We first fabricated square graphite mesas in different sizes capped with SiO2 by reactive ion etching (RIE) as in previous work [8, 9]. Graphite mesas showing self-retracting motion [9], i.e. the extruded part of the mesa will automatically retract back to its initial position, were selected for the friction measurement as they are structural superlubric due to the single crystalline sliding interface[25]. During the friction measurement, the upper graphite flake was directly sheared relative to the bottom graphite mesa (i.e., substrate) in forward and backward directions using a visual AFM tip (VIT_P/IR, NT-MDT&TipsNano) under ambient conditions, as shown in Fig. 1a. The normal force applied by the AFM tip onto the SiO2 cap at the top of the graphite flake was typically 30 µN. Figure 1b shows a typical shear force loop measured for such a reciprocating sliding, the corresponding shear force in forward and backward directions are denoted as \({F}_{+}\) and \({F}_{-}\) respectively. There is an obvious peak for the shear force during both forward and backward sliding with the peak values being \({F}_{peak\_f}\) and \({F}_{peak\_b}\) respectively. The width of the peaks is about 30 nm. Interestingly, we noticed that the states corresponding to the peak shear force happened when the flake coincided with the substrate during sliding (inset ii in Fig. 1b). For such states, the contact area of the sliding interface reaches maximum, meanwhile the edges of the flake and substrate perpendicular to the sliding direction are just in contact with each other instantaneously. It is worth noting that the edges parallel to the sliding directions are either in contact with the surface of the counterpart or suspended due to the slight shift perpendicular to the sliding direction, \({d}_{\perp }\), which is induced by the AFM tip (see section 1 in SI for more details).
We further measured the peak friction force (defined as \({F}_{peak}=({F}_{peak\_f}-{F}_{peak\_b})/2\)) for rectangular graphite mesas with the side length L being 2 µm, 3 µm, 4 µm, and 8 µm. For each size, 5 graphite mesas were measured, and each graphite mesa was repeatedly measured 50 times, then averaged. Note that \({F}_{peak}\) remains stable during the whole 50 scans. As shown in Fig. 2a, \({F}_{peak}\) scales linearly with \(L\), which indicates that the peak friction is due to the overlap of edges.
To understand the origin of the peak friction, we notice that at the peak of the shear force (inset ii in Fig. 1b), the total friction force can be expressed as
$$\begin{array}{c}{{F}_{peak}={2f}_{ee}L+2{f}_{es}L+\tau }_{ss}{L}^{2}\#\left(1\right)\end{array}$$
where \({f}_{ee}\), \({f}_{es}\) are the contributions of friction per unit length for edge/edge contact and edge/surface contact respectively, and \({\tau }_{ss}\) is the contribution of friction per unit area for surface/surface contact. Since \({d}_{\perp }\) (labeled in inset ii in Fig. 1b, about 80 nm) is much smaller than L (≥ 2 µm), we neglected the effect of \({d}_{\perp }\)in Eq. 1. The linear relation between \({F}_{peak}\) and \(L\) (Fig. 2a) indicates \({\tau }_{ss}L\) is much smaller than \({f}_{ee}\) or \({f}_{es}\). However, \({\tau }_{ss}\) can be estimated by rewriting Eq. 1 as
$$\begin{array}{c}{{F}_{peak}/L={2(f}_{ee}+{f}_{es})+\tau }_{ss}L.\#\left(2\right)\end{array}$$
By fitting \({F}_{peak}/L\) to \(L\) according to Eq. 2, the slope and intercept are estimated to be \({\tau }_{ss}=0.69\pm 0.85 \text{k}\text{P}\text{a}\) and \({f}_{ee}+{f}_{es}=b/2=0.120\pm 0.003\text{N}/\text{m}\). The value of \({\tau }_{ss}\) is consistent with the shear stress of the graphite/graphite superlubric interface (− 2±2 kPa by Qu et al [24]).
To further decouple \({f}_{ee}\) and \({f}_{es}\), we noticed that during sliding, when the edges perpendicular to the sliding direction are not in contact (insets i and iii in Fig. 1b), the total friction force \({F}_{fri}=({F}_{+}-{F}_{-})/2\) can be expressed as
$$\begin{array}{c}{{F}_{fri}\left(d\right)={2f}_{es}\left(L-d\right)+2{f}_{es}L+\tau }_{ss}L\left(L-d\right)={4{f}_{es}L+\tau }_{ss}{L}^{2}-\left(2{f}_{es}+{\tau }_{ss}L\right)d,\#\left(3\right)\end{array}$$
where \(d\) is the relative displacement of the flake with respect to substrate along the sliding direction as shown in inset i or iii in Fig. 1b. One example fitting of \({F}_{fri}\) to Eq. 3 is shown in inset i in Fig. 2c, delivers a fitted value of \({f}_{es}\). For 4 µm square mesas, we totally measured 7 samples, the result is shown in the inset ii of Fig. 2c. For these 7 samples, the average result is \({f}_{es}=0.006\pm 0.001 \text{N}/\text{m}\). With the estimated \({f}_{es}\), finally we can calculate \({f}_{ee}\) from the fitted result of Eq. (2) which delivers \({f}_{ee}=0.114\pm 0.004\) N/m.
The estimated values of \({f}_{es}\) and \({f}_{ee}\) immediately show an interesting observation. While in both cases the edge contributes to the friction, the edge/edge friction \({f}_{ee}\) is 1 to 2 orders larger than the edge/surface friction \({f}_{es}\). To understand this observation, we first sheared the graphite flake away, then used AFM (NT-MDT, NTEGRA Prima) to characterize the morphology of the regions near and include the edges of the graphite substrate in contact mode as illustrated in Fig. 3a. The corresponding friction force map between the silicon AFM tip with tip curvature radius of 6 nm and these regions on substrate is shown in Fig. 3b. Clearly, the sidewall of the substrate still shows a step-like layered structure. As shown in Fig. 3g, close to the nominal edge of the substrate, there is a region with a width of about 30 nm where the sliding friction of the AFM tip is 1 order larger than that in the graphite basal plane. Furthermore, we scanned the atomic-scale morphology at the junction of this region and the basal plane by AFM, as shown in Fig. 3c. The graphite basal plane shows periodic crystal lattice, but the 30 nm wide region does not. From the above characterization, we could conclude that the real edge has a certain width, which will be referred to as edge in the subsequent text. It is worth noting that the edge width is in good agreement with the width of the peak in the shear force loop in Fig. 1b which is also about 30 nm.
To understand the structure of the edge on atomic level, we further transferred the upper graphite flake to the surface of the silicon substrate with a tungsten tip, then cut the graphite flake by focused ion beam (FIB) and analyzed the cross section using a high-resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM) as illustrated in Fig. 3d. The HRTEM (JEOL, JEM-2010) image (Fig. 3e) clearly shows a perfect laminar lattice structure for the inner graphite region. The edge region (Fig. 3f), however, is filled with discontinuous and distorted layered structure, with the edge width \(w\) being about 30 nm. These HRTEM observations agrees with those of AFM. The cause of the structure within the edge is easy to understand, since during the micro-fabrication process of graphite mesas, the graphite was etched by oxygen RIE process. In addition to reacting with oxygen (chemical etching), graphite was also bombarded by oxygen ions (physical etching, the energy of oxygen ions is 400 eV), thus became amorphous as suggested by previous studies [26–30].
The AFM and HRTEM characterization results demonstrate that the width for the edge of the graphite mesa composed of the (upper) flake and substrate is about 30 nm, which enable us calculate the friction stress for the three contact conditions: \({\tau }_{ee}={f}_{ee}/\omega =3.80\pm 0.13 \text{M}\text{P}\text{a}\), \({\tau }_{es}={f}_{es}/\omega =0.20\pm 0.03 \text{M}\text{P}\text{a}\), \({\tau }_{ss}=0.0007\pm 0.0009 \text{M}\text{P}\text{a}\), the ratio of the friction stress in these three contact conditions is in the order of 104:103:1.
Having revealed the atomic structure of the edge region, next we focused on analyzing the chemical states of the edge using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS; Ulvac-PHI, Quantera II) with details shown in section 3 in SI. Considering that the edge shows nano-sized layered structure, it is reasonable to believe that carbon atoms still account for the majority at the edge. The C1s peak (Fig. 3h) shows that the carbon atoms at the edge have five chemical states, namely C-C sp2 bond (binding energy of 284.5 eV), C-C sp3 bond (binding energy of 285.1 eV), and C-OH bond (binding energy of 286.1 eV), C = O bond (binding energy of 286.9 eV), C-O-C bond (binding energy of 288.1 eV) [31–36]. By calculating the area of each peak, the relative proportions of the above chemical bonds are 53.11%, 27.37%, 12.74%, 6.05%, 0.73%, respectively, which indicates that most of the carbon atoms at the edge are in C-C sp2 and sp3 states. These oxygen-containing groups, which should be mainly introduced by oxygen RIE process, have also been found in carbon materials (namely, graphene, graphite, and carbon nanotube) after oxygen plasma treatment [34–36]. The information depth of XPS in carbon materials is calculated to be about 9 nm [32], thus the XPS C1s spectrum represents the average signal of carbon atoms in the edges. Besides the carbon atoms, the chemical state of oxygen is also revealed by the XPS O1s spectrum (see section 4 in SI for more details). For the three main chemical states of the oxygen element: C-O bond, C = O bond, and O-H bond, the corresponding contents are 39.76%, 31.79%, 28.45% respectively. This is consistent with the XPS C1s spectrum of the graphite mesa edges.
The characterization provides us the atomic-scale structure and chemical states of these edges at an unprecedented level. This information allows molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, which mimics experimental set-ups and have atomic-scale dynamics, to be used to understand the origin of the different contributions to friction as measured in our experiments, namely surface/surface (\({\tau }_{\text{s}\text{s}}\)), edge/surface (\({\tau }_{\text{e}\text{s}}\)) and edge/edge (\({\tau }_{\text{e}\text{e}}\)). To this end, three full atomic models (Fig. 4a-c) were established, and the kinetic friction was calculated by non-equilibrium MD simulations. Diamond-like carbon (DLC) was used to represent the amorphous carbon as found in experiment. The friction pairs in the simulation models consist of graphene/graphene, DLC/graphene, and DLC/DLC respectively. Considering that graphene is in interior contact region while DLC is at the edge, we adopted periodic boundary conditions (PBC) and open boundary conditions (OBC) for the models respectively as labeled in Fig. 4a-c. We decorated the hydroxyl groups at the edge of the simulation model (with linear density 0.5 nm− 1) to represent the C-O bond, C = O bond, and O-H bond groups at the edge as characterized in experiments. Detailed simulation set-ups are shown in Methods section.
The values of friction stress estimated with MD simulations for the surface/surface \({\tau }_{ss}^{MD}\), edge/surface \({\tau }_{es}^{MD}\) and edge/edge \({\tau }_{\text{e}\text{e}}^{\text{M}\text{D}}\) are 1.6 ± 0.8 kPa, 28 ± 5.1 kPa and 65 ± 27 MPa respectively. The magnitude of\({\tau }_{ss}^{MD}\) agrees well with previous studies [24, 25], and the value of \({\tau }_{\text{e}\text{e}}^{\text{M}\text{D}}\) is consistent with the reported results for classical DLC-based lubrication systems [37, 38]. The relatively large friction stress observed in MD than that measured in experiments is due to the inevitably larger sliding velocity in simulations. Importantly, the ratio between \({\tau }_{ss}^{MD}\), \({\tau }_{es}^{MD}\), and \({\tau }_{ee}^{MD}\) agrees with our experimental observations (Fig. 4d), indicating that the MD simulations capture the physical essence of the experiments.
As revealed in MD simulations, the interaction of edge/face and edge/edge contacts is purely van der Waals (vdW) force. There is no bond breaking or atom transfer during the whole sliding process, in agreement with the wearless friction measurement observed in experiments. The large roughness of DLC, compared to the atomically smooth graphene surface, is the main reason for the boost of \({\tau }_{ee}^{MD}\) and \({\tau }_{es}^{MD}\). In addition, according to our simulation, the electrostatic interaction between the functional groups terminated at the DLC edge, e.g., hydrogen bond between hydroxyls, which is much stronger than the vdW interaction, causes a sudden increase in friction when the upper and lower flakes overlap (Fig. 4c), which is also observed in experiments. Therefore, the different magnitudes of friction contributions are due to the different roughness and nature of interactions.
Since the amorphous edges of the graphite mesas account for most of the friction, disengaging the edges from the substrate can ensure a full crystalline incommensurate contact. An intuitive method is to bend the graphite flake by introducing tensile stress in the cap of the flake through micro fabrication. Specifically, through the synergistic effect of proper tensile stress in the cap together with the van der Waals force between the graphite flake and the substrate, the graphite flake may take on the shape of a pan, thus disengaging the amorphous edges from the substrate. Many studies have shown that silicon nitride (SixNy) films deposited by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) method generally exhibit tensile stress, which can be further increased by annealing or ultraviolet light irradiation through breaking Si-H and N-H bonds to reduce hydrogen content [39, 40]. Thus, we used PECVD SixNy film as the cap material to bend the graphite. The micro fabrication process of graphite mesas with SixNy caps is detailed in Methods section.
For the graphite mesas with SixNy cap before thermal annealing, we directly measured the shear force for the graphite interface by AFM (NT-MDT, NTEGRA Prima) with a scanning speed of 2 µm/s, and the experimental set-up is the same as Fig. 1a. The middle section of the lateral force shows a peak value in both the forward and backward directions (Fig. 5a), the same characteristic as the graphite mesas with SiO2 cap. During the following annealing process, the temperature was increased from room temperature to 500°C at a rate of 10°C/min, kept at 500°C for 60 minutes, and then reduced to room temperature at a rate of 10°C/min. A typical lateral force loop after annealing is shown in Fig. 5b. Compared with samples before annealing, the most obvious difference is the disappearance of the peak when the upper flake and lower mesa overlapped. With comparative experiment for graphite mesas with SiO2 caps instead (see section 7 in SI), we found that this is due to the warp of the upper graphite flake caused by the tensile stress within the SixNy cap, thus disengaging the edges from the substrate, forming an edge-free graphite contact. As a result, the friction force is greatly decreased, which can be inferred from the overlap between the shear force curves corresponding to forward and backward scans (Fig. 5b).
To get a statistical estimation on the reduced friction, we measured the shear force for 5 different mesas with SixNy caps after thermal annealing. With the warp width of the upper flake measured to be about 40 nm from Fig. 5b, the corresponding friction stress are found to be on the order of 0.1 kPa or smaller, which already reaches the measurement accuracy of the AFM used here (see sections 8 and 9 in SI for details). This value agrees well with the friction stress decoupled for the graphite/graphite contact before annealing (\({\tau }_{ss}=0.7\pm 0.9 \text{k}\text{P}\text{a}\)), verifying the accuracy of the decoupled values. It is worth noting that this is the smallest friction stress ever realized experimentally in solid contacts, the first direct experimental value below 1 kPa, which is one to two orders lower that the reported values across all the structural superlubric systems [1–4, 10, 13–15, 18].