, chain 1 exhibited higher values primarily in three areas: aa 40 to 46, aa 56 to 63, and aa 79 to 84 (note that that segments are not necessarily loop). We view these regions where RMS fluctuation began to increase to a maximum fluctuation of ~ 4 and ~ 4.8 Å for chain 1, as well as ~ 3 Å and 2.5 Å for chain 6 for aa 40 to 46, and aa 79 to 84. Other chains (2 and 5) exhibited lower motion compared to chains 1 and 6 in the unliganded simulation, Gin and C10 (Fig. 3c-d and Supp Fig. 2–3).
Chain fluctuation in C14 was lower than that in the unliganded simulation. Still, the trend of highly flexible regions resembled that of the unliganded simulation, with residues of aa 44 to 46, aa 56 to 63, and aa 82 to 84. Whether these flexible regions have a biological role or function as a critical protein segment has yet to be determined (Fig. 3d and Supp Fig. 2–3).
We then analyzed the protein's conformational dynamics and collective motion using Essential Dynamics (ED). We were able to calculate most of the converged conformations from 250 ns to 300 ns. The complexity of the generated data during MD simulation needed to be addressed with effective analysis to define the biological value of the conformational changes. The high-frequency localized motion of the proteins may be less crucial to the function than collective motions. We used Principal Components Analysis (PCA) to reduce the high-dimensional dataset onto the functional collective coordinates, as has been done successfully in several studies. Covariance matrixes have been generated from 250 ns to 300 ns for the Cα atoms in each chain. The diagonalization of the covariance matrix yielded the eigenvalues, then PC subspace spanned PC1 and PC2 for the unliganded, Gin, and C14 simulations for all six chains compared in each simulation (Fig. 4a-f).
A small number of PC vectors represented most of the movements of the chains. Here, we considered the first three PCs of the evaluated data. To observe the conformational dynamics of each trajectory along the eigenvectors, we projected the trajectories on the first two PCs. Chain 1 in the unliganded, Gin, and C14 simulations had more extended conformations that occupied a large phase space compared to chains 2 or 3. Chain 1 was also more flexible and may be described as more representative of the protein's function in its interactions with various factors (Fig. 4a-c). However, their conformational behaviors were different; this was especially obvious when we compared the unliganded and two liganded systems, which further can be extended to the role of the ligand. We observed more restricted motion in the essential subspace, which also correlated with lower RMS fluctuation, in chains 2 and 3. This was unsurprising because their motion was limited through the constrained sides of chains 1 and 4. In all three simulations, chains 1 and 6 mapped different areas of the principal plane, and chains 2 through 5 of the liganded systems occupied closer regions on the plane compared to those in the unliganded system (Fig. 4d-f).
We generated a heat map to show the interaction energy from 250 ns to 300 ns in the Ulig, Gin, and C14 simulations to elucidate the energetic contributions of each chains’ residue with neighboring chain and to evaluate their roles in stabilizing the protein. In each chain (chains 1–6), all residues, one by one, are considered as one group and the neighboring chains as the second group, we then calculate the L-J and Coulomb interactions between each residue and its adjacent chain to get the interaction energy (IE) which is the sum of L-J and Coulomb. The primary assessment showed that the IE among all liganded chains was higher than that of the unliganded chains (Table 1).
We divided α-Syn into four segments based on the extent to which they were ordered or where the shape turn began from the chain. Segment 1 encompassed aa 37 to aa 48, which were full loops; segment 2 encompassed aa 49 to aa 58, fully developed into a sheet conformation; segments 3 and 4, which encompassed aa 59 to aa 79 and aa 80 to aa 99, respectively, composed of loop and small sheet conformations. (Supp Fig. 4)
In chain 1, segment 1 had a lower IE value in the unliganded simulation for almost all residues apart from Val48, which strongly contributed to the binding to chain 2 and had an IE of -54.8 kJ/mol. The IE between residues of chains 2–3, 3–4, 4–5, and 5–6 for segment 1 differed between the Gin and C14 simulations, but showed a similar trend in that most regions of the heat map were reddish in color. The exceptions were four residues (37 through 40) of IE between the residues of chains 3–4 and 5–6, which interacted relatively strongly with their neighboring chains. (Table 1). The sum of the IE of all segments’ 1 residues between chains 1–2, 2–3, 3–4, 4–5, and 5–6 in the unliganded simulation were -166.1, -338.4, -269.9, -245.5, and − 347.9 kJ/mol, respectively. The weakest IE was between chains 1 and 2, and the most robust was between chains 5 and 6. Chain 1 only interacted in one direction with chain 2, has more directional freedom compared to other chains exhibited different behaviors. The sums of the IE for segment 1 between chains 1–2, 2–3, 3–4, 4–5, and 5–6 in C14 were higher in all chains than in the unliganded simulation, apart from between chains 2–3 and higher than chains in Gin apart from between chains 3–4. This is noteworthy to mention that C14 is among those compounds that interact inside the protofibril.
Two residues that strongly contributed to stability in the interactions between the six chains, were Thr44 and Glu46 with the sums of -558.2 and − 736.1 kJ/mol, respectively, across all simulations, which are the higher among all segment 1 residues in all three simulations. This might suggest that these two residues or the region that cover them can be a potential site of targeting, especially peptide-based or monoclonal antibodies against α-Syn aggregates (Table 1).
In segment 2 (residues 49 through 58), some residues had lower IE in all simulations compared to others. For the six chains, His50, Ala53, Val55, and Glu57 (apart from Unlig) had very low IE at -315.3, -173.4, -244.5, and − 332.5 kJ/mol (sum), respectively, if we exclude the contribution of Glu57 in the unliganded simulation at -62.6kJ/mol. Unsurprisingly, the sum of all the residues IE in segment 1 for the three simulations was − 4742.4, compared to -5358.3 kJ/mol in segment 2. These results indicate that the sheets in segment 2 are tied more strongly together, are among the significant points for fibril stability, and might represent the pivot points for the aggregate. In segment 3 (aa 59 through 79), small sheets and loops were the most significant constituents that makes this segment the most challenging target because of its nature and drug accessibility. The sum of the IE for all chains in the three simulations for this segment was -12011.6 kJ/mol, which is higher than the sums for segments 1 and 2 at -10100.3 kJ/mol (segments 1 and 2 compose of 22 residues compared to 21 residues in segment 3). This shows that the combination of loop and sheet can strongly affect the strength of the interactions between chains. This segment and its residues may not be a reasonable target for the design of an effective therapy. Further, in segment 3, the IE between chains (chains 1 and 2, 2 and 3, 3 and 4, 4 and 5, 5 and 6) were weaker in the unliganded simulation. The lowest IE values were observed between chains 2 and 3 at -596.22 kJ/mol, in Unlig compared to -818.32 kJ/mol, and − 917.47 kJ/mol in the Gin, and C14 simulations, respectively. (Table 1).
Segment 4 comprised residues with a dominant loop-like shape. The sum of their IE in the three systems was lower than that in segment 3. The weakest IE was observed at -414.4 kJ/mol between chains 5 and 6 in the unliganded simulation. Residues of these segments in all three simulations and across all chains had very similar and weak IE; among them, the sums of Gly84, Gly86, Ala89, and Ala91 were − 150.3, -168.1, -164.1, and − 159.8 kJ/mol, respectively, for all chains in the three simulations.