In the present study, we aimed to determine the optimal treatment conditions of the LIPUS therapy from a mouse model of AD to humans. As a result, we were able to identify the treatment conditions for human brain, including sound pressure just below the probe 1.3 MPa (tissue amplitude 0.15 MPa), each duty cycle 5%, and frequency 0.5 MHz.
In our previous basic experiments using animal models of heart disease, we performed the LIPUS therapy under the following conditions; center frequency 1.875 MHz, pulse repetition frequency 2.74 kHz, number of cycles 32 (17 \({\mu }\text{s}\) burst length, that is, the duty cycle = 4.7%), \({I}_{\text{s}\text{p}\text{t}\text{a}}\) (spatial peak temporal average intensity) 117–162 mW/cm2, and sound pressure 0.25 MPa2–9. We demonstrated that this treatment condition physically stimulates the caveolae on vascular endothelial cell membranes and induces a series of intracellular signals that promote cell proliferation and tissue repair via eNOS11. In the previous animal experiments with mice, the thickness of the mouse skull was less than 1 mm, so the attenuation of ultrasound transmission was negligible. However, it was difficult to ignore the attenuation when the same condition applied to human skull. From the present study, the thinnest temporal bone in the human skull is ~ 3–5 mm, and at 0.5 MHz, it was possible to deliver ultrasonic waves to the cranium with an attenuation rate of 30–40%. In addition, since the accumulation of Aβ in AD spreads to the entire brain as it progresses, we designed a diffusion-type therapeutic beam that ensures safety in compliance with Japanese Industrial Standards. We confirmed this ultrasonic sound field as shown in Fig. 1. In the clinical trial, we designed to produce sound pressure of 0.15 to 0.19 MPa in the deepest part of the hippocampus (approximately 8 cm deep), and sound pressure just below the skull needed to be 1.0 to 1.5 MPa or less to ensure safety10. The cone angle of the diffusive probe was set according to the size of the average elderly Japanese skull.
The next issue was the effect of bone properties such as thickness and density on sound pressure transmittance. Especially in the elderly patients, we thought that bone density could not be ignored, but as a result of this study, no significant correlation was found between bone density and transmittance. Interestingly, the scatterplot linear functions of bone thickness and transmittance coincidentally showed a negative correlation with exactly the same slope (-0.098) at 0.5 MHz and 1.0 MHz. The originally developed LIPUS therapy for heart disease was set at a frequency of 1.875 MHz, based on the standard for diagnostic ultrasound device for the heart. However, we needed to modify the frequency lower than 10 MHz, so that the LIPUS could sufficiently penetrate the human skull. As a result of examination using vascular endothelial cells, it was shown that the LIPUS-induced VEGF mRNA expression could be reproduced even at 0.5 MHz. However, we were unable to clarify the reason why VEGF upregulation was not observed under the conditions of frequency 1.0 MHz, duty cycle 20% or frequency 0.5 MHz, duty cycle 1%. We then found that when fixing the frequency at 0.5MHz, optimal duty cycle is ~ 20%. Furthermore, by evaluating mRNA expression of VEGF, FGF2, and eNOS, we found that optimal sound pressure is 0.05 to 0.5 MPa. Based on these results, the optimal treatment conditions were finally narrowed down to two conditions from the upper limit of the safety criteria, and the expression effect of VEGF was retested.
Other laboratories have also reported intracranial application of the LIPUS, albeit as a different concept from our whole-brain irradiation strategy. Jeong et al. examined the acute effect of combining microbubble intravenous injection and low-intensity transcranial focused ultrasound to the right hippocampus in 4 patients with AD, and reported the improvement in cognitive function within 24 hours12. Popescu et al. also examined the efficacy of 2–4 weeks of transcranial ultrasound pulse stimulation (shock waves) for cortical atrophic lesions seen on MRI and reported a reduction in brain atrophy that could be associated with improved cognitive function13. However, these reports were based on the concept of local treatment targeting hippocampus by using focused ultrasound, and the irradiation conditions were quite different from our whole-brain irradiation strategy.
The present results were applied to the pilot trial to address the efficacy and safety of the LIPUS therapy for patients with early AD with promising results10. In this pilot trial, eligibility criteria included patients with a Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) global score of 0.5–1.0 and a Japanese Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE-J) score more than 2010. Either the LIPUS treatment or the placebo procedure was performed to outpatients for 18 months at 3-month intervals for a total of 6 sessions (18 treatments). In the placebo group, changes in ADAS-J cog, the primary endpoint, worsened over time at 24, 48, and 72 weeks, whereas no changes were noted in the LIPUS-treated group10.
Several limitations should be mentioned for the present study. First, in the present study, although we used a human skull, irregular reflection was difficult to simulate completely. Thus, it was difficult to reliably verify the safety of intracranial ultrasound diffuse reflection. Second, we used cultured vascular endothelial cells to determine therapeutic ultrasound conditions, but it may have been necessary to examine its efficacy in vivo using large animals. Third, although the present study was performed on the premise of output below the safety standards of the Japanese Industrial Standards, it may have been necessary to verify more effective output conditions than the present standard.
In summary, we performed basic experiments for the "whole-brain irradiation" concept of human intracranial LIPUS therapy, and we successfully identified the optimal treatment conditions in humans. We plan to employ the same treatment conditions of the LIPUS therapy in the next coming pivotal clinical trial as well.