The present research assessed the protective effect of TSC on MB-induced cytotoxicity through numerous signaling pathways in HEK-2 cells. Our results revealed that the exposure of HEK-2 cells to MB for 24 h decreased viability and increased ROS production. Furthermore, MB enhanced the apoptosis and autophagy markers in cells. However, pretreatment of HEK-2 cells with TSC for 24 h reduced the cytotoxicity and ROS production caused by MB. Additionally, TSC pretreatment diminished the levels of autophagy and apoptosis markers in response to MB cytotoxicity.
RM is a term used to describe the breakdown of skeletal muscle. RM leads to the release of cellular contents including enzymes, MB, and electrolytes into the extracellular fluid (Reis et al. 2019). MB is an oxygen-binding hemoprotein that releases from myocytes, and it is the main toxic factor that can result in renal injury. The development of oxidative stress is the main reason for RM-induced AKI (Chen et al. 2017). Recently, the incidence of RM has risen. Hence, the management of AKI as a deadly complication of RM is very necessary (Zutt et al. 2014). Herbal medicine such as saffron can affect in treatment of RM-induced AKI (Rameshrad et al. 2018).
In vivo model to study RM-induced AKI is focused on glycerol-induced AKI (Chen et al. 2017). On the other hand, in vitro studies are established to assess the direct cytotoxic effects of MB on HEK-2 cells (Zhou et al. 2012). In vitro investigations have shown that cell viability was reduced in HEK-2 cells that were exposed to 200 mM MB for 24 h (Zhou et al. 2012). Furthermore, Chen et al, observed that MB reduced cell viability in HEK-2 cells (Chen et al. 2017). In the present study, MB at concentrations of 0 − 15 mg/ml for 24 h concentration-dependently reduced the HEK-2 cells' viability and the IC50 value of MB was 9.19 ± 0.02 mg/ml.
Exposure to MB causes oxidative stress-mediated cellular damage, which can reduce antioxidant enzyme activity and antioxidant levels. Fenton reaction produces hydroxyl radicals and induces significant damage in renal cells (Holt and Moore 2001). In our investigation, following exposure of HEK-2 cells to MB (9 mg/ml) for 24 h, ROS generation was enhanced. Our findings support prior research indicating oxidative damage is a primary cause of cell death in MB-induced cytotoxic HEK-2 cells (Chen et al. 2017).
TSC is an effective antioxidant that reduces intracellular ROS (Stennett et al. 2007). It enhances the activity of the internal antioxidant enzymes and clears free radicals (Pradhan et al. 2019). In a previous study, pre-treatment of bovine aortic endothelial cells with crocetin (1 M) for 12 h revealed that it reduced ROS formation (Xiang et al. 2006). Additionally, crocetin (0.1, 0.5, and 1 µM, for 24 h) was found to enhance antioxidant enzymes, leading to the detoxification of free radicals in cyclosporine A-mediated cytotoxic in HEK-2 cells (Pradhan et al. 2019). According to previous research projects, we realize that oxidative stress has a basic and important figure in MB toxicity in HEK-2 cells. Overall, our results confirmed the previous studies that the pretreatment of HEK-2 cells with TSC (2.5, 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, and 100 µM) for 24 h markedly increased cell viability and reduced the formation of ROS.
The evidence suggested that RM-induced AKI occurs through several molecular signal pathways. Among these, more evidence exhibited that apoptosis and oxidative stress were most implicated in MB-induced cytotoxicity (Panizo et al. 2015). In one of these studies, MB (200 Mm) elevated protein expression of caspase-9 and cytochrome C but not caspase-8 after 24 h exposure. These findings indicated that the intrinsic pathway plays a main figure in MB-induced HEK-2 cell apoptosis (Zhou et al. 2012). In agreement with prior reports, our data displayed that MB triggered the overexpression of Bax and cleaved caspase-3, along with reduced Bcl-2 levels in HEK-2 cells after 24 h.
Many studies have shown the protective figure of crocetin against cellular apoptosis. Crocetin is increased antioxidant activity and is adjusted intracellular homeostasis in vascular endothelial cells (20). Additionally, crocetin has been found to increase intrinsic mitochondrial toleration against apoptotic motives in cyclosporine A-mediated toxicity in HEK-2 cells (Pradhan et al. 2019) and fixes the potential of the mitochondrial membrane against radiation-induced damage in intestinal epithelial cells (Zhang et al. 2020).
Crocetin was found to protect against arsenic trioxide-induced kidney damage by diminishing apoptosis in rats, according to Liu et al. Crocetin inhibited caspase-3 and Bax while increasing the level of Bcl-2 (Liu et al. 2020). Furthermore, several studies have displayed that TSC can modulate the expression of apoptotic proteins (Hashemi and Hosseinzadeh 2019). In one of these investigations, TSC (1 and 5 M) for 48 h lowered cleaved caspase-3 and the level of Bax/Bcl-2 ratio in HEK-2 cells exposed to contrast media (Rajabian et al. 2023). In another investigation, myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury increased apoptosis in the heart, despite TSC treatment showing cardioprotective effects via anti-apoptosis actions (Chang et al. 2019). Consistent with previous results, in this study, TSC (40 µM, for 24 h) pre-incubation of HEK-2 cells reduced cleaved caspase-3 and the level of Bax/Bcl-2 ratio.
Autophagy is a known self-digesting reply to lysosome-mediated degradation of injured cellular organelles or proteins and recycles nutrients for cell survivorship (Yang et al. 2013). According to research, in AKI, the fast and main function of autophagy has a protective figure in renal cells (Bork et al. 2020). After MB exposure, proteins and organelles are injured, and the lysosomes are increased, as a result, autophagy is stimulated and may ameliorate renal cell survivorship (Chen et al. 2017).
Research exhibited that meglumine diatrizoate (100 mg/ml) elevated the interpretation markers of autophagy in HEK-2 cells (Jiang et al. 2020). Similarly, in an in vitro study the LC3 II/LC3 I ratio was enhanced after HEK-2 cells were exposed to 200 mg/ml of iohexol for 6 h (Liu et al. 2017). Our findings were in line with the former research that MB (9 mg/ml) for 24 h enhanced the LC3 II/I ratio and Beclin-1 expression in HEK-2 cells.
Crocetin demonstrated beneficial effects in breast cancer cells (MCF-7) by regulating the autophagy markers (reduced Beclin-1 level) (15). Also, according to the research by Rajabian et al, TSC diminished autophagy marker levels (LC3II/I ratio and Beclin-1 level) in HEK-2 cells exposed to contrast media (Rajabian et al. 2023). Our finding suggested that TSC pre-treatment (40 µM, for 24 h) reduced the Beclin-1 level and the LC3 II/I ratio in HEK-2 cells, which supported previous studies linked to TSC-regulated autophagy.