The findings presented in Fig. 3 provide an insightful analysis of the velocity vectors and contour map at the bottom of the pond. Notably, the inlet jet experienced a deflection towards one side of the pond, reattaching at the wall. Upstream of this reattachment point, a small circulation zone emerged. Subsequently, the flow proceeded towards the opposite wall, wherein a portion of it was redirected towards the upstream side, resulting in the formation of a substantial circulation zone. Interestingly, in the ponds equipped with FTIs, the longitudinal elongation of the upstream large recirculation zone was observed, contrasting the pond without FTI.
As the downstream flow progressed, it underwent a bifurcation, giving rise to two distinct pathways. The first pathway contributed to the emergence of an additional recirculation zone, while the second pathway followed the sidewall until reaching the pond outlet. The extent of the downstream recirculation zone exhibited variations among the experimental cases. In the control case (Control), the recirculation zone occupied the entire area, whereas in Cases 1 to 3 (with the core positioned upstream of the second FTI), it encompassed approximately half of the area. Remarkably, in Cases 4 and 5, the recirculation zone covered less than one-third of the area. This reduction in size can be attributed to the presence of FTIs, which effectively mitigated the downstream recirculation zone, facilitating a more homogeneous lateral distribution of the flow towards the end of the pond. Importantly, this observed flow pattern demonstrated consistency across different heights, thereby corroborating the findings reported by Nuruzzaman et al. (2023). Their study highlighted the advantageous role of placing a FTI near the inlet in promoting enhanced flow uniformity within the pond compared to other FTI configurations. Consequently, the presence of FTIs fosters a more uniform spreading of the flow across the width of the pond, resembling a plug flow. Plug flow, characterized by uniform velocity profiles, offers particular benefits for mass removal within the pond, encompassing processes such as sedimentation and microbial activity (Andradóttir, 2017). However, it is important to clarify that mass removal through microbial activity falls outside the scope of this study.
Furthermore, it is worth noting that small recirculation zones were observed in the corners of the pond, albeit their characteristics varied depending on the height and specific case studied.
The sedimentation dynamics in this study are governed by Eq. 2, which incorporates the influence of bottom shear stress on sediment deposition. Therefore, analyzing the shear stress contour map at the pond bottom provides valuable insights into the role of FTIs in sedimentation processes. To illustrate this, Fig. 4 presents a visual representation of the shear stress distribution for the original sediment. In accordance with Eq. 2, sedimentation gradually decreases as bottom shear stress increases until a critical threshold is reached, beyond which no further sedimentation occurs (indicated by the white areas in Fig. 4). In the larger sediment tests (not shown here, it was observed that the white zone decreased in size due to the increase in critical shear stress.
The shear stress distribution at the bottom of the pond reveals several significant observations. Primarily, higher magnitudes of bottom shear stress are observed along the path of the primary jet. In the absence of FTIs (Control), the primary jet extends its reach to more distant regions from the pond inlet, resulting in elevated bottom shear stress levels in those areas. However, in the presence of FTIs, particularly near the inlet, the normal trajectory of the jet is disrupted, leading to a redirection of a portion of the incoming flow beneath the FTIs (Fig. 4). This diversion intensifies the bottom shear stress and reduces the available area for sediment deposition compared to the control case. Remarkably, the region beneath the first FTI exhibits an overwhelming exceedance of the critical bottom shear stress, resulting in a substantial reduction in sediment deposition. As the flow approaches the outlet, the bottom shear stress gradually decreases, approaching a value close to zero (approximated by 1 - τ/τc ≈ 1 in Eq. 2), allowing for a greater extent of sediment deposition. In tests involving larger sediment sizes, the white zone indicating non-sediment deposition decreases in size due to the increase in critical shear stress.
However, a notable exception is observed in Case 2, where the extension of the sediment deposition area decreases compared to the control case (Fig. 4). This can be attributed to the greater depth of the root zone in the FTI of Case 2 relative to the other cases. The deeper root zone significantly obstructs the longitudinal flow (Fig. 5), causing a substantial portion of the flow to be diverted along the lateral sides of the FTI. Consequently, the depth of the root zone reduces the bottom shear stress, limiting the extent of non-sediment deposition (white area) in the longitudinal direction.
In addition to the significance of bottom shear stress, tracer concentration emerged as a crucial factor influencing sedimentation dynamics, as highlighted by Eq. 2. Interestingly, while the potential for sediment deposition increased as we approached the outlet due to reduced bottom shear stress, a contrasting trend was observed with tracer concentration. As the tracer traveled from the inlet to the pond outlet, its concentration gradually decreased, indicating a decreased likelihood of sediment deposition according to Eq. 2. In the absence of FTIs (Control), where the jet remained unobstructed, the decline in tracer concentration was relatively moderate, as the high-concentration jet flowed more directly towards regions farther from the inlet. However, in the presence of FTIs, where a portion of the jet was hindered, a fraction of the concentrated tracer was redirected upstream of the FTIs, while another fraction continued downstream. Notably, Case 2 exhibited a significant obstruction of the jet by the FTI, resulting in a reversal of flow back towards the pond inlet. Consequently, the high tracer concentration predominantly localized in regions characterized by elevated bottom shear stress at the pond bottom, with implications for the amount of sediment deposited.
When examining mass retention within the pond, it is important to consider the scenario where sedimentation is the sole mechanism of mass retention (Fig. 6). The presence of FTIs had a noticable impact on increasing mass retention through sedimentation compared to the control case. The relative differences between the configurations with FTIs and the control case (e.g., (Case 1 - Control) x 100 / Control) ranged from 9.1–17.3% for the original sediment and from 6.9–9.6% for the larger sediment. These findings indicate that while FTIs do not directly remove mass through their root zone, they contribute significantly to enhancing sediment deposition. On average, the relative difference in mass deposition for the larger sediment was 24.8% higher compared to the original sediment.
The impact of FTIs on the total mass removal varied among the different configurations, with a more pronounced effect observed for the original sediment compared to the larger sediment. The maximum relative difference among cases for the original sediment was 7.5%, whereas for the larger sediment it was 2.6%. This discrepancy can be attributed to the settling velocity of the sediments. In the case of the larger sediment, the settling velocity exceeded the critical velocity, determined by the water depth and the inflow time through the pond (hL/U), except for Cases 0 and 5 (Camp, 1946). Conversely, all cases involving the original sediment exhibited settling velocities lower than the critical velocity. Another factor explaining the greater influence of the configuration on the behavior of the original sediment was the larger difference in deposition area among the configurations compared to the larger sediment. These factors collectively account for the enhanced significance of the FTI configuration in relation to the original sediment compared to the larger sediment. Nonetheless, Cases 1 and 2 consistently demonstrated the highest effectiveness in sediment retention within the pond, surpassing the other configurations.
The relationship between the mass retained through sedimentation and the short-circuit index, q10, is depicted in Fig. 7. The short-circuit index, defined as q10 = t10/Tn, represents the dimensionless time required for the first 10% of tracer mass to exit the pond (where Tn is the nominal residence time, and t10 is the time at which 10% of the injected mass has exited the basin). Hydraulic short-circuiting presents a prevalent challenge in pond hydraulics, as it circumvents the treatment process, particularly the sediment deposition that contains pollutants, when stormwater takes a direct path through the pond. The correlation observed between the short-circuit index and sedimentation in ponds with FTIs implies its potential as a robust indicator. The introduction of FTIs demonstrated a notable reduction in short-circuiting when compared to the control pond. Alongside FTIs, various other solutions have been proposed by engineers to mitigate short-circuiting, including the implementation of long aspect ratios, sinuous channels, baffles, and deep zones. Additionally, the utilization of islands (not FTIs) as a measure to redirect inflow and optimize circulation within treatment wetlands and ponds has been suggested (Guzman et al., 2018). Our findings underscore the critical significance of meticulous basin design and effective flow control mechanisms in mitigating short-circuiting and enhancing treatment efficiency.
When examining mass retention solely through the root zones of FTIs, without considering sedimentation, the sequence of configurations with the highest efficiency was as follows: Case 1 > Cases 4 and 5 > Case 3 > Case 2 (Fig. 6). The relative difference between Case 1 (worst) and Case 2 (best) was approximately 20%. This highlights that the influence of FTI configuration is more significant for mass removal through the FTIs than through sediment deposition. A more comprehensive discussion on the impact of different configurations on mass removal solely through the FTIs can be found in Xavier et al. (2018), whose objective was to evaluate mass removal exclusively through FTIs. However, it is important to note that overall pond hydraulics usually fail to capture mass removal occurring solely within the FTIs. For instance, Nuruzzaman et al. (2023) demonstrated that indicators of overall pond hydraulic performance (e.g., short-circuiting) do not establish a clear relationship with pollutant mass removal. Nonetheless, treatment efficiency is highly dependent on the hydraulic behavior within the FTIs (e.g., residence time).
Finally, when considering mass removal through both FTIs and sedimentation to the bed, the overall mass removal was significantly enhanced compared to the control case, as depicted in Fig. 6. The relative difference between the configurations with FTIs and the control case (e.g., (Case 1 - Control) x 100 / Control) ranged from 26.2–33.3% for the original sediment and from 9.2–11.9% for the larger sediment. On average, the relative difference in mass deposition for the larger sediment was 12.6% higher than that of the original sediment. Therefore, the presence of FTIs substantially increased mass removal when compared to the control pond configuration.
Among the different configurations, Case 1 demonstrated the highest efficiency, closely followed by Case 2, while Cases 3, 4, and 5 exhibited nearly identical overall performance. The maximum relative difference between the cases with FTIs was low (less than 6.0%). When both processes, namely FTIs and sedimentation, were responsible for mass removal, the individual retention capacities of each process were lower compared to when only the individual processes were involved in mass removal. This suggests that the sedimentation occurring upstream of the FTIs reduced the mass received by them, subsequently decreasing their mass removal efficiency. Similarly, the mass removed by the FTIs reduced the quantity of mass available for deposition downstream of the FTIs.
Although it is intriguing to evaluate the influence of different configurations on overall mass removal, it is also essential to examine how mass removal occurs within the pond (Fig. 8). Let's consider the example of the large sediment, where the absence of FTIs (Control) led to a higher sediment accumulation in the initial 7.0 meters of the pond compared to the configurations with FTIs. In this upstream section of the FTIs, their impact has already been observed, as the presence of FTIs decelerated the flow velocity upstream of the leading edge of the FTIs near the water surface and increased it around and below the FTIs (Fig. 5), thereby reducing sediment deposition.
Beyond this initial segment, the configurations with FTIs exhibited enhanced mass removal compared to Control. This improvement can be primarily attributed to the mass removal facilitated by the FTIs themselves, with a smaller contribution from sediment deposition. The ratio between the change in mass removal and the change in longitudinal distance experienced a significant increase at the beginning of the FTI. Notably, in Case 2, featuring the deepest FTI among all cases, the presence of the FTI resulted in a gradient exceeding 400% (observe the change in slope in Fig. 8 from longitudinal distance 5.5 m to 11.5 m). As mentioned earlier, this increase in mass removal is predominantly due to the FTIs and not sedimentation.
Furthermore, once the 15.0-meter mark was reached, all configurations incorporating FTIs demonstrated higher mass removal compared to the pond without FTIs. When FTIs were positioned in series, the magnitude of the ratio between the change in mass removal and the change in longitudinal distance increment was considerably reduced for the second FTI. In Case 1, for example, this gradient exceeded 170% for the first FTI, while it was approximately 35% for the second FTI. Hence, despite the observed influence of the second FTI on mass removal in cases where FTIs were arranged in series, its effect was notably more modest compared to the first FTI. This reduced mass removal in the downstream FTI has previously been linked by Xavier et al. (2018) to a lower proportion of inflow entering the downstream FTI. In other words, if less flow enters the FTI, there is a decrease in mass removal. When comparing the different configurations with FTIs in series, in line with the observations made by Xavier et al. (2018), the mass removal by the second FTI in Case 2 was lower than in Cases 1 and 3, as the inflow of mass was reduced.
In the latter portion of the pond, the differences in mass removal among the configurations with FTIs diminished, reaching less than 5.0%. For the ponds with FTIs, the slope at which the mass removal increased declined with increasing longitudinal distance because, as the mass removal increased, the available tracer concentration diminished, resulting in less tracer concentration available to be removed and thus slowing down the rate of mass removal (see Eq. 2). However, since there was still a significant distance remaining until the end of the pond, the configurations that still had a higher tracer concentration experienced a greater mass removal, whether through FTIs or sedimentation. This finding suggests that the configuration primarily influences mass removal from the first FTI to the midpoint of the pond.
Figure 9 offers an additional perspective on the findings discussed earlier, providing a visual representation of the pond length required to achieve specific levels of mass removal. For instance, in Case 4, a length of 15.0 meters is necessary to achieve a 60% mass removal. This figure holds practical implications, as it allows us to extract valuable insights. Taking Case 2 as an example, which requires a shorter pond length compared to the other configurations to achieve a mass removal of 70%, the primary contribution to mass removal occurs due to the presence of the first FTI. The second FTI contributes minimally to mass removal; in fact, from the second FTI to the end of the pond, there is only a gradual increase in mass removal through sediment deposition. Thus, if a 70% removal is desired, a significantly shorter pond length of approximately 15.0 meters might be sufficient for Case 2. It is important to emphasize that this reduced length would also alter the hydrodynamics of the pond, potentially influencing mass removal. Nonetheless, similar practical implications can be deduced from the graph presented in Fig. 8.