Increasing MCAD levels as a therapeutic strategy for the diabetic heart
The aim of this study was to determine if increasing expression of MCAD, a key regulator of fatty acid oxidation, could improve diastolic function and reduce pathology in mice with diabetic cardiomyopathy induced by STZ injection. Administration of cardiac-selective adeno-associated viral vectors encoding MCAD (rAAV6:MCAD) led to an increase in MCAD expression, but did not improve diabetes-induced diastolic dysfunction or markers of pathological cardiac remodeling (Nppa, Nppb, Myh7). Although our experimental approach was clinically relevant, as we initiated rAAV6:MCAD treatment after the onset of diastolic dysfunction, it is possible that we may have seen a beneficial effect had we adopted a preventative approach, similar to other studies [54,55]. The age of mice at treatment with rAAV6:MCAD was 14-weeks old, representing a human in their early twenties [56]. Given that children with T1D can display signs of reduced diastolic function as early as 8 years of age (irrespective of the duration of diabetes) [57], treatment at an earlier time-point may also be warranted.
Favorable effects of rAAV6:MCAD treatment on lipid accumulation in the diabetic heart
Similar to previous reports [36,46-48], we found that the expression of key metabolic genes and proteins was altered in the diabetic heart. We observed an increase in the expression of Cpt1b (encoding CPT1B) and a decrease in the expression of Slc2a4 (encoding GLUT4) with diabetes, reflecting increased reliance of the diabetic heart on fatty acids as a fuel source. Interestingly, these gene expression changes were not accompanied by an increase in the expression of Ppara (PPARa), a master regulator of cardiac fatty acid uptake and oxidation pathways. Consistent with our findings, Ppara mRNA expression was also not different between T1D diabetic and non-diabetic rat hearts [36]. PPARa has been postulated to play a key role in the development of diabetic cardiomyopathy, as cardiac-specific overexpression of PPARa in mice induced a metabolic phenotype reminiscent of the diabetic heart [58] and exacerbated lipid accumulation and cardiac dysfunction induced by STZ injection [59], while cardiac-specific knockout of PPARa prevented fasting-induced cardiac lipid accumulation [60]. In our study, it is possible that Ppara mRNA expression increased to induce changes in Cpt1b and Slc2a4 expression but returned to control levels by study endpoint. In addition, post-translational modifications may play an important role in regulating PPARa activity in the diabetic heart [61].
We also observed lower protein levels of OXPHOS complexes I and IV in hearts of diabetic vs non-diabetic mice, suggesting impaired function of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Reduced expression of OXPHOS genes has been observed in human T2D skeletal muscle [62,63], and protein levels of complexes IV and V were significantly reduced in T1D rat hearts [49]. We hypothesized that increasing MCAD levels might have favorable effects on OXPHOS expression, as acyl-CoA dehydrogenases, including MCAD, physically associate with OXPHOS supercomplexes to facilitate substrate channeling and electron transfer [50]. However, we did not observe a significant effect of rAAV6:MCAD treatment on protein expression of any of the OXPHOS complexes.
Lipid accumulation is a key feature of the diabetic heart that is thought to contribute to cardiac dysfunction [22]. As hearts were embedded in paraffin at the time of tissue harvesting, we were unable to assess lipid accumulation directly, e.g. by oil red O staining. However, Western blot analysis of PLIN5, a protein that associates with lipid droplets, revealed a trend for reduced PLIN5 in diabetic rAAV6:MCAD versus diabetic rAAV6:CON hearts, and there was a strong negative correlation between FLAG-MCAD and PLIN5 protein expression. Perilipins localize to the phospholipid surface of lipid droplets and play key roles in triacylglycerol storage and lipolysis [64]. PLIN5 and PLIN2 are the predominant isoforms that associate lipid droplets in cardiomyocytes [60,65-69]. Our finding of reduced PLIN5 levels in hearts with greater FLAG-MCAD expression suggest that rAAV6:MCAD treatment can reduce overall lipid accumulation in the diabetic heart, although the effect was mild and was not sufficient to improve diastolic function. An 8-week exercise training program initiated 2 weeks after the induction of diabetes in rats prevented cardiac lipid accumulation, and this was associated with preserved diastolic and systolic function [70]. Thus, therapeutic strategies that have a more profound effect on reducing cardiac steatosis are likely to be more successful than rAAV6:MCAD gene therapy at improving outcomes in settings of diabetes.
Reduced AAV transduction efficiency in the diabetic myocardium
An important observation from the current study was that expression of the AAV-delivered MCAD construct was significantly lower in diabetic hearts compared with non-diabetic hearts, at both the mRNA and protein level. This was not due to a batch effect (the same AAV stock was used for non-diabetic and diabetic animals within each experimental cohort) or the order in which animals were injected with the AAV. In reviewing the literature to determine if reduced transduction had been observed previously in diabetic rodent models, we found that: although studies could show effective and robust expression of AAV-delivered constructs in the diabetic heart, either i) studies did not include the necessary controls to compare the transduction efficiency between diabetic and non-diabetic animals [55,71,72]; or ii) expression of the AAV-delivered construct was unable to be detected at the protein level due to the unavailability of suitable antibodies [73]; or iii) quantitation of the AAV-delivered construct in non-diabetic and diabetic animals was not directly compared or performed [74,75]. Consistent with our findings, Prakoso and colleagues reported significantly less cardiac mRNA and protein expression of their target gene in type 2 diabetic hearts compared with non-diabetic control hearts following AAV delivery [45]. The authors speculated that this may be due to a loss of genomes in the diabetic heart over time and suggested using a higher dose of AAV. In the current study, we adopted a higher dose of AAV (5 x 1011 vg vs. 2 x 1011 vg of Prakoso et al [45]) but still observed significantly lower expression of our AAV-delivered construct in diabetic hearts compared with non-diabetic control hearts. This may reflect reduced uptake of AAVs in the diabetic myocardium due to compromised vasculature (e.g. vascular rarefaction [44]) or increased uptake in non-cardiac tissues, a loss of AAV genomes over time (as suggested by Prakoso and colleagues [45]), or dysregulation of transcriptional/translational processes in the diabetic heart that reduce its capacity to express AAV genomes [76]. Further research is needed to elucidate the mechanisms of AAV uptake and gene expression in the diabetic heart, as this may have significant clinical implications for the use of AAVs as gene therapy tools in patients with diabetes.
Limitations and clinical challenges
Males and females respond to drugs and disease differently [77-80], and diabetic cardiomyopathy is no exception [81,82]. The Framingham Heart study [83], and subsequent meta-analysis [84], revealed that women with diabetes are more likely to develop heart failure or suffer a fatal cardiovascular event compared to diabetic men. Further, diastolic dysfunction and significant adverse changes in cardiac structure were reported in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes, with girls more affected than boys [85]. Despite this, many preclinical studies [54,73,75], including the current study, only include male mice. Female mice are less sensitive to STZ-induced b-cell toxicity (see [86] for review), although a higher dose can be used to induce diabetes and increase blood glucose and HbA1c levels to the same levels as male mice [87]. Interestingly, female diabetic mice were more susceptible to diastolic dysfunction compared with male mice, despite lower hyperglycaemia [88]. It is critical that female animals are included in preclinical studies for successful translation of new therapies into the clinic [89]. A sex-dependent response to a metabolic intervention was recently reported in a mouse model of chronic pressure overload-induced heart failure [90], which has implications for future therapies targeting metabolic pathways.
AAVs are promising gene therapy tools due to their safety profile, versatility, low immunogenicity, ease of manufacturing, and ability to achieve sustainable and stable exogenous gene expression. The number of AAV gene therapies approved for clinical use is growing [91], with the most recent being approved in November 2022 [92]. Despite this, there has been limited clinical success using AAVs to treat cardiovascular disease (see reviews [5,93]). Further, AAV-based therapies are currently very expensive to manufacture (Hemgenix to treat patients with hemophilia B costs US $3.5 million per patient [92]) and would be unaffordable, especially in low- and middle-income countries. Though, with methodological advancements, it is hoped costs will dramatically fall [93]. Our study revealed that expression of AAV-delivered constructs was significantly lower in diabetic hearts compared with non-diabetic hearts. Thus, very high doses of AAV may be required in settings of diabetic heart failure, making therapy even more expensive or scale-up production more difficult [91,94,95]. Enhanced interventions that may reduce costs and improve transduction of the myocardium may come through the development of physical targeting strategies that maximize delivery of vectors to the tissue of interest (e.g. cardiac perfusion strategies [96]), the development of stronger cell-specific promoters, and the development of modified AAV capsids (e.g. directed evolution strategies) that have been optimized for transduction of diseased cardiomyocytes [97-100].