The study of 49 samples taken from the Dawzhan section, led to the identification of 104 species from 51 genera of Larger Benthic Foraminifera (LBF) and other microfossils such as Echinoid fragments, bryozoans, red algae, green algae, bivalve fragments, coral, gastropods, and pelecypods (Fig. 7, plates 1, 2). Based on the larger benthic foraminifera, which appeared in relatively high variety and very abundant, four biostratigraphic zones were identified, from the lower part of the Dawzhan section, there is no evidence of fossils present, which may be due to recrystallization because the section is located in the high tectonic activity zone, the recognized biozones are described below, starting from older to younger:
1-Alveolina oblonga-Nummulites djokdjokartae Interval Zone.
Definition: Biostratigraphic interval of this zone characterized by the interval of the nominate taxa (Alveolina oblonga d’Orbigny, 1826 and Nummulites djokdjokartae Martin, 1881) Boundaries: The lower boundary of this zone is marked by the First Appearance Datum (FAD) of Alveolina oblonga, whereas its upper boundary is marked by the First Appearance Datum (FAD) of Nummulites djokdjokartae.
Remarks: The thickness of this zone is equal to 5m from samples 29 to 33 (Figure 4.2). The most diagnostic species include Nummulites atacicus Leymerie, 1846, Nummulites globulus Leymerie 1846, Nummulites sp., Assilina granulosa d'Archaic, 1850, Assilina sp., Operculina sp., Lepidocyclina sp., Cuvillierina sirelii Inan, 1988, Rotalia trochidiformis Lamarck, 1804, Rotalia sp., Lockhartia conditi Nuttall, 1926, Lockhartia hunti Ovey, 1947, Lockhartia sp., Cibicides nammalensis Haque, 1956, Alveolina cosigena Drobne, 1977, Alveolina elliptica Sowerby, 1840, Alveolina globula Hottinger, 1960, Alveolina aff. Haymanaensis Sirel, 1976, Alveolinailerdensi sHottinger,1960, Alveolina laxa Hottinger,1960, Alveolinaoblongad’Orbigny,1826, Alveolina solida Hottinger,1960, Alveolina sp., Quinqueloculina sp., Miliolid sp., Gastropod, Pelecypod, Bryozoan,Calcareous algae
Correlation: This zone is equivalent to the cucumiformis-ellipsoidalis-moussoulensis- corbarica-trempina-oblonga-dainellii-violae Alveolinid biozone of Hottinger (1960) of the Ypresian age and correlated to the SBZ 5-12 of Serra-Kiel et al. (1998) and to the BFZK 1B - BFZK2- BFZK 3A- BFZK 3B of Ahmad (2011), who considered it of the Ypresian age. Additionally, correlated to pernotus- burdigalensis burdigalensis- burdigalensis cantabricus- campesinus Nummulitid biozones of Schaub (1981). It is equivalent to the Nummulites globulus-Nummulites planulatus zone of Ghafor and Muhammad 2022. (Table 2).
Age: Early Eocene (Ypresian).
2-Nummulites djokdjokartae Total Range Zone
Definition: Biostratigraphic interval of this zone is characterized by the total appearance of
Nummulites djokdjokartae Martin, 1881. Boundaries: The lower boundary of this zone is marked by the First Appearance Datum (FAD) of Nummulites djokdjokartae, whereas its upper boundary is marked by the Last Appearance Datum (LAD) of Nummulites djokdjokartae
Remarks: The thickness of this zone is equal to 5m from samples 34 to 38 (Figure 4.2). The most diagnostic species include Nummulites atacicus Leymerie, 1846, Nummulites globulus Leymerie 1846, Nummulites sp., Assilina granulosa d'Archaic, 1850, Assilina sp., Operculina complanata Defrance in Blainville, 1822, Operculina sp., Ranikothalia sp., Discocyclina dispansa Sowerby, 1840, Discocyclina sp., Cuvillierina vallensis Ruiz De Gaona, 1948, Rotalia sp., Lockhartia cf. conditi, Lockhartia sp., Alveolina cosigena Drobne, 1977, Alveolina decipiens Schwager, 1883, Alveolina elliptica Sowerby, 1840, Alveolina globula Hottinger, 1960, Alveolina globosa Leymerie 1846, Alveolina laxa Hottinger, 1960, Alveolina cf. munieri, Alveolina palermitana Hottinger, 1960, Alveolina solida Hottinger, 1960, Alveolina sp., Periloculina sp., Triloculina trigonula Lamarck, 1804, Quinqueloculina sp., Textularia sp., Miliolid sp., Orbitolites complanatus Lamarck, 1801, Trinocladus sp., Soritid, Corals, Gastropod, Pelecypod, Ostracod, Echinoid spines, Echinodermata, Calcareous algae and Lithophylum sp.
Correlation: This zone is apparently equivalent to the stipes-munieri-prorrecta Alveolinid biozone, which is described by (Hottinger 1960), of Lutetian age, and correlated to the SBZ 13- 16 of Serra-Kiel et al. (1998) to the BFZK 4- BFZK 5- BFZK 6 of Ahmad (2011), and to the to the gallensis-obesus-beneharnensis-crasus-atauricus Nummulitid biozones of Schaub (1981). Locally in Iraq, this zone is correlated with the Nummulites gizehensis zone of Al- Kubaysi (2014), to the Hantkenina alabamensis-Acaranina bulbrooki zone of Karim and Al- Kubaysi (2015), to the Acaranina bulbrooki-Catapsydraz dissmilis-Morozovella lehneri zone of Ghafor and Al-Qayim (2021) and finally to the Nummulites gizehensis- Nummulites mouculatus zone of Al-Qayim and Ghafor (2022), who considered it of Lutetian age. It is equivalent to the Nummulites mamillatus-Nummulites alshahrani-Nummulites fabianii-Nummulites exponens zone of Ghafor and Muhammad 2022 (Table 2). Age: middle Eocene (Lutetian)
3- Nummulites fabiani Total Range Zone
Definition: Biostratigraphic interval of this zone is characterized by the total appearance of Nummulites fabiani Boundaries: The lower boundary of this zone is marked by the First Appearance Datum (FAD) of Nummulites fabianii, whereas its upper boundary is marked by the Last Appearance Datum (LAD) of Nummulites fabianii
Remarks: The thickness of this zone is equal to 5m from samples 39 to 43 (Figure 4.2). The most diagnostic species include Nummulites atacicus Leymerie, 1846, Nummulites subatacicus Douvillé, 1919, Nummulites cf. atacicus, Nummulites globulus Leymerie 1846, Nummulites partschi de La Harpe, 1880, Nummulites sp., Assilina sp., Operculina sp., Rotalia sp., Lockhartia sp., Linderina chapmani Halkyard, 1918, Cibicides nammalensis Haque, 1956, Alveolina cosigena Drobne, 1977, Alveolina elliptica Sowerby, 1840, Alveolina globula Hottinger, 1960, Alveolina globosa Leymerie 1846, Alveolina oblonga d’Orbigny, 1826, Alveolina palermitana Hottinger, 1960, Alveolina subovata Wan, 1990, Alveolina solida Hottinger, 1960, Alveolina sp., Glomalveolina lepidula Schwager, 1883, Triloculina trigonula Lamarck, 1804, Quinqueloculina sp., Miliolid sp., Gastropod, and Red algae.
Correlation: This zone is apparently equivalent to the lower part of Alveolinid elongata zone described by Hottinger (1960) of early Bartonian age, correlated to the SBZ 17 of Serra-Kiel et al. (1998), and correlated to the lower part of the Nummulitid perforatus zone of Schaub (1981). Locally in Iraq, this zone is correlated with the lower part of Miliolids-peneroplid zone of Al- Kubaysi (2014), to the Globigerina semiinvoluta- Hantkenina alabamensis of Ghafor and Al- Qayim (2021), and finally, to the lower part of Assilina spira- Lokharatia hunti zone of Al- Qayim and Ghafor (2022), who considered it of early Bartonian age. It is equivalent to the lower part of Nummulites fabiani- Assilina exponens zone of Ghafor and Muhammad 2022. (Table 2).
Age: Middle Eocene (Bartonian).
4-Alveolina leupoldi-Alveolina elliptica Interval Zone
Definition: Biostratigraphic interval of this zone is characterized by the interval of the nominate taxa (Alveolina leupoldi Hottinger, 1960 and Alveolina elliptica Sowerby, 1840)
Boundaries: The lower boundary of this zone is marked by the Fast Appearance Datum (FAD) of Alveolina leupoldi, whereas its upper boundary is marked by the Last Appearance Datum (LAD) of Alveolina elliptica.
Remarks: The thickness of this zone equal to 6m from samples 44 to 49 (Figure 4.2). The most diagnostic species include Nummulites globulus Leymerie 1846, Nummulites sp., Assilina sp., Operculina complanata Defrance in Blainville, 1822, Operculina sp., Ranikothalia sp., Discocyclina archiaci Schlumberger, 1903, Discocyclina dispansa Sowerby, 1840, Discocyclina sp., Lepidocyclina sp., Rotalia sp., Lockhartia hunti Ovey, 1947, Lockhartia sp., Alveolina cosigena Drobne, 1977, Alveolina elliptica Sowerby, 1840, Alveolina globulina
Hottinger, 1960, Alveolina globosa Leymerie 1846, Alveolina laxa Hottinger, 1960, Alveolina leupoldi Hottinger, 1960, Alveolina palermitana Hottinger, 1960, Alveolina subovata Wan, 1990, Alveolina solida Hottinger, 1960, Alveolina sp., Glomalveolina lepidula Schwager, 1883, Triloculina trigonula Lamarck, 1804, Quinqueloculina sp., Valvulina sp., Miliolid sp., Orbitolites complanata Lamarck, 1801, Schlumbergerina sp., Bryozoan, Ostracod, Echinodermata and Lithophylum sp.
Correlation: This zone is apparently equivalent to the upper part of Alveolinid elongata zone described by Hottinger (1960) of early Bartonian age, correlated to the SBZ 18 of Serra-Kiel et al. (1998), and correlated to the upper part of Nummulitid perforatus zone of Schaub (1981). Locally, in Iraq, this zone is correlated with the upper part of Miliolids-peneroplid assemblage zone of Al-Kubaysi (2014), and finally to the upper part of Assilina spira- Lokharatia hunti zone of Al-Qayim and Ghafor (2022), who considered it of early Bartonian age. It is equivalent to the upper part of Nummulites fabiani- Assilina exponens zone of Ghafor and Muhammad 2022. (Table 2).
Age: Middle Eocene (Bartonian
Table (2): Comparisons of zonal schemes of the studied section with other studies