3.1 Design of the water demand-price function of urban residents based on ELES
At present, Chinese cities have implemented a stepped water pricing policy. To effectively analyze the characteristics of urban residents' water demand, this paper regards water in different price ranges as different commodities. Based on this, this study adopts ELES to construct the water demand-price function in different price ranges and analyze the characteristics of urban residents' basic water demand.
First, the total utility function of urban residents' consumption expenditure is constructed based on the ELES, as shown in Eq. (3 − 1):
\(U=b\bullet ln\left(x-\stackrel{-}{x}\right)+{b}_{i}\bullet {\sum }_{i=2}^{n}\text{l}\text{n}({x}_{i}-{\stackrel{-}{x}}_{i})\) (3 − 1)
The constraints for maximizing the total utility of urban residents' consumption expenditure are as shown in Eq. (3 − 2):
\(p\bullet x+\sum _{i=2}^{n}{p}_{i}{x}_{i}-M=0\) (3 − 2)
where \(p\) represents the water price, \({p}_{i}\) refers to the price of other goods purchased by urban residents (except water expenses), and M refers to the total household consumption expenditure.
Eq. (3 − 1) can be further converted into a Lagrange function, as shown in Eq. (3–3):
\(L({x}_{1},{x}_{2},{x}_{3},\dots ,{\lambda })=b\bullet ln\left(x-\stackrel{-}{x}\right)\) +\({b}_{i}\bullet \sum _{i=2}^{n}ln\left({x}_{i}-{\stackrel{-}{x}}_{i}\right)+{\lambda }\left(M-\sum _{i=2}^{n}{p}_{i}{x}_{i}\right)\) (3–3)
Therefore, the constraint for maximizing the utility function L in Eq. (3–3) can be expressed in Eq. (3–4):
\(\left\{\begin{array}{c}M-\sum _{i=1}^{n}{p}_{i}{x}_{i}=0\\ \frac{\partial L}{\partial {x}_{i}}=\frac{b}{x-\stackrel{-}{x}}-\lambda \bullet p\\ \frac{\partial L}{\partial {x}_{i}}=\frac{{b}_{i}}{{x}_{i}-{\stackrel{-}{x}}_{i}}-\lambda \bullet {p}_{i},(i=\text{2,3},\dots .,n)\end{array}\right.\) (3–4)
According to the calculation and under the condition of maximum utility, the relationship between urban residents' water consumption and other commodity consumption is presented in Eq. (3–5):
\(\frac{b}{p(x-\stackrel{-}{x})}=\frac{{b}_{i}}{{p}_{i}({x}_{i}-{\stackrel{-}{x}}_{i})}\) (3–5)
After conversion, Eq. (3–6) is obtained.
\({b}_{i}p(x-\stackrel{-}{x})=b{p}_{i}({x}_{i}-{\stackrel{-}{x}}_{i})\) (3–6)
By summing all commodities i in Eq. (3–6), the expenditure E of water consumption of urban residents can be obtained in Eq. (3–7):
\(E=p\stackrel{-}{x}+\frac{b}{\sum _{i=1}^{n}{b}_{i}}(M-\sum _{i=2}^{n}{p}_{i}{\stackrel{-}{x}}_{i})\) (3–7)
Assume \(\beta =\frac{b}{\sum _{i=1}^{n}{b}_{i}}\), where \(\beta\) indicates the marginal consumption tendency of urban residents. Then, Eq. (3–8) can be obtained as follows:
\(E=p\stackrel{-}{x}+\beta (M-\sum _{i=2}^{n}{p}_{i}{\stackrel{-}{x}}_{i})\) (3–8)
Let \({\alpha }=p\stackrel{-}{x}-\beta \sum _{i=2}^{n}{p}_{i}{\stackrel{-}{x}}_{i}\) and replace M with the disposable income I of urban households, Eqs. (3–9) and (3–10) can be obtained:
\(E={\alpha }+\beta I\) (3–9)
\(p\stackrel{-}{x}={\alpha }+\beta \frac{\sum _{i=2}^{n}{{\alpha }}_{i}}{(1-\sum _{i=2}^{n}{\beta }_{i})}\) (3–10)
Finally, the water demand of urban residents under the condition of a single price can be obtained in Eq. (3–11):
\(x=\stackrel{-}{x}+\frac{\beta }{p}(I-\sum _{i=2}^{n}{p}_{i}{\stackrel{-}{x}}_{i})\) (3–11)
where \(x\) denotes the total water consumption of urban residents, \(\stackrel{-}{x}\) denotes the water consumption of urban residents to meet their basic living needs, \(p\) denotes the water price, \({p}_{i}\) denotes the price of other commodities, and \({\stackrel{-}{x}}_{i}\) denotes the total consumption of residents for other commodities. Based on the above derivation, this study surveys the income and consumption expenditure of urban households and obtains relevant data.
Then, OLS regression is applied to estimate\({\alpha }\) and \(\beta\), and by inspecting the two parameters, the water demand-price function of urban residents is obtained.
3.2 Design of the improved water demand-price function of urban residents based on QUAIDS
3.2.1 Limitations of the water demand-price function of urban residents based on ELES
This paper adopts ELES to estimate the relevant parameters according to the income and consumption of urban residents, and the water demand-price function of urban residents is obtained based on ELES. According to the function, the estimation of the marginal consumption tendency \(\beta\) of urban residents' water demand is constant, i.e., the consumption budget share of urban residents' water consumption increases linearly with the urban residents' income. However, the relationship between urban residents' water consumption budget share and household disposable income may not be linear. For example, when the water price does not change, with the increase of household disposable income, the budget share of urban residents' water consumption shows a marginal decline feature instead of a proportional growth trend. Meanwhile, changes in water prices will also affect the budget share of urban residents' water consumption. For instance, when household disposable income does not change and water price rises, it is necessary to increase household water consumption expenditure to meet the previous water demand and the budget share of household water consumption will increase.
Additionally, the water demand-price function based on ELES can only analyze the impact of household disposable income and water price on the water demand of urban residents. However, in practice, the water demand of urban residents is not only subject to household disposable income and water price but also household population, water supply cost, and other factors. Therefore, only using the water demand-price function of urban residents has limitations in analyzing the relationship between urban residents' water demand and water price.
Based on the above analysis, this study adopts the quadratic approximate ideal demand system function (QUAIDS) and combines it with the water demand-price function to establish an improved water demand-price function. The improved function can more comprehensively and effectively analyze the relationship between urban residents' water demand and water price.
3.2.2 Improvement of the water demand-price function of urban residents based on QUAIDS
Compared with ELES, QUAIDS has two advantages: (1) QUAIDS fully considers the non-linear characteristics of residents' consumption expenditure on commodities, and it fits with the theory of diminishing marginal utility; (2) The QUAIDS can be expanded according to the consumption characteristics of residents, such as the number of family population, annual average temperature, etc. Because of this, QUAIDS has been widely used in theory and practice.
Following the literature [24], the water consumption expenditure of urban residents can be divided into two components: water expenditure to meet the basic living needs and exceeding the basic living needs. That is, the share of urban residents' water budget expenditure is not only subject to household disposable income and water price but also to the consumption expenditure of basic living needs. Thus, this study further expands QUAIDS and incorporates factors such as the water expenditure to meet the basic living needs of urban residents, the number of household populations, as well as the annual average temperature of the city where the household is located into the function. At last, the improved water demand-price function of urban residents based on the QUAIDS is constructed.
Assuming that there are n types of commodities to meet the living needs of urban households, the living consumption expenditure is \(\sum _{2}^{n}{p}_{i}{q}_{i}\) (excluding the basic water expenses). Therefore, the basic domestic water consumption \(\stackrel{-}{q}\) of urban households can be estimated by the water demand-price function of urban residents based on ELES, as shown in Eq. (3–12):
\(\stackrel{-}{q}=q-\frac{\beta }{p}(I-\sum _{i=2}^{n}{p}_{i}{q}_{i})\) (3–12)
After the above household living consumption expenditure is excluded (i.e., excluding the basic expenditure for water consumption), the remaining household disposable income is \({I}^{{\prime }}=I-\sum _{2}^{n}{p}_{i}{q}_{i}\). When basic water consumption expenditure \(p\stackrel{-}{q}\) is eliminated, the additional water consumption expenditure that exceeds the basic water consumption is [pQ]^'=pQ-pq ̅, as shown in Eq. (3–13).
\({\omega }^{{\prime }}=\frac{p{Q}^{{\prime }}}{E}=\alpha +\sum _{j=1}^{n}{\gamma }_{ij}\bullet \text{l}\text{n}\left(p\right)+\beta \bullet ln\left[\frac{{I}^{{\prime }}}{\text{a}\left(p\right)}\right]+\frac{\lambda }{b\left(p\right)}\bullet {\left\{ln\left[\frac{{I}^{{\prime }}}{\text{a}\left(p\right)}\right]\right\}}^{2}\) (3–13)
where E denotes the total household expenditure, and \({lna}\left(p\right)\) is the translog function of the water price p of urban residents. The specific function form is shown in Eq. (3–14).
\({lna}\left(p\right)={\alpha }_{0}+\alpha \bullet lnp+\frac{1}{2}\gamma {\left(lnp\right)}^{2}\) (3–14)
where \(b\left(p\right)\) is the Cobb-Douglas price function of water price p of urban residents. The specific function form is shown below.
\(b\left(p\right)={p}^{\beta }\) (3–15)
Then, the basic form of urban residents' water demand-price function based on QUAIDS can be expressed in Eq. (3–16).
\({\omega }^{{\prime }}=\frac{p{Q}^{{\prime }}-p\stackrel{-}{q}}{E}=\alpha +\gamma \bullet lnp+\beta \left[ln{I}^{{\prime }}-{\alpha }\bullet \text{l}\text{n}p-\frac{1}{2}\gamma {\left(lnp\right)}^{2}\right]+\frac{\lambda }{{p}^{\beta }}{\left[ln{I}^{{\prime }}-{\alpha }\bullet \text{l}\text{n}p-\frac{1}{2}\gamma {\left(lnp\right)}^{2}\right]}^{2}+\epsilon\) (3–16)
First, the basic domestic water consumption \(\stackrel{-}{q}\) of urban households is estimated using the water demand-price function of urban residents based on ELES; second, \(\stackrel{-}{q}\) is substituted into Eq. (3–16), and the parameters in Eq. (3–16) can be estimated. Then, the relationship function between the water demand of urban residents and the water price can be established. In this way, the improved water demand-price function of urban residents based on QUAIDS can be obtained, as shown in Eq. (3–17).
$$\frac{p}{E}\text{Q}=\frac{p}{E}\stackrel{-}{\text{q}}+\alpha +\gamma \bullet lnp+\beta \bullet \left[ln{I}^{{\prime }}-{\alpha }\bullet \text{l}\text{n}p-\frac{1}{2}\gamma {\left(lnp\right)}^{2}\right]$$
\(+\frac{\lambda }{{p}^{\beta }}{\left[ln{I}^{{\prime }}-{\alpha }\bullet \text{l}\text{n}p-\frac{1}{2}\gamma {\left(lnp\right)}^{2}\right]}^{2}+{\epsilon }^{{\prime }}\) (3–17)
According to the research of Bank et al., QUAIDS is an extensible function, i.e., other influencing factors can also be extended into the function in the form of a natural logarithm. As the water demand of urban residents is not only affected by disposable income but also by other factors, such as the scarcity degree of water resources and the average temperature in the city where the household is located, the number of household populations, etc., this study also incorporates these factors into the function. Represent the number of household population by size, the disposable income of household by PCDI, the scarcity degree of water resources in the city where the household is located by scale, and the average temperature by temp; then, the improved water demand-price function of urban residents is shown in Eq. (3–18).
$$\frac{p}{E}\text{Q}=\theta \bullet \frac{p}{E}\stackrel{-}{\text{q}}+\alpha +\gamma \bullet lnp+\beta \bullet \left[ln{I}^{{\prime }}-{\alpha }\bullet \text{l}\text{n}p-\frac{1}{2}\gamma {\left(lnp\right)}^{2}\right]$$
\(+\frac{\lambda }{{p}^{\beta }}{\left[ln{I}^{{\prime }}-{\alpha }\bullet \text{l}\text{n}p-\frac{1}{2}\gamma {\left(lnp\right)}^{2}\right]}^{2}+{\phi }_{1}lnsize+{\phi }_{2}lnPCDI+{\phi }_{3}lnscar{+\phi }_{4}lntemp+{\epsilon }^{{\prime }}\) (3–18)
By using Eq. (3–18), the price elasticity of urban residents' water demand corresponding to the water price can be further calculated, and the basic water demand price under the equilibrium condition of demand and supply be obtained by combining the Ramsey pricing.
By constructing the demand-price function of urban residents based on the improved quadratic approximate ideal function, this study can analyze the relationship between urban residents' water demand and price and calculates the demand-price elasticity. Meanwhile, the improved demand-price function of urban residents needs to consider supply factors, i.e., both supply and demand, to calculate the basic water price of urban residents. The Ramsey pricing method incorporates demand elasticity and supply cost into the same analysis framework, so it can be used in this study.