Recently, researchers have studied improving the accessibility of image exploration for peoplewith visual impairments. While most of the studies haveworked on making a tactile version of an image or providing audio feedback upon touch, it is still difficult to find and locate specific elements, particularly when thesize of the target is small. In this paper, we focusedon investigating how screen reader users interact withsmall items on an image on touchscreen devices. Withthis goal, we conducted a single-session user study with 12 participants who are screen reader users where theywere asked to share their prior experience with zoomfunctionality and map applications, try an existing mapapplication, and perform image exploration tasks withthree different exploration techniques. Findings suggest that providing a hint on which cell the item is locatedwhen the screen is divided into 2 × 2 grid and zoomfunction were considered helpful during the exploration.Based on the findings, we share implications for mak-ing image exploration task more accessible for screenreader users.